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February 23, 1928 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-23

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Ti .IR H 7AY, aE13JU'ARY 231, 1927



i l


I. .............


LETTRS AE M~LED nivqrsity Biological Station Shouldjflll GVSACE
-- ----- - ---Interest Women Students, Says La RuLe _...., . . ..,


FUR WomeInR shMEoulmd be (especialy iner-'summer :tjnp Ihe ~;ric s:ifthe
j stec i atedlt-te Biologic'al Sta- stiudent ,'erv at tendl (ingu sipo ~r (class-
Sti ' eetitive Secretor ' Of lies 'ile Selion ol niversty f as pit
' 1 aid l'iifcs;oi' o Ege iI. LaRuie, diI- d(1ft1o! theITNversit y oMNichigo n
:Letters Accordilig ' Jo Deu,',joii i'ctn' of tin sttil, "since they are li111'0Y otatin llMaster of Arts degree
Of AlumnaeIIC (ouncil! accordedl all the privileges of a womn- with three -seasons of work, while
-- an's camp, comibi ned withi the out- ; our terms are necessary for a grad-
OFFER LIFE MEMBERSHIP standing crnurses under some of the nate of any other college having
mostconpetentinsrucorsin the similar lpreparation. Cours5^s taken
'Offering undergraduate women the) country.hytahraelrgyuedors-
oppotunty ofobtinin ful lfe Awie station, which is locate d on cugring promotional credit, which ulti-
% E the shtor-"s of IDouglas lake, is kept up! mat ely leads to a better position and
memb~ership inr the league building etiroly by appropriat ions made by haigher ,,alary.
fo~r $40, letters are being mailed 1.9 the~ University. Situated in 'a forest- "During the 19 years of its exis-
seniors by Mvrs. W. D Henderson, ex- 0(1 region, it lirovide': exceptijonal Oji- ence, the registration has steadily i-
e~ntive secretary of the building portun ity for the studly of veget ation creased. An c nla ged tenrollmntt last
I characteristic of this plart of. Michi- year made it necessary to build four
fund, in accordance with the deci- gan. This, and the fact that students new cottages and a netv laboratory.
sion of the Alumnae Council, which are allowed to mingle with the in- Fees for the eight weeks are es-a
vbted at the meeting held last month structors and graduate students in pecially moderate, and include, be-
to g'ran,' every undergraduate two- tlm, laboratories which are always sides board andi lodging, the services
open, tend to stimulate an interest in of a resident nurse and physician.
mian life membership for $40, pro- ilziit\idual research work. At the Already the~ quota for this year's sum-
vi'ding :the 'ull amotint was paid by sn t in-- the men and women n fy, iner session, lasting from June 25 to
the time her class gtaduates. (by careful observation of those en- August 17, is one th.rd filled. A new
The new conditions under which :gaged in other research, learn much announcement will,. he ready in about
life membership may be secured are of a subject not in their line at the 10 days, and copies may be obtained
particularly applicable to senior we- time. at the Summner sossion office, or from
men now in the university.. Credit! "Credit is given for work at the the director."


A~T A 1'YT"F'A Jr' Vt A AT'fI-vA7J.." C" AAI~C" [x I- [°i(~n i i W! SIITr


Wi theilerE1o and ller't11i l~l()ijl ;IVAI ALIAIV..IILlj .AYR GIN : 3DOSLDI)KAL'INU
to escaple thei angel of the villa mnoo PROVES POPULAR; 100 HARD FOR WOMEN
iiulaui'll). n'ct iing (lea Ii.andi being2
'evved by- Fate to livet happily jL11 One form of electiv e atctivity which Priobably not one woman in 100,-


3 _ j

for the ten adollars paid by each ;wo-
man in addition to her tuition last
fall will be given toward her ]ife,
membership, thus leaving a balance
of (thirty dollars or less to be paid.
according to whether any previous
a~iount has .been turned in for pay-
ment on a membership pledge. Each
senior will be inform'ed as to the
balance due on her life membei-shia.;
In addition to the senior now int
attendance, this rule holds for any
memnber of this year's graduating'
cLL ss who has dropped out o, col-1
loge if she pays }the full amount of
$40 on or before the (late of con-
ninemlent this Junme, andl also for
these who have not yet si iled a
~n (nrb-ersh ip cari'd.
~All seniors complying with this'
rifling Jiefore June will receive Iiie
nwmbership pins from Mr's. I Io'idlei-
s noffie.z' and will then be .free 1




That the greatest drawback of a
woman's success in the business
world is her ultimate concern over the
fworking conditions of th pr-, se JL
with n mt sti- ht-o' pc i:, e:i 'ce into
the fuit ct,, is the belief of Dorothy
Dunbar Bromley in her article, "Are
woman a success in busine'ss" pub-
lished in the February number of
Harpers'. Mrs. Bromley recentl-Y
made a survey oii the subiject, gath-
er'ing inftormationi from bulsiess 111(1.
0Other fanuIts oft the bulsinless womani
is that she i. liable to be0 supersall-
sitive 1!to Criticism. Employers do) not
feel free to speak frankly of hor
work. lhei(-u.a woman all'en has
highly pier'sonabl e attitiude towaid her.

E .

(rain any further (d11es
buildin g.
Three of the diolls w
school children haves
ica in return for the o
from the school childi
be exhibited in Ann Alr
part of the week. Tfhen
number 52 in all; will
pl-sced in the Smlitlsoi
S4veral of then: were
Detroitt all last week.
The dolls, while in A:
be, in the charge ofit Mi
a nd' fifth grade chi ld)
school, because these c
ed five of the twelve
which wei'e sent frorr
and have "since receive
samples of school we
Japanese children to w
were (delivered. The fif
dren are planning a h-
grams which they will
diff(Irent schools, ace
following schedule:
o'clock, Angell school;
Eberback school; 2:45
schcol; 8:30 o'clock, Dc
10 o'clock, Jones school
Mack school; 2:45
school. There is a fil
companies -the dolls, a
-probably be shown at
blies. Each doll has
sisting of furniture
which travels with it.

LllC1 IIC liC:Gj ~mployei's.
in the League -a\('citiewmnaismr h'
ficult to work under than 1men,'' con-
tinues 'Mrs. lli'omley. "T~hee, are yver;;
t'~w co,1ieiit ions andi lxvishito ac (-t'(lpli sh
'' BTE much at the cxponse of ihcir eni-
hichJanaesethe;y ints st: that their ordeir.' be car-
,hickt JApaes-a rje(1 out to the smallest det all.
wesse them- ''But the place in which women are
ale set tem rallyv supremie is in the seci'etai'ial
i'en here, will foeld. In this line sh-' has proved her-
rhot' the latter ! self indepensable. lHer pat ienc-e, tlir
ic oll, wichpassion for doing little things well.
be eentullyher instinctly 'solicitude for the wal-
nian Institute. fare ofl one person, her trust worthli'
displayeddto ness, all tendl toward hewr suct'ess.
r hen, as a r'ule, a w ioman does net
,n Arbor, will use, her poistioni as a stepping stonet
iss Fay Conley 3to suecces , andI is content to remain
'en ol Angel with her emiploycer an indefinite lengthI
,:hildren d reev- of time thus saving him the trouble
or so dolls of 'breaking another in.'
n- Ann Arbor. ****** IJutGflfltia
ed letters and "But," Mirs. Bromley continues
ork from the "womxen somtetimes have gone a step
'horn the dolls farther and have capitalized not only
Tth grade chic- their feminine instincts but. through
calf hour pro- their knowledgc of things feminine,
lgive in the theyr have succeeded quite remark-

Iwere self suplporting to those on the
e'xtreme left which advocated a sys-
Lrm in which a bursiness woman may
marry and rear a family.
In conclusion Mrs. Bromley states
!-t is ve,-y unfair for business women
to believe that men as a sex band
together to monopolize all the good
jobs. Business executives are prim-
arily interestetd in securing individ-
nals of high calibre anld if a woman
can demon."t lte hier 'abliit y, thete"',
is no0 r'teason xvhi-s;le Nwil!l not. standI
lie samve('hence as a. Uan. It is trule
111her; are a few yet wht)are lprejld~-
i-edl. The onlly way that that Inejl-
ice ca2n be ratisedlis by proving to
(hrns the ability of wloman and by ac-
('eplt in- the5s1ille\Vol'king- 'codi tions
as linl if they needs must reach the
'Assistants ar :?needeo- n tlthe(.os;-
to iming committee of thle lnnmor -(l]s'
Play. All junior women interested in1
costuiting arte a shled to -allI-fildh
11a'y Evans, iat 310, in-u'diately-.
Cl-IC(A (lO--I'rodlut-ej'5ofl' mlrotion
pit'tur's,, have pledged theniselv(os to
cctI tde ridicule of Prlot estanit C'lei'gv,
fra inl otilonl picturi es, it is 'Opo't eth
b"-y Rev. Philip Yarirow, chairman ofh
the Chicago Churcl'(h Fedora lion Corn
ltit tee.


the formn of turtle (clives, Mlargar'et
O0liver's "Turtle D~ove," a Ialianese
farce depicting Ite story of the wil-
low' pattern, was presented by inew-
berq of Portia liter"ary society T1ues-
(lay nlighit.
Eleanor- IHorsey, '29, a('tedl as the
chorus, giving the prologue; Jane
Robinson, '31, p~layed the part ct
Chang-Suit-Yen, the Japanese hero;
Miriam Mitchell, '28, that of Kwelm-
lin, the heroine; Nellie Becker, '29,
that of the evils mandarin ; Helen;
,.rown, '23, that, of Fate ; and Mar-
_ aret Lvon. '28, that o- the property
man. The play w as (directed, by Mary
Kent-Miller, '27, and Rousseau Cris-
well, '28, composed the music which
was oriental in theme.
Following the tiryouts held Monl-
day night, the following women were
invitedi to mei-mbership: Jean Griggs,
'30, Julia MlcKinley, '2910d., Helen
Cheever, '31, Dorothy Grahlamn, '2911d.,'
Helen McComb, '29Ed., Loraine Gay,
1 Q9d. race Hawkins, '30.
Sorority women will, ba represented
in the mid-winter Pan-Hellenic con-
velitioli, to be held at -111,Uniiversity
of. Wtesi Vit-gi nia tlai'eh 16), by Miss,
FlNorence I~o ne.>, '2t3, nw presidenut
;oc' the local init er'soi'tiit y organizec-
Dlegaltes t'rom llIl of thle rn-id-
'weastei'l1 fill lis will iiict, to discuss
thle lIwoil~lA irsliat ayis5.'in such or-
g11liizet i oils ;1(o offe' sugg estionls
anld to 1ret Vt'e advire. Talks will
he ;:ven byv variotus nicin-bers of the
del egal ion, 1and(will be (discuissed
halter in smnall g-ol p nicetings.
11"YNHI~CIR, Va.-lynchhllrg col-j
in allowing tiloco '-eeis to lk the
enit i'ir'espollsibilit y of o)1e, issue0of
a specialty for
6venty years.
Pi'oipt Service, 1ExlKwI'i l('(d Oper-
tors, 31o lew~le Rates.

has ,"isel)ama zirngly ill poplularity
-,nd which. is receiving an unusual
amount of interest at. the pr-eseti
liniid is nitni-al E4<;Cil?<g. An eviden2ce
'f this fact it, S-en il t the increased
1 numbers and in t he a)dded enthusi--i
asin o" the (lancing classes whicl.
-aie being started for the, second se-
Dancing as an extr'a-curricular ac-
iviiy suffered a? very obvious lack
ef interest all. through the fall. Stu-
dents seemed to want exercise which
was iwore strenuous and slightly
more "athletic" (luring the outdoor
seasons of f-all and early winter. Bu!
with. weather that has been anything
but favorable to outdoor sports, and
with the growing nearness of the
pageant and dance drama, itnterest
even greater on account of its. long
attention to other things has turn-
ed from outdoor to indoor activities.
It may be that this return of slt-
dent attention to dancing is a. result
of the efforts o1' Orchesis and Miss
lone Johnson, instructor in dancing,
who kept the spark alive through
u neasing activity. Since Christmas
vacation, an extra class has been or-
T'anized which meets every S'aturday
morniing. This is entirely separate
4com classroom work. Its success
-was assured from the very first an-
nouncenient of Miss Johnson that its
ri~nebers were to bo only those who

000 is physically fittedl to engage in
dog" sild1-acing according to! M-s.
IF'. P. Ricker, ,Tr., of Polanld Springs


%"; ltoded xtrai


A. se'ondtar'y aim of the lass Was
(I pride ilOant(iopotunity tot' those

The Main Street Cash Grocery
215 North Main St. Phone 8111

Fresh Fish Every Day During Lenten Season

Ale. Dog racig is vei'y fatiguing so
that only an abnormally strong wo- '
-man who has sneiit mest.0:' her lit'c
~n the out of (doors has a chance to
Mrs. Rlicker is soon ito race in the
International Dog 'Team derby in
Quebec. She will be the first woman
ever to enter this championship
event which annually draws the pick
o' the dog drivers from the great
°vorfthrn snows.
Already an ardent sportswoman,
accomplished in riding, golf and
swimming, Mrs. Ricker is attracted
to dog racing by her fondness for
dlogs and the thrill of competing
against men super-drivers:
who planned to try out for Orchesis
to spend more time on dancing than
they otherwise could. Because Orchie-
sis will send out Its' yearly invita-
tions to membership within w very
short time, and with the nearness of
the pageant, the class answers a,
dlemand that is making it Increasing-
ly popular.
The first women's college daily
newspaper was established this fall
at Radcliffe college whent the Rad-
cliffo paper' was mlade' a daily pub- !.
lication. The sheet is three ('olimn4,
tour to six p~ages in size.

It has jit st. bel(21 l iScltsiSC tIhat,
oil- ' :l-h 43 6the \Vetn'en's Atli- I
1'-tie aSSO'iat(iOlliS g;n2 to giveI
' its i t]1 iittiil I Otliiy i;"{<lIIivl1. Ea4ch1 I
of the5slotie ls will have a
! !).loth, there will he a grime and I
a. dance as well as other otheri'
jentertaining luapru'ning, tand~
everyone is in-ited. EVEN A EN.1
-The idlea will K' to ha"e-a, ood
tinme, so nothingIst 51)('I51 mor
than a Tienil y. Comnflitl ( 1'S andti
.plan-1 will be dist'losed -radiiu-
ally anid latr, linbt in the me'an
time, keep the date opent every-
Ibody, and don't miss the roar-
Iingest event of the season.
WVyvern ( society -will conduct its
regular sale of bluebooks at a table
near the candy boo0th in University
hall from 1 'to 5 o'clock today. All
organizations are asked to obtain
their packag;es of bluebooks at this~
time. The benefit from this sale ac-
crues to the League building. Blue-
books are regulation size anti conee
in 'the -three fot' ten, and five cent

Trout .......... 30c
Halibut ......... 30c
Perch .......... 25c
Salmon Steak .... 30c
Fresh Fillets ..... 30c


Her ripg .... 2 lbs. for 25c
Smelts .......... 35c lb.
White Fish ...... 30c lb.
Wall-eyed Pike...- 30c lb.
Fresh Oys'ters .... 85c qt.

Also Full Line of Smoked Fish
Open Evenings, Sundiays and Holidays

' ° I



. " .. . I

Youthful, New
Frock Fashions

"' ~",,, o +Pr
U ©

)rding io the
Thursday, 10
1:30 -o'clock,
o'clock, Perry
onovan school;
; 1:30 o'clock,
o'clock, Bach
lm. which ac-a
md which will
these assem:-
an outfit coni-.
and clothes

ably. Many women have set themaclf
up in business dealing in various
modes of clothing and woman's neces-
sities. In two lines of business it has
been found that women are especialily
adapted: advertising and sale sman-
As to whether a woman wa-s as cap-
able after marriage as she was prey-
iously, Mrs. Bromley received a var-
iety of answers. They rangr-d from
the extreme right which stated that
they would employ only those who

Feature vivid prints, scarf necklings,
tailored crepes, and lovely

- f SC ti ' t(: a
Very New and Smart


Coomedy Club
Producer of "The
Last Warning"'
and "Dulcy"
Philip Barry's
Harvard Prize Play
Thomas Dougall,
Phyllis Loughton,.
Richard Kurvink
Lillian Setchell
Wade Carney
Mabel Baruch
Hoyt Sherrill
Feb. 28, 29
Mar. , 2



ry -. rI



Three Patterns
25% less
Thiree lovely pat torus of china are beinig c-losedl out in t his sale.
They are all Steubenvile Ivory. withi a rich cream colored bekgrolltit.
The pattefns are iti three color stetites, all gray with flowlers 0o'
fruits. In one of them gi'een predlotlmnate's, in the oth-er I-duo is the'
main theme. The third is an all over design in soft l aits zed rose.
These sets ai'e particularly lovely for br'eakfast use. H-owever., those
of you who have begun a set of Steubenville Ivory in one of these

Nothing Over

,o~cwe S opx1('


the "llaj"






11O il



Merrick Heirloom Chinese Rugs
Prepar~iator'y fo tahi i cig - rt'r-sto lDelroil to the 'a ii nti' IBuilder's
Shtouw att(onventiolie a iI. Feb. *5t S itrc'.t r ~ilc eritg the



For the woman who takes pride in being in
advance of the moment's modes. Since every
one of these f rocks are in new modes-of the
smartest of Spring fabrics and featuring all of
the new colorings.
Frocks that will appear at the smartest bridge
parties. In rich fabrics : crepe back satins, and
georgettes. Accenting models suitable for the
matron or larger woman. In light and dark
colors. Every frock of obvious chic and dis-
tinction. All sizes included.
$1-7 to $49-75




11111' 4(o

ai loweri''ru'le'of ecXCImilI>p1 have a~ill is year'( anal Will
11"111 (IMMii , Exchlantg'e'goe0s ip ama itn)prki('4dmny rim'
I 1114 ouldtin ' Ill of160~7.



Piiced 1926
:{21.00) to $:it.oo-

' 1f1 ftI t $2'4.011

*I1S.U4) to $21.00t

ila _







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