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January 12, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-01-12

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"It is my impression that under the be asked to write a theme on a subject tion is the practical application of the
ILL DE CELIBBATED new systemn we can reduce the number outside the realm of medicine. TPlus general knowledge of the student, Dr. O ISA D T ES E
I of scholastic casualties to 10 per cent will be done, according to Dir.Cabot, Cabot sated.
of the total admitted," said Dr. Hugh to determine the applianrt's ability to "any tunes instictors and pro-
M. Cabot, dcean of the Medical school, organize his material and to discover fessors have hesitated to give the
DY YPSILA TI flDM Injo h oa l dinte ytedsaid r.ghaod eermine the apius aile om senauy ste nsttutr anEg d i o p
- lUIIITAtiL in an interview yesterday regarding his particular aptitudes aside from seior sudent an t grade inispathe the changes in methods of admission medicine. ticular course because he disliked theND
MANY OF COUNTRY'S LEADING into the Medical school. "My quarrel has always been with idea of keeping the student from get- ANNOUNCE BRILLIANT SUtUESS




Anniversary Pageant Of College To
Presented Friday Night In
Pease Auditorium
Michigan State Normal college
Ypsilanti will celebrate the 75th
niversary of its founding, Friday
Saturday of this week. The celel
tion plans will coincide with theI
grams which are planned for
Mid-Year educational conference
Michigan, and several noted educat
from all over the country will
present to dieiver addresses to
general meetings and to the vari
group sessions.
Among the best known ment
will speak are Gov. Fred W. Greer
lMicligan, President Clarenc'e C
Little, Henry Turner Bailey, fam
artist, Pres. Charles McKenny
Michigan State Teachers college,;
Major John L. Griffith, athletic cc
missioner of the Western conferee
Several members of the Univer
faculty are also scheduled to g
The programs for the whole gath
ing will begin Friday morning, wl
President Little, President McKen
and Bruce Payne, president of P
body college, Nashville, Tenn.,N
deliver the addresses.
Group To Weet.
Friday afternoon will be occup
by various group sessions of the 1\
Year conference. Pres. Dwight
Waldo of Western State Teach
college at Kalamazoo, Mich.,
Paul E. Rankin, Director ofJ
search in the Detroit public sch
system, will give addresses before
elementary principals section. R
! kin has given education courses
thy summer session for several yea
Bailey will give a talk on prey
day art and its appreciation before
Fine and Industrial Arts section. P
John G. Winter, of the Greek
Latin departments of the Univer:s
will talk on "Ancient and Mod
Athens," and Miss Dorothy Roe]
Grad., will talk before thr Latin s
'tion. Webster H. Pearce. Supe
tendent of Public Instruction

n of

Under the new system, Dr. Cabot'
explained, each applicant will be sub-
jected to a personal interview with
Dr. Cabot and the two other membersI
of a committee to be selected for the
purpose. Reports of the opinions thus
gained will be held for consideration.
In addition to this, each applicant will
Has Written Three Voie Work Onu

grades. The former admission re-
quirements were based upon the
scholastic record of the applicant in
high school and college, and upon the

ting fuii degree. Too many times this
has happened in two or three courses
of the senior student and we have
grauiiated a man entirely incompetent

- . - - - --" "' I

recommendation of his instructors in to do Ohw work of his procession. Un-
the sciences in his college work. For der the new plan we shall be able to
this reason," stated Dr. Cabot, "We d iscriminate more closely in the giv-

knew little of the applicant's char-
acter or his abilities outside the class-
room, which made it hard for us to
determine whether or not his future
could lay in medicine."
Another change in policy of the
Medical school was granted by the
Board of Regents at the time the
change in admission requirements was
sanctioned, said Dr. Cabot. This latter
change effects the graduation rather
than the entrance requirements. The
new method consists of a comprehen-
sive examination covering a general
field. Most important in the examina-I

inn. of dgrees," Dean Cabot explained.
i Rockford G'roup Will 3resent Seven
Dramas During First Part
Of Spring Season

