T-'(') TM 7 THE MTCHTGAN MEN TH M HYTU DAY, ANUARY 12, 1 j t ran out Into the corridor, probably i ~ preventing a serious disturbance in the room, but fatally injuring him- U H E TTEI Published every mornim except Monday during thc niverst year by the Board in self. Coto fSuetPublications. RI1T BOKS While the death of this youth is aiB OOKS Msn 1Mmbe of Western Conference Editorial 'sad affair and sympathy should be R11111 i l M USIC Assou di ~~~~~ extended to his relatives, it appears Nw fmnetu motnet The Associated Press is exclusively en- that the more serious aspect of the News of momentous importancto titled to the use for republication of all news .the whole nation came with the report dispatches credited to it or not otherwise case has been overlooked. With 25 ly TNWL:TeMmsAs credited in this paper and the local. news pub- small kindergarten children in a of the Rolls Riet expedition, sent by TONIGHT: The Nimes Present Au- lished herein. schoolroom, in which there was a aeroplane to investigate the British tin Strong's "Seventh Heaven" in their Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, (decorated tree lighted with candles, a theater at 8:30 o'clock. Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate * * * * * * of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- very serious fire hazard was present. "A 1Clm master General.-( The case looks like a bad oversight Positive evidence that all riots 'ALICE SIT-BY-THE-IRE Subscription by carrier, $400; by mail,i $4.50. t yupon the part of the Detroit school originate In London has been discov- A review, by Vincent Wall. Ofea es:.Ann Arbor Press Building, May- authorities to permit such a fire haz- ered by the expedition. The Harris Players in presenting nard Sr eet.P, Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214. ard to be present and especially near * * * "Alice Sit-by-the-Fire" last night in EI)ITORIAL STAFF small children. Borne by mysterious currents, the Masonic temple achieved some- Telephone 4925 For the past four or five years, fire hitherto unknown, and still undis- thing of a triumph and at least suC- MANAGING EDITOR prevention officials have repeatedly covered, the riots that begin upon ceeded in giving us a delightful eve- JO H. CHAMBERLIN urged and pleaded that care be taken, such a small scale in London and ning of Sir James Barrie. The play Editor.....................Els B. er Electric companies have lowered the magnified and carried over the whole itself-an unreal bit of fooling, de- Editor Michigan Weekly..Charles E. Behyer prices of safe electric lights within world. livered with the author's customary Staff Editor...............Philip C. Brooks nearly every purse. The school offi- City Editor .............Courtland C. Smith charm and gentle funning at the ex- Women's Editor..........Marian . Weles cials harked back to the old days and NEW SCIENCE OF pense of his more erotic and esoteric Sports Editoir....... ....Herbert E. Vedder Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr. premitted the tree lighted with can- RIOT PREDICTION contemporary, Oscar Wilde-is ex- Telegraph Editor............Ross W.Ross dies near many precious lives. Had MAY BE FOUNDED tremely difficult; there is a great deal Assistant City Editor. .. . Richard C. Kurvink Night Editors a safer means of decoration been used, of very delicate nuance and shadow Stert onker en thm Mcran it is likely that Hancock would still be Possibility of the establishment of that must be outlined. And the Play- Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr. alive and that the school authorities a new science, the Science of Riot ers handled these situations cleverly Milton Kirshbaum Anderson Reporters would now have 'no cause for regret. Prediction, has been forecast by with telling effect, which elicited Margaret Arthur Richard H. Milroy Mefistofele, offical Rolls scientist and numerous laughs. Emmons A. Bonfield Charles S. Monroe CRIMINOLOGY AND RESEARCH can Campbell C'atherine Price a member of the expedition. Mary Buffigton as Amy, a young Jessie Chrchd Harold L. Passman It is a fact clear even to the layman * 4lady suffering from a bad attack of Clarence N. Edelson lioris w. Quinn ta osineo tep tsinii Margaret Gross- Rita Rosenthal that no science or attempt at scientific By closely observing the disturb- "Lady Windermere's Fan" played her Valborg Egeland Pierce Rosenberg process can be followed without the ances in England, the master scien- part broadly but well. Richard Purser Marjorie lollr Edward T. Ryanpatbodyutwl.RcrdPse Tames B. rceman iDavid Scheyer accumulation of data by research. tist