TITITSDA7, 3fAXTTAT'Y 12, 1 2~ r THR MTCHMAN DATTY 1 AII.- M1 wl t ZA-l N JiT-T\' . £'fi~4 A I V J2 fwNew' M HTAse !ALCEHAMILTON., MICHIGAN ALUMNA, JaIy At Open in'(y OYMNASIVM SCHIDVL1 S AUTHORITY ON INDUSTRIAL POISONS! N ied ose 1 1 .5, .1 \ mm &i al =11-1 q -1 OF J Change Program Of School Of Nursing RACES AND DIVING To Meet Nurses New Role In Society FIGUREAT'MEET xMembers of the University swim- IUINLLUUEHURLNt Facilities For Bowihng Are Jlost4 1o+ ern in Type; Wome To Have Use Of New, Light Balls TOURNAMENTS PLANNED With four bowling alleys in h ne ield house equ pped tvh th ne il o s qup e ih t inest' and most up to date bowling material available, the inauguration of the sport for women on the lMlichi- gan campus will be one of the fea- tures in the advancement of athletic activity during the opening months of 19$8. The alleys are to be opened to all students enrolled in the Uni- versity, bowling hour preferences to be iigned up for, with upperclass wo- men and those majoring in physica education to be given first choices Students electing the sport for re- creatinal purposes will be given th hours after 4 o'clock in the after- noon. It is possible that some com- petitive games may be played dur- ing the evening hours. The bowling alleys are located in the -basement of the new field house Brunswick-Balke-Collender equipm-ent of regulation size with all of the most recent features of bowling equipment, including automatic pinsetters is in- cluddd in the furnishings of the al- leys. Ample space for spectators is provided in the bowling room. Special size Whelanite bowling balls are to be used instead of the regulation size man's ball, which are heavy for wo- men's use. According to Dr. Margaret Bell of the physical education department, "bowling will offer a marvelous field for all kinds of competition, compe- tition between classes, houses, teams, and individuals. The game affords opportunities for high point man to play high point man for honors, for teams consisting of any number o players to compete against teams of their same size, for houses to have any number of teams or individuals playing against each other." It is planned that interclass and intramural tournam-ents will get un- der way immediately upon the open- ing of the alleys. Preference for the use of the alleys is to go to major physical education students and then to those classified as second semester sophomores or above. The hours from 8 o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock in the afternoon will be re- served for these students. Electives will be granted use of the alleys after 4 o'clock in the afternoon. If such a great demand for the alleys is no- ticeable that all enthusiasts cannot be accommodated it is hoped that. evening hours might be arranged. In such a case, intramural or interclass tournaments will be held at such times. NOTICES Cast tryouts for the Junior Girls' play will begin from 7 to 9 o'clock today in Sarah Caswell Angell hail of Barbour gymnasium and will be continued tomorrow from 4 to 6 o'- clock at the same place. Cards will be sent to all women who are chosen for chorus positions; these will be in the in-ail by the end of the week: Those selected for the cast will be notified by telephone. Any information regarding tryouts may be obtained from Elizabeth Well- man, '29, chairman of the play. 1 -Vchigan numblrs a;unol h r moatdirtii uish di.ldg 'rit a si und' ur.iark haire, rat i' r:ed 'o wmanI )r Alice I fnil n m1V'll(' (I ni iai Mlen ul I;(*(l(nCe and other etitua i e 1, mi i or; i(' gradlul'd fr7 n i flee rmcic t school I re jn I 101. 11%. 11;iiltion has had a e gi(5-l ;t V"ich y ofl iC ril(" e and ha shecoine an authority on indust rial poisons, toxicol- ogy, and metallurgy, though unlike the itcW generation o1 women ieditl lI students she has retaned the quiet manners and Victorian appearanc s of a New England housewife. Alice IlIa iltoil, together with her brotirs and sisters were breughllt up o regard lit- eraml e aid languages as a rel eal .on, and only Latin and . mathetn t is a studies. Ter - first expeiieinne of ;,".ools was ga ined at Miss fort i's lioardini j school at Farifnigton, ('i l.,followed by her - work at Michigan, which she entered at the age of 21. She decided upon this prof arao: as a result of "wanting to know things, everything." She be- lieved that the field of Education would limit her to certain classes of people, and mostly to the feminine sex. After graduating Alice continued her studies in Germany in bacteriol- ogy and pathology. After a year's study there she returned and served her internship in the New England hospital for Women at Boston. This bright eyed, jolly girl wanted experience, all kinds of it. Though she was tolerant she thought at var- iance with her own habits. When she finished there she decided not to practice medicine because of the human life involved. Embarks Upon Career. She therefore accepted a position at the woman's Medical School of North- western University and took up resi- dence at Hull house which at that time iad been in operation for eight years This proved to be a crucial step. A newly awakened