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February 26, 1928 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-26

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Pro'vides For 30 'ew Tennis (Courts,
Artficiial lee Plani And G~olf 1
Pract ice Area
In pursuance of the policy of for-
year compulsor y "athletics for all,"



HOCKE ASON ENDSCarl Johnson, '20 CONGER AND HNYARIJ BSKTBLLcaer~victey oere hla talo
Arranging; Summer; WILL MEET A~1iR. AUBL a ed a kpe
flAMFTo urO er______wenteovrietk teflaBA EU EE HO antOhio State tomorrow, they
_I1 fj rr' jyfT urO ersXIu'u i MEETl fl~ indt oposing them Evans and

sextets To (chash Oil Both ;Mona
j And 1Tu'Iesday ; IDetroit alumni
jakn %ae

Li a~x insIthe ( n 1dm on the 1928
Ceiifei Pf( Phoc4key '-0 1-Jgf teI' -

the Board in Control of Athletics at...................'rn fMcia n h nvri
a metingyestrda in he Imnty of W\isconsin sextets will come to>--
sanctioned appropriations for several
Sgcthcz' in two games to rrow and l
prjetswhchwil:acliat:teIp Tuesday nights at the Olympia arena,
erat o ion of the program initiated bi .....~ . Crand I hvi' iavciiiie at McGraw, .[).-
Pro.FieldingIT. Yost. troilTh gaeswillqart at8:3
Necessary app~ropriations will raisel o'clock Eastern Standard time.
.the total sum' of expenditures for the Il() 4it, As ,ate the other app~earances of the
last seven years to well over $ 3,- Micign hockey team at the Olym-
000,000. W GLVERSINES VICTORIOUS pia, he Michigan band w\ill lbe oil
In. all the Board voted upon and AT INDOOR RELAY MEET' hand to help entertain the criowd,.
approvedl four major propositions M~I~ore than 2,000 spectators witnessed{
which include the building of 14 tein- 'Covering two miles on the nar- each o the Minnesota-Mfichiganl
nis courts for male students of the row track in the Michigan State games played in Detroit in January.
University, 16 new tennis courts for gymnasium in record-lbreaking time, It is expect ed that the Wisconsin
women students, the building of anl four mi.-mbers ot the Michigan track games will lbe as well attended since
artificial ice plant at the Coliseum, squad defeated the crack Spartan the University of Michigan club at1
and of a golf practice area for put- two mile quartet in* one of the fea- Detroit is backing the final games.
ting and approaching. Lure events on the program of the Thie outcome of either of the games
Teninis Courts To Ile hreeted annual Michigan Indoor Relay car-' will have no influence on the final
Those tennis courts to be. erected iiival which was held Friday night StandIings in the Big Ten of either
for~ the men are to be located both at East Lansing. team. :Minnesota, with six victories,
at Ferry field and at the property Th~e Wolverine team was comnposccl one (defeat, and a. tie, is in first place
adJocent to the Coliseum on 5th anti of Jlesson, Cmtunow, GIoetz and- Lo-; and c'annot be dislodged; Wisconsin
IHill streets. Those for the women mont, the latter being the only onej is in secondl place with three wins,
are to be constructed on Palmer field of the four who hadi ever competed two defeats, and a tie . Michigan is
to replace those which were forced in a regular meet. Lomont was sub- in the cellar position with an even
to Ibe demolished in the leveling of stitute'd for Leonard who was orig-j half dozen defeats.
that field last year. inally scheduled to run as the fourth Included in Wisconsin's list of vie-
The golf area. which will be land- member of the iMichigan team late, tories are two over the WNolderines.
scaped for use -in practice is located Thursday afternoon. One game ended 3 to 1I-and the other
just southeast of the stadium. This Michigan's entry covered the dits- 12 to 1, the last game going to two
area extends over slightly less than tance in exceptionally good time,: overtime periods.
three acres. considering the handicap 0f the nat'- -Coach Lowrey will have available
Ice Planit To Be Built row track. The winning time was all of the men lie took on the nort~h-
The construction of the artificial 8:38.77 which eclipsed the old mark ern trip. ('apt. Bill Maney and Cope- I
ice plant at the Coliseum will al- of 8:41.6 by :02.9. The~ former re- land at wings, Fisher, at ('enter, Hart l
low" for skating during five i'onths cord was established by a Michigan and Bryant, at defense, and Jones
of the year. team in 1922. dlefending goal, will probably be the
Plans for -the letting of contracts' By winning the special race Fri- first string line-up used in the first
and hence, of course, the exact ex- iday night .the Wolverines regained Wisconsin game. In addition to these
penditures were withheld, but it is the honors that they have lost only, men Mvarshall, Nygord, Joseph, Ab-
expected that bids will be received once since the special two mile re- bott, and Waldron will b)e readly to
immediately. lay was instituted, play.
Besides the action in the further-
ance of the '"athletics for all" pro-
gram the Board discussed two other
principal subjects. T'he first of these,_ - M--
was the approval of the dual swim- C E a,
ming meet scheduled for the Wolver-
ifhe tankmen against Yale, championsOF A L AN Y CT A D
of the Eastern league for 16 out of)® 'A A i AN
the last 17 years. Coach Malt Mann's PULL OVER SWREATERS
squad will compete against the ELi
natators just after the national in-
tercollegiate meet at. Philadelphia, V5
scheduled for the fir'st; week .eard in aArl l e ,:1 .i1 Ii l n '
Caippon, To (Coach litSprinig4{
Another subjeoct which was tacitly
assented to b~y the Board was theAr
hairing of Franklin C. Cappon for the+
spring training period. "Cappy," al- Y3
ready signed to assist in the coach-ago
ing of the Wolverine eleven during
the regular training grind, was re-1 711 North Unihersity Avenue -Next to Arcade T.heatre
cently grantedl permission b~y Ka n-
sas authorities to cnme to Ann Ar-
bor. Along this. general line, the l111111111i11H 1111111111l1111111llll llllllll1111111
courtesy was also shown on the part
of the Michigan authorities to allow ;--
Harry Kiphe to direct the springj-
drilling of the Michigan State grid- J
men at Lansing. Co)r. 4th Ave. and 'Huron St: Tel. 565' =1

