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February 24, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-24

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CONSTITUTION MEETS Feurrpmen we e chosen from the BATTL.E OVER PO'NER
pr eliminar y ti als in the extempor-
aneous speaking contest this after- iii~I
APPROVALOF HAYDEN . noon...... ..to compete in te fnalmeet, TO PUISH r STEWYART
whih ill be held Tuesday, Feb 28,
DEAN BATES OPF LAW SCIIiOOL . These four men are Nathan Levy, OL O~TE E EIS I
OF DIRtECTORAT'E+s Drake, Spec. Ed., and Martin Mol TO 10 BLACENER
f 4 °'30. The judges of the contest were
Cosnsolidation OP Boards Is Meant To Frank T. Zinn, '29L, and Robert F. IIIll Denies Tatl l)eioratic rational
Ellininate Diffnsion Of Power ~: Schwarz, '29L. , rgauizate i (ot Jlioiey rTo
In Union Adniiiiitrtioii The subject for the preliminary Pa Caipagn Deficit
:... trials was ,"Resolved, that the recntI
Unqualified approval was voiced by developments in inter-collegiate athr-(O s~eacPrs)
two embes o thefaclty f te , . tletics will more adequately represent I WShINGTON, Feb. 23.-While its
twomebes f hefauly f hestudents interests and the aims of Teapot Dome committee was getting
University in regard to the proposed.copttespr.AcodntoLlofathrbg ach f
comptitve por." Acoringto yletrack todayofathrbgach f
aniedment to the Union constitu- E. Eiseman, '30L, the suject for Continental Trading company bonds,
tion when interviewed yesterdlay. the 'fnal contest 'to beheld11(1nxt heSntwoisfitskrshn
Dean Henry M. Bates, of the Law, Tuesday will not be announced until teSnt o t is krihi
l' ~5 o'clock on that day. The four str the court over its authority to punish
school, thoroughly favored the new densts who will participate in this 'Robert W. Stewart, oil magate, for
plan of organization, anti Prof. Jos- Alai;jrr F. M or match will then have three hour:; ( refusal fo answer the committees
eph RI. Hayden, of the political lI Abram F Myer,, teder'l trade com- in which to organize a en Minuteqeo rgaigthscute.
science department andl a member of ii missioner, declared Senator William speech. Te(onnte tahaigetb
El oao Iao a viliosyThe final contest will be held inTh omteataerigsa-
thecom'itee hatstuiedthead-unfair" to him, after Borah had the Alpha Nu room and the public is l hdta 1 . icmr isn
ministration of the Union two years ivtdt ted codn o sr-iWitniess in the Fall-Sinclair criminalt
ago, commentedl on the plan which charged the commissioner purposely invtdt ted ccrigt lsr conspiracy case, got $750,000 of the
is an outgrowth of this Ivnestigation.I had misled the Senate judiciary cor- man. The judges for this last con-; $3.000100 profits made by the Contin-
The menmentnroidesforthemittee concerning a bread trust de- test will be students from the Law etaTrdn copyaCain
conslidtio otthe dmimhiratv ision made in the U., S. District court school and members of the faculty 10Wetninheur
functions of the Union under the a atmr.o peh chase and resale of American oil. The
power of one board of directors, in- information was supplied by Karl H
stead of the resent organization of 5iIel L LR IUW fleriii~ of Dever, attorney for
two boards which dividle'these ad- O ATEi IL EARINGShl O N W TOLUIOMP Yi WIL Black cmr, who for months has been
m~inistrative functions. an e txile in Europe.
Diffu sion of P(Pwer Scored AA[ no i-rn r ri iir ffA~ Later fn the day, Rep. Corell Hul,
"The ~report of the committee two I AU IPU~T B GI PR SETI VA E D A : Tent sse,rapeae hdbeforethdII
years ago Profes sot' Hatyden saidI
"stated that the chief fault of the 1---iai-n ht h eocai a
Ulnlon was the diffusion of power '(440t)11119 1s ('OJ1tIIitee (Ciaii'nan ; "Outiard Bound," Vi~i z e i str- itiona1 cnmmittee of which leformerly
betwen theBoar of Drectos an Vine Wagnr. al Wheler Ae I o Th~i( 1Ifl'{waspp&Iraee Ora ( ihir hadirhdceivedvesomeotwoo
bewe ,h)oado Drcor n PnWanr t!i Continental bonds to pay off its
the Board of Governors, which exist 1 Ohers .1aing Inquiry Mrs)Iausield he' i
under the -present administration. jdtei-euligfrmte-90-~ei
The latter, which controls adminis- R IW 1 Dt AA ?IT T r p D1~Tdetial canpaigui. However, Oliver,
tration of finances, had only one i"MINRS AREHEARD I ' AR U 1O YY IL~L4 D~IRECT I P. Newmian, "former assistant director
studenit among its seven members. (By Associated Press) The final appearance of Mrs. Rich- 'f.inllaner theommtee.ace
"This," he continued, "might a- ! PITTSBURGH, Feb. 23-Tile United ard Mansfield with the Rockford l u'i efse 11'rllsasetin
count for the piiu lack of interestMieWrcsofA rcawegvn Players will be made next week with In the District of Columbia su-
in the organization displayed by the tepeetto fteSto uemrecut utc alyrfsdt
students of the University. Since the the first chance to present their side tepeetto fti utnVn ~cn orJsieBie 'fsdt
litle nfuene o te wgedisuteofnealy yar' my s t e r y melodrama, "Outw ard mak" permanent the writ of habeas
students have veryliteiflece omth aedsiteonaryaer' Bound," at the WNhitney theater, 1)e-j corpus uder which Stewart, who is
diuo to this diffusion of power, it was ' duration bletween miners and bitnm-j gintning Sunday night. This will fol-j chairman of the board of the Stand-
a major Irecommeadation o the re- inous orirators in this field whenI low the final three performances to- ad oil company, of Indiana, temipor- i
port that thre two boards be consoll- the sub-cominttee of the Senate in day and toorrow of Booth Tarking- ily gainedl his freedom from the