Joint Project Sponsored By University
Of Pennsylvania And British
Museum Is Successful
(By The Associated Press)
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 11 - Rich
treasure exhumed with the bodies o,
musicians, servants, and gold bedeck-
I ed women of the harem who decom-
panied their masters are contained in
one of the most remarkable graves
found thus far in the Ur of the Chal-
dea as discovered by the joint ar-I
chae logical expedition or the Univer-
styeof Pennsylvania and the British
museum says a report received to-
The grave is unlike the hundreds of
others excavated in the cemeteries in

Walsli Named 'To Start Procedure In
.. . lkeopening Of Teapot Dome
j Investigation
(By The Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11--Problems
as divergent as the views which are
held upon thn took Congress today
over a period filled with action, both
Secretary Curtiss D. Wilbur legislative and verbal.
Of the Navy department, who spoke A demand was made in the House
before the naval committee of the by Rep. Celler of New York, to re-
House yesterday on the naval build- duce the duties on diamonds to pre-
ing appropriation.v ent smuggling. Senator Walsh. of
ElMontana, once more was assigned a
n.ajor part in the Teapot Dome case.
Floods, dams, appropriation bills,
for nrelations, navy ships, hospi-
SHORN INAB tals, Hearst Mexican documents, and
the always present tariff and taxa-
Women's League Will have Charge Of tion, came in for attention of sonme
Showing And All Proceeds ;sor.



Greenland, Which Has Just I
Been Published
Two lectures on "The Greenland
Eskimo" by Prof. W. Elmer Ekblaw,
of Clark university, will be given to-
day in Natural Science auditorium
under the auspices of the geology de-
In the first lecture at 4:10 o'clock{
this afternoon will deal with the home


ACTIfl ONhIDefinite announcement ha's been
mN a regarding the plays selected by
the Rockford Players for production

Bunrton Cammnnil Commitee To G.ive

Michigan, will conduct discussionst
the Rural Education section.
Major Will Speak.
Major Griffith will deliver the fi
ture talk before the Physical Edu
tion section on "Practical Athl
Prof. Paul Samson will preside
the meeting of this special gro
Dean Benjamin F. Pittenger of1
University of Texas will speak
"Education and the Public" beforet
Parent-Teachers association sect!
Prof. William McPherson, dean
the Graduate school of Ohio State u
versity, will address the Chemis
section on the subject "What Sho
be Taught in High School Chemistr
Prof. J. M. O'Neill, head oft
speech department of the Univers
will speak before the Speech sect
on "The Function of Speech Edu
tion." Prof. Francis D. Curtis, oft
School of Education, will delivert
only addre'ss before those interes
in geography and the kindred stud
on "The Art of Teaching Sciences
This is not the complete list
speakers who will give addressesa
discussions before the various s
Green Will Talk.
Friday night, the Diamond An
versary pageant of the college w
be pre'sented in Pease auditoriu
with the visiting alumni and conf
ence delegates as guests.
The series of addresses will be c
ducted at the final session, Satur
morning, with speeches by Dr. E
worth Huntington of Yale univers
Stratton D. Brooks, president oft
University ofMissouri, and Hon. F
W. Green, governor of Michigan.
An all-conference luncheon, wx

