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February 25, 1928 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-25

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cATTT )AV +",p,!TAT )r 2, 1f9$ICJtA~)ILL 2tL.t .t, t'~


tti1 VA4Lt11. 1:1 11i15 X4 Ul. tt is


Supermen To Comef-.l
As Resuilt Of Twin
Life Eactors-Shull

I\ SCHEDULE O EVEM'sh (Irf'hil(
>"FOR JAY' FOlCS 1i istis
eCf ftlolhi
'niersity Cln1 Union Will Preet pa r et
(omposition; Childre's Con- "lsS
x°cet Is Also Listed S~l a
Announcements made some time 1 de's t(T
ago by officials of4 the Universi Oman maytI
Musical society regarding the 35th nal by
annual May Festival have been sup- t'u at t1
"plemented recently, and the progran cditaiy
is now thought to be comlete. The pesc
4 event itself will take place May 16 vii crdmin
=17, 18, and 19 in Hill auditorium, Igte
, and all indications are that it will Iolwu
rbe one of the most pretentious May mutb
Festivals ever staged in Ann Arbor.I inct pa
vSix concerts will make up the Fes- ldl ~in
tival, two in the afternoon, anl fourRides
at nght.Profess
at night.controlo
Of the large organizations that will
appear there will be the Universityalyhi
i Choral Union, under the direction of the fact
Earl Moore, musical director of the demcra
Festival, and the Chicago Symphony contril po
orchesra, under the baton of Frede-j
ick :Stock. In addition,_ a large 'iepr
group of Ann Arbor school children tnle,"
are being trained by Juva Higbee, wards er
supervisor of music, in the absence tan e
of Joseph E. Maddy, who has assum- dmanrae
ed this task in the pastoWedesda
and Friday night programs will be vn h
.,miscellaneous in character, while ad (Iny
' the choral offerings will appear o n Pr
Thursday and Saturday nights. All institute
of the children's singing will taesintoth
"place Friday afternoon. no h
Will Dedicate Organ proposed
As a special feature of the 35th as sugge
.annual Festival, the new Frieze Me- thing, n11
~nvrial organ, which is now being in- senefita:
stalled in Hill auditorium at a costbefi
q of $75,000 will be dedicated. Eri understa
Delamarter, wvo will officiate as the man ahe
Sguest conductor at the first concert, forth
has Composed a monumental worK "Sl
N^ which will be played by Palmer
Christian, University, organist, as a splenid~
Percy Grainger, famous Pianist, mothernoa
will appear as guest conductor -or Sluda
1r a part of the Friday night concert. sol
V andl will direct his own work, "The ae the
it that IDr.
Marching Song of Democracy," whicharey
'" will be sung by the Choral Union.arey
In addition tto this feature, the Fri- the phy
clay night concert-audience will also)rods
shear Leonora Corona, a youthful manl hi1
';; Texas prima donna who has been at- t i
'tracting attention- Of late. Margaret 1
Matzenauer, distinguished contralto STD
iof the Metropolitan Opera cmpany,
qwill furnish the attraction on Wed-I
- nesday night. PITT
Thursday night's concert will be anI wo
-devoted to the presentation by Earl minings
SV. Moore and the University Choral burgh w
Union of Pierne's "St. Francis of special
'Assisi," a composition never before subcomn
sung here. The separate roles will ators w
Ago to Marie Montana, American or- Picture.
atorio singer recently returned fro.
several years in Italy, soprano;
aMerle Alcock of the Metropo~itan, \ oP
j contralto; Tudr "Davies, Welsh ten- l
'or of the British National Opera
~company; Raymond Koch baritone
of the American Opera company; Le
and Chase Baromeo, bass.
Baromeo To Apear
Baromeo, or Chase Sykes, is a
graduate of the University who was
,for several years a pupil of The-
,, lore Harison in the School ofMu
~sic. He sang a week ago in Detroit
ln with the Chicago Civic Opera comp-l
any. Baroni~o spent several years-
"I studying in Italy, and made his way1
* to the forefront at the% La Scala1
opera house. He sang summers in
South Ameica, and was brought to
. the Chicago company lasts fall'+ by-
3the impresario, H. M. Johnftn. (r.
The children's concert en Friday
afternoon will also present a work
new to Ann Arbor, "The Quest of the
x. Queer Prince," by Hyde. Benn Ra-

