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February 23, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-23

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411t r t an



(By Asoci aed Pess.) making known the(lig oth T [TD I Prof. Edson R. Sundrland of thel
lI BR H PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 22.-The hol 'Ie said. "But greater than its T DJ[ I STljJJ 1 4 Law school will be in. Battle Creek i2C A
jP L. l LL niversity of Penonsylvania, in kseep- far-flung lines or communication, tonight to attend tie annual banquet1 l
in ihismore than acetrol wndfu as te are as an AexTmple lO1 and meeting of the Battle Creek Bar
custoLII mint ohoberved the annivrs- of the powr' of organization, is the ritnassociation tonight when he will ad-IN1 O N E r ftiebrha fGog ahfctta h soitdPesha [ E U D N [ IH rs ha oyo h ujc.o P
~ ( th bithda ofGeoge Wsh-fac tha th Asociaed res ha
-_ ing ton with appropriate exercises. kept faith with the world. WithI ideals I- -- "Problems In Appellate Procedure." E..
SIGESENATE SUB-CO)ENITTEE At the same time the institution of the highest ind, the organization Ii IN1)BEIP(GI MAIKES IUNEXPECTED) Professor Sunderland attended a WOI4YE
HOD ESO UIG isummoned men in the forefront of of which you are the president has 'll PACC(OMPANIED) BY Iiia function of the Detroit Bar F
PRO(GRESS OFI)AY their various activities andi conferred simply reflectedl your own high ideals j1FOUR R IE1~N DS association last night, at which2 time
___upon them honorary degrees in recog- concerning matters about which tile,- he discussed "Regulation of Legal
INDIANS ATEDI O S lole of thleir work. Among them1 world needs, and through your power PLANS FLIGHT TO ALBANY Procedure by Rules of Coufrt." Yes)a FAIL
AT DINB s were Andrew W. Mellon, secretary o a received accurate information as __ terday morning he attended amet
the treasury, Governor Fisher of promptly as the telegraph without 01rI eclhiiic To State Purpose Of Jaunt ing in Detroit of the state procedure N orttie
Flood Control Farm RJeie, Taxation, Penn~syvania, anid Frank B. Noyes, with wires ha', been ablel to tans- ( Delaring Tha Business~ conmission to which he was recenttty
And Many Other Qales1lois president of tile Associated Press, who mit, it IsPronll ppitdbyGvrorGen
. Alvan Both lou'seS received the degree of doctor of laws.__--______ -- -
--D.Js l .Pnia rvs iyA olca rs)(By- A Dciad [I~)ofthe upivot ity, conferred the tie-ffllREPORTS ae Ies)filATlIO I
W ASHINGTON, Feb. 22.-Thl l ae.ToMMlo e ssaid:i"You II D TROIT, Fob. 22.--Col. CharlesMUflM MINIu
(lnLlmrofp~taihlladcn -ndergh left ;t. Louis thiis mforn- losng
flictn pno as s le.tdy tile soundiest thinkers and greatest. ~TI P alt corpaniedi y fouii friendts with- I fl'T f H Eurgn
Cole sop tclmrsflatalslei) d (o ileavdomsobergaddasoe fiir Uamonnghs etiain n TL
Congress stood at pause to cenlua e geniuses- of our country in tie con- H ta. n.:ghsdsinto n ILH ELD II DA V
ag ndwn thne long, full years with sti'uct ion and administration of fla- tdal' Sefridge field here at 3:55 HELD so
fo hentin" ,diortly bforce Maj. Thomas G. - meet he: h prto ieFte fhsCn-1va oiisfrtento. atya
tesiifteFtry. IIlsCo n c ay oicgie et teahiv-Plan To Present 1Resolutions Ahcut i nhecmadro h riySubject Upon Which Contestants Will A. alawcc Lowell first of
try.n itosre ahntnsInspayingMributye sdtorhe aev- Stad1im.Naming~ To Athletic first pursuit group arrived from Buf- , peak Is Broadening Of Atletic President of Harvard universityadnr
Birthday withi ile customs hallowed agter, and publisher and to his serv-BarOnStdyCopiinAm g holwowstegutofPsdntor of
bytmlsennt h aewl d - -Colel Lindbergh made a landing Clarence Cook Little yesterday. Presi- fu n
bytmlseigtohefrwlad ices as president of the Associated ttefresenedo h l ingCfu
dress of the fist president that has Press, Dr. Penniman said that the GIVE CONVOCATlION DA~TA I;r rm weeh a h Ske IX M N TO B PCKD en Lowell arrived yesterday morni wt-
some to have a meaning for Amen-AsoitdPesireonzdaththfa asenedothfligM N ~ B rm hcgondetysedy
c-~cot 1C s a~ih .oT t !AsoitdPrs1srconzda te- , ;5^'d headquarters in aa,. ,. ~r~ )~ ~v~1~, i
res ,irtm t. ~"greatest organization in the world Iloldir_,ig L' ( 2 jd .; rn ,i.ledelndltrtPreliminary 'dra's in v' A'. for.1 o.re. .h ,di.. ichgan 'pj.e w,
terto ~1,iI'lvc'L o h ismnto fnw. he Union lasL n~ght, ie v j "> : .1 vpurpose of his visit here, extemporaneous seaking contest. pt nnif H-arvard held last nght. Ill
Constitution itself No corner of the w old is without' h t s y vsti es nlt e O aoi a it s s
A snl Seaesbcm ttcouncil eard several committee Pe-ht,~M istI proa which is sponsored by theOaoil ftsS
A igle Snt u-omt a representative of that agency forlmeIwatodrputfpbicie
plodding along with hearings onl the prts and tentatively set the dates cF .Iwntt rp u fpulclf association, will be held this after- ferenceI
Tuiijnto ilaie tjdca T r r frtevrosspigfntosApfr a while." I L ;FIhTnesota's
intervntion illao ies, a iiaiforthevaroussprng uncLLI. AFour Acom >any Lintdbergh noon at 4 o'Glock in the Alpha Nu W L O TN E [G T1rcre
ineseion u labothe trykHsewa niS14TS IIOE -L LIIrpoton tevaiu- ca.,> treasur- Acmpnin oone inbeg room on the fourth floor of Angelhnrecorded
seinte mtpran te.lay.toue antheir is, made byRussel Sue,'28, chair- wre Harold M\. Bxbpresident of hallI~l IAihnM
th t oiscabrofcnnclect ed membher~s (conover again Ithe; l 'lLPC TTIIP Tmanl of the clais (hues commflittee oSi.Lous clal serofdcmmece;entering this UUntest' 1Wagne
faewlladrssLha:Ionrfel othe councilreported tha v, th two Wlim P oetsn rsdn fshould come lprepared to give a seven ____ms l
the CetranCERTto. o Oho, ll hWillo;iam .Rbr on. ihpresident of firtpa
Moscn hps'd fMlrnst,!srs of the University hall ooperatdhed"Reolvdrhattherecnthomp)s
1 os adSipta, fMtiis tit, ,FaiimousRs ian Basso Ti a t 1ioll e leSt. Louis Flying clib, and B. . Ofsto :"eole, htth eciag eidteties theGop
in the Senate. tu arwt.hecucl ncllc. gsoeprsdn developemnts in iter-colegiate at- the ague
('isdrdRing Ioilo ('ertain Il [mmlicee ingde.o h ynAr eiswl oeaeutl er-LlteAdDtcie
Mlany halls io loos Onninger(lim's. sahoneyhirler dent
Andt Fn theLines.aterporatehl makermof ie wl oeaeutl er-the bs
IUS o ~n t was reprtedi by Courtland C. sen stud~ent Iterests amd thi sHIDTDferenc
Ani teSeatiiote' oimi--aoaSprt of St. rLouis.sen ferenceE E OK~
president. Chief .1 ustice Tft, sat to N..Imt,'O, pesdnto Ih,, ,,i, ~lI~ EOKDtime of
Smti It was unofficially reported that ar- o opttv pr, yeE mc'
pa hsonrimtto asigo. 0PROGRAM ANNOUNCED that there willeprobably hl~e two fnl;.u)i1 ents had been made for aeo-coi-net amn,30Lt, 'manager of lthis ears the 60 f
while' in tile House the brilliant color- I cmioaiostbssrngo)th to fallifenc with Eldsl Fbrd, president ofcots announlcedl yesterday. Tlese !11' Asoiae ir2pWake
inns of thl e cathered lheaddresses of Great emrinterest s being evidene'e )foe spring vacation. The tentative hhit'Ford(lmotr mr illiy n1 )0mavia- speeches canotlbe read and sould : NDIANAP~OLS, Fe. 22-The fight sopiomo
fivo Indian chieftainis in fll cetiume! in thle sale of tickets for the allpear- date for one of Ithese Sunday see- io matter I1ntsemmoie.toos.teKt lxNaniIndaa40yr
mad a ivi spt aongthehanfulance tomnight in H-ill auditorium of vices has beemn set at Mainch 25, and 'lout in nin'smneuver Ii Ever my sophomore, junior, and sel- ;will , o on nrardlesa of the reported , esota 'v
ofasecatorils.o mogth:anflFeodor Chaliapin than has been the',it i% likely that the other one, if held, lliaud ~ ~ing he faren o tefield out-I iom on the campus is eigile to par-Ireorganization and change of nmerneplace.
Tawsthda nCnrs.litcase in any previous attraction this wlli be either two or three weeks ruttedl newspticipatame hoogrphim this 'contest. F'eslin 0: heseesodrwAtoreyeiew
beodti i-ekbekin tihe year. 'there are buIt few sattered before this date. ems who awaited his possible arrival. Icpay lote r fte euesell second.
lgsaieeetlisaseas till available iii the auditor-' It was rtported that the 't udet When the newsp~apermnim located the permissiomn fromt the dean of the col- G llom lsaid here today. Te -ittor-I third.
nmarch of leiltv vnsle ih
pathway strewed with obstactes and 1111 according to) reports fromr thne council recommuentation to tie Ath- '.amos flier le was insistent that they lege in which they are enrolled. tney gemneral recently filedi suit iii a igh
IUniversity Musical socety. letic association rtegarding the nam- ;ot discss is' presence here at .grati Scholastic eli gibility is not neces- ioa or seigt av h lnte Mich
political eniharrassmleit that will trailt]5ihsiIeIg yoacurekngohveheKni
into lay ever'y capa city" of leadmliiI The s.ong program olf the Rtussian ing o the stadium and a iiton~con-1 length amd also declaret hle did not sa~y for entrance to the contest. catrrvkdadth rai'a nISidle1
to ter , oure o hesumerre 1basso wll ming cowmi the curtain on ing football gamne next fal will be iwishm to state his future plan's. The ,judges for this preliminarym ,1v
ras fo te ntinalconeniols.thie musical season proper, anti but 1presented to Ae mectimg of Ithe BoardI To Address LegISlaure trial will be Robe,tAl. Kerr, '29, piced in reeiver:,'. Gopher
aadyabgnig.a enmd n~ few minor events will inter've'nein Contol of Athletics at a ietllg Howeverm, le is shetduled to fy to Harty L. Gervais, '29L, Gerrit Dey-': illin was in conference today with thi
Hardy abegrnm; hs ben ade onbe' 'ore the annual May Festival. Satumrday. The recomumendations, Albany, NMY., Feb. 29, to addiess tie ' nink, '2JL, Frank T. ZLinn, '29L, andi with Hugh F. Eninons, form., cy-hidea
te controversial subjects crowing nig{r
for attention. IChaliapini was heard llintie Choral adopted inifthe forum'(o resolutions tatse K islature. Robert F. Schwarz, '29L, According clops of the Klan,: who in a dehosi- I ntugryi
Union series several years ago, anil'last week, request that thre athlletict Major Lanphier and his guests, to Eisermnnan, several members of tie't l t~is cthl alc? l etmero
The House is well through its ap i-lit that time attracted telretboard nake ceat' whetheri'or not''ater umchen went into a, closed coii- facpltyondaspeechomima salplafitasle-ed time*of
propriationls ,o. Only the navy amd ,teIr - aut pec a upln ev oltical intrgue i'vojmmg the Kan Th f
agricultural blmls of the departmentali audience ever to hear a musical event 11e stadilumn will lbe named, and re- ference, which lasted 'several hors, eiral of these u o~lwsuet n aig h nin niSlo aaThsf
supymaue eant ebogtIlmui-ill auditorium. The singer is comnends at the sanie tim e tat if but mothing was given out regardinig in judging the final nmatch. lau gn h orelivsDtc Matson,
in for action. Those already nlassed known throughott the worldwhr a name is adopted the Studemt coun- t~tpco icsin Six men will be selected from tie tie association.an th
rr ~~ever there ie opera houses and mu-; ci favors an impersonal appellatiomn, iLter. Major Lanphier told the As-prlmnymethiafronto1.ndhr
sict hallst ~h l) ot'101 and is <'aid to lend to his gather than a namenm'eftenara eeithisell ternotmthatYLindbe'tgh's"visit .altmlt
shat now a h o n t<noara- ., cis.;rahr hnohafinbrg-' isparticipate in the final enhe , ii, > . -,taa .' . I : cu'.. r;n tey~>
r101511f Blltll Rmainconceit nerfonmamce the samie verve rent official or personage of aly 3'"1fin, or less of a social nature. is Sclheduledl to take place Tuesdn+. rOsCut y case slongas th ray
But. stillon ''ota ini both Huse 0 ~amn d jadindividuality thatlhe (oes to his kind. Qoto eadii eot htFeb. 28, t 8 o'clock. Timh subceu' n hldsthits franchise to do bus- 'Wake
Senate is tie battle over farm relie-f. ollitii reeditions. Sauer also) reported t tt'eeting Lndbergh and hnslf might become foKhsfnlmth ilntb la n i 1 v
flo onrl axTeucinheb av program for the eveit has not tat the fial report omi1 the sale of a so eated with an air transportation cle until ater the six m en have ~st " hd : n ifr
building program amd Muscle Shoals been annotunced, since it will be built Christmas sas had been made and I project temjo-elae,"Tei-been chosen rm h rlmta aint a eoeteatre ir 1a ela ubro te oto from the stagie inraccordomnctowhay befr the attorneyrglythouh he. Mmnnseso t tle
vrilubet.the simger's usual practice. Song fraternities, have contibutedl $160 toj labeled as "ercroneous" a report that The six studeits who wile ;,l-_ nra saal nd ign.toffer a. supple- Michigan
booklets will be distributed in theths ase Tismrthnril:headLnerhonepadopr-lwdo akitelatachv)
And in each with its cntemnlated jths aue.Ths or tantnllesho ad :ioleracotepithelOPii- owd o nekinth lstnot isei d~iCO tatheinemdetovaknteseens
vast ouitlayof publit' noneyc;, and )Ia'mauience, amnd Chaiapimi will an- the amount colleted last year, Sauer ! ton of 'am) aciitical school, not know the particular phase oithet'I
motic3clbeinlmue ietnomne the numbrs as lhe feels the reported, when oly $50 was given to Major Lanphier was recently super. general topic which they must talk ps fos rom several other former The st
andinirct oifrtneaancupleaecblehs oriupnfisherencteeubrcuossruncbtal fPheaedd noomaniacteirmlaisO.nntlxtoclckonTeeda, eHeIKlnrffcilssexewek H1rfued 16
basea ISelfidg fied b Liet.-ol.to divulge the names of those whom Time, 1:
ness of million. of Americans lies "a He will be assisted during the con- fraternities on the campus. aea efig il yet-o. 28. They will theni have three hors hie expects to interrogate. 40 ya
nossiblo celemeit of t isue t b crt by Max Rabinowitch, pianist. The definite dlate for the various Char'les M. Danforth, amd was ap- in which to organize a. ten minute ! Asked what he would do if the ipan?, f
fenht out p,+14-jo nrtv eonvpnti~pns. Thle colorful backgroumnd of the soil-camlnue sprint fntions such as pinted flight commander. Tonight lie speech for the contest that night. Klan withdrew its certifcat fad o
and later, in Nr cinher, at t e poll. Russian singers life has made him ! Gap Nitht, tile Spring games, and delrdh.a o eiie rm~i The extemnoaneous speaking con-miso tod bunesn daajTm,
r~ foo7g hated this year to doubly well known. I-aing made his Swing Out were not set by the Court- armny, and indiated he had no inten- test which was held last year was adithnelnmdora iztn 20 y
harken again to tile wvi(lnm of Wiash- great success in his own country, he cll last night though the final report Iionms of doing so. won by Pauli J. Kern, '29. Kern's sub- yhuc ekafacieGhim ad(ihg
ingten: to marvel again at the' depth sang most in Milan and Monte Carlo of~ the committee was ready and the In lymg crlssaor -'-- ect in the final meet was "Picking thti ol eedonteatuegm)
of vision and understandling; that gave before coming to America. In Paris dates, as drawn up by John Starrett, !is rated as one of the greatest aerial theaAl-Ameicanueam."eoperderc E co teler, sere- n}thrd.+
his words today as much meaning Iand London lhe was acclaimed for his '28E, chairman of the committee, cr-'technicians in the world. He is a Prizes will be awarded this year tarey freofmetn tepstate.jigigof"oisGuduofGndiorsod lseywihEd. f atgrdat Jackson adbea s nth as oth inesaffrs f tt440. d Jcsn a 4Uy
today as they hadi bearing onl thle1 1913 and 1914 lie headed a comnpanmy year. It was desired by the coumneil flying in France during the World lan seconrlcseTtwne iilKa aofsamte ted tidianapan)cnd;ll
problems of the dlay in which they at the Drury Lane theater in. Lou- to secuire tne sanction of the proper; war, and his service in the army air j receive a University of Michigan wallKlnwsamte toIdna ndcd;L
were utter~cd, and to realize anew the ( don. lin an engagement that is still University authorities before actingi corps has been continuous since, plaque, and a book will be given to aprvdte1diso.529.
task it will face in the months just talked about there. His first engage- on any of these dates, in the cases - the winner of second honors. Both15
ahead. ment here was at the Metropolitan in where ouch sanction is necessary. The iO0 FP'< AJ .?D!?T1 ONA!. awards are donated by the Oatorical ..CI FF FXFC(JT! F (MichiI
~:1907, and last season he returned final dates will e adopted next week. P UNIr~ATTIES socain which is sonsoring she Ir;c t.:
frn ,f r ' F P .A N there to make the sensationi of the I I - -_TO__ contest.;~J~r A

astern, Iowa And Illinois Are
Other TeaMs Unbeaten;.
Win Narrow lae
(Special to The Daily)
iAPOLIS, Feb. 22.-Although
he 160 yard relay by a scant,
Michigan's well - balanced
g team triumuphed over the
ta taukmt-n, 47-22, in a dual
re this afternoon, duplicating
i's score. The defeat was the
the season for the Gophers,
rowed the field of competitors
erence acquatic honors to
)eaten teams, Michigan, North-
Iowa, and Illinois.
seta's vio} ory in the 160 yard
a; the srprist of theiueet
lbe-r quartet co verted the dis-
.1:16 seconds, two and two-
conds lower than the Con-
record for a short pool. M-
only other first place was
Sin the 100 yard free style,
oody touched out Walker an
If the Wolverines.
r, Michigan veteran, annexed
c in the 200 yard breaststroke
e beat out his teammate,
on, for first place. Purdy of
hers, who was ranked one of
breast strokers in the Con-
last year, placed third. The
2:42 2-5 seconds was fast for
oot pool.
!r and lWalaitis, Wolverine
res, finished one-two in the
free style, relegating the Mn-
eteran, Max Moody, to third
Ault captured the 440 yard
ith his teammate, Wagner,
Lucke of Minnesota took
more points were added to
iigan' total when Hubbell and
placed first and second in the
Iback stroke. Sam Hill, the
captain, had to be comtent
id position. Moody avenged
it in the 40 yard event by win-
um Walker and Seager in the
free style in the rather slow
:56 1-5 seconds.
fancy diving event went to
of Michigan with Scoba and
the Gopher entrants, second
d. Hubbell, Thompson, and
rcd another NWcverine vi-
t. t A, ;annexed the medley,
r, Wagner, and Wialaitis were
mtt men for the ureet, each
eight points. Moody led the
ta !entries with six points.'
a annexed five firsts and five
places in the six individual
ammaries :
yard relay-Minnesota, first.
16 2-5.
rd Free style-Walker (Mich-
frst; Walaitis (Michigan) se-
Moody (Minnesota), third.
1.8 3-5.
rad breast stroke - Wagner
n), first; Thompson, (Michi-
;econd; Purdy (Minnesota),
ime, 2:42 2-5.
,ard free style-Ault (Michi-
rst; Wagner (Michigan), se-
,ucke (Minnesota), third. ,Time,
'ard back stroke - Hubbell,
an), first; Spindle, (Michigan)
liii! (Mirne:,ot^), third. Time

FOR gAMENDMENT reason in the role of Moussorgsky's 1 v p~y~'~Y 'y ' ° jjp ] ON ( DAILe)Y 'ofa
(flN 8 t< W .I The concert tonight will hLa.n ! JUPS:'OMA T i ~ h hido h eglrfehWILL SPEAK HERE FeK 'PR~ a >b. "2- In )''5-
proiptl at o'lock an thepub ---y x:,G1-5.
Pln-ae ---mcopee manh 'poplya 'cok ndtepb dtolutaffebtings n heD ai4:15FORHILLEL GROUP'eore Washington attended church, Fancy
PlnshvPresident Coote ici prtclalyrqustdtibe Msgehitiepcmetrticikap;edtril tftedn hlda in5- PeadntCfirst;ric ae i
~ Tf~ seated on tiime. L~ane Hall tavermnmecivetl a brokenmioRabAbaHle;,frt
neiigttniillC oli l to'ocock this aftermoon in the Press I ab baHle ivr oe celebration today commemorating the Matson
the constitution of that ookgnitn.IAs lAL RSLStegasbte w iu aoth whi'cchk'ses-'aforded for those who are't'interested adesa 'lc odyeeig, Surrounded by officials of Virginia's l Thomps
Tie mcoting, will be hield at 7::0 coin lw painu 5oclc t h ie work amd ambitious to become Feb. 27, in Natural Science auditori- govem'mment andmiany others from
o'cloc'k on Tuesday, F+eb. 2, in tile I Imiiaia, 52; Ohio State, 17.1 tem'ay afternmoon. Slit'as thienmiaen engag;ed in campus activities to re- ti, under the auspices of the H-lilelj Washington the President stood for Y
ballroom of tihe Union, it was an- Minnesota, 30; Chricago, i. to St. Jodst'ph's Mercy hospital s. Foundation. mr hnamhu nhsoi all ''
nouncedtyanlan'rouryin histopoct.arlyle
Iti eesterd'y.in(~)mmene' i EDfi lt It is pointed out that for those who Rabbi Silver, who is religious lead- house shakinug hands wmth the throng
outiednnesayfr60mmesoExtemnporaneous Sp ehI otDfiut epect at sonie time to work on The er at the Temple in Cleveland, Ohio, that packed Alexandria and then re-
to)el. IinmOit epesent illordlerm'for j A -& yf-J 1 1 (Tt aily, it is essemtial that they come spoke here at the University services viewed a long parade of military andI Sever
a vote to be taken. A two-thimds af- !A tnd Valuable Form O fl krl JI ell 'omt a5soo00n as possible, since. length in Hill auditorium three years ago. patriotic units.