passion for babies, learned by washing the foreign ones that were brought to the settlement house developed in her the desire for learning the best feeding formulas. This in turn lead her to create a child health center, from which has devel- op(d a division of the Social service dpartImen t of today. In 1903 Dr. Hamilton accepted a po- sition at th Medical Institute for in- fections and diseases. Here she undertook a serious scientific re- search on the typlihoid problem, con- firming the belief that flies carry tle0 typhoid bacilli. While in this field she visited 1,000 homes in the hull house district, and gained very suc-- cessful results. Alice Hamilton was not long satis- f'd in this line of work because it alienated her from people, and she was personally inerested in their lie. Her aim in life became "to bring patholiogical science into direct touch with the working men and wom- en." In 1910 she secured an appoint- ment to study industrial trial diseases in the state of Illinois. Through the role of special investigator she studied all industries using lead and arsenic, meeting both the owners of the fatorie's and the employees in their homes. She never used force but won her way by tact, persuasion and patience. Does Governmental Work. As a result of her paper of indus- N-11 A A. 3 1../ T T 14 b ./ A '47. i $. 4. / L" l.f 4./ 4 1 -hu: I0 p('illr' ni hiered at Ih Ii- liexv lih' a'')lS( -i 'a hoer ield nut'- ing the dinler hour last night to cel - b'di" is nifoi'ra1 opwning .This, bf - ing the first time hat the women of1 4Ylie Ui n Ivcursity have evri- had occa- ""on" 1) ( " a"ho"se-warming" in it -0 5(nesense, it was i ndeed a gala af- tair'. Two insoect ion trips through tlie new building were conducted by l)or- ; 4 l ohby Lyons, '29, one just before din- !er was served, and one a'terwards. A roast pork dinner was served cafe- teria style from the new kitchen at 6 o'clock. It was necessary, due to the lack of furnishings, for the guests to eat their renast seated on the shiny new hardwood floor of the big sitting roon. No one seemed to mind, how- ever, and it is true that this arrange- ment enhanced greatly the charm of Dr. Alice Jlam ilti the wood-fire burning in the fire- trial diseases which was read at the Miss Lyons explained the use of International Congress on Industrial each room and the convenience and I ygiene in Europe in 1910 she wa's modernity of that equipment which given opportunity to continue her in- was not so obvious as the rest as the trips of inspection made their vestigations indler the ansices of the way through the building. There governmental Department of Labor were a great many ohs and ahs when She continued this for 11 years, until the guests saw for the first time such 'the Harding administraton. Ths work things as the bowling aley, shooting took her in nearly every state and gallery, W. A. A. room with its fire- industrial center in the union. place. The first five years of this work As is customary with ani W. A. A. she devot d to lead, smelting, glazing, functions, the W. A. A. board acted Spainting, printing, batteries and rub- as hostesses. The guests included her industries. In 1916 he investi- Miss Alice Lloyd, Miss Beatrice John- gated explosive shell and airplane son, and Miss Grace Richards, Mrs. plants. After the Armistice she de- Elizabeth Woodworth and Miss Doro- voted her time to aniline dyes, carbon- thy Ogborn of the Office of the Advis- monoxide gassing in the steel mills ers of Women, Dr. Margaret Bell, and the coal mines. Since then Dr. Miss Ethel McCormack, Mrs. Van Hamilton has carried on independent Sickle, Miss Laurie Campbell, Miss investigations on mercurial poisoning, Puth Figge, Miss Annis Hall, Miss felt hats n h iigo uc- silver. s and the mining of quick- Ione Johnson, and Miss Ella Raw- Alice Hamilton 'still visits Hull lings of the department of Phlisical oe. In 1915, she together with ducation I Jane. dain 19weshtoethoerithp- The singing of college songs andl SJane Addams, went to Europeanii cap- dcing, together with the trips of itals to sound the possibilities of I inspect ion made u the entertain- netitral arbitration. After the Armis- titce was signed they went to Zurich ient. Betty Smither, '29, chairman of to the International Congress attend- ,'he Social committee of W. A. A. had :d by Austrian and German women. i charge of the pla.nning of the at- I) 1919 both wmo zilir ancf - ,? i As Ihe idi ('of Hie prevenliono 1 Iehing Js 0Nw being ca redI1i- on 'iseas' IhilOlgh h(alth iduClationl has be ward rather han i;1 li the class- zvvoIl or irtlle(' clilntryV, the u C t 1 Cha~s 1001m. This ward is~rt ro fOis uniider (found herself i i a new rol(, m1l 8iliiy, j1lie iiet ireetou ( loproperly prepared as a t ea(cher of hygiene and healthful niu'se instructors who work verv close- living. This new role of the " "n'se" "y with the physicians on each clini- i has increased her social ituportance -il r and worth and has opened many new fields of work to her. The authorities Extra-{urricu lr&anded of the University hospital School of Another point of emphasis in theI Nursing, realizing the enlarged role educational