dated into one, giving the students terstate commerce committee today tns"lrne"M'.Mnfedwl eaeatri a ree i r
greater rower and responsibility in opened their inspection of conditions undertake the role in "Outward r est for contempt.
the administration of thie organiza- 'in mining camps. i 3ud"o h laxoa, Ms Seatscuslqikyntda
Lion. The amendment, if passed, will The aomnmittcee; cosistItug Of Sei- Midget. appleal, anti e was continued at li-I
effect this consoidation and bringj ators Gooding, Tdahio, chairmai; Pine' There will e no performanes byr II ety uinder a 5,000 bond. He has 20
m'ore power into the hands of the Oklahoma; Wagner, New York; and the ock'fordl Paers on Mo d,(ays in which t., correct his a.peal
students. It should, as the result of Wheeler, Montana, arrived in Pitts- Feb 27, due to the appearance offI and another 20 days to get the records
this increase of power, stimulate I burgh early this- morning from Mrs. Fiske in "The Merry Wives of Of the case before the District of
greater interest and place the Union )Washington andl went into action in> IV~nso. "Outbound IBound" was Coumbia court of appeals, after a
on a sounder basis. . mediately. One of their first acts or iginally produced at the. famous+ decision in that court, he or the gov-
Colsider(MI Adtlssion of Women ( was to deny the request of J. D. A. Eveiymani theater in London, and 'ement, whichever is the loser, may
"The lack Of student interest t the Morrow, president of the Pittsburgh was quickly tansferred to New YorkI appeal to the United States suprme
tieof the recommendations of this, Coal company, and 1Horace F. Bake:, where it soon duplicated iospets extrhaa-tma
committee was so appalling," Pro- president of the Pittsburgh WTermainal oriayEgihscesake ia year or more to get a final
fessor Hayden said, "that it was felt Coal corporation, the field's two larg- The New York cast included Ai- court ruling.
to be propitious to admit women into est onlerating concerns, when the of- rdLmtLsieiwmd In dismissing the Stewart writ,
the organization and eliminate the1 ficials asked that the officials of the IJ ,ustice Bailey upheld the authority o
necessityof the e'ection o a sepa-f Mine Irigan and IMargola Gilimor. The th eaet retawt~swome
ne'sty Woft'en' eageuidng." Isea- nited MneWotkers be prohibited I first three are now starred in their ;ieSnt to awrestwionssbefore-on
rae oensLege u~dn rom., entering upon their property, own separate poeiti.Spot of it oitiiteqestindsthefoleaiyof
Dean Bates commented on the add- which is worked on a non-union a- imgpr. rasoedathe. ShioteyIteistmiatiosndt the Contlinental
0(1 efs. Maciencyat thin the directionv stig tio ofo theCotsista
edefcec i h ietono h i.will be Robert H~enderson, Charles I i'aigcmayso~rto hc
Union functions which would be !Chairman Gooding in a statement WarburtonoandnKateopolaand-saton.ch
gained by the amendment. "The pro-I issued following a conference with "Outward( Boundo" was regarded by hasirt cno te e a fshootofTeaipot
posed anm ndmet to the Union con- the operators, said the "Comimitee New York critic, as one o the most Iqiy it h esn fTao
stitution sho01 d receive the favorable could not agree to this" because it . Dom,, by Albert B. Fall to Harry F.
sIpr falUinmmes h etafl nur ol o emd unique plays of recent seasons. The Sinclair.
suportof llUnin mmbrs.Thet elta fll nqirycoud ot e mdestory centers about anl amusitg cor- i onuiitte Hears Shclmuiler
conibinatiomn of the Boa'ds ott Gov- j without having representatives of the payoIhpmts ytfedb )mii i ~o Eh
ernors and Directors into one Board ; lUnion along with them.s vaguely oppressive feeling of unreal- Sentappmitewhialscele
of Directors will facilitate simpler ''To keep them away would tend Iity and uncertainty, who suddenlyS fort it the representatives of a number
and more expedient. ado-.Inistration of to (Icieat, tihepit, p)ose of the investi dsoert- te r all dead]. Their of biku houses in an effort to
l~rion ffais, at~on,"(ludingSai. !ship,, nnanne(1 and withoutlihts, ler up the mystery surrouding the
"An. increased efficiency in the or-( When the Coniittee set. opt for a is gliding noiselessly across the river C)ntineental bonds, 'Schyler saidI
ganiztit ion can be gained only tour of minling villages, P'hilip) Mur- Styx bound for both heaven and hell, Blackmer had instruct e him by caleI
through ani affirmation of this amend- I ray, international vice president of which are concluded to 1)e the sane ! veral days ago to disclose his share
ment, and I strongly urge such a! the Union; was with them, and the place.I in the corporation's profits.
step," Dean Bates concluded.I announcemuent was made that the op- The drama as being directed by Blaclomner, who formerly was chair-
AMOUSrators would b1) given anopportuni- I Charles Warburton, who has pon- 111a o the oard of the :Midwest Re-
; M(ILLS ACTOR ty to present their sid~e before the 0(d the* melodrama three timCs 1)- (fining company atd rpiuted1 to be0 one
PLAY HER senators oi)l1 Sat urday night.I fore. One of the outstaniding novel- 1o h moving spirits in the or itliz(-
y~frI, L P AY LA i E k l The committeemen visited barracksj ties of the production will be tfle ion of thea Continental company, told
-~~ I which h1oused families of union mem- Commission of the much-criticized lst (i in what. 11. mad- Schylr testify, in
"Tueli Merry Wives of Windsor," le. evicted from comnpany houses scene of the third act. rfi1 " il i July, 1 92.i
time-honored comedy revival, which andl also wet through mines of the D r.Mde ilmr r.:un- leclaring that Blackmr hain( i-

