'RIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 192S THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TIIREI .. .. ............ PENNSYLVANIA PARTY1 CH'IEFS DONOT AGREE Pol1itical Obserers Say 'That Sirupggle is For Control Of State~ FIGHT FOR SENATE SEAT (Byt Associatedu Pr""') PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 23.-Leaders in nearly every Republican camp in Pennsylvania were sounding a call to arms todlay, for the Mellon and Vare leaderships of the Republdican organi- zation of the state apparently have coi Fe to the parting of the ways. he fight, should it home, would be for a seat in the United States Senate, hut political observers profess to see in the latest developments a battle also, for control of the Repubflican party in Pennsylvania. Mayor Harry A. Mackey's dleclar- ation, uttered after a conference with Senator-Elect William S. Vare, that the Philadelphia organization could not be held responsible for the out- come here if Congressman John M. Morin is a candidate for senator against Senator David A. Reed, was accepted as a challenge to battle by WV. L. Mellon, chairman of the state° Republican committee, and Governor Fisher. W. L. Mellon is a nephew of Andrew W. Mellon, secretary of the treasury. Mellon-Reed-Fisher forces s a i d there would be no backdown in Pitts- b~urgh, where ward leaders, in the thirty-fourth congressional (district have indorsed the candidacy of Ald. P. J. Sullivan for the House seat of, Mr. Morlin, who was western cam- paign manager for Senator-Elect: Vare (luring the 1926 primary. Vare was reported to have demanded the with-' drawal of Sullivan, thus eliminating' Morin from the senate field. Adherents of Mellon feel their posi- tion has been strengthened by the an- nouncement of former Governor Pin- shot that he will not enter the sena- torial fight.f The University of Minnesota, has aj second annual student faculty meet- ing to discuss "What is wrong with the University faculty, and what1 should be the official relation?" Engineers Combine NOTED ATTORNEY Ma Replace Shave DIE INDETOI 'TOLSTOY LEAGUE GOO)DRICH RESEARCH, DIRECTOR DIASCUSS LYNCHIN TELLS OF RUBBER PRO DUCTIO _ Janea lf. Pound, '731,,.for Many1 yeaais a ptlroienit JDetroit attorne1 y' and offi cial1, died Wednesdlay at hiis home in I )t'roil, at thie age of 75. De)athI was dlue to heart failure. Miv Poundl was active inl the publ ic lifi of his native cityv, having, served as plresident of1thewWatecr hoard and the he althI board. Ilie at, one tiime was 'counol ( for tilie k!!,11 IresidenutrTheo- I (olmeRoosevelt in a liibel xliii of the latter's. Mr. Pound is survived by- ]his widlow andl a married daughter. Th'le funeral services are to be Meldl this afternoon at the residlence, with interment in 'Iniwood cemetery.E ADELPHISP ONSORS FRESHMAN DEBATIE Adelphi House of Representativesl went on racord last Tuesday night as disapproving of companionate mar- riage as sponsored by Judge Ben Lindsey, Representatives Smith and Schroeder, both '31, composed the victorious negative team, while Ball and Levy, also '31, argued for the af- firmative. This debate was turned over to the freshmen in preparation for the an- nual freshman contest between Adel- phi and Alpha Nit, the prize for which1 is a silver cup. Both societies have won the cup for two years, andi so the winner of this year's debate will! be awarded permanent ownership of the trophy. "'Lynching andl Civilizat ion'" Wa the topic taken. ;dr Oakley C. Joh)- son1 o0 thie rhet orie depart ment illa Tolstoy league lecture (deliveredl yes-' ter'day afternoon in Ang-,ell hull. r In the course of his talk, .Johinson ' p)ointed( out four phases of the lynch-t ing problem.,(declared that iynchlin~r. while not totalily a iiAmeran in- slit ution, had grownl il) for the most part in this country.r Hie indica'tedl it. also as a boad in-t st itut ion, cut irely incompatible with1 cixNIM7,a tion, hand .hen went onl toc dlemonstrate that probably no solu-t Ilion will be a ccomplishedl immnediatec-t ly and that in all probability class t antagonisms will in timae come to overshad ow the present ia ce ant ag-r onisms so prevalent in. the south. t As a possible iaemedy for the whole- situation, Johnson contendled that the only solution which could be effected would be an extensive discussion of" the entire subject for a period of at least a year. But even this system hle feels will not be settled. Instead the problem can only lie met by a continual fighting back on the part of the negro race with the aid of the small group of white men who are interested in the negro cause. HANOVER, N. H.-Three hundred thousand dollars has been given to) Dartmouth college by Frank Carpen- ter, of Manchester, N. H., for th~e erection of a new fine arts building: on the campus. r1lih atliriug, exportation!, arnd 1a iiiCl't rok1 -iubber wer'e (ilecr1i1E~d ini a Leet tirex"-t rda r inl Natural Sci- (lice atd it orium r yJa nies NV. Schadle, resear ch i ireel or of the11. IF. Cood- rich companyillVof Akron. Ohlio. The lec- ture N ias 11111: