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February 25, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-25

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T'roiimpson Asks For Entire RemovalI
Of Administration Flood
Curbing Scheme
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 24.-Congress
wound up another of its five-day-
weeks today with flood control claim-
ing the spotlight in both housese3. r t
The' appearance of Sec. Herbert
Hoover, the administration's right-
hand man in flood relief work, before
a Senate committee to talk on thej
control plan, attracted wide attention;1
hiif n .-. ,n I1 aon t l nrnnnrn 1 from

SPRINGFIELD, Ill., Feb. 24 -Il-
linois' gasoline tax of two cents a
gallon under which $700,000 to $1,-
G00,000 a month has been collected
from motorists since August 1, 1927,
was declared unconstitutional today
11"y the state supreme court.
The measure was sponsored by
Gov. Len Small and was passed in
the last regular session of the legis-
lature, only aster it had been on the
brink of defeat repeatedly.
While the law provided only a two
cent tax, in effect the tax became
three cents a gallon since the fuel
companies generally added an extra
cent to defray the cost of collecting
and turning the tax over to the
Mayn fous~truct Vacum 't'a~ ube apab nlei


Complete Report
On Instruction In
A committee headed by President
Clarence Cook Little has completed


Searchers Recover
Bodies Of Twelve
AiN A SESIS@IS OF Dead In Explosion

(By Associated Press)
JENNIE LYND, Ark., Feb. 24.-The


uL a suppemena proposal.a..Ii-I-111 -"A
General Jadwin, chief of army engin- ShfRe w a er Over
Short'Wai-e Leigth
eers, to fix federal outlays at $260,-
000,000, and also to liberalize the local LECTURE IS ILLUSTRATED
contribution feature of the adminis- -
tration control project also had been Power transmitted by ryio over
awaited with interest. very short wave lengths may 'some
Around the edlges of these congres- day be used to run electrical appli-
ances in the home according to Dr.
sional proceedings appeared the fig- Phillips Thomas in a l.ecture last
nre of "Big Bil." Thompson, Chicago's 'iight on "Radio and Power Trans-
much-traveled mayor, who was on mission by Radio" in the West Physics
hand to urge complete removal of the building.
local contribution feature of the ad- "It is impossible to determine the
ministration floo-curbing scheme. extent of the uses to which radio
transmitted power may 'some day be
le talked with House leaders and put if it becomes feasible to use very
planned to whispkr in Senatorial ears short wave lengths in the transmis-
tomorrow. s ion," lie saidl.
11ills Swept Through For some time vacuum tube en-
The Senate itself got in heavy licks gineers have held that it was im-
on small bills on the docket, sweep- possible.
ing a lot of them through as unob- I "At the present time the lowest1
jected before it settled back into the j wave length to which we can go and
Muscle Shoals debate with Senator still get any considerable power is
Norris, of Nebraska, 'still at it in ex- two meters, at which length we can
planation of his government opera- transmit 35 watts. The lower we go
ticn resolution. As usual, senators in wave length, the less power we
from intcrested states were on hand control. Another thing, at very low
to listen and ask questions. wave lengths the induction of the re-
The House voted some $39,750,000 to ceiving set increases, making it more
run voteless Washington, D.C., next responsive to forces outside the power
year. all but $9,000,000 of which will sent out by the sending station.
come out of the pockets of 'taxpayers These are difficulties we have to
here. It has been supposed to be overcome.
talking about that for several days; "The reason why we are dealing in
but in fact almost every other sub- very short wave lengths," Dr. Thomas
;ject of current interest has been explained, "is because focus of the
talked about instead. Today, for in- power transmitting waves will be
stance, Rep. Edith Nourse Rogers, Re- needed if they ever come into prac-
publican, Massachusetts, took occa- tical use. That is, by using short
sicn to drop a salvo on the heads of wave lengths we can send the power
the naval committee for the severe exactly where it is needed, and theft
trimming it gave the navy .building I of it would be impossible to any great
bill. extent."
Each Case heard Dr. Thomas demonstrated his lee-
The hearing on the confirmation of ture throughout by the use of appli-
John J. Esch, renominated to the in- ances which embodied mechanically
terstate commerce commission, was the principle's of electricity involved
wound up by the Senate committee in radio.
sitting on the case. It will vote be- The lecture was given under the
hind closed doors at some future date.- auspices of the Detroit Section of the
A judiciary sub-committee got a lot Institute of Radio engineers cooperat-
more opposition to the Shipstead anti- lig with Ann Arbor members. The
injunction bill with no sign as to next meeting of the society will be in
when it will act. Detroit on March 20 at which time a
The House farm relief committee, 'lecture on "Transatlantic Radio" will
however, decided to wind up itstbear- be given.
ings tomorrow and get down to the I
business of framing a bill to suit it- JRIT9ISHJ FOREIGN