of the Polar Eskim os in the land of Report ftr, Xeeting *f Al um0 i
her- Thule, the northwest peninsula of To er Meeting Of Auni
ToBe Held Here Soon
hen Greenland. Professor Ekblaw will
ny develop the location, relief, ice, and CONVOCATIONSDISCUSSED
'ea-' climate conditions of this region as NV AT NSDSU E
owillI they effect the life of the Polar Eski-
mo. IHe will confine himself to the Deferring the report of the commhit-
physical geography of the Thule land tee appointed to investigate ways and
died telling something of the physiography, mean's of securing the Burton me-
id the climatic conditions, and the plant morial companile until after the meet-
and animal life.
eiS The lecture to be given at 8 o'clock ing of the alumni to be held here Sat-
and(] in Natural Science auditorium will be urday, .Jan. 21, the Student council
Re- concerned with the life of the Polar held its regular meeting last night at
oe Eskiho, indicating how their homes, the Union. The report of the Burton
thel food, lotig n ciiisaere
an- fd, cothing, and activities are reg- ipemorial committee was originally
h elated by the physical conditions
i described in the afternoon. scheduled for last Might, but after
cut ; Professor Ekblaw was geologist and consideration tme members of tme
the botanist on the McMillan-CrockerlandI council felt that it would be best to
rof. expedition to the Arctic during the wait until the alumni have acted.
and years 1913 to 1917, while ie made his ; Thcre will :, fmore thin 500 alumni
ity, studies of Greenland, its people and here on Jan. 21 to consider the 1(-
ern its geological conditions. le is recog-. year program which is to lead up to
hm, nized as one of the leading geologists the 100th anniversary of the founding
e(- and geographers in the country. of the University in 19:37, and at that
rin- Professor Ekblaw's three volume ! time,-it was reported, somie measures
of work on Greenland, which has just 'will probably be decided upon for aid,
for been published, is believed by Prof. at least, of the alumni in building the
William II. Flobbs, of the geology de- memorial.
partment, to be the best work in the Ellis Merry, '28, was chosen by the
fea- English language on the subject of Student council to represent the Uni-
*ca- Greenland. versity at the Mid-west conference to
etic be held at Boulder, Col., Feb. 23, 24,
'FA LIN A T TEMP+T and 25 Merry willattend the Meet-
at ing of colleges and uniyersities which
up. TO BREAK RECORD will be held there at that time for
the - the purpose of discussing a number of
on j (By Associated Press) mutual problems of the schools rep-
the ROOSEVELT FIELD, New York, resented.
ion. .Tan. 11--Thwarted after a four-hour The council also took up the ques-
0or flight in an attempt to establish a I tion of the convocations at the meet-
ni- new world's endurance record, Clar- ing last night, deciding that the Sum-
try ence Chamberlin, transatlantic flier, day morning service's constituted a
uld and a companion, Roger Q. Williams, very valuable function of the council
yI landed late today and immediately be- and should be continued. Appreeam-
the 1 gan planning to start at dawn tomor- tion was expressed of the line sup-
ity, row. port which has been given to the pr0-
ion Chamberlin and Williams, who took ject by an interested resident of Ann
ca- ! off from Roosevelt field's famous run- Arbor in the way of financial report,
the way at 12:13 p.m., today, landed at and it was decided that the prgrams
the 4:15 p.m., after dumping 300 of their for next year should be considered in
ted i original load of 451 gallons of gaso- the near future.
lies line. Trouble with the aiutomatic The committee, headed by John
. pump' which feed's the gasoline from Snodgrass, 28E, is now at work
of the supply tank to the gravity tanks the spring series of convocations,
and in the wings of their Bellanca mono- which will include, among other
ec- plane, forced them to abandon their things, a talk by Maude Royden, fam-
I flight, they said. ous Englishevangelist.
.A committee consisting of Merry,
ni~ LITTLE TALKS TO John Starrett, '28E, and William Jef-
will AS' fries, Grad., was appointed to investi-j
um, ( ALUMNI SOCIETY gate certain fields of action suggested
.er- to the council, and it i's expected that
o Dr. Little met with the University some action may be taken in the lin
on- !ofMichigan club of Detroit yesterday suggested by The Daily's editorial of
lay noon at the Detroit Athletic club to yesterday morning.
Ils- talk over ways in which the club The plan of the class dues commit-
ity, could fit into his plans for an tee set aside Tuesday and Wednesday
the Alumni university, which are to be of next week for the collection of
red officially announced at the Centen- class dues was approved by the
Inial Send-Off Dinner, to be held Sat- council, and it was decided to take ac-
ith urday night, Jan. 21, in the Ballroom Lion against the treasurers who failed

