- P a EV1'Y''N "TH F TCHTC A DfATILY "I'l 1 P DA V VIPMRTTAY V ASTUTZ EDTDIT~ N WMERS FACE AU II AT[.T[ 'SPC n WKTER ADSWMMABEFORE THE DIP IIiAIRfIHIS L lREAII 10 WA AND PURDUE TEAMS TODAY'litlI MY, NAVUOI UTSj C ATULF9 IArmrS TOn ---__.._._CKISPi atcuIALT~ ,Advertising r 1 7\L I - ~I(: ();i1.( 'o u tinue omPage >iX) J ' rt O1LB B . a (a 1 R *:: LLAS S ' d L R I I I II1LU e'by Walker and Seagc X11this h ' - - faec. CODGER W'IL.C i~Tt (I', A sso ciaol it ;-ss ) NEWV YORK, Feb. 24._- S cve n world1 records are ( x)e(-',d to Itake e(0-- sideral]e l)unislent. and1(1 er ra ; a finishing blo(w -_.,,t he A. A.V nationial1in(i oc,' trac k and11fieldi ebamt- 1)io,:,uiits at Ala(1 is{;n. Squa-oE ;.%r- (en t 1omforrow unight. 'The assault.xill Ibe (irecte(d Ii ly at the nmarks for 11t) y17Ord 11g huci1 >[rdi}, 0 ya rd ruln, 1,000 yard inn, antd uwi(dicy relay, 1)ut1t1W record fo r th , l=vut lo*uadjumpulalso wi llI e thlrea tced0". The g 'eat ,st hle fi~~ eld of(ii lr., presentI caitipaihin will bait Iit o over the 10) yard (list 'antc i-. Inithe field there will be Weems l askins, national collegiate andl Sony -I iii Conference echampion. Chick \Werner, of the 1. A. C., lDan Keinesey, C. A. A. Olympic champion, and othiersz of equal note. Roland Locke. the Nebra sf , headls atininressive enitry list ii} t 300 yard run, among the e(teus b.- ing Jack IS'lIliz, Olym pic 200 u l r I title holder, Fred Alderman, 1. A. C ..! Lancelot Ross, Yale's naitional enani- Liit21ib? t('III Alpha. '-III Rhupp.a Sig,,,,,, King, Iowa's ci a n S:^ .7 t2r.'?e C ak li inia. 10111a, I~ot Kappa stroker, xwill meet Sinde, Conf(erence Epsil~i Sii( I camnpion) in t he 150 ya~rd hack stroke. x "-- 1qBob Halastead, versatile vet eran of VOLLEYBALL BEG CINS SOON ;th iaast two yas will b h te - ----- hehuan ntry Spidlewill on- Scmiflinals in the interfraternity tinue oan after ccm plot iig1th 150 E 55 s a lsklCttmA1league~flf wer , ya. ds in an attempt to br ak "h6 in-, rca ched Thu-,-,,(y nig] per bracket Lambda. meet Delta Kalppa Ep lower bracket P-hi K,-p P1hi Sigma Kappa. Lambda (Chi Alpha w finals by virtue of its i Tan Epsil.an Rho, xvhi Ep Tsilon defeated Delta Phi K'appa Sigma Sigma Dleta 1 -11,r Kappa deeat ad Phi ;ht. In the tip- r ecord of 2 :C5 3-5 seconds now held Chi A'nha will by I-1los of Yale. slon, andl in the' The outst-anding llawkeye diver, ppa Sigma plays Bender, who lefeatcel Fellinger of Chi cago in competition, xwill meet. vent to the semi-I oomrdies Waitssun' 13-5 victory overj beaten in Pig TIen1 compet-ition this ie Delta KappaI year. a. Tan Delta, 7-6. Michigaa's medley relay trio will b~e wonI from Phi made up cf Spindle in the back stroke, and Phi Sigma Thompson in the breast stroke, and Epsilon Kappa either Batter or Walaitis in the free style. Iowa's medley team will c'on- except one were ! ist of King, Carter, and Crookhaun. dnt mar e, andI After the meet an exhibition water snext Tuesday polo game will be p~layedt between teams to meet two picked teams. ( o t nu r n Pa e S g . W L 9 ci i n t th sa e t a.Captain W atson, 135 pou nd~ Co n- -_ _ ference champion, will oppose Slie- ANNAPOLIS' Feb. 24.-The 17.9. fler of Purdue in what promises to Naval academy's basketball team h e the feature hout of the afternoon, which has compiled a record 'of 12 Sheffler, although hampered by in -victories in 15 starts this season left juries, gained a fail in his matctli;today for West Point where the U.S. xwith Indiana and is exnected to b Military academy's basketball teamI in tip-top shape by this afternoon. will furnish the opposition on Satur- Captain Watson will seek to add a day. fifth to his fotir consecutive wins and Two heroes of the football field, has hopes of gaining a fail to take