program of the school is of the nurse in modern society there- the expansion of what might be call- fore have made several changes in ed the social program--that is, the the curriculum of the school and ii program concerned with the all-round tie methods of teaching, in order that development of the student nurse. It the nurses graduating from the nurs- is the aim of the University Hospi- ing school may be more fully pre- tal to develop the character and ca- pared to meet the new social need. pacity of the individual nurse, not on- The authorities of the school recog- ly for nursing but for commrunity nize the fact that the nurse of today service. Therefore, not only has the functions not only as a remedial curriculum proper been enriched and agent but also as a health educator. methods of teaching been improved, The field of nursing today covers a but the program of extra-curricular great variety o- functions, ranging activities has been extended. from social ,hygiene to indust-ial (treat emnhasls is laid on the so- nursing and the care of tuberculosis. c-ial aspect of disease and on all Standards Are liased modern health and isocial problems. The educational standards of the According to Miss Shirley Titus, di- School of Nursing have been raised r'cui tor of nursing, the hospital is in in several ways during the past two reality ierely a link in the commun- years. The entrance requiremir.'.nts ity health prol-len. Therefore, in have been made the same as those of planning the care of the patient in the literary college-that is, high the hospital the horizon "must not be school graduation is considered su>- limited by the walls of the hospital ficient only when the applicant pre- but must of necessity embrace all sents twelve of her fifteen credits those factors-family, industrial, and from Group 1. Furthermore, no social-which have contributed to the high school graduates are accepted patient's illness or which will con- who come from the lowest third of tribute to his future welfare." their class. New Instructor Added By means of, the honor point sys- In order to give the student nurse tem adopted a year ago last Septem- a keen appreciation of the social as- ber, greatly improved scnolarsniip has pect of, disease, a nurse instructor been attained for the school. The who has had a thorough grounding in course in basic sciences has been not public health nursing and a wide ex- only lengthened but enriched, in- perience in the dispensary and out- struction in these subjects now being patient departments of hospitals has given in the medical school. From' G. been] appointed to the faculty of the Carl Huber, dean of the graduate School of Nursing. school, the student nurses receive in- "The University of Michigan los- strction in anatomy and physiology. pital School for Nurses was original-t ro:. H. B. Lewis teaches the el-ses ly established in 1891 in response to in cheuistry, and 1 of. Malcolm FT. the community's growing need ror Souxe hose in bacteriology. graduate nurses," says Miss Titus. "It Ward ide ma('huulg Increased has always been the aim and objee- The giea t change xv ich has been tine of the an thorities of tlie school "ade "i " tlIe"teah c"ing "O"Clinical"Sb- to meet ' he groip and 'hang"in' ects is the incrleased eniphasis whichli d (Is of the comtaiiit y for graduate is la idon- ward teaching, I. e., teach- uilrse service. As the role of the ilg and learl iig by practical exper- li11r)So is (conist antly undergoing rapid ience in the natural setting of the clhallges, the authorities of the schoolI kardis and out-patient departmilent attempt to ('hange tha educa tional clinics. policies to meet these new Social lRecause the chn ica m1111terial avail- heeds, )able can not he completely contiolled -- and is therefore incomplete, it is al- Argentine is the only one of the ways necessary to carry on organiz- South American countries employing ed, systematized courses in the class- policewomen. room in relation to the clinical su-- jects. But the major amount of the ining classes will compete in a swim- ruing meet to be held at 7:15 o'clock Thursday night in the Union pool. The events scheduled are te back, crawl, breast stroke, and free style. Among the relays will be the med- ley relay which is a combination of the three aforementioned strokes and the side stroke. Six women will make up each team. The rope relay will include four women on each team. In this event, one swims the length of the pool with a rope about her, one end of which is held by the remainder of her team. When she has reached the other end of the tank, her team- mates draw her back and another member of the quartet is bound to the rope. Advanced and beginning diving will feature the competition. All students are invited as spectators. SORORITY DEFEATS HELEN NEWBERRY IN EXCITING GAME The most exciting basketball game played Wednesday afternoon was the one played at 4 o'clock, in which Al- pha Epsilon Phi defeated Helen New- berry by a score of 20-17. The play- ing was fast and interesting, both teams being evenly matched. Not for. one moment did the members of either team slacken up. The spirit and the team play in the passing were the outsanding features of the lively game. The game in which Zeta Tau Alpha overwhelmingly defeated Alpha Gam- ma Delta, 41-9, was the direct opposite of the preceding game. The shooting was poor and the passing not very animated. The playing was slow and dragged out. 