here during the first part of their
spring season. Outstanding success-
es and initial stock productions of
modern dramas that are still playing
with their original casts will make up
the first 'series, seven in number.
Robert Henderson, '26, was in Ann
Arbor last week end making arrange.
ments for the opening at the Whitney
theater on Sunday, Jan. 22. The com-
pany will be managed by Don Mc-
Intyre, of the Whitney theater.
Bayard Veiller's "The Thirteenth
Chair," one of the first and best
known Amerian mystery plays, will
open lthe series and wiI play for six
performances. Mrs.' Richard Mans-
"zeld wife of ,the well known actor,
will appear in the role of Madame La-
Grauge. Followingithis the more re-
cent popular success, "Cradle Snatch-
ers" by Norma MitchelL will be given
for five performances. "Cradle Snatch-
ers" proved itself to be the outstand-
hi~^ success of the (companys sum- I
nuer season.1 Isie Ierndon Kearns,
le ding lady with Walter HIlampden,
w911 be brought from New York to
play time role of Susan Martin.
1 The third bill-that for J-Hop week
-will be "Aren't We All," the Fred-
erick Lonsdale smart comedy, made
famous by Cyril Maude in New York
and by William Hodges in Chicago
and on the road. Following this will
come "Tommy," by Howard Lindsay.
This vehicle enjoyed one of three j
longest runs of last year's New York
season, and but recently closed in
Chicago. The three remaining plays
will be "The Enchanted April," "The
Parker," by Kenyon Nicholson, and
James M. Barries one-act comedy
"The Old Lady Shows Her Medals."
Complementing the latter selection
will be Shaw's "Great Catherine,"
which ha's already been given for 33
performances on the campus since its I
initial presentation three years ago in
itlie Mimes theater.1
The Rockford Players had the priv-
ilege of presenting the first stock
production of "The Barker," which is
still playing the East with Richard
Sennett in the leading role. The lead
w ii be played by Charles Warburton,
!orner director of the Old Vic theater
in London, and who appeared here
with the Rockford Players last sum-
mer. Mrs. Mansfield will appear reg-
ularly with the company during the
opening five weeks, and during the
second half of the season Elsie Hern-
lon Kearns will be present. John
Van D:uten, author of "Young
Woodley" which formed the starring
vehicle for Glenn Hunter two years
ago, and last year when he appeared
at the Whitney theater, is expected to'
come out from New York to direct a
version of his play that the Rockofrd
Players will give. Van Druten spoke
in Natural Science auditorium last
(1.r\ )aed Pes
I)OW1l H Tl EH. Eng.. Jan. 11.-,
'I m: sa s hI em-dy, age dean of Englishs
im-rat e, (died tomight at his home
l~ert' after a inoim1thl's illess.
Thme famims S-year old novelist had
a chill November 12, and thereaft r
I s condliion va alternately hop-
1i atnd then -mritcal but his age in-
po-ed heav 'adds against recovery-
I)eait('aii at o'clock after op-

Ur in which the expedition is work-
ing writes C. Leonard Wooley, direc-
tor of the expedition, and providing
definite information and new signs as
well as affording material for a far

3 .