a survey of the teaching of eugenics - bodies of 12 miners, killed when an
in American colleges, it was recently PROGRAMS WILL BE IIELD A' explosion rocked a Mama Coal com-
announced by the American Eugen- SAME TIM IE AS MEETING pany mine here early today, were re-
ics society. The report, which has OF SCHOOLMASTERS covered by searchers. Only one
been in process of preparation frminer, Charles Newman, believed to
aCniderabess o ation fre SHEDULE IS ARRANGEDIhave been in that section of the mine
vals thas traeertwa-s unaccounted for tonight, and it
veals that three quarters of the 493' S.gmua Delta Cli Men Will Be Hosts was not determined whether he was in
colleges investigated offer instruction i To Slate Journitlists For Isual
in human biology that might be Three Day Conventionhe mine at the time of the explosion.
Those who escaped reached the sur-
- classed as genetics or eugenics.
Coinciding with the dates for the face through the mine number two
Sectarian school are bebindl n0- Michigan Schoolmaster's convention, which is connected with the number
sectarian institutions in this regard, the Michigan Interscholastic Press as- three mine.
it has been discovered, and co-edu- sociation will hold its annual cons
Rescue crews still were searching
cational institutions offer more vention in Ann Arbor, April 26, 27, frNwa lhuhteewssm
for Newman although there was some
thneihrme'ic o and 2S, it was announced yesterday by
cPof. John L. Brumm, head of the doubt that lie was in the mine.
men s colleges, though women's col- journalism department, who is faculty The cause of the explosion remainedI
leges lead the male institutions, chairman . of the convention. The a mystery tonight. Claude Speigel,
State universities were found "per- annual meeting is sponsored by Sigma Istate mine inspector, refused to ad-
haps more liberal and less coilser- Delta Chi, professional jou.rnalistic vance any theory as to the cause be-
vative in the treatment of problems fraternity.,fore making an official investigation
Cf human biology." In p~ointing outI It was deemed advisable, Professor tomor~row.
that the state institutions of the Brumm explained, to hold the con- Rescue work was extremely difficult
Vest teach eugenics miore "freely vention a week earlier this year, inas- because of the wreckage and heavy
President Little observed: much as numerous requests have been fumes left by the explosion. The
Along with an impersonal and non- received from members of the School- crews of rescue workers were forced
emotional source of support there master's club, some of whom are to proceed slowly and did not work
may have grown up a more active members of the Press association, the point or origin of the blast until
appreciation of the responsibility of asking that the dates be made coin- late this afternon.
the individual to the state." cident. This will enable both of- --
i anizations to hear the same speak-
The non-sectarian colleges showed Ish
ilthe largest percentage of students n soni einstances, Professor
taking courses in the subject, with To Reite rA 2
80 per cent of these schools offering Regist Rgite Apriw
SRegistration for the convention will I iiiCT
courses, and a total of 6,880 students tk lc nTusaArl2 ih
was enrolled in courses oeugenics takelace on Thursday, April 26, with muP DUCTION PROJC
icuse, an~l a n total of 80 u the first general session scheduled for
while takng adtouss aiof rm - Thursday evening, at which time it is
was takexpected rasbrsrprominent Pollock's "The Enemy" Is Nametid
ly or less directly on the subject. newspaperman address the delegates. As First Consideration
The first regular sessions will get Among Choices
IITI-underway Friday morning, April 27,
I when a general assembly will be held FEW PUBLIC SIIWINGS
DEBAT[ 1 u m I
at 9 o'clock in the Union, followed by
)1ndiscussion groups for the rest of the Ten plays have been selected by
rorning, under group leaders chosen Earl Fleischman, director of Play
fron Sigma Delta Chi. A general Production, as tentative projects forj
session will then open the afternoon, production during the coming semes-
Asserts Chief Prehlibit on Issue followed by discussion groups again ter in the laboratory theater in Uni-
Is Sat?'s Iight 'Io Disoley until 4 o'clock, at which time the versity hall. These will include works1
Part Of Constitution delegates will be conducted on a tour that are both old and new, and will be
--- of the campus by members of the used to ascertain the qualities thati
STATE PO CING NEEDED jurnalistic fraternity 1 each has in acting value an dstage
IPOE Will udge Papers work for various members of the Play
([y Associated Press) The regular business session for Production classes. Any public pres-
NEW YORK, Fgb. 24.-Resuming in the election of officers will be held entations during the coming semester
the March issue of the American Re- on Saturday morning, April 28. Fol- will in all probability be selected
Iew of Reviews his lon-Wing the business session, judging from this group.
with Governor Smith, of New York, 1f various high school papers will First of the works selected is Chan-
William G. McAdoo, former secretary take place, with members of Sigma ning Pollock's gripping successor to -
f of the treasurer, asserts the only and Delta Chi acting as judges. In the "The Fool" entitled "The Enemy."
fundamental prohibition issue is afternoon the delegates are expected This has enjoyed long metropolitan
"Shall a state be permittd to disre- Ito be the guests of the Athletic as- runs. It will be followed by Sidney
gard any ' part of the con'stitutioii sociation at a baseball game at Ferry Howard's drama of overdone mother
rhio it lnt int b i i ~l nr ?"lIc;.n+fn,. 1,r~h- 4~l-

