i', FEBRUARY 2 ,1, 1928 THE MICIHIGAN DAT.1-Y ..6 ll FIIBIUI RY I24,I1928 iTHE, MICHIGAN11DAIiY LuI ~R ela Squad To FRun MICHIGAN 'B',CAGE TEAM DEFEATS ALBION 3 3-19 gairist State Team After eing held t a one porn leadvaino hefedhuebaoninteirtalheicgn"F"sed4-3on. QflIITUAIA~fl ('Contnued fom Pag Six) Gagers broke loose in the second Per- ------ q~untiue~ frm Pge ix)~meher oftheVaritysqud tmor ~ squadl Tuesday night in Kresge !ton A.A. runner, plan1s to ref ire toa (Coninud fom Pge ix) imemersof he Vrsiy suad omo-J farm immediatey -z" the flymphic their wav to jin,~ the °7rae at St row afternoon. A similar series of gymnasium at Albion. games this year.'r fi t gather es 411 G11 XY Q"}' LV JV111" 413G lJ1 GLY G.') GL4 AJ tv Petersburg. The_ St. Louis Browns aAd the Philadelphia Phillies are also -speeding southward to their camps at 'est Palm beach and Winter Haven respectively. The -Cincinnati Reds are due at their camp in Orlando tomorrow, prac- tice beginning almost immediately on arrival. Peter Jablonowskf, former Michigan pitching star, will be among the Red hurlers 'who will trot out on the Orlando 'field for the first prac- tice. Manager Joe McCarthy's Chicago Cubs, doped to bie 'a serious contend-, er for the National league pennant this season, have been drilling for a few days on Catalina Island. The White Sox, Chicago''s entry in the American league, are packing baggage today prior 'to their departure for Shreveport, La., tomorrow morning. triawls was held last week, and while; Fast play by the Albion quintet the majority of the performances Ih^ Id ichigan ta a 12-11 leadl before the rest periodl. However, the pace were fairly goodl, one or two -proved told on the Methodists, n Coacl~ remarkably so.; Kipke's men scoredI almost at will in IR One 1Wile Relay ' Feature the closing stages of the game. This was Michigan's second victory of the I S one in colored Thetralswil b fatuedby ,season over the Albion hoopsters, the 0 . D. M O repetition of the event which proved 'D' loam having repelled Albion's in-j 17 Ni ckels Arcade. the high light of last Saturday's pro -_________________________ gram, the one mile relay. Last week)I_____________ the winning team composed of Manur- ~11~f~IIItIIIt~III ger, Freese, Hlarbaugh, and Dialton Seymour covered the distance in 3:29I Shawr Grocery Co. S E just one second slower than the field1 house record. I Staple and F ny _Io -o Tomorrow will see the same quar- 2F ncyironixo tet pitted against another team coin-GR C IE Lamps posed1 of Barton, Howe, Dale Sey- Parchmen mour, and Jones. It dloes not seen =- at all unlikely that the existing field house mark may be .lbettered.Qu lt M as I = Ernst 1= Phones 37 12-3940R 70-711Pakad t.ELECTR] 7099711 ackrd S. =210 South F -- - -- _ __ ; j h PORTABL~E TYPE WRITE'IRS oromi, Underwood. Remingt on, "Royal. e have aill nm~kes. RRLL I'lonle (6 at reduced prices Imported Shrewsbury leather -black or tan-an oiled stock $'795 I Bridge sWith nt Shade. 98 11 f I 11 UGHLR&COM PAHY fjor filer i Ance &4 8' bros [C SHOP Fourthi Ave. I Iq I Subscribe for the Weekly '~ w h 'Not a hat just for to- dlay and'c tomorrow hut a hat you may wear, ,(ore in the kno wledge th at its style Will last thoh ou t tits 'loop; life. Eight to Fo riy Dollars STETSON HAT'S C& If'lfirse~/;?/1m9 -'i 'en e ____ r i Yf/C l , --, 1' i lt~ : f.. {i}J I i L. I 7 ' i i i I j I i I, i i li xBA ON STATE STREET BE WIL.D '.J 'r .~i.J ,. lfea ' .i.'c " r PACT SEVEN CLASSIFIE 1C Advertising NOTICE UNIVERSITY BEAUTY StIOP Marcel 50c, Shampoo 50, !Maninr° S50c, Facial 75c, Finger Wave 75c. Permanent waving a specialty. 