reaching series concerning the his- f Will (Ao To Them Crowd Is Present
t Aside from the action of the ;corn-
tory of civilization. t
mittees, the Senate's part in the
The bodyo tekig snotfound FI T N A proceedings was verbal, and as usual-
but presence of the bodies of mnore-ly the case, the advance of Congress
than a score of men and women who I According to an announcement from attracted a crowd. While the House
consttuted the king s Household of the offices of the Alumni association, vas passing the $82,000,000 approprl-
ted forh mihley BssC., th x the University Film, which was takenI ation bill, for the states, messages
factorti epot'an re ad c on the campus this fall, will have an of the departments of Commerce and
remonies about which later religions Ann Arbor shoving shortly after the Labor, and was receiving the $250,-
remsilenaoutnd hchatgists iitonsperiod of examinations. The film be- 430,000 budget, the prospects of big
re silent and archaelogists hitherto longs to the Alumni ;ssociation, but time political debates in tme Senate
new nothin the Women's League will have charge 'was more to the taste of tle per-
Chariot Found I of the showing and the proceeds will;i
A magnificently decorated chariot go to them. The film will be shown
and harp, gold and silver vessels and T in e Senator DaviRe, of Pennsylva-
i in Hill audit or unm and thme price oif ia. touched the Senate off to a start
exquisite toilet sets, and various ot her admission will be Sliht, hffb
treasures yielded by the grave seIg by informing them that the Hearst
Ietsrae tym e ra n se- It was originally planned to give Mexican documents had been found
re to lustrate the extraordinar - the film in Hill auditorium omm Satur- ts spurious. Taxes got into the 1a-
geseof atrial cijiyizamon hich0day, Jan. 21, but lue totthe fact thati ter talk when Senator Borah indi-
yesopotamia enjoiyed more than 500 tine film is now making the rounds of cated the reported independents had
year ago. says the report. thi e (ifent University of Michigan no objection to iostponenmentof tax
Excavationio of thetporave. _whictax
c oaiy followed upon that of theubs in the country and could not be reduction until after March 15; the
gmave of Mes-Kalam-Dug, a royal brough back to Ann Arbor oii a date tariff was threaded in intermittent-
prince, was accomplished only after that Hill auditorium would be free, ly and Governor Smith was accorded
nthe shoxing was postponed ntmil after space when Senator Copeland of New
considerable time had been syent in examinations, when it would be more York presented his mame .as the Dem-
feet. convenent to give it. ocratic presidential nominee; flood
The first object found was the harp, The University movhng picture was relief talk brought from Borah op-
Wooley. states. A staff-head of gold I filmed by the Metropolitan Moving position to the plan to have the states
was turned up amid thmen several cp-Picture company of Detroit last fall bear their part of the expense neces-
per nails with large gilt heads. The and is planned for use by te Univer- sary to coitrol the sumplus waters.
original wvood of the harp had decay- sity in promoting closer relationship Rorah Acts As Questioner
od. with the alumni. The film will be Incidentally, Borah, in persistently
"The second hig discovery was time distributed to various alumni organ- questioning Senator Copeland on the
chariot. Here too, the wood all had 'izations throughout te country, and prohibition views of Governor Smith,
perished, leaving only holloxs in the the alumni in the far corners of the !announced that he would question
soil, but the decorations enabled re- ountry will thus be able to see viexs every candidate for the presidency in
covery of the original design Iof the University campus as it is to- a similar vein. Senator Curtis, of
"All of the woodwork of the chariot day. 1Kansas, who has announced for tie
had been outlined with narrow bands The pictures are woven around a Republican nomination, was standing
of inlay in blue and white, or red '?loosely constructed plot which has nearby, but the Idahoan did not pun-
SJo Chamberlain, '28, Marion Welles, ! sue his subject further.
and white,' against a black back-,
ground," Mr. Wooley writes. '28, and Nathan Potter, '98, in the Senator Walsh who prosecuted the
Describes Chariot, leading roles. Pictures of nearly !Teapot Dome investigation was named
A rail ran around the top, decorated every phase of University life from by the Senate Lands committee to in-
in this fashion with blue and white the football games to tie scientific quire into procedure for the reop-
circles. Attached to the rail and fac- laboratories are shown, and some of enuing of that subject by the Senate.
ing outward, were little heads of the finest pictures of the whole film The Senate foreign relations corn-
lions and bulls, all of gold and six on I are those of the Ohio Stite and Navy mittee decided to wait until after the
each side of the chariot. From each football games last fall. Pan-American conference at Havana
side of the body of the car projected to go into the Nicaragua controver
three larger long heads, also of gold, PLA Y CONCLUDES sy, while another senate committe
the eyes inlaid with lapis lazuli, and LOCAL SHOWING began hearings on the Columbia ba-
the names waved across the chest, sin irrigation project, a gigantic pro
but presented in lapis and shell. SA TURDA.4 Y NIGHT I posal in the state of Washington.
"The chariot had been drawn by Agriculture committee, accepting an
two asses, and at the head of each ass ; There are but few tickets remaining an:andment from members of the
lay the groom, as if still holding the !,for the performances today, ton;'or- General Federation of Womens Clubs
reins, while a third groom lay by their row and Saturday of Austin Strong's designed to aid home economics, ap
side. "Seventh Heaven" by the Mimes proved a bill for farm extension
The hole reminded one of the de- Players, due to the extraordinary de- wok
scription that Herodotus gives of the Imand for seats so far. The colorful Boulder Dain Discussed
funeral of a Scythian Icing, though 'French wartime play of the Paris un- . In the house committee rooms,
whether his animals and men had derworld, starring Phyllis Louglmton, Governor Decn of Utah, told whs
been impaled, as in Scythia, or merely '28, and Charles D. Livingstone, '28L, ;Utah was oposed to the new boulder
killed and permitted to lie in their will probably conclude its ruin Sat- Dan bill, while NIt England had a
places, there was no evidence to show.I urday, according to E. Mortimer Su- say before the Flood Control -commit-
ter, because of the number of addi- ; tee, through Representatives Gibson
CONVENTION CITY tional things planned for production and Brighamr, of Vermont.
NOT DE TERMINED in the Mimes theater. Secretary Wilbur explained to the