Two hundred twenty students in
the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts have been suspended
from school for periods of from- one
semester to one year for poor schol-
arship during the past semester, ac-
cording to an announcement last
night from the office of the assistant
dean of the college. The cases have
passed through the hands of the
committee, each of the students
given a personal interview, and the
action taken at the discretion of the
Smith Talks On Building Programs;
Says Ann Arbor Should Not
- lExpand Industrially
Delegates to the Brokers and Sub-
dividers conference held here Tlhurs-
day and Friday under the auspices of
the Michigan Real Estate associationl
brought their meetings to a close
The concluding speech of the con-
vention was delivered by Myers Y.
Cooper of Cincinnati on the topic
"The Real Estate Man, a Community
Builder." A series of reports occu-
pied a portion of the morning ses-
I sion.- C. E. Kaye, deputy state bank-
ing commissioner delivered an ad-
dress following the luncheon.
Speaker. at the morning session
were Philip W. Kniskern, president
of the National Reserve corporation,
New York; and Lawrence B. Cum-
mings; vice president of Douglas L.
Ellman and Co., New York. Kniskern
discussed, "Appraising Residential
Property" and Cumming's address
dealt with "Elemrents of Successful
Store Location."
In an address Thursday aternoon
on "Formulating and Executing a
1rogram of City Building," Gc)rge
C. S'mith, director of the industrial
bureau of the Industrial club, St.I
Louis, repeated a former statement
that there are two cities in the
United States which have no right
to expand industrially. "Tfhese cities
are Washington, D. C., and Ann Ar-
bor, Mich.," he said.
"There are other ways in which a
community may grow besides by de-
veloping industries, he continued, and
this community owes it to the great
University and the state not to bring
l into its boundaries institutions which
umight prove nuisances."
Speaking of the present popular
novement among cities for adver-
tising themselves to the country, the
speaker warned that such communi-
ties should first decide what the
community has to offer industry and
whether this industry can be gene-
ficial to the community. All cities,
he believes, cannot develop indus-
The day of the Chamber of Com-
mrerce brass band methods of adver-
tising a city has passed, Smith de-
clared. The Chamber now shouldi
make extensive and jaccurat sur-
veys of the conditions of its city, in-
cluding accessability to raw mater-
ial, transportation facilities, labor
conditions, fuel and power cost and
factors in waste disposal. Other
questions to be considered are
"where are the markets and what
can competing cities offer to the
industry in question?" he stated.
(li Associated Press)

DEAL, Eng., Feb. 24-Serious loss
of life was feared from the sinking
i tonight of the Italian steamer Al-
cantea after a collisiton with the
Russian cadet training ship Tovar-
isch. The collision occurred in a
dense fog which blanketed the Dover
straits of Dungenesse tonight. Two
other steamers were reported stand-
ing by.

