1(10Q PAGE 'TWO THF. MTCI-1T(.AN DAT1.V -4- T.1 rYt, A All -M r:1""TT ATi'RT 01 TIIF MI vaa TUAa fl~il V DAY, EBRUAt 21,19:'x LITTLE ATTACKS ITRETATION OF CHRIST AS HISTORICAL CHARACTER IN ADDRESS TO PRINCETON RELIGIOUS CONFERENCE_ 1T0 ALLOW EXTRA lCommunist Memberl PERFORMANCE OF 1 To Address Mieetino~r PLAY BY JUNIORS' "Dodging' of Issuaes Obstructs Fearles And D~irect 3Methlods Used By Christ," Little Saiys (Continued from Page 1) the commoner forms of relaxation tend to undermine the benefits deriv- ed from industry and constructive de- yelopment. "The attitude of people towards law; as shown by the fact that legis- lation with inadequa~te enforcementE and half hearted support has come to be considered as representing prog- ress. "The attitude of people towards wealth; as shown by t he develop- Ment of a social system based on a material basis and on envy of and hypocritical friendship for the pos-, sessor of great monied resources. "The attitude ot people towards politics; as shown by a moral code which condones bad faith, prevarica- tion and dishonesty as a 'part of the game' and supports virtual disen- franchisement of millions of Ameri- can citizens. "The attitude of peop~le towards international responsibilities which is expressed in the sloga n 'me first,' which does not 'forgive our debtors,' which invades weaker nat ions for pro- tection of economic interests or to prevent foreign riations from doing likewise and which holds in unwilling subjection a people too weak in armed strength to throw off our domination.j "The attitude of people towards marriage as shown by the fact that1 'good usage' does not sanction ,eon- fessions of failure and that in the mind of many physical death is the only reputable solution to a partner-I ship which brings out only the worst in both contracting parties. "The attitude of people towards the survival of med'iaevalism in re- ligion which gives to a cowardly fail- ure to combat intolerant creeds or' dogmas the name of 'tolerance'-thus postponing the facing of a great issu-eI and sowing the wind' which may some day cause all humanity to 'reap the whirlwind.' "Frankness is never popular and a of evidence that the great majority of young people are not heart and soul in the work of the modlern or- ganized church it may be a fair qjues- tion to ask whether we had not better begin to clear the decks so_ that the spirit of fearless Christianity may be- gin to fight its battles'?" The speech at Princeton was the conclusion of a week-end spent in New York and Princeton during which the Presidlent attended two gatherings of New York alumni in addition to attending the meetings of the Princeton conference. President Little spent yesterday conferring with prominent New York alumni and will return this morning to Ann Arbor. Iw P~eriionu for ain ext ra perfor t- an re of bhe Junion Girls' Play was grantiied by the sen ate committee on1 student affairs at a recent meeting. thle play will be presented from Mvarch 19 through March 24. and though the extra p~erformance has been allowed in Ann Arbor the show will not be takeni on a. trip to De- troit this year, as last. At t he same nw1eting perm11iSSi)n to hold the Military ball, annual spring; social function, oni April 27 was granted. Beta Kappa Rho, new women's or- ganization. and Cihi Upsilon, a new Women's geology society were recog- nized br the committee. Neither of the group~s are house clubs, Saw Coming to Ann arbor' after paretici- pating in many of Aimerica's grea test mine strikes, Mlother i31oor will ad- dress the regular meeting of the League for Industrial Democracy at 8 o'clock at the Union tonight. A nmenmber of the N orjkers' or C.ollnmull- ist party, Mother Mloor' holds a rec- ordl for the number of strikes in which she has ibeen an act ire par- ticipant. according; to officials of the league. 3 35 A RCA.tDE 7.00 8.40 QILDA GREY "THE ABAET A Kaleidoscopic Cabaret Adventure without the Cou- vert! Better than "Aloha of the' South Seas." Thursday-Chas. Murray "THE GORILLA" C'larience Cook Littlej analysis may not carry con- Yet with the clearest sort 1 4 IFirst- Class Shoe Lust Winter Exursion Round Trip Round Trip c'oaches Bert Ii iate extra Friday, February 24th Ice mountains 100 feet high-massive icicles, weighing tons- trees laden with glistening spray. Falls illuminated in colors each night by 1,440,000,000 candle power - only place in world where rainbows shine at night. See Niagara in Winter Splendor Lv. Ann Arbor............. 9:43 P. M. Ar. Niagara Falls, N. Y..... 7:30 A. M. Returning leave Niagara Falls, N. Y., direct or via Buffalo on regular trains (except Nos. 13, 17, 25, 39 and 47) not later than midnight February 26th. For complete fiformation consult: Local Ticket Agent F 'd 11 "'" ,.. t Repairin Expert Worknansh Lg lip -FEIt FtOR NANC' S DA.ILY-4 CLARK'S SHOE REPAIRER 321 South State i t -M ---._.. NEW DINING ROOMS NOW OPEN Special, Special, Special, Club Luncheon . .... .. .. . .. .. .. .. $.65 Steak Dinner ..*..........0..$1.00 Chicken Dinner ...............* * * $1.25 i R I i i i ( a f ( i i i I i I ' i F s .E I r AS YOU LIKE lIT Again Enunciating the Supremacy of the Pictures Over All Entertainment. It's TWO REAL REASONS Laughter ye 1)iire YMoilto 1Ty This