has been scheduled for presentation }itt surglmz Coal and Pittsburgh Tre.- field's four'th role with the conipamv formned him "unequivocally'' that lie
at the Whit ney theater by Manager I lnal Coal companies andl question- thiis seasotn. This play will 1)0 fol-, had no knowledge that any Contitn-
]')oi McIntyre next Monday night, will Ie0( non-union miners. lowedl by "The Patsey," starringj ental funds had been used to infinu-
brirng hack to Ann Arbor two) of the Sanitary conditions came in for a IFrances Dade, and the followiil ence the Teapot Lomre lease for any
most famuous living American stge fig- j goodly share of attention as did the I lvtl1ur'pose, Slulrsi:"
I cO~~iiOITU(' I week by l+sie Ilertidon Kearns niul wu clulr ad "
tires, Mrs. Minnie Mazdtlern FIiiske andl the general eoomcsituatlion in the " "a Gmhlei'''believed hint then, and I have had mio
OtsSinr h w rit aeIcanmp and at the mines,._____________ cause t.o change~ my mind since."
joinedl forces f)r thme season in timej The wife of a non-union worker, _Thpe commlittee was told by Schyler
raecoyad a r no-w touting thLwhovuinwas encountered was asked as!I Ithw the bonds! 1Blackniver received
counmmtry.r to her husband's play. She said lie '''G LE T 'OF' f'lteCotnna cmaywr
Th'1e management hias also an-1 earned from $30 to $40 every two ! ;in a safety (deposit box at the Equit-
nounced the engageenmt of Henrietta ' weeks and that a. great portion of Anothem' call has beemn issuedl able Trust company in New York, and
Cmrosnati who will play the part of tfswssetahecmaysoe oin second semester tr eshnie1.1 j ' i te reason given by Blacknmer for his
Mistress Ford. Miss Crossman re- A miliner complaimned that bootleggers orspomrswh eir o itunwillingness to appear as a witness
cent'ly appeared in thits capacity with infested som of thme camps amnd that try out for the buisitness staff ! j ill the Teapot Dome civil trial at
the EnglishI actor, Sir Beerbohm Tree. th o'eswc o ienfl Io% the Glargoyle. Anyone wish- I jCe vene in 1025 was that lie feared
'Mrs. Fiske will undertake tile role of dit fomr their wor'k. jI ing to try out should repowrt the ovem ument wouldI go imnto his
istress Page,, while _Mr. Skinmner will At thme first imie where the inves- to the Gargoyle business office l(p ';ate affairs.
interpret the hart of Falstaff. The I tigators s>toppedl, at Coverdale. tlmem'e in the Press* building any after- j In addoition to I liec cur't action af.-j
latter is 68 years old, and is celebrat- nvm i inna'tl no a'-Iioon between 1 and 5 o'clock. l fecting St-wart, and the testimony of-
ing his 50,111 yeair omn the stage. rcs<Toethtsrkewt< j No expemience is necessary. ; ercd before tile Senate comnmittee,
Mrs. Fiske last appeared in Ann I srkefrfr ~dol"I ______________________I there was ainother developmenmt here1
Arbor last year in Ibsen',s "Ghosts," < during the day in a phase of the Tea-
while Mr. Skinner also performed at 1 A G R O E IN O FR T P C pot Dome controversy. Distr'ict-at-
the Whitney in -"The Honor of the BBYGE S PURDUENTO' IPLA E Q9torney 3Gordon announcecd that crimn-
Famrily." Miss Crosmlan was at the (IBYvJD FEAT1ING PURDUE IVE ,2 -22 inial contempt proceedings would lie in-
same rime one of the all-star cast inl I - atugur ated eamly next week against
the American revival of "Tt'elawneiy of ' (11y Associated Press) I Edward J. Kidwell, alleged talkative
the Wells." This production o(f the MAD)ISON, Wis., Feb. 23.-XWiscon- ; theOy had.l juror of the Fall-Sinclair conspiracy
Shakespearian comedy will open iin sim's basketball team moved into first The two centers, litd Foster a"tld trial andl the 14 Burris detectives wilo
- , - - - . I '"Streh*" Munivh vfuirnis~hed most of I shadoI,-wed 1the ry at t he direction of