upon which surface it is definitely the Wolverine high scoring honors settled that the rival service insti- prom Donahoe, who holds a one, tutions will not clash in the fall, will poin lea wih 17markrs.lead the liay on tha court. These are Donahoe will.,goou of hi egh" Lighthorse" H-arry Wilson and to meet .h-ooker, t hisr' ne "Whitey" Lloyd, backs whose role will feated light-heavyweight. l be guards tomorrow. In the 115 pound bout Hewitt, Unusualinterest is attached to the 'Michigan's star sophomore, will face gae on Saturday inasmuch as the Ti anthr f"l breach between the Army and Navy, Winslow. Thomas, anthrof nih- now at its widest point, has reached Ban's undefeated wrestlers, will op- ja high pitch. poeTxweedle in the 125 pound di-I vision and try for his second fall inI !four starts. YERTN an Robinson, who hran a time ad'can- tage victory over his Indiana oppon- - IEORAPllING ut to his credit, will meet SauLr ha.specialty. for ieigan's third 1927 Conference twnyyas titehoder inthe115poud but. Pronmpt Service, Experienced Oper. Captain Johnson, the Botermak- ators, Moderate Rates. e rs' star heavyweight, wil grapple 0.1 D. NI10R R IL with Prescott in the last event on 17 Nickels Arcade. Phone,6615. the card. SN OTI CE NOTICE-Two used portable type- writers for sale. One and two years old re'spectivelyr. Reasonable prices. Call 3489. E. H. Munn. C-Tu-es., Thurs., Sat. NOTICE-13e sure and visit this mnost jmodern and efficient Hat Cleaning. and Shoe Shining Parlor. Michigan. C-Tues.; Thurs., Sat. All of these games deeided lby a ono-poi the semifinal games night will decide the in the finals at 8 : 30 Thursday night.j The closeness of the scores mndi- ICIIANIPAIGN.-Original mculds arei cates the eveness of the teams and being designed to cast unique trophies the gamnes next week pit well-match-I for winning relay team-s at the 1lhlni ed teams against each other.I Carnival to ba held Marchi 17 in the Interfraternity volleyball will start Armory. next Tuesday with eleven leagues cf- - pion, and tA(lie lJoctor. WIS(CONSIN11C Behr If............... Penhopen rl'..........t Elletnallrf..........t Fclst er c(. .. . . . . . Hotchkiss ig..........0 Doyle i'g..............0 ?Hiller r;...... . r x } 1 t 1. 1. 1 l 3 L 1. Total..............11 .. heeler I f......1 flarn-mionr,..... .. (hu11Inin1s rf........ 1'111rty c.............2 4 TCbnaier1 1.......1 i I I II Di /' i i I Iockha i~s Blackhawxk In vv-hich the internationally famous speed way driver was almost entombed afte r the serious mishap during the course of an officially clocked mile at D aytona , Beach. The exciting accident which might Have piroved fatal to Lockhart, how- ever, was merely the climax ofa week's activities at the famous speed- wva y. Other high lights of the week in- eluded1 the establishing of a. new wvorld's record by Capt. Malcom Camp- bell. Campbell's time of 206.9 miles ,ier hour displaced the former wvorld record for automobiles of any speci- tications, that by the Mystery Sun- beamn, driven by one of Campbell's coun triymen. la'st year. The accident to Wilbur Shaw on 'llTursdaiy closely paralleled that of Lockhart. Shaxv, howvever, intention- ally dIrive his Whippet into the surf when his mount. burst into flamges. i)ITROIT -The Y. MW. C. A. has dieAdetl to continue the bait on Joe lathey, (despite a strike of. 10 leading; layrers. four teams each. T~ conducted in the l basketball, as the league xwill play to pion. MEN desiring suimmer xvork, Rlemnun- erative with opportunities of perm -a- nrent connection.. See Mr. Stolddard, Room 302 Mich. Union. All (lay on day. l109, 110 NOTICE-Good food and good service, one block from campus-thtat's why you save. Barney's Restaurant, 516 E. Williams. C. SPECIAL-II. N. (lark, Custom Shoe; Maker. Ladies riding boots, hand tailored to your measure, $9) for a few days, any color. Men's, $12. Only one store. Corner Forest and South U. Next door to Hlarry's Restaurant. Good Eats. C TYPEWRITER SEIRVICE TYPEWRITERS-All mares, sold, rented, exchangedl, cleaned, re- paired. Our machines, and work guaranteed to give best satisfaction. 