Floundering Wolverines, Definitely
Eliminated From Big Ten tAte
Remain As Barrier
By Herbert E. Vedder
Michigan, floundering about in the
center of the Big Ten basketball
scramble with an even .500 record
as a result of four wins and as many
losses, will enter upon the final third
of her 1928 schedule when the er-
ratic but third place Northwestern
ive makes its appearance here to-
night in a return game. The game
will start at 7:30 o'clockt, but the
doors will probably'open beforet7.
At this time two years ago the
Wolverines were in a similar posi-
tion in the standings but a five game
drive netted'them a tie for the 1926
title. Today, however, with Wiscon-
sin heading the list with only one
beating chalked up against seven
wins while three other teams, Pur-
due, Indiana and Northwestern have
only two defeats apiece, the Maize
and Blue can scarcely cherish am-
bitions of repeating.
Instead, the 1928 Wolverines will
assume the role of chief trouble ma-
kers for chamionshiu aspirants --
beginning tonight. In addition to
Northwestern, the Wolverines will
have an opportunity to fire at both
Indiana and Wisconsin before the
season closes March a.
Purple Still In Ratce
As is usually the case, with Mich-
igan-Northwestern games, tonight's
affair means much. To Northwestern
it may mean the paving of a way to
her first Conference basketball title
In many years, for after the Wol-
verine obstacle, Coach Arthur Lon-
borg's quintet will have three tilts
remaining which, on paper, should
not test the Wildcats too ;nech.
The Wolverines, on the other land,
without titular aspirations, would
like to establish themselves as a first
division quintet and show that Pur-
due's two victories were not so much
because of Michigan failures as the
Boilermaker ability. Northwestern
will give the Maize and Blue an op-
portunity to gain retribution in some
small degree for the opening game of
the year, when a beating by the Pur-
ple quintet started them on the down
hill road.
Northwestern Record Peculiar
Northwestern's record is most pe-
culiar, the unreliability of the Evan-
ston five being shown by their le-
feats by Ohio and Illinois, Capt\z
Fisher, "Point Catcher" Walter,
Gleishman, Jonsos, and Marshall
have been the Wildcat combination
all year, and when right, were quite
)mild. They are all big and play the
ball well off the floor. Aiility to fol-
low shotsand success in desperate
dries at the backboard has featured
the play of the Wildcats this year.
1During the past week, Coach Geo.
Veenker his been trying to figure out
a starting lineup for tonight's game,
but even late yesterday he was still,
puzzled as to who would get the
The forward pair of Bennie Ooster-
baan and Bill Orwig will remain in-
tact with Bob Chapman jumping cen-
ter, but on account of the rather
atrocious defense shown at Lafayette
the guard assignments are not cer-
Harrigan May Not Start
Indications point to McCoy's re-
nmairning in the lineup, but it is ex-
pected that Captain Harrigan will be
given a rest. As to the man who will
fill in at running guard, Veenker has
'decided that "the man with the most
fire in his eye" would get the choice,
The probable starting lineups:
Fisher (c).......F......Oosterbaam
' Gleiehman. .........Orwig
Walter ....... ....C.... ... Chapman
I lousos....... '..C......... McCoy
(Ly Associated Press)

CHICAGO, Feb. 24.--The Western
Conference wrestling meet was award-
ed today to Indiana university at
Bloomington on the date of March 23-
24. Olympic tryouts will follow
the Big Ten competition.
Iowa 41; Illinois 27.