'Ihe following on the winning team was fairly good with Merle Raine as the outstanding for- ward. Both teams showed a lack of practice by displaying little team work. ENGI ISH GARDEN THRIVES ON ROOF I , xto omwomen studimd the effect of sta-va tion Ot ilthe ("rmans. Dr. Hamilton now holds a chair at the Harvard Medical school, andli's the only woman on the faculty. Be-- sides carrying on her independent in- vestigations she has published a book on "Industrial Poisons" written only after years of work on the subject. IHer career has been a gradual evolu- tion in the pursuit of knowledge, ex- panIng until now she is an authority of is';veral fiels ,of knojwledge in xrhich the majority of nien idevote their whole live. to mastering Ithior- oughly. Dr. Hamilton has the dis- tinction of being the only women on the Health Committee of the League of Nations, and at the invitation of the Russian deIat Imenlt of health she studied conditions in that country. ADVISERS RESUME AFTERNOON TEAS The regular weekly college teas at which the advisers to women are tiostesses will be resuimied today inI the pariors of Barbour gymnasiuxn. They will begin at,.;:t0 o'clock in- stead of 4:15 as formerly, inasmuch as many students leave the campus before 4 o'clock in the afternoon. he advisers are anxious to 'enter- tain as many women students as care to attend and they hope that changing the hour to an earlier one will in- crease the number of guests. This venture is a new one and is an illus- tration of the advisers' policy of de- When a garden was planted on the roof of the Adelaide house, 170 feet above the Thames river, close to Lon- (don bridge many expected the shrubs and fruit trees to die. Authorities stated that delicate plants could never withstand the -old east winds which are received at that point. rF 1}.:"::: :::: ii?: :: ...:TJ :;:' . :: ti:'::::ti :t.::.: t... :t:::..:.:. :f.,::: ":::. . t % "": :^ ::: ""_ .I - - --- veloping not only a-quaintances ut ILLINOIS--Florence Beebe, fresh- friendships among the women stu- man, is a golf champion, an artist of dents of Michigan. some note and a teacher of Sunday "In the rush and detail of routine school in addition to her academic university work," Miss Beatrice John- activities, son, adviser to women, comments, "it is felt that this factor may be inad- Marie Antrium, 15, of Kingman, vertently minimized; therefore, stu- Kansas, was recently chosen as the dents of all colleges, including , the most healthy girl in the United States. nurses, are most cordially welcomed." THE MAIN STREET CASH GROCERY i i WHY WORRY? Cleaning With a New Clothes Thrill It's not only that things are returned immaculate, for y would expect that; but when you see every smart line a every detail of style built-back into your garment then y will realize why you so often say WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY CASH AND CARRY OFFICE Maynard St., Opposite the "Maj" Open 7 a. m. to 8 p. the campus costume of the chic collegienne is based upon a smart and simple wool frock. then being chic and a collegienne, she realizes the im- portance of Accessories. so she varies the effect with bright 'kerchiefs. her gloves are another important accessory and of course they harmonize with the ensemble. THE RUBLEtY SHOPPE In the Arcade 215 North Main St. Phone 8111 Whitefish...........30c Trout ..............30c Halibut ............30c Salmon ............30c Fillets .............30c Perch .............25c Herring, 2 lbs for.... .25c Wall-eyed Pike.. ..30c Smelt ..............35c Smoked Trout .......40c Smoked Whitefish ....30c K ppered Herring 2 for 25c Bloaters-.......2 for 25c Smoked Fillets.......30c Also-All kinds of Salted and Pickled Fish 10 0/ New Frocks for Spring SPRINGTIME FROCKS In All the Glorious Spring Shades Open Evenings-Sundays and Holidays 7. 7" ,I INUUMM6 1 1 """.qm- ..s , i Press of Printed canton n eorgette $25 's ;s:¢ R::s: ;" , '' : _ Jockey Red Powder 'Blue Rose Tan Apple Green Black Satins Georgettes Cantons Crepe-Backs Chiffons Flowerday 's Flowers Spring Flowers and Roses Violets and Sweetpeas Order Party Decorations Here Full Line Tapers and Candles ,, - t t f 4 E t _,_,._. Color -Bright Style - Right Spring - Like FROCKS outh PARIS inspires and CO-ED Fashionists create these smart modes of youth.... Dresses for the fashion-wise school girl, as well as the debutante. . . . Every cor- rect material, color and com- bination ine'very new Spring model. They exemplify the smart thought in modern Fashion and are created to meet the needs of the style- wise miss who knows Fashion Sizes Only Fourteen Accredit to ®_ Prover Forty-Eight Styles Others, $12.80 to $19.75 WAIT FOR AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING FORMALS FOR THE J-HOP The choice of America's finest party dresses WILL SOON BE SHOWN $9.75 and $14.95 I 11