0. D. Mo'rrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. C I PEWR1TING and Mneographing =pronmptly andi neatly ne by ex- pprienced operaztors at moderate rates. College work a specialty for nearly twenity years. 0. D. Morrill. Arcad?. C fI' EW ITER RIBBONS-Our rapid turnover insures a fresh stock. You secure the besut quality at a mnoder- ate pride. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. TYPING-Theses a specialty. Rea- sonable rates. Al. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9387. C-77-180 FOR SALE, FOR SALE-Slightly used Remington portable typewriter. For barbain call 5548 or 527 Thompson after 6 o'clock. 108, 109, 110 FOR SALB-Two May Festival Cou- pons. First floor,. $2.50 each. Call University 156-1W. 10i), 110, 111 FOR RENT A VERY desirable single or double front room. Private home; no other roomers.:IDial 6692. 109 FOR RENT-Up-to-date house, "avail able March 1; desirable location. Phone 9524. 109, 110 This sport will lhe same, manner as winners in each (decikle the chain- URBANA.---Tadt Wiceman. Universitya of Michigan grid coach inspected eqluipment in tihe new gymnasium herej a fewt days ado while conferring xwith local athletic authorities. C I I i II I 1 2 7 :E 2 '; J 9 1 2 . - - ----, .-c- - -- -, x A Full Line of SS ~Whitehouse & Hardy Models! On Display At .330' South State Street ~.;cC311iu r.siLats and YPa *zv 3 ?Des-igneid and Sold On .1y ZROAD 1Y Ai 401i1 S.S:EI It" IB ADWAY 144 'WEST 4-""':' ilE MEROPOLITAN OPURAHOD ~U$t I&O7 LT WALLEiSTREET K14CE,&CKZR i i'LDNG rj Just Received New Nettleton Oxfords for Spring in black and tan calf medium weight Wahr's Shoe Store i W tals ... Referee : Fe o lI( *,Umpire: aGet chell 7 h 1~t E Warm Music VI'or your next party= "Lundy's" Six slow Leaks K.\/. Lundquist i 108 S. Main Downtown 920 Lincoln Avenue Whone 9588 I -1 umm 1 '111' Is 11 o SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICE '7OMPLETELY furnished apartment for threh girls; also large beautiful room 17or"txwo girls, and a garage. Dial 8544 or 9714. 422 East Wash- ington. 107, 1OS, 109 WANTED) WASHINGS and Ironing wanted. P~er- fect work guaranteedl and quick service. Called for and delivered. Phone 6202. 109, 110, 111 WANTED-Students to know that our home laundry methods give your clothes personal attention. Moe Laundry] 204 N. Main. -Dial 3916. C STUDENT linen of any, kind to take home. Called for and 'delivered. Phone 2-1530. 108, 109, 110 LOST LOST--Jeweled Adelphi pinl, sometime Thursday. Initials RI. C. F. on pin. Call 8665, Richard Fuller. Reward. 109 A PRAYER BOOK, lost between 12th and North Division Sts. Phone 8572. 109, 110, 111 LOST-Phi Delta Kappa gold pin. Call Cleminson 5872. 109,'110 '-I - AVeAry Sart Two utto-n j acet Woolens suitable to this model are open 1") necd Tie t;reasonable "33.0'to $79.00 TINKEIR &k COMPANY FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Corner State and Washington Sts. Arthur W. Stalker, P).D., Minister Parley C'. Binghain, A ssociat M1iniister and Student ]director 10 :30-"'Lenten Choices.'' 12 :0Ot-Discussion (Class and Bible Study Class for Students. 6 : 0--Jean Ryran. '29,~xwill he thte s ,peaker. *7 :30--"True Riches." FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH R. Edward Sayles, M3ijiister4 ]Rev.. Howard Chapmain, 10:45 - Morning Worship. Mr. Sayles will speak on "An Intel- IecLLUI and Jes.