binoff, a youthful violinist from New i
~'York's East side will augment this
program. .
Percy Grainger, apart from hi
Friday night appearance, will be seen
Iin his usual role of soloist on Sat-
Surday afternoon in conjunction with
the Chicago symphony orchiestira.
Climax Feature Listed
The usual Festival climax of Sat-
Surday night will be supplied 'this
kyear when the Choral Union, the Chi-
cage symphony orchestra, and a cast
of operatic' stars will present Verdi's
"Aida," which has not been hearfi
here. for seven years. Baromneo will
-again appear on this occasion, while
the ethers will be Leone Kruse, Paul1 -
Althouse, Mario Basiola. and Mfar-
-guerite D'Alverez, the Peruvian con- I
tralto. This wil mark: the 24th May Z
Festivalchatra under Frederick TioS
2.A000 -
3 5ARCADE 8.40
'1'01}1A it 0:0A E

mml~(1 w"'dO a, taw-or inl e( !-']
hals bhoev -cn?-plas~l d Ihi
ar idl~le o."1 lhe r r'edc1
CaIgb' eI nst ituii on, wyho has
that, thv hereditary AIlaa -
fc lanl are tlheoreticaivy
lblefor 1ihi 1 rodui oll of a
a, in the o~pillii otofPvn. \
1iShul11 of tb e zoflay (fle-
tat enien ifli]1)]ltes,'' l ioifs;r
id iln cowmen,101ing onl I'lr. RidI-
nets, '"that the fzeel de-iuindedl
y' be regu larly lbe iade nor-
lhe ipiesonit t inle. ( .mlainl 1;
factors imay tiave their ex-
change(! by file proper en-
nt, but they can not be p cop-
in, the (:iiingedfl oin."to the
ggeneration. Environmlent
?given a. much less proale-
ice as a factor in Ilhe pro-
of t he supernall of wil~il
;or Shuli looks, upon the
o] her-edity imoreiCotlilist ic-
n (loes Dr. 1Mifddle. 1Despite
tthat the are living in a
cy where it is d~ifficultifo
reproduc ftioin, he thinks it is
,sible tofdiinliish the deifee-
tof the popunlation. lie (con-
"Dr. Riddle leans i-mululy to-
-nvarfnment, while hered(ity
more generally controlled
seems 10 think. Even ill a
ey we may. if wve wisht, ir( -
procreation of the mentally
fsically unfit."
°o essor Shell's opluwl, all
including men in. 10 b1ranchl-
)logical sciee for' researeh
technique necessary for thew
1control of human being;;,
stel iby Dr. Riddle, is a gofod
ot because it may produce a.
fn,'' hie explaiinedl,"blit to
the hluman race blya, greater
ending of the physiology o~
(I hence cf his possibilit ies
presenit , ial(!perhtaps5tie fu-
an' ins tit ut ion woiuld be
fevelopmenit leading to aln
nding (of the humn race
early as we nofw understandi
lninmls. Such an ninotu
'ventually ucahe clear wvlt
real lpossiilities o0 colI ratl
iddifle apiparently boli jev(-
exist. Ave must ullfd'r5 ud
siology of mall illintavecy
ense including hieredhity andI
ther things, in or'der~ to con-
future fdevelopmenit.'
SBURGH4, Feb. 24.--Living
ilking condtitions in thleecol
settlements adiaceht Ifo Pitt s-
cere studied again today by the
senate intlerstatec commlerce
lmittee. Salturday the 011ev-
vill present their side of the

- - '~ e * hl esXWit hout Warranatsit' ecked
- d' ( ~T'OiLPAASFeb. 2A.--Fedeial
pro1ib Uitinlgent s searching private
iomes and (1leiiugs on searchxwar'-
ras itsibtined lwithout direc~t intorma-
:~2: ,-ti n i mTlc f 1liquor will not lbe coun-
,I Lin ild Ii the fuunrc, Federal Jufdge
xf Lo ms HPmurns,_)f thce Eastern Louis-
iaMna disjtriet, declared in handing
17 (own a writteni decision dismissing
conftiscat ion proceedinigs enterefl1
a ainst a resifence, where the agents
c laimeid they found a distilling out-
The effect (If the decision, c-ourf at-
- - ach~e5 pointed~ out, will be to prevent
R( ~ ~ 111 li~ '~V~tagentsa obtaining search warrants for
It('pulil'il 'of () ei. ild) o private residlences even though they
slatedf'( or thle chii rf'a=hip o01 t'ei(det ect alcoholic odors emanating from
!-ouse \\ oxs ;".od ; cttliiti PQ ' th in, unless they establish that a
when Rctresr'I:it at!i'' William Ilt.' business is being operated' on the
Gmeecn fI., Iowa', rret; 10 I'3 ecme a :preimises or secure evidlence of sale.{
judge (of the I fit ed tat. Q: ourt( oif!0 Heretofore lprohibition agents hav(e
clairms. lIlawler has )r lla emrber made searches on warrants securedl
of the house for 20 years. oni what Judge Burns termed "small
evidence," a practice he condemned.
r~ ~ ~~DFRPOThe desficsion a s hacednded donein
FEW RiifisISiTmR FOrRcP0ings'entere
AND B.LLIARD TOURNEY S; imier revenue statutes by the district


l conmmerce ('olll los=it I wg:,an toay
ani in vestsinn:ion cfinth ex0011graint
I ran sport at ii ionrates t determie if
far ri ielicef calln1b~t ; a it o_!adby a r"-
adijlisu iefnt ofithose 1ta1rif 'Thv coo-
pot r ledi~ og liw\s I ie comphleon
li fl ilan in gtioll Cof doiltl(
I ie rtest', loth teinlg aultlut~r'ef by
I ieIf'Paciflic 1as vlIp, tilanti
adtgu ilf ites~t.: Jwy nPt 5flt Bthe
case(s here, 1the Coi'lflhiOi i merxvii
hioldIa. hearing at 1fmi i Or'the
W\estern c(arriers, p11011 Iil sippers.
Three cities, (' h iao, I10101a.andf
1 Boston. ad visefd 11' :x, t is .ionilthN
t hey will urge are64, ftiUt(I exort
rates below Wlx xsuv on ;domestc' rainl
Two xvii ie(s gave' t oinon y ycp-
toedayv. -IRuphert .l. 1 lora, hiprsilelt
o" the(,Co irtu-merl l ia-
E ceiphia - requnested that.IiUs fit y'5rate
be subst antinallylrefdufcd below«- that
ca ist Yc' ork.The tittrenee new,
tased otnimovemnit.l i in Buffalo, is
fone-ial I. per fenit per I1i0) poiuds,i
favor ofithtle lenmis y i ; via ity. This
shld 1ble more thbanii to~o c en s, I-Jo-
'lie Philadelphia witne:ss conil-
plained that reduoct ions in Canaflian
1.jrateCs hadl (I ivete d forig-,bound.
1I grain Ifrom Por'ts 0' the Untited States
to those (of the Dominion.
Marriage pluiw a eareer, rallier thtan
a tim iii marriage, is thle ideal (of most
collefge girls, affording to survey
of thle !V lflios V7oen's college.

,te . _

Registrationi in the billiard and ptoct-
t o u r n a m e ni t s w h i c h a r e hb e i n g s p o0 n- s r d b t h U n o h a n t r e c d
the total thlat was expect ed, acfordi-
iug tot the nianagernet, aa tgicat 0;
nnumbeir of entranots is fdesir'ef. 'To
flate Co01yest erdlay afternofn, 2-1 men
hafd signed ilup for the billiard ivIi-
sion and 25 hafd enrolled in the 11oo1
felt rnl amen t.
jTheI two tounamitiients v;:11 be run
simuiltaiicously and wxill both he
rounitd-robhiin affairs,. wit hieach emani
p)laying the fothers enter'ed. As a. spe-
cial proisTion] for these gtames, the
union has refducfedf the playing rates
to 30 cents1 an llfor. Four (tips arc
being offered to the winners andf run-
nrfs-tip in each fivision.
Registration may lie vinoe at the<
fdesk iii th lihiliiai'f room oif the Union,
and wNAill (lose this wee-endf. rThe
ftoii'imlieiits will begin Iext Mtonday
andiitlliiont iuthriioiugil (tie iiext iew
wfeek". The entrant1s15:'illbe ntifiefd
by phllle as to their tie(itfhplaying.

attorney's office against the $10,000
stlIutii'hai resifdence of Giuseppe Can-
g wnxhere prohibition agents main-
ta in ed they found a fdistilling -outfit
last October. The search warrant
authorizing the raid wa-s-,obtained onj
tbu fldeclaration of a prohibition agent
that he detected odors o t alcohol
emnanating from the place.
Cangemi disclaimedl ownership orj
knowletdge of the still and in argu-
ments last: month, petitioned the court
to quash the search suppress evi-
dence anti dismiss the confiscation
iIn iuling that private resifences
should not lie searched except for re-j
(.tricftedh and specific reasons, JudgeI
Buries indicated that overzealousness
of prohibhiton of'ficers should not be{
allowedf to extenfd as far as intrusion
of anr unwarranted typie.
Xomen must use one end (If the
librar'y a111nd 'en uise the other, ac-
fording to a m'uiling made by. George-
fiwn college. It was thought that
lie tegregati n xvould create a more
, qtuet atmofspihere.