declares, we can predict the as her brother, Cosmo, worked in a Robert T. Gessoer Eleanor Scribner Elaine E. C-uber Corinne Schwarz Upon a bulwark of experimental facts course of riots all over the world. Al- similar vein and achieved much the Alice Hageisbaw Rocrt G. Silbaq each conclusion must be built, and the ready currents leading directly to same effect. Charles Wilson as Col- Joseph E. IRowell Howcrrd F: Sin-on sh Wallace Ilushen Rowena Stillman person who attempts scientific con- America have been traced. onel Robert Gray did well in a part Catlcs R. Kafman Sylvia Stone DulRbetG*yddweli*apr William F. Kerby George Tilley clusion without first mastering the * * * most amateurs find very difficult. Lawrence R. Klein Edward L. Warner, Jr. data thereof is doomed to failure from With the establishment of a riot Jeanette Dale as the Alice of the title Donald J. Kline Benjamin S. Washer Wt h salsmn faro enteDl steAieo h il Sally Knox Leo J. Voedicke the start. prediction station in London, all dis- handled her part with considerable Taek I. Lait, Jr. Joseph Zwerdling John H. Maloney The very obvious nature of this turbances could be observed, and subtle skill. Mary Wells succeeded BUSINESS STAFF fact makes it the more curious that news of impending riots telegraphed in getting something like twelve Telephone 21214 one of the leading social sciences, the to the United States long before their laughs from about six lines, which is BUSINESS MANAGER study of criminology, should have pro- possible arrival. rather extraordinary, considering the WILLIAM C. PUSCH gressed as it has to the present state * * * fact that I've seen a professional do Assistant Manager...-George IH. Annable, Jr. without any orderly accumulation of Mefistofele, official Rolls scientist, much worse in the part. facts whatsoever; and it is more is one of the greatest national author- In short, although the distinguishing Advertising.........Richard A. Meyer curious still that until Prof. Arthur ities upon the subject of riots. He is marks of an amateur production oc- Advertising......... ..dnard L Evans Wood of our own sociology de- also prominent, at least spectacular, casiona'ly crept through their work, Advertising.John W. Ruswinckel partment raised his voice there had in other fields. For years he has de- the Players, under the direction of Accounts ..........Raymond WachterthPlyrudrheiecon f Circulation..............George B. Ahn, Jr. been little popular interest in the sub- manded the dismissal of all instruc- Professor Nelson must be credited Publication.................Harvey Talcott Assistants Ject. tors allowing their classes more than with an excellent interpretation of George Bradley Hal A. Jaehn The problem is not one which can one bolt a semester, due to his hatred Barrie. A few more plays of this type, Marie Bramder James Jordanfoantnghttedtoxrta James o. Brown Marion Kerr be lightly taken by a crime infested for anything that tends to exert a and clone as successfully would be ameseCarpenter Thale rin. eniMtn nation such as the United States. If weakening influence upon the Uni- very acceptable to the campus dra- CharlAB K. Correll W. A. Mahafy there is any given set of conditions, versity. matic calendar Barbara Cromell Francis D. Patrick whicgopeate en a fivendition* *t* *lnd* Mary Dively George Al. Perrett which operate in a given direction Bessie V. Egeland Alex K. Scherer Ona Felker Frank Schuler and produce a certain percentage of NOTED EXECUTIVES VISIT THE NEW YORK SYMPHONY Katherine >rohne George Spater criminals^ with mathematical pre- NEW 'IICHIGAN THEATER i The following program will be pre- Douglass Fuller Wilbert Stephenson Beatrice Greenberg Ruth Thompson cision, then it is invaluable to society sented on Feb. 1 in Hill auditorium, ele -n neros awec E. Varnun that it know those conditions and Members of the Rolls Executive when the New York Symphony orches- . >r I-Hammer Hannah Wallen find the remedy for them. Thus far, board visited the new Michigan the-Ira under the baton of Walter Dam- CalRay mmr aHh aleointhermeyfr hm.Tusfrbare istd h nwyiesntha-taerertedaonoaWlerm apparently, not a single comprelien- ter yesterday, after a long-standing rosch, with John Erskine, pianist, will THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1928 sive effort has been made to gather invitation, tendered by Manager Hoag, appear in the Choral Union series: Night Editor-G. THOMAS MeKEAN 1the facts which would enable crimin- to stay as far away as possible. Symphony No. 2, in I.......Brahms ologists to draw conclusions in this (** * * Allegro non troppo regard, and as a result not a single