1111 S. University. Dial 2132, over Stu- (lent Supply Store. 1los, 110 SPECIAL-H. W. Clark, Custom Shoe Maker. Corner Forest and Soth I. Bring your shoes to be repaired where shoes are made, and save 15% by walking a block. Only one store. Corner Forest and South U. C NOTICE-Good food and good service, onei block from campus-that's whly you save. Barney's Restaurant, 516 E. Williams. C. SPECIAL-H. W. Clark, Custom Shoe Maker. Ladies riding boots, hand tailored to your measure, $9 for a few days, any color. Men's, $12. Only one store. Corner Forest and South U. Next door to Harry's Restaurant. Good Eats. C TYPE WRITER SERVICE TYPEWRITERS-All makes, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, re- paired. Our machines and work guaranteed to give best satisfaction. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. C TYPEWRITING and Mimeographing promptly and neatly stone by ex- perienced operators at moderate rates. "College work a specialty for nearly twenty years. 0. D. Morrill. Arcade. C TYPEWRITER RIBBONS-Our rapid turnover insures a fresh stock. You secure the best quality at a moder- ate price. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. TYPING-Theses a specialty Rea- sonable rates. M. V. -Hartsuff. Dial 9387. ('-77-180 FOR SAL , FOR SALE-Slightly used Remington portable typewriter. For barbain call '5548 or 527 Thompson after 6 o'clock, 108, 109, 110 FOR RENT "OMPLETELY furnished apartment for three girls; also large beautiful room for two girls, and a garage. Dial 8544 or 9714. 422 East Wash1- Iington. 107, 1.08, 109 FOR RENT-Very pleasant single room, warm and well ligied. Dial 194. 939 Greenwood. 106, 107, 108 WANTED WANTED-Students to know that our home laundry methods give your clothes personal attention. Moe Laundry, 204 N. Main. Dial 3916. C WANTE1-A or 5 student boarders for 2 mels a day. Private home. Phone 7086. 106, 107, 108 'WANTED--Ujpper class or graduate girls to eat with small group, one- half block from campus. Cll 8071. 106, 107, 108 WANTED-Single lady 'for steady work in office, half (ays. Must be 'neat, accurate andl a good typist. One living in Ann Arbor preferred. Apply in own handwriting. Box 31, Michigan Daily. 1 06, 107, 108 STUDENT linen of any kind to take home. Calledl for and delivered. Phone 2-1530. 10, 109, 110 U. dBlk Coor Comb. Be. T d, ak o. 9. a. o. II ', A New Shoe for Spring 1928 . e s ,: i, '' ': 3~ e~j~ 1' -.,-,.....---- - - - -- ... - - ^..+- awa'.-.9 -------- -- -- wwrwwwir:w.wWWwriirl-W irtW i. W Y.W YWWYWWYYYYYY Yfj,_'ZJ{ II Awing tip shoe built -on .an English last o-f ]Tmnported Calf. A Remarkable Shoe at 1 00 Y h l ' i r .u . Yk, . F e. 'vc ...A: Yr s i 'ut } . 0 for topcoats JUST REC>EIVED A large shipmeirt of Ties. These Tites are neat figures and stripes but dioffer- ent as all VWild Ties are. F28 "Barrel L '8% lighter than rubber "Sure-fire" every time you call on it to write--that's why the Parker Duofold-already a 2 to 1 favorite among students--is con- stantly increasing its lead. *fany Duofold Pen should ever fail to perform to perfection, send it to Parker with 14c for re- turn postage and insurance and we'll make it good free. Mandarin Yellow with smart black tips is the latest effect that this style starter introduces. Duo-j fold in Black-tipped Lacquer-red, Jade, Lapis Lazuli Blue, or Flash- inig'Black and Gold-is the same pen in a different dress. Give your eyes a feast -give your hand a treat, at the nearest Parker Duofold pen counter. THE PARKER PEN COMPANY JANESVILLE, WIS. Tweeds designed' by LA NC, -K and assembled 'in- Huc7 _.^fxd, England, insure the ultimate in designs for Spripg. a',,,. ~ - - - ,..a 'I 1 1 5111