M-ere is a view of the ne w clinic ofithile famous .Mayo bro fthers, sur'geonis,
now near'ing comnpletion at Rihest em', l imiii. 'lue ibuuifidig vill hous~e all (if
the offices andl lahofrat olivsof t I e iimedile inst it tit ion. A 6 5-foot tow\er will
b~e constiuceted to toil the (T-t~t~ as it ,,tanlis at prcsent. -
Law Professors ulsh Case Books

$Prof. E. lythte Stason of the haw i zisiiii ini5,xvorkmnei's coipensa-.
school antilPr'of. Grover C. C ri'ioii ionti(ii e.iuiiissifons, variotis tax lbodies,
of the Law sflhool have recently writ-th h'dea rde omiins ad
otlier itiibunials of a similar' nature.
ten andfl1pu1blished -special fasehbofik I'- (,I.,so Tirade Restraints'i-s tha
for the exchluivIlse115 (f law studlents t-tle fi IProfessor Grismore's work. R~
at the Alichigan law scofhfol. - dueals with decisions iii fases invyl\- 1
Professor Stason's bioofk is fcalled, big thle law of contracts andi restraintj
"Cases Concerning Adinisltrativc- oftrt ',d . Special einphasts is plaWcfdt
Tribunals," and is a collection of ;i- tlpfi decisions wherein the Sherman
(icial decisions regardinig such 1adiniin- ant i-trutiO act and the Clayton Anti-
istrative tribiunals as pultiic titilities ti 1151 net figure.

for all makes of
Rlapid turnover, fresh stock insures
best quality at a moder411ate price.
17 ",Nidiels Arcade. Phone 661,.*



IrT $ h a e ,pe ae C o m e d y I

A ^

anses and Framces made
To Order
Optical Prescriptlions
State St. Jewelers --
_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ - M _ _ _ _ _


Pri'c w,,

Or'clfestz'a,~2- . li(my1 ,1I'inst four rows, 3.30. Seconid four
$2.7% *2ematie. 23. lSi' T'NOW Al' BOX OFIFCE.

r ,


-x -



, f C.:ti _'.Z: .... c.r .. Nin i(a 78 . !C.rMiai: ' - '' :.:,;x 5r.,


e j


ow t Rdce ics


Cornwell Blk. (Temp. Ildts.)

*-fl14flt tfSO1S''I:ai'.:S .Aana - .'A bp2 11 :C.t ' ...
2i30 S'. State Street1

to Europe
Dancing, S'wmming, playing-
Go over with the Younger
Generation in the rollicking
Tit Third... and have more
money to spend abroad .. .
(Rfound Trip)
in Cunard Comfort
Go the economical way with
adventurers of your own
age-p-eople who are deter.
mined that they will see,
and get all the advantages of
havingn seen,Eisuropcbutwho
war.nt to save their money to
spend while traveling there
and who enjoy a trip on the
ocean for its own sake.
Do you realize how very
inexpensively this can be
done on big Cunard ships'
such as the CARONIA, CAR-.
You are berthed in a com-
fortable, clean cabin, you
have goodI food, nicely
served, with ample deck
space and you enjoy the
company of your own kind
of people ... because they
are others like you who feel
tl e adventurous call of trav-
eling "Tourist rfhird Cabin.
You -will dance on moonlit
decks to the rhythm of a
college or'E lie s tra no feet
havo, yetrestd You will
s-Vim t n salt walter in an im-
provisoi dck ,,tank1,You'll
ay thec deligh;'uI deck
gyamens th~at youta h-on-a-lark
devisee. And th'ere'll be
bridge, - - andi conversation;
- -and sometimes lost
sleep! But of course you
have your choice between
mnissing sleep and fun.
C T1'y4A R D



' A s 110 Jo

~--U F 0
~\ A, happy comedy
drana 'of young
love, with Janet
I I i, ,-aynzr, the star of
IN BARD ' 7fci Heaven"
FM -Also-
saW Lgawi
.. ...... . . .... ........


All the old proverbts ,av full of
wisdom that is applicable to savA'g
money as weila oyiu te
affi r . " aet of pithy adsv ce not t p .,ir' your
trust in "get r'c jji' Y :0m~

and instead ad'




slower and surr savings.


a I



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