'TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TTIT-IZSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1923 1 TWO TI-IF. MICHIGAN DAILY Tflt~RSDAY, JANUARY 12, 192S -a FI1GURES POy HT STUDENT LOANS A E HATE JU lP 1' D FROM $5i4,148 IN 19t26 TO $113,377 IN LAST E OCTOBER MANY FUNDSI3XHAUSTED Large Increase Is Attributed By IDean Bursley ToDeartht Of. Positions During Past. Summer. On Dec. 15, according to Joseph A.j flursjey, dean, of students, the rmoney! loanus to students from all, funds avail- able for this purpose totaled $113,- 377.50. The is figure shows a sharp contrast to the amount on loan to stu- dents of the University on Oct. 1, 1926, when the total was $54,158.10. At that time the loans, past due! amounted to $16,893.50, white in. De-I comber, 1927, they amounted to $16,- 738.30. The percentage past due was 14.76 per cent as compared to 31.14 per cent for the earlier date. I The large increase in loans, wasI attributed by Dean Bursley to two factors. The more extensive knowl- edge on, the part of the students of the loans available to them has re- sulted in some increase, he said. More important was the dearth of positions the i-le tts n h',itlhout a royal ordr. Tis means cabledl him the money. I N v l CHARLESTON ----i) JACKSONVILLE:Z PAL ATKA ____ STOPS KISSIMMEE - 5 , ---.,,, --:ti.a. - _ y L:. . - -yi ' K_ '.. . . L'.; _- ?".' : .a' Tirn'S4::t ' 7iffi NOW PLAYING! The Curtain's Going Up $~ JLLi1 F * C~2 ___i~Zd MA'UlN EES NIWUI'S "44 ~ W ~Y -1fl ~ AA~. I t~ ~.. YUIjj~. I i~1~ ~ '*UL i~;(i, ~d'~ 10c, 'Ov, 41)p, m 9Q1--t i[)i3. 6 :(h?"a :~ii . , . dbne":".4.m K ,61 '> SPEC IAL ATTRACTION Havrana in holiday attir,?, is eager to welcome the U.S. d-legates to the Pan-American congress in Havana on Jan. [16. At left is President Coolidge, and center, the route h will tape from Washington to thO'e southern capital. Right, above, Col. Ore;>stes Ferrare; left, Cuban ambassad )r to the U.S.; Noble Brandon Judah, center, U.S. ambass- idor to Cuba and President Gerarda M~achado, of Cuba. B glow is the presidential palace at Havana. "Wiza lof the Strigs Former Soloist With Paul Specht Orchestra. Con-mposer of. "Itching Fingers. Victor Recording Artists ? - ' . HrF- obbs, Van'Tyne CometOn Recent, Educational Movies Professors Attach Little Significance To Employmnent Of Scientific fftion Pictures Commenting yesterday on the re- cent Harvard-Pathie contract to pro- duce motion pictures on scientific sub- jects for universities and schools, Prof. Williaim H. Hobbs, of the geol- ogy department, and Prof. Claude H. Tan Tyne, of the history department, both attached little significance to the project. Professor Hobbse sees "a danger in pushing it too fir, and having it take the place of more serious work." He expressed Athe ophfron, however, that\ moving pictures could be used to ad- vantage in geology courses to show certain things, mentioning some re- markable pictures of coral formations which were exhibited by William Beebe at a recent dinner of the Ex- plorers' club in New York. Pathie has also produced the "Chronicles of America" series, under Yale auspices, which Professor "fan Tyne says "have no place in thej teaching of history in a university. News From Other Colleges WILL BUY PROF1 NO RTHWESTERN.-'I Ihas secured an option additional property, valt 000 in Chicago. The scho is located in Chicago. PLYING COURiSEI~N MCGILL.-A course who are interestedl in fl; inaugurated at. McGill u pices of the Montreal Ao Pilots are being hired, will be given thorough t groundork of aviation, takes tl~e form of a seri and demonstrations. IIAZING BRINGS SU LOUISIANA.-Violatiai pledge, upperclassmen hair on 300 freshmnen hea sequence, three varsity ers and five other stude di-snmissed. President T. is trying to identify the and promised that they themselves out of the Ui EARN SCHOOLING B! WISCONSIN.-Dave 'ER3TY. I Fred Wilcox, two seniors are proving that dancing through life is no longer phis university at symbol of wiasted opportunity b~y Sto purchase dnigterwypoial hog ued 'at $2,000,- dnigterwypoial hog 01l of medicine college. Most of their classmates are earn- ing their board by washing dishes or 'AUG IIATEID waiting on table's, but Hilger and Wil- cox are filling the roles of profes- sional escorts. for students The two students discovered thisI yinghas eenwork by accident. They filed their inder the aus- names in the university employment .eroplane club, office. A girl came into the office who and students-. wanted to learn to dance. Hilger was raining in the called in, and thereby ;gainaed his (. The course first pupil in dancing. He was asked es of lectures to several dlances for pay. The, next day, Wilcox was called in and a part- nership was formed. They ',estab- SPENSION1 lished a rate of wages and advertised. ig an honor MINNESOTA.-College women do cliped the not know howr to study, is the concin- ids. As a con- sion reached by members of the do-j football play- partn*111- IIf physical education of nts have been this university, following cfanferences 'W. Atkinson with 1,000 freslhmen woolen." other clippers Systematic studying habits were too will find noticiably lacking among freshmen university. living at home. '?omen living ill -- Ainneapolis and St., 'PVIul spend too Y 1)ANCING. much time talking over the telephone, and too much time running to answer H-ilgers andl the doorbell. %', £ K -d Wicderhold's Michigan Orchestra , // Presenting 'P. "Just a Memory"