~c" (First in -series on "Pet sanal Intervuivws with Jesus.") 12:00-Bi1ble School. Dr. Bunting, Superintendent. 12:00-Student group meets at Guild I-ouse. "What a prophet might say as to. a constructive religious p~rogram." Mr. Chap- man' will discuss this subject. ('oni and t ake part. 5: 30-We are to be thi guest'; of fte, Presbyterian students this eveniiug ,at the Presbyterian Church. Meet at Guild; go over in a group. This invita- tion is cordial and urgent. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 South Division Street 10:30 a. m.-Regttilar lornling Ser- vice; Subject,: 'thsl ,1s: 11 :45 a. m.-'-Sunday School follow- ing the morning service. 7:45 p. m.a--- "{We'sday evening testimonial nmecting. The Readting Room, 1(1 and 11 State Saving Bank Building is ofnen daily from '12 to 5 o'clock, excep~t Sundays and legal Holidays. THE UNITARIAN CHURCHV State and Auron Streets Sidney S. Robins, Minister Pebnuary 26, 1928 10 :45-Rev. Arthur L. Weatherly of Iowa City preaches 0ou "Clar en ce l arrowlsIDeterm iin- isti.", PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH S Corner linron and Division Merle H. Anderson, Minister Dale HI. Moore, Associate. Mrs. Nellie B. Cadwell Secretary for Women. 0 9:80-Church School.. Student Class led by Dale H. Moore. 10 :45-Morning Worship. Sermon onl "Called,-IHeldl,-Kept, Sent." 12 :00-Student Class led by Prof. Howard MVcCusky. 5:30-Social Hour and Supper. S6:30-young People's Society. EVANELIC ,..CHURCH (Evngeica Syod of N. A:) Fouth i ., eteen Packard adWliams G. A. Neumann, Minister 0: 00-Sunday School. tO: 00-R1egtilar morning worship. Pastor's 'subject: "Tite Sanctity oif Marriage." 11 :00-German service. 5 :30-Young. People's fellowship hour and discussion. Fr-. King xil lead: "Is Poverty InevitZ ;able'?" CHURCH OF CHRIST DISCIPLES Corner H1111 and Tappan 1Rev. Frederick Cowin 10 :30--Morning wn17,-hip. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH State St. ait Williamiis Dr. Carl S. Patton, Acting Minister 9:30-Sunday School. 10 :45-Morning Worship. Sermon: "Tlue fift of Sympathy." Eby Rev. Walter T. Lockwood, of Boise, Idaho. 5 :30-:student Luncheon and Fel- lowship meeting." Address 14y4 Professer Preston W. Slosson on "An Historian Talks on, His~ Job."4 lp" 17 bla~k egrees 3 copying At all dealers' Buy a dozen Superlative in quaity, the world-famous give best service and longest wear. Plain~ ends, per doz. $12.00 Rubber ends, per doz. 1.20 ST. ANDREW'S (EPISCOPAL) CHURCH Division and Catherine. Streets Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector R1ev. Thomas IL. Harris, Assistant FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT 8:40-Holy Communion. 9: 30-Service for Students in Hiar- ris Hall, followed by breakfast. 11:00-Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Rev. H. P. Van Dusen; Prof. of Dogmatic Theology at Union Theological Seminary, New York. 6: 15-Student Supper. Discussion led, by Mr. Van Dusen. 7:30-Evening Service. J_, C Q'e laz'qest selting qaiy pencil a i 5:45--Student's Supper. ,;:5--"Dusty Anlswers," a review Sby Rev. A. L. Weatherly. LAmerican Pencil Co., 215 Fifth Ave., N.Y.j SMakeis of UNIQUE TAin Lead@ ClrdPencils in 12 colors-$ 1.00 per doz. Switches Back to Favorite Tobacco Peoria,.Ill. Aug. 26, 1926 Messrs. Larus & Bro. Co. Richmond, Va. Dear Sirs: Just a confession and an appreciation. A number of years ago I was a usefr of your Edgeworth smoking tobacoo. But like some others, perhaps, I was led by alluring advertisements to change. A few days ago I wvent into a dr-,ug store to get some tobacco, and on,,,the case was the familiar can of Edgevorth. I bought it and since thc. I h<: e en- joyed old-time comnfort. So my confession is th