herldtherigat Io.Gn ila
Gareen, of Iowa, chairmaa of tie House
ways and meams commit tee, to accept
a federal judgeship ill New York. He
has refused to confirnm the rutmos.
O N H II aculy 3Me mber's Z"ie Letters 11-1lh
110lse (Cenisus Cotuiltie Ont
Equal RcllreseitaliouI
1Two (iletter sfileduwith the hsian mman.
of the hiouinse Censtus commiittee in
Washinlgtomi by Prof. Thomas Hi. Reed,
of the political science department
and biy Dean Edmund D. Day of the
School of Busimness .Administrationa,
who is at present absent onl leave ink
New Yrk, havo expressedl oppoite
opinonis ini iegard to the method of
reapporti:nnemt of Congress. The
hotuse census comimittee went intso ses-
sion yeste rday.
Both letters were filed with L. Hart
Fenn, chairman, the one by Professort
Reed favorimng the "najr fractions"
methods emp'_oyead ini 1911 and that byI
tions" mmethod. Small states ill par-
Dcaln Day favoring the "equal propor-
ticular have beemi agitating in favor
of the latter, and the decisioni is tie
chief point (of contetntion.
"I think that you are right in your
contentiomi as to the object of appor-'
tiomnmt, namely, that it is to give to
each individual, wheever lie may re-
side, equal rapresentatiti in the house
of representatives." Professor Reed's
letter (declared. "As a political scion-
tist I think it is much more imnlortant
that there should le a reasonably 'ac-
curate apportionmlent at the intervals
required b~y the constitutioni than that
the apportionments should be perfect.
"I am sure that the public would
never understand the system of equal
proportionms, andh it such a method
wer'e adopted I fear that they would
thikmi e 011 soit of a trick was being
played upon them," le concluded.
Dean declared that "it seems .5to ine
that the problemi is primarily a
I nmathiematical one In that the aim