MANAGER GREETS VISITORS j Adagio non troppo absolute fact is known concerning j-Allegretto grazioso quasi andantino PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION these situations. I Allegro con spirito. The'most painful discovery that Before the social science of crimin- r St. Francis Preaching to the Birds criminologists have had to make of ology can be reduced to a basisp k"-/ - L ......................Liszt late years has been one that placed which will prove of extensive aid to Concerto in A minor for Piano the roots of depravity and bent un- 1 the forces combatting crime, that sci- , "swith Orchestra......Schumann derstanding in the home training of ( ence must have available statistics tonOAllegro affettuoso children prior to the school age. The I and data from many thousands of Intermezzo; Andantino grazioso great problems of expansion and im- criminal cases upon which to base its t ~ Alegro vivace provement that universal education conclusions. The general material ( Mr. Erskine has worked out through the years gathered by sociologists in regard to * * * have precluded any consideration of housing, "gangs," and kindred sub- With his characteristic good humor "SEVENTH HEAVEN" children previous to five or six years jects is correlative but not directly to the fiery conductor met the delegation A review, by David Scheyer. of age. the point in the work of the crimin- at the door, and after warning them, wearestillm little doubtful as to If the average person will think ologist. His data must be gathered pointed out a path toward the spacious noteI they wee were kidding or back to his earliest years in school, in prisons, reformatories, and courts Iauditorium. not. If they were, we'll give them he will recall that the outside influ- as well as in these other vicinities, * * s te cr-edit a beautiful jo of satire de- and husfarhismean fo set !serves. If they presented "Seventh ences were important, but that they and thus far his means for securing As soon as they were safely inside,sves. i lheresst"enth were but adding layers to a founda- such material are almost nil. ( the delegates scattered and proceed- H tion laid even earlier. In that frst If society as a whole is interested ed to inspect and report upon every are responsible for the worst breach period lies the answer to the back- in the problem of crime, and is inter- part of the structure. of good taste and awful, terrible, rank wardness, slovenly instincts, and lack ested in a reduction of crime, it can * * * melodrama this campus has seen since of eagerness which appear as sharply spend money in few ways to a better INFERIORITY COMPLEX "St. Ehno" was last produced- defined to a kindergarten teacher as end than the end of securing definite INSTILLED BYeUSHERavwhebefor to a high school instructor. information which will enable the Pre-school education, mentioned by criminologist to formulate definite thanks be to the gods-and we shall Dean Whitney as one of the aims of conclusions as to the causes and rem- certainly never see it again. the new University high school build- edies of crime. Research bureaus inpThe Mimes have done noble work ing, embodies a field little investigat- must be established in every prison m! c promoting love of the dear old ed, and the new program intends a and state penal Institution, and indramat this college as the editorial survey on a scale large enough to connection with every court system,ys bring definite rewards. Its prosecu- if the study of criminology is to have All praise is due to them for "Anna tio# should raise the study of child the tools wherewith to work on the Kernel left early today, declaring Christie," "R. U. R.," etc., but if plays education to a novel and commendable great problems which confront it. that the ushers made him feel too like this are the best they can secure height. cheap. He declared they must have for future production, then with all This new program will begin its THE INVESTIGATION been trained at Baron Butterfield's good wishes we advise them to shut education of children at the age of The tremendous amount of sympa- own private castle. up shop and join a Tom show in two orithree years, it will insure them thy shown for the six men imprisoned * * * tourng the sovereign states of Ken- an atmosphere of light and air; it will in the sunken S-4 considered, the dis- Aristide took his seat on the front tucky and Arkansas. keep them from older associates; sim- closure that their death was hastened row. He reported that the lower As for the cast-they did as well as ple work-and-play sessions will be by a deadly percentage of carbon di- brass