W IcII t eIec s ntOL tuo Uuy
"Police enforcement is the principal
and normal function of the (state gov-
Sernmments," Mr. McAdoo says. "De-
prived of the effective cooperation of
'the police organization of the state,
the amendmnent becmes a nullity.
That is what happened to Now York
and Maryland. Although each of
these states ratified the amendment
and helped to put it in the constitu-
tion, they refuse cooperation; thly' re-
fuse obedience."
The former secretary's latest pro-
nouncenment is in the nature of a re-j
buttal to Governor Smith who had as-
serted that the Volstead act was a


Although the main speakers for
the convention have not yet been
definitely secured, tentative plans are

un erway andi it is expected that the
will soon be announced.
Zon Calls Forests
Ineffective Means
Of Flood. Control
4 - _
Forests can do little goad in coin-
trolling floods, Dr. Raphael Zon, di-
rector of the Lake States Forest ex-

sol'. POLICY DEIINED part of tie laws of New York and thus perimcnt statice at i't. Paul, MAlinn.,i
--~'~binding on state functionaries. aid in a Shpeech iast night before mem-
NEE MUICINSBY MBASATh e govcm'nor quoted art ucl six. cci' of time Forestry chli). Dr. Zomi is
TR UT FOR+!section two of the constitution which one of the foremost authorities on
TO TRY yi c Prss) reads as follows: "The consttituion iloo'd (ntrol, having been summonedt
BAND POSITIONS CINCINNATI, Feb. 24.-The first ob- of the laws of the United States which to Washington recently to testify be-
,ect of Great Britain's foreign policy shall be made in pursuance therenf, fore a Congressional committee in-
and nmsiciais will 1)0givemmaj is to seepace and whenever nees- shall be the supreme law o0 the land; Vestigting flood control.
hand s to ti out fo the Vasity and sary hell to enforce it, Sir Esme and the judges in every state shall ) e Dr. Zon told of the plan formulated
thtinvestiyatincommittee to ii-
reserve bands at 1:30 o'clock this ad- Howard, British ambassadorto the mound thereby, anything in the ('onsti- i by the investigtt
tseroon at the Band all om State- w United States, said in assaddress to- tution or in the laws of any state to troduce a bill in Congress to have a-
street. Sare drum players, bass Unight before te Foreign Policy as- the contrary notwithstanding." I;comm'iission composed of army engin-
(lrum playesr, awl cyibahl players I sociatio of Cincinnmati.g "If that does not mean that the Vol- eers, mineralogical specialists, soil ex-i
are especially anked to re t as tre Predictig that the )olitlcal develop- stead law is a part of the laws of perts, and foresters appointed by the
is now a dearth of good men to fill met of the next century would be "in ! New York state," Mr. McAdoo quotedl !iresident to study control of stream
these positions. a great measure transferred from the Governor Smith as saying, "then I ;conditions. This commission would
The Vrsityband ii- Atlantic, which is the European and would like for some one to tell mei develop a plan for flood control asj
letely reorganized to form a concert I American ocean, to the Pacific which what it does mean." part of their work. They would con-
1organizn the rma concet is American and Asiatic" Sir Esme Mr. McAdoo, in his Review of Re- sider not only controlling the streans,
ani otr affairs. If a sifficiently pointed out that British interests in views article, 'says this provision has Dr. Zen said, but also building reser-
ar uher ofrs. mcI wo a ren ablthe Pacific as represented by Austral- been construed by the supreme court voirs and improving farm lands to
to fill tme places oi tme Varsity ad !ia, New Zealand and India, would be to mean that whenever there is a con- prevent erosion.
appear, te oa niationth islly ban0 ~ vitally affected by any efforts to de- I flict between the state laws and the Levees built along the Mississippi
larged to about 65 or evenm70 ieces,- stray . the peace of that part of thei constitution the federal law is su- banks were among the chief causes of'
accrng to obrt A. Camen7 fcs, world I prenme. the recent floods, Dr. Zon declared.
ulty nmanager' of time band. Enmphasis ITime cotuntr'ies of Europe throughm17
is now being laid upon tIm aster Lea atns a tie ocar BROWN EXPECTS UNUSUALLY LARGE N
conertwhic ll beugn hbya no treaty are "gradually working to- ANNUAL NEW YORK TIMES CURRENI
therwiward a sense of security," he said, but
Gleeclu an th Vasit bad, the hope for peace inmtime Pacific de-
shortly before spring vacation begins. hi "The New York Timcs e Intercol- iin the students of the universities, the
fponds largely on thme proper function-
d wll ive a ng of te four-power treaty signed at legiate Current Events contest ought - habit of reading the daily press. It
concert of ts own this spring and as I t the Washigton trns conference in to attract many more entrants this was with this object in view that the
many from this organization will fill 1921myear than formerly," stated Prof. Ev- New Yok Times instituted its current
the depleted ranks "of the Varsity British trade and British influencec erett S. Brown, of the political sci- events coitest three years ago.
hand next fall, mnmd are now being emand that the first interests of the I ence department, c1iairmian of the lo- The contest this year will be held
called to fill places on this depart- British foreign policy be the mmaintenm- cal committee for the contest, in an on the afternoon of April 20, and the
ment. This band has the same di- ance of peace in the world, he de- interview yesterday. period of events to be covered date
rector as does the major band, and in clared, "so obiquitous are British "The presidential campaign in it- from May 1, 1927, until the day of the
addition, is open to freshmen. trade and finance that whatever may self should act as a great stimulus to contest. Any resident undergraduate
Nicholas Falcone, director of the i be the outcome of any war, we are newspaper reading," he continued. of the University who has not com-
band, issues a special invitation for bound to be the losers." -."Then, too, Colonel Lindbergh's flights pleted four years of college work
those men who reported a few weeks (-lhave filled the newspapers for weeks since graduation from his preparatory
! .. .-..,.., .a -4--. r rrt a im with otnrvieg t Si1 tin o uii1 (41w 1it s PLibl10 1U4 l' tec

love, Tice siver Cord," whichtct was'
selected as one of the best ten llays
of last year by Burns Mantle. It was,
produced originally with Laura Hope
Crewes. Owen Davis' "Icebound,"
originally announced for production
by Mimes but later postponed, will
follow after tie iloward play, after
which will come in order "The Ro-
niantic Age" and "Why Not?"
The fifth and sixth bills to be pre-
sented will offer a varied fare, includ-
iig A. A. Milne's fantastic "Mus. Piro
SPasses By" amd Fredemick Losdale's
siart Egis hfarce "Aren't We All?"
whick was receitly given here by tie I
1Rockfor~d Players. ".Alicea Sit-Bay-Thme-
Fire" and "The Swan," the latter by I
j Feren Molnar. hIunga ean author-
actor' whmo is at present iiitiis conm-
try will follow in turn.
STime final two bills for thliabor'atory
theate' will be "Wappin''Wharf,"
which is beiin Considered for pulaiic
1 performah'e, and George Bernard
Shaw's "Candida."
This method was first introducedI
into the Play Productions department
last semester' by Fleischman, and1
i private performances with an audi- j
l ence present by invitation only wit-
nessed the plays then. This plan will
he followed again, it has been an-
nounced. Practically all the students
I enlisted in the various coures under
Fleischman and the assistants will
take some part in the work, in eitherM
an acting or technical capacity. The
inumbers of students taking the
courses have increased greatly since
I their inception.


which awarded onei h)ize to the local
SlThe second examination which was
t formerly given to the winners of the
various local prizes has been dis-
pensed with this year. One examina-
tion is al ethat will be given, and the
Swinnimg ape from each of the 20
1compening colleges will be sent to the
I central committee where the grand
I prize of $500 will be awarded to the
one writing the best examination.
Any students interested in the con-

I 1YIE 1Inu ur ril a of vitu'lo


Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis, director of
Simpson Memorial Institute, will
leave next week for New Orleans. He
is to deliver a paper on "The Effect
of Liver Extract in Pernicious
Anaemia" before a meeting of the -
American College of Physicians held
in that city from March 5 to 10.

I ts ~ 0Q'1tlct nrTOasked to ge Prfl,.~c .,,,;-,,

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