Cups to be offered to the winners
of the Interfraternity bridge tourna-
ment are on display today in Van
3ovem's window. Two silver lovimg
cups are being offered as prizes. One
cup will be offered the winner of the
tourmnament and the other, will go
to the winner of the consolation
tournament. Runmers un in both con-
tests will receive decks of playing
Imvitations to the tournament have
'been mailed to all houses on the
campus by the Imterfratenity coun-
cil, under whose auspices the tour-
nament is being held. It has been
requested by the bridge tournament
comnmittee that entrance cards be in
the mails by Feb. 24 in order to se-
cure entr'ance in the contest. Actual
play between houses will begimn oi
Feb. 9, amnd it is hoped that the tour-
nament will be finished by the mid-
dle of March.
I'Iogmainu For Bu ildinug ew Cruisers
Anld A irplane Carrier' Is
Proposed in House
( y Associatd iros)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 23-SubjectsI
ranginlg from discovery of tie where-
abouts of atiothr three-quarter mil-
lion ,,ic'e of the Continental Tradingi
1 omnpamny oil dual mnelon to the politisI
inm mail-carmier appoituents inl Oka-
homna got some kind of anm airing in
I Comgress today. Both houses were
busy and their comumittees active, al-
though tihe output of completed legis-
l at ion was small.
Amomng the I-ouse committee activ-
ities, decisi-omi of thle naval group to
report a bill for 15 mew cmuisers andI
one airplane carrier, to be finished
within six years took first place. It
would be a $274,000,000 job for the
ships alone, and the program differsI
widely from the one--proposed by the
Among the Senate committees, the
Teapot Dome quest for the Contin-
ental Liberty bonds got a voluntary
statement, authorized) by a long-miss-
'ing witness, that the Backimer por-
tioni of the elusive profits, $763,000 to
be exact, are now sleeping in a New
F ork safety deposit box. Blackmer
I himself is still abroad.
TheH-ouse rumbled along with Dis-
I trict of Columbia appropriations; but
I whit it actually indulged in was a
IDemocratic chiding for farm relief de-
lay, a tamriff tilt, expression of con-
cern lest the Mississippi flood control
.101)" would make a Mussolini of the
army emgineer chief if let; to his ad-
-mimnistrationl; whether' federal courts
have degemnerated into "delousing
plans" for dirty traction companies
amid a Democratic expression of view-
imig with alarnm the era of "depressiomn
starinig us in the face" under Re-
publican rule.
Time Semnate, after sorting a fewv small
bll s out . 0 a calendar other'wise
edged with bristling objections that
pr'evented cons ideratiom, got down to
the Muscle Shoas debate. The Nor-
ris governen t operation resolution
was up and the Nebraska Senator was
beseiged with questions by colleagues
from tile states paticulaly imvol ved.
Amomng I-ouse committee activities
Iwas a decision to approve the Senate
bill conmtinuing tie federal radio cor-
missioni one more year; dismissal of
the electiomi contest against Represen-
tative White, Republicani of the sixth
Kamnsas district; announcemnmt by
IChaim'man Reed, of the flood control
ccommittee, of an intention to press
hb i own plan, opposed by tie adminis-
trat ion.-