Dean Pittenger as toastmaster, will le I1of the Michigan Union. to appear.
given in the Men's gymnasium, Satinr-
W 1LL SPEAK ON A meeting o all class treasurers Monday afternoon. A uirge nmb
has en(callled for' (o'cloc'k Monmmday o hmix'ieoit'hmc tfu iv
FEDERAL TAXES lumis e"" " a""""""T"d"2i "
FEEA AE!aftern'i~on in in,~O~l 302 of time Unioni iug hieldoliast Momiday.
rn--fin Due to the fact that a certain pov
David C. Howaro, a well-known !by Charles Gilbert, '28, chairman of itm of all class dues paid bhvnment
nlemi)r. of the West Virginia bar, the class duts committee from ie will be turned over to the li o:ncn Ii
will be in Ann Arborf this week-end ' Sttudentl council. All teasurers nut Leage luiilding fund it is r'e lUf enl
to deliver severl lectures concern- presei0t or represented by proxy at that all wom' siudenIs, in padyi g
imig Federal taxation, according to an this time willine canled before the imdues, see that t hoiir receipts are prop-
announcement by Prof. IHerbert Good- council for explanmtiomn, it has been erly stamped, for te Wonuon's Lel--
rich, of the Law school. Iiinnouuield. guue will-receive not hi ng from the u u-
Attorney Hlowaird's first talk wil I be ile days set a 1de for hlie collection stamped receipits. It is expt ed mum
given at 8ro'clock tomorrow in raoii I mn ohass (Ii P-ion leaua 1 r ae inext le outer clau ss oicers laesidi e Iii
Bof isenLaxn nrin.inll t l coifine x hek oii triesurliy amd WAednesday, ti sumers will c (oo in the i Ioi
his disc-us si on nui uci na] iv totheii(' ii- x7ii cniithle trea sureirs of *all ('i'sses (1 f 't iont i duin iiIlle'vain iou s cka s-'



1 i l l'LThese will include Ned MicCobb's
(By Associated Press) Daughter," "Is Zat So?" and "The
A Devil's Disciple." Then productions
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11.-Cleveland byteomd(11)anbyly r-!
peared late tonight to be out of theby he Comedy clb and by Play Pro-
'ture for the next Democratic na- ductions are billed lor future presen-
tationi. One of thle above plays xwllj
inal convention, leaving the race.y
w largely to San Francisco and De- (gointo immediate rehearsal following
At.i the examination peiriod.
A sharp refining of the list of pos- I"I February, Play Production will
ble citie's for the 1928 Democratic present a double bill inmrepertory
nvention was indicated today by manner, "SunIp" and "flell Bent
vers that be in the party on the eve ler Heaven being the attractions.
the national committee and Jack- ie next ('omedy 'lt) mttra'timn ha"
mi Day dinner tomorrow. u;of asyet hieen ainnouni.d althougi
states have been secui'ed. 'I'lte camii-E
OInts theatrical season will he com-
lAIcated by the ten week season that
HEARD BY GROUP *xwill be filled at the Whitney theater
_by the Rockford Players, beginning
The first meeting of the general this month, while one more perfornm-
mmittee on the University college 1iance o' the 22nd annual iTnion Op-

naval committee the $725,000,009
building program and the American
Legion laid before the Veterans' com-
mittee a plan for spending $15,500,000
on hospitals. President Coolidge top4
Iped off the proceedings by asking for
!,exeral hundred thousand d nlars for
r sever'al minor activities including
some hospital reconstruction work
I that has been recommended for old
Prof. William 13. Kynoch, xood tech
nologian in the School of Forestry and
I Conservation, was the principal speak-
er at a meeting of the Forestry club
held last night in Natural Science

Wit iIIardd's eath one of the
;,a1 't(hest of the Victorians, scemles of
Wijh,- mnovels of Engli,;lm life wvere laid
in his he to ved Wessex, where he lived
imost of his 87 years, passed from the
lito World.


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