rail that separates the orches- could be expected from the material, supplied; they will be taught to set oxide gas rather than by the tortures tra from the rest of the audience broadly speaking. Given the false their own meals anti clear away the of suffocation comes as something of makes an ideal foot rest. lines and artificial situations of a table after them; facilities will be a relief. * * * melodrama, no actor, however polish- provided for afternoon naps. In fact Knowledge that even though res- While Black Teak skillfully por- ed, can be expected to present a true _everything that is or should be done cuers had been able to convey oxygen trayed shadow pictures upon the first performance. So it was that the emo- for a child in the best regulated home to the victims on the second day, it clarinetist's left ear while the spot- tional situations brought snickers for a chidnthr best reuated-hmet-od hevctims on th e, esnd day light shone on the orchestra during from the audience and the applause will be done for all. The all;-import- would have been too late, lessens the 1 h vrue ecvl qitldtea h final curtain had more a note of ant contribution of the parents to unfortunate circumstances surround- the overture. Percival Squirt led the at the this undertaking will not be overlook- ing the tragedy. It is still to be hoped, cheering in the balcony for the organ- relief than commendation. Phyllis ed, but will he embodied by means of however, now that an investigation ist as he rose majestically out of the Loughton played her role of Diane for conferences into the whole. has disclosed the fate of the trapped depths. all it was worth-which was plenty. * * * Fr three acts, she alternately sobbed, It has not been so long since the men, that steps may be taken whichI O B O Ohd d nt r L7 ~ITI WON'T B1E LONG NOW arirhed, raved and went through present system of high schools and will prevent and ultimately exclude various ather postures, comprehensi- state universities was regarded as a risks which snuff out the lives of men The selection of the new editor has ble only to stock-company melodrama- great luxury. What a greater ad- engaged in America's business. been delayed for several days, so that I tists. Charles Livingstone, as Chico, vancement then is pre-school educa- a all who are interested may have their the hero of the horror, did just as tion, with its laying the basis for ! Some public spirited graduate stu- on geneatins? dent might charitably open a bureau chance to send in specimens of their well. And, to be charitable, we will for the promulgation of information sense of humor, only add that the rest of the cast did Y ~~regarding "interesting" courses for ie s. A DEAD SANTA CLAUS guWe hope there will be no objections * *i* John Hancock, 14-year-old Detroit econd semester seniors. !to running any of the sample columns, "Tlie Spot in the Sun" which Con- I ss ............ . I Detroit Thea-ters CASS THEATRE Mat, $1.004 to 0- E Nights, $1 t4 $L SCRWAB & 13iA'NDEI 1L 'resent_ GOOD NEWS" Forty Flappr Frelies ABE LYMAN (hmself) and His Orchestra Woodward, at Eliot BONSTELLE, PLAY HOUSE BEGINNING MONDAY, JAN. f NIGHTS, oar, $.i0. Ias. Tues., Thurs. and Sat., i0c, oc A FUNNY SHOW Sam Janney's New York Wowi "Loose Ankles" r a. ,t a. I i{ii{ I Iff I I I . M II SP E N MAK E R S Very soon you will reqire a Riderbfq r ' The pen that won't balk or run dry in the middle of an Exam. Superior writing qualities. Large ink capacity. The pen that will not wear out or get out of order easily. Guaranteed and serviced by the makers. No delays. I suder's SERVICE- Shubert LAFAYETTE DETROI1 Beginning Sunday, Jan. St I, THE SPIDER .Mats., Thurs. and Sat. Prices: Evenixigs, )ie to $250. Popular 'Mat. Tiurs. 50e to $.5 Saturday Matinee, 50<- to $2.00 (Plus Tax) i MEN'S ATHLETIC UNDERWEAR, 2-PIECE-49c MEN'S FANCY SILK SOX--25c Pair MEN'S IDE BRAND SHIRTS WHITE IMPORTED ENGLISH BROADCLOTH SHIRTS, WHITE COL LAR ATTACHED-$1.89 Ann Arbor Dry Goods Co 31 S. Main St 4 ------THE RAE - JOHN GILBERT "Twelve Miles Out" TilS "A0" I TII 10c sbON-"H--ELL BENT FOR HEAVEN" ~~w~~ RAE w !vemwur .:inr awn i PRE-INVENTORY SALE CLASSIFIED ADS BRING SA TISFACTION CORNWELL COAL - COKE Scranton, Pocahontas Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you think so too, let's get together. CORNWELL COAL - COKE OFFICE, CORNWELL BLOCK Phones, Office : 4551-4552 Yard Office: 5152 ,, a / Continuous through this week and next. Featuring brassware, s t a t i o n e r y, jewelry, bridge sets, Toys, etc. Novel U. of M. cigarette holders in maize and blue just arrived. Price, 50c. Mary Louise Shop Nickels Arcade .... 11i