i r n a t i e v o t e w i l l a s s t a m e n d - j_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I o e v i e i n i u o t m t c n i e as e n t o u
menit, which dals with the ('ollsomi-; "Extenpoaneous speaking is unm- temporaneously, anod fmrthermor'Ie, ionl n competitive appointments and L~ee Ad rse niiation BanMuecr ga
(iiro he diitaiv ucin onilledly the most valuable and levery judlge soudgereit tte nlearninimg tesystem. Tmyouts are owTro
of the' Uniloni undetrtheOdi'et'tion mof etmp'nou pekrant eaiecle b htr nil te ater ( ' Of Ho or rv 'raternity For Jounowlfro
motdfiutfr factivity in time' Oirfait ing ev
on otdisedo .itie (declainmel. 1n a odebate, tie well (atf tie semester, there 'en no) ______________o'lock.
letershav ben snt ci ll res- ifield of spetech,'' oeclarel IProf. James prepared ext enorammtos speakerdfntm'mnto t n ie p ilb
Letr ar'be (11i)al it~ e fiieelniatoiataytie tu Followimg the initiation yesterday spomded ol behalf of the initiates. wilb
mmmnm, to 1t1me'beadol (f aillfrate'm'nit its A. O'eil yestermday in commenting always has mor'e to say' than mthe time nouitments to tie staff in epo'toi3af tternomonm,mnienewmenbers were Pmof. ohn L. Bmummm of the 1slbseil
nd thi' carp r gan'1'fiza~tion1sant Ion tihe' exte'mploaneous i speaking linitwill allow hrfreh ss iion a- ~ a i te endOf the hnrda h iiito'aqeto oraimIeatet pkeo h h
tO) X~i1'lt~tlS ImmOn~teIs oftheio'fat'tih'y!contiest slomnsormed by thle'Or atoical whatever imaterial that fits into tli 'mo'Is nest em' and later for those who di) Sgo et li moesonl jui- cmmmg Mcia iInes h lsi rs I~lC
who aren't iitmmbtms of tie' .'Ihibn iiil te associatiom. time available to him. The dec laimer !, not nake theme at first, but are e-lisi.frtrithdls ight i soito ovninwihwl eg i
organze dsciplne cnIC wi'ltug 101mg s lie Union. Le A. White, eitorial.,ield ii Ann Arbor~ in April 24, 2, anohd ay
amnendment. a student odeives from speaking oin "A tdebate is a unified rlicssioi. ther wish. ecuieoth Dtrt.Nwd-26. In place of T. :Hawley Tapping es
- -. --a subject without anmy pmepared mommc- It is not merely a gm'oump of ;mrgummiemm- Tebsns ;ifmeig r livered time mmaiahdress of the eve-. past national alnumni pnesient, whio books
N N H S NBY orizeti speech but with a considema- tative speeches on one subject," t-. el at :15 o'clock Mondiays. Try- ' inmig, welcoming the initiates mitoi was unable to e present, Frank Rek, igae
NIE CHOSEN r hle ~u bt'ammoumt(f kiowledge about the firmedl Professor O'Nill. ''Wlen tm usfm ohsafIoee' a e the fmacmiy soit dtro ieAmei o wll be

:'d 2l ni " .'i: e- ooty (Mlinie-
o; l~c~' Ait'ir})third, Timec-
rdiving: tialaitis (Michigan),
Scoba (Minnesota), second;
(Minnesota), third.
y relay: Michigan (Hubbell,
,on, Ault) first. Time-=338 51-5.
,al thousand letters have been
:t by the business 'staff of the.
Lnensian in an effort to in-
sales. Sales are being made
iim the office in the Press build-
cry afternoon from 2 to 5
Mail orders for, the annual
acceptable in aynment of the
ption cost.
low price" of time 'Ensian hmas
mtinued thm'ough today but will
o $5.50 with the end of sale's
Any organization whose mem-
bscribc for 15 or umore year-
will receive a specially en-
copy frece of charge. Sales
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mth i~t the hithe'r n.' ryir-' hut.

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