PAGE EItIIIT THE DAILY NV I." I)N 11"SDAY, rl"f"In-Aun- L"-', A A AA ATAA. ,-A A a s x.--,i 3t t 7..+1_7ei IL-, A T II F M I IIT C 1 A fl ~ il V \---- -Sl-A ------R-----1-i-- DAILY O FFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Si Ia (;iililli Epsilon EXPElr"ADI TION FIN -DS The regular m onthi lunr.~con Will ho flch 1: h 1 rIoi:c~. +! 1'':1.;iOi R jThursday, Februrly 23. Vi, . 'alo. e., E I7A T ERIAIQ Will the girls in Choruses 1. 2, 3. and (6 please ogo t I to (.i ijl U ait aty "iI a iio s1.o'1 r1itimI tclI s, sa";iid Whitney Theatre Volume S. NVEDNEISDA, ' I:]Ei ;rxi Y f Numbher 106. "--"-- Exhibition of Photographs in A rcbhitectural Corridor: Tre anf interesting col' ecti.ii 0of pho.tographs now on display int ground floor corridor cases. Thepo'Jict ures show the work of the Kod Park Camera Club of Rochestra, Ni w fork. Fmil Lorch. Ifygiena 2NO, Public Health Admnisktrationi: For the remainder of the semester, Dr. Vaughan will meet this class Fridays from 1 to 3 o'clock instead of Wednesdays. from 3-5 o'clock. John Sundwall, M.D. American Chemical Society-Public Lecture: Mr. James Wl. Schade, Director of Research of the B. F. Goodrich C Akron, 0., will talk on "Rubber," Thursday, February 23, in the Natui Science Auditorium, In order that there may be time for two reels of moti pictures showing various phases of the industry, this lecture will stz promptly at 4 a.m. All interested are invited. Byron A. Soule, Secretary. Third Spanish Leture: The Third Spanish Lecture will be given by Prof. Gustavo Michaud4 Thursday, February 23, at 4:15, Room 2003 Angell Hall. The subject of l lecture will be : "Panama, Antiguo-Panama Moderno." This lecture will illustrated. Julio del Toro. Freslhmen Women: A meeting of all Freshmen women is called for Thursday, February 23, 4:15 o'clock, in University hlil Auditorium, to hear the reading of t Freshman Pageant. tiane Howard, Vice President, Class '31. ,1niversity Women: The Advisers of Women will serve tea from 3:30 to 5 o'clock Thursd: afternoon, in the Parlors of Barbour Gymnasium. All University womena invited to come. Girls of' the Ilioren, Howser, Icheldinger, Ireman, Jeffr a d R nnih u e ilb sit n:h sess G Beatrmice 11. 401fon ~i. r jut System ('eni lici' There will be 110 0101 inig of the conmmittee this week. Hlen Hlawiiis, Chairman. D~r.1Ph ill ips ~to~asof ho (c tsea reb l)eipar lewnt. WestinghIiouseEliectr aioid A'anufacturiing ( 'mu a ny, xill loci ure on "'Radio and Power TEra nsmi ,don by Radio," Friatelrua ry 241, at Sp.m., in thye West Lece RicIoorni the Wcst Physics IBuilclin Th'Ee leot urco will b)u denonst rated. L.1. N. 111h1114. ( cutx i' lporairy ft'inc ai ho up All tlb a ic who fail0ed to tak e ie 1final examlination inl EngIlii 14: (Col temonirary I) ranla ) will bo gi vc i i makeup, Sat ii rday moriing, Februa ry2 at 9 o'ock, Room 221 5 Aligc II IIHall. This will be the oiil v opport uniity Ill .temesterI (o tlake ll is oxalitini tian. Berelt ice Lowe. C'horal Uiuiiin Usluers : M~embers of fies he 'ratI Uliio 11ush ering force are re'cnsl ed to be in t he pliaces at ill A 01111orinin, for thei t' (1ii a pinI concert, not later I ha:n 7:' o'clock, 1ur'wday, . ua-2, asthle doors will lie opened at that hour. 11. A. Niinellport. "Varsity Bandtl: Rehearsal tonight at 7:15 o'clock at the Band Hall. {=filbert B. Saltonstali., Assistant Manager. The M ichilgan 'technic--Office hIours: Th ihgnTcncofc ilb pnfrslsproe ntfollowing days of each week. Monday: 2 to 4:30 o'clock;. Wednesday: to 4:30 o'clock; Thursday: 2 to 4:30 o'clock. L. W. 1anning, Business Manager.., Scabbard and Blade : There will be a regular meeting Thursday night at -the Union at 7:3 p.m. It is very implortant that every member should be present at tha time. P. F. Slayton. Chii Delta Phi : There will be a meeting tonight at 7:30 o'clock at 511 Kingsley. Hielen Smytihe, President. Aakj on Co0., ral Lion art on his be at, the1 arel to be fitted for their shoes before Wednesday rat 5, (lioruos I ~ tfilin a ilimont, "as the joint exlied tions of in 1)1ack patent leather, Chioruse's 2, 3, anll(3 in xvl a sati n. If You do not 'the 1Uversi y of Pennisylvania and know the numiiber of you r chorus, call ,lean llafbIiaway at. 7'x.17. , i e _rifi sliAltisen tr' recen tly found Jean i Hatl away, Assistant hla irmla i. } ill at 1alit . undist urbed is very un 1- usual andl valuable." According to Dr., Freshnemi Girls' Glee Club : Woirc-11 very lID is known o' the 13; cause of the reading of the Freshmen Pageant. there w~xill lt5 nto meeting rel igpjous beliefs a nd racial affinit ies of' the Freshmen Girls' Glee Cluj) onl Thursday, February 23. lIof the Sumerians, which fact greatlyi Kathlerinie l(,M array, I 'rosidlenl:. iiitensi ties thelie rest arou sed by Tolsto e - I he announcement that a Sumerian T Lto eague: Queen's; tomb has been found in thes Mr. Oakley C. Johnson of the Literary College will lecture Tlhursday, E.r of C(haldea. February 23, at 4:15 o'clock in Room 231 AngelHall 0o1l'"Lynching aiid 'oulnd hil.the tomb) of the Queen Civilization." The Public is cordially invited. wvere tint old riches and jewels, a C. Stl1l1i. coresponlding amount having been Psychlogy142:stolen from the tomb) of the nearby Psychlogy102:King's tomb more than 5000 years The Makeup examination for last semester will be held in Roomx 2134 ago. "It. is most. unexpected to find Natural Science on Thursday, February 23 at 1 p.m. this thing," said Dr. AWorrell, "es- .Ednm' 11 Grene pecially when is born in mind the THLET S EQr A- STU ENTS great amountf of treasures unearthed ATLTSEU LOHRSU ET and in the museums of the world ACCORDIhNG TO SCIIOL ASTIC RA 'ING today. Thbis shiows that it is still - )'sible to make discoveries of the first.,niagnitude. It appears that the "With respect to the class of 1925 and to reach a much greater validi-, soil of the Near lEast is almost arch- at Columbia college, those members tY." cologically inexhaustible." who participated in sport and those 'Commenting on his survey of Co--__________ who didnot, alumbia he adds, "On the basis of j' wh ldnt ppear to be of about course grades, however, theatleslF r lD nc Gi n the same intelligence," says Dr. lo- in their studies fell below Form l D nce-ive ward D. Savage in lisa report on the athletes. rThe athletes tended to car- By Legal Stud~ents much mooted relationship between ry light programs although both Ithe- athletics and scholarship in the col- athllete s and non-athletes elected 1 Aeiners of the Lawyer's club gave leges. Dr. Howard, who has prepared easy courses lnuk) frequlen~ly thlan their annual winter formal dance last the report for the Carnegie Founda- hard, and in them receiv~ed In ,hier Inight in the Lawyer's club with mu- ion after a year of research, has not grades than in the courses that are 'spleyte eri onr ansere th qustin athogh ie emostiabl sttisiraly s mre .at' lub orchestral, a Jean Goldkette or- [-ias investigated conldtlinsat 44 col- difrtcuilt. IFilatllythle rat; of aitii- ~ in leges. aI1 nd uni .eisitie, lete s olit :I <"t 1 'tl:. 1 }. . ;.::".' ?t) ,,1 i owilt('e w; 'r- est rioted to stu- ACcoi'ding to D~r. Savage, Ilht ? :]'('!- ' i'litofei ,11 31.(i;l'(! t' 1)I: t I 1;1' (I4t u l iti t' I a Law schl2ol. The affair 1011 caiit1)e answered lid With l 0 th )Btlt l Iift lcties f(t 11aon -tit~ d Iol i i]{ ,to h drc jl 1 th ac 11( a niversit ics in supplyintig cola- l- iallc - o n ' ita it tt'':fr- ''le, *22T .1 ('ha lF. 1M ('althy, '?4.L, parable data, (iciii usiolts c(1111 l a's.5 V>''> '>(s't.' L A STOCK SEA'SON 5th Big Week MATINEE TODAY at 3! Entire House, 50 cents TONIGHT AT 8 BOOTH TARKING TON'S Cleverest of All Comedies LITTLE WILLA DHElSS MID WESTFRN A lUN 1'I i tc t lrtt (Ioo '( ]- iltl, tIE'IFEt' £!1it d r s i.( fl Iai'< i 1 lSl4s (el'i t' l l1\larc l it ihs l 1 b an annor)unlced. The1 ,r'inemrarrn 1s J i#:^3tt'.c .. V . - Yaw , w s rsm w f A, TRUEpI ACT t of ihoghtifulno ss to give YoU p~ortrait to your family and friends. When a gif t is nececssairy it saw's- shopping. rt his; addit';s will Ibc siv(-,ni°befor'e loft IK nsa s ('it y TEn h rsit r of I ict iga a' alIumn i (.club tt the [lot ''I Mucl inb]ha i eron tM,] lta ad wvill be thle roe'asila :;;, for' a hl ige go Ili rinlg of 1\ild le lNest - et'ii tiltninriiiof tteUfLniv(rsii y. M:1ort I han 11 SO r' ee'vatio1)s ha v(' been made for thle 1ba1mi i1'et , w ii his under the ('ha irniish ill (itLuc'ian Lane of that city, and in addition to the night meeting President Little will address a Chamber of Commerce heluncheon at noon of the same day. 2I This will be one of the largest alumni gatherings held west of the Mississippi in recent years, and it is expected that the President will give first hand to the group his plans forI 30 the Alumni university, which lie pre- iat sented at a meeting of the New York alumni last Friday* night. It is planned its a result of these meetings to get the Alumni university plan well under way by the time of the class reunion in June. 1'A-IES IN ALLT STIYLES ANT) SIZES DEY STUDIOj 1c6lkbre ve Everybody likes "CL.ARENCE"; with Charles Warburton, Robert Henderson and Frances Dade F vc'y INight, inceludiig .Suindcy iii 8 :00,-4i¢e, 7 ic, $1. Wed. If~it. at 3:00 -Entlre Mouse, 40. Sat. X.,11. lt 3 :00,5,0c, 75r. (Phone 4814) Next Week-"OUTWARD BOUND" With Mrs. Mansfield F' ;---- _._ Hg"'iES " q it I!Y/11 "'....," B .: ._. . - - r p - w r ®- w W I S - ~I111111111111111111111111111111111Ilil 1111w THIS WEEK THLlw4,.EE BIG p NCES I .AT WITH MUSIC BY '-=lltltllltltltltltltltltltltltltltltl!ltltltltltlltltltlltltltltltllltllltlttltltlltlltltltlltllttlltltltltltltlo': r Dancing r w r r rt s r Saturda r r rt r r r_ ri r s N ht e r w r ° r r w r s. +r to r .1l11Ilfll11fl11lflflffffflflllfllfllflflfilfl fllllfllllllfllflffll:= I I I Bill Watkins' Eleven Wolverines uender the personal direction of DANCING TONIGHT 8 to 10 GOLEN Tickets at Slater's _ _ _- - - ----- - --- - - ' ~rnJI II -.dgoh : Bit nn anl ..u. .L,,. a _. r.caas . a.. .ena. .._ lffl . - ., - t,*,nA&,fl UW1..._. ......_.. ............,..,..,..e k II MAIL ORDERS^I NOWI M I M E . r ~ v}.. r,' ? .P'FH wi',.., ac: ?n EA T I OX OFFICE PHONE 4141 J Ci '"' ""'" e ._.. _ __ -a..:- xxa. _ ~ - mrslu amaaar aA ! " -rNIHTNDIta t 11 y NDR F EEK THE MIMES PRESENTS Ill II Ge o. M. Cohan's Hailarious "TE H 0 M 1 Farce Comedy w NV E RS t Y 1 V ' h /v tfvo .r sn .. .. 11 1111- ~~0~ x----i"77fl-ca.c s a 1t/rd r* III '11