University Head Citicizes Methods Of
Stnte Legislature In Sheving
Appropriation Bills
"Good acadenmic records during
high school and junior college days
are usually sufficient to entitle one
to enter a college or university, but
under the new system which was in-
auigurated at tie University of Michi-
gan last fall, amd which has been in
effect at the University of Maine for
thle past five years, a careful study
of tie character of entering students
is made," declared President Clarence
Cook Little in an address given last
evening at a banquet of the Bokers
amid Subdividers conference. '
"This system actually allows stu-
denits, who for some legitimate rea-
son could not maintain a high scholas-
tic mecord in high school, to enter the
Umniversity. It also results in the dis-
qualification of others who are credit-
edl with a good scholastic record in
preparatory schools, but who, because
of character deficiences, are not de-
sirable students," Presidemnt ittle
continmuer]. "To allow undesireable
students to spend the taxpayers'
money for an undeserved education is
a crime," he said, "and we do not pro-
pose to allow it."
About 130 colleges and universities
ini the United States are using a sys-
tem of orientatiomi similar to the one
ittroduced at Michigan last year. The
purpose of such -- system, President
Little said, is to acquaint tie incom-
ing students with metmbers of the
faculty and fellow students in oder
to eliminate homesickness. lie also
explained that the various tests given
during the first week of school would-
in a great measure eiminate fresh-
manl "nmortality."'
D~iscusses University College
Ini connection with the University
college which is being established,
'President Little said that because of
the fact that so many students enter-
ed college without any idea of what
profession they were going to pur-
sue, a method of establishing in the
student's mind an outline of the
courses beneficial to him was neces-
sary. Under the University college
the studlents will be divided into
groups according to their personal
interests, and each group will be afre an o p tuiy ob c me c-
quainted with men active in the pro-
fessioni or vocatiomn which the students
wish to follow, "thereby breaking
down the artificial barrier which
seems to exist between students and
men active in the business world.
"We want to light a fire in the stu-
dents' mindls before they become
juniom's or seniors, ini order that the
1last two or more years of college
mmay not be wasted in the pursuit of
irelevant subjects," President Little
conttinued. "It will also pmovide a
way to separate the unusual students
fromm the more ordinary type and al-
low those of extraordinary ability to
begin thei- advanced work much
soonem'thtan the average program
would allow.
Deplores Legislative Mlethods-
"Although the state of Michigan has
always takemi good care of her edu
catiomal institutions financially, -and
always will comtinue to do so, it is a