Track euthbusiast.; planning toa at-
tend the ninth Olympic at Anist cv-
clam thiis sum-mci' will have an n-
usual opportunity to combine their
visit to the famnous gaine; withl an
extended sight seeing tour of the
various points of interest in Eng-
land, Belgium, HIol land, Germany,
and Switzerlandl, as a. result. of the,
efforts o! Carl Johnson, '20, who is
"organizing a Wolverine tour.
Johnson, who earned lasting fame
in intercollegiate track ci,(,'Os while
a membier of Wolverine . : s, went
to Antweirp in 1920 as a nmb uler of
the United States Olym pie team. lie
starr'ed as a hurdler, high romper,
broad jumper, and surnier in Big
Ten competition.
HeI makes the f'ol lowing st at ement
I'egarding thle proposed tour: "I think
Ione of my keenest ambit ions since
the 1920) Olympiad has been to re-
turn to the ganies as a spectator and
while abroad to 'see some of the spots
I for which Europe is iustly tamous.
The present itinerary calls for a
two day inty at Amster'dam nu iAug,.
31 and 4, where the menibers of tOw
tour can witness a number of tieo
most interesting events on the Olym-
pic program. The events to 1)e held,
on these (lays include Track andl feld
athletics, fencing, wrestling, lpeltat :-,
lon, swimming, cycling, and yachting.
In addi tioii to bhe gamles an in-
teresting tour of t he cointinient has
beeln arranged. Nearliy four weeks
of delightful travel are inchuded in
the itinerary. Six count ries will be
visitedl and tours will be made of
London, Paris, lip the :Rhine, and the
Swiss Alps.
The total cost for the 40 (lay trip,
including all t raveling expenses is
$525.00. The tirip ac;ross the Atlantic
will be made on the S'. S. Olymhic,
which leaves New Yor'k July 20,. ar-
riving at Southampton on July 27.

Without sufficient respt, " from
their gruelling encounter with North-
western last night at Yost field
house, the Mlichigan cagers will en-
train today for Columbus where they
m'eet thme low=.ly Ohio State five to-
morrow night.
The Wolverines, lacking floorwork
throughout the contest, easily defeat-
ed the Buckeyes here a. few weeks
ago, 41 to 21, and on the basis of!

who ar'e expected to break into the
line-up are Bell, Rowley who star-
red for Ohio in the last game here
and I-inchman.
In the last encounter here, Chap-
muan, Michigan's pivot man, wa~i do-
ing the jumping exclusively against
Van Heyde, but since then Van
Heyde has improved and will ha-
rass the Wolverine center consideor-
ably when the two meet again to-
morrow at Columbus.
Michigani Lire-1'I)Doubtful
Chapman also led the Wolverine
defense in the "same group with. five

I11 re nd(ryCgesHv ~ Grim at the forwards, Van Hleyde at
ii A.IDisaistrous Season; Are In ~ center, and Hoctorne and Cox at the
f ;. bash Place guards. fOther Buckye perorm'ems

Conger' and Ilalim (insert;)
Who arcelproving themselves the two
lest candlidates for' the mile on the
1928 V'S. Olympic team. Wednesday
night at the 1K. of C. meet, at New
Forkh the pmair will line-up) with Dr.
Otto IN ttzer adl others in a race
which should clear up the disputes
among t his trio.
Outplayed in the first half, the Ann
Ar'bor' high school basketball team
rallied in the closing peiriods to de-
teat. May (Cit y Friday night 26 to 19.
At the halt-w.ay mark, :Bay City was
ahead 15 to 12, but the Purple andl
White gatheired speed after the in-
ter'mission andl outscored the home
1110 1 7




Photographic Needs
Yet an Eastman camrnea to keep the campus record
etc-full line here.
,he famous yellow-box Kodak F=ilmi is always in stock
Lur expert photo finishers do your developing and print-
irefully, promptly and reasonably.
a1 isFece ru Co,,
3Dependable Stores
ehave served Michigana and her students for 40 year's

that victory, they are expected to re- ~to th Michigan defense in the last
Peattomrrowove theScalet nd game, is expected to repeat the per-
pea toorrw oer he caret ndformance in the impending battle.
Grey cagemen.( The Michigan line-up will 1)e s-
i 1 Buckeye battlefront, however, lected 'fronm the following men who
has been revamped for tomorrow's will make the tril: arrigan, Oost-
contest and the Wolverines will be! erbaan, Orwig, Chapman, McCoy,
forced to hustle in the game if they Rose, Barley, Kanitz, Gawne, and
want to assure themselves of a se- aber.
_ I'l~- i -
Mt. u .
_ C
S AnAll xpression of the prefer-
ences of youth is shown in the
model sketched here. The
lla Amherst is a three button
note -apelcoat with. a loose-
hangingback.Te ptersand&
fabrics permit an ample selec-
tion and the tailoring is of the
I' highest quality-being,
E as it is, customized by
2 Hickey-Freenman.


o \sVI ILS C V%.. CA 114 1ILIIVll}..t. 141. J=1
In its last dual confereonce meet of j lT
the season Michigan's fencing; team I =HOTEL FO YOU~iRGUIESTS. =-{ in all
will meet Ohio State tomorrow at ;= -2
Columbus. This will be the third = =-
meet for the team, previous tussles 2 Hot and Cold Water and Steam Heat in _
having resulted in a victory over Illi- - 0
nois and a loss to Wisconsin.- Every Room. Shower Baths On Each floor. ~ nc
Ohio State, with a team which = U igc
lboasts an exceptionally good sabre RelH m -ok asi2h
man, has been rated as one of t1 e 1= Restaurant at Popular Prices.(
strongest of the Big Ten contenders.
Captain Herbert Wiggers who avii=-
lead his team against the Scarlet and Special Chicken Dinners at 75c serve
Grey, will probably participate in ! every Sunday. We invite your inspection.
three of the five or six events. Iii2 -
previous matches, he has proven hum- c ,.G P R O 2
self the mainstay of the squad, and J2=N. G.PERR s, 2!Lt Manager 21 ----
ifheca hceeoi cann hs n succeedltltl inlff winning18190iZlitlflillihisla en-Il SODASilflltid ,SO A
counter with the EBugkeye sabre- I
wielder, chances of victory for the + - j
Wolverines are bright. Stolpnmau
and Hammer, foils men, and Winer, G
an' epee man, will complete the lineup.
The meet with Ohio does not mater- I - SH
ially affect the Big Ten standing, as
an all-Conference setto. scheduled for j . A
March 10, sets the final decisioni on
the superiority in fencing competition.
All the Conference teams will send - iIdI
representatives who will compete-
against each other for titular honors -po alh s3
in the "three events.-

11111111111 Mill 111111111111111
iuats 45

LONDON.--June 15 and 16 are the
dates set by the British Lawn Tennis f
association for the Wightman. Cup
competition at Wimbledon.;
HOT 'SPRINGS, Ark.--Cold weath -
has forced the New York Giants to
confine their outdoor activities toI
mountain climbing.
LAKE PLACID, N.Y.-Olav Satre of
Salisbury, Conn., won the 20 mile(
cross-country ski race in the annuall

To make room for our Spring Clothing
All Fall Suits and Overcoats at
$25 plus alterations



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