deplorable fact that bills for educa-
tional appropriations are introduced
at the opening of the legislature and
are imnmediately shelved 'until the last
week of the session. rhiis allows
titmuch leeway for time political 'art of
log-rollimng,", Presidenit Little -said.
"Many of the bills are left until those
representatives who arem'nost vitally
inter'ested have left: the session. It
is had business," he continued, "to
allow memi who are niot educational
experts to handle these bills during
the course of their passage by the
legislature. Politics should be left
out of education. Even if the appro-
priations should be a little smaller
because of being passed early in the
sessiomn, it would be beneficial, to the
administrative dlepartments of the
educational institutions to know
earlier just what they -were to get.
- The authorities would thereby be-able
to engage instructors and make out
the budget at a more advantageous
"This nmust be brought about for the
benefit of education, for it is a most
impor'tant thing in this country. Our

elholot d )e t-o reduc(e to the
slile terms the' ditt'emnces
sai'ily ohtaiii apInoII the
tureeunthe popu~tlat ions of
states and the numnber' of
Ives in Congress allotted
{would be unfortutnato' if

loiweot pos-
that lieces-
ratiols lbe-
the sever'al
to themi. fR
(ourt appor-

tioninemit wemre to heconie the occasion
fomr 11oliticalI li'muveriig. It(catnniot
possiblhy become =,oEZii if time logical
bases for reap~portiomlemnt ai re t'eau'--
ed with sufficient care." Deamn ,Dayy
is enlgagedl at priesent with tile Lau'a
Spelhmna Rockefeller Memoial inii
New Yor'k.

yI low did it, happen? Counmtless ini 1871, was omne of thme finest =schol-
thousands havye (doubt less asked this at's ever identified with the Univer-
qutestilonmini the past, ounly to lie nmetsit y. Fot' somve years previous to
with r'udte 'ebuffs in m'eply; btt the 1 1870 ther'e had been agitation for ia
answer'lhas beeni discover'ed, anl womn's college iii Michigan, amid so-
thiere is nio reason whly it' should1 cording to reniorts there wvas one ac-
not be made pumblic---- weni'e stumdemnts; tually established in Lansing ('alled
w uere fir'st, adnmitted to the Univeu'sity the "Michigan Femmale Semnary."
1ii1870. Whien Professor Frieze of time Latin
And ther'e is a long stor'y bob imdl departnment was called to tenporari-
the whole disaster or -benefaction I ly take the post of President upon
(depending on the poiit of -view) thle suddl~en resigniation of Reverend
which clouds a large portion of the ' Haven in 1869, lie apparently brouighit
det ails ini a dcep~ shallow. The 'mesi- ; adlvanced ideas to the office, and be-

dent r'esponisib~le .for the. act. has suunk
into pirofotund oblivioni, andc as a mat-
ter of fact survived only a year in
off'ice aftem' the feminine elenient am'-
rived. Whether ther'e is anmy conm-
nection betweeni these severah facts
is hard to say, but later the or'ganm
inm Hill auditorium was dledicatedl to
his memory, pr'obably in or'der that
its doleful notes coulidlie a consta it
renmimnder of his inaior coutrihiui011 j

fore hme returnied to his professor-
situp two years later coeducation had
beemn established, amid the germ had
also been planted for the presont
systemi of accrediting state high I
schools- a germ which apparently
originated with President Frieze.
Whemn coeducation became a reali-
ty here, the "Michiganm Female Sem-
j mnary" was abanidomned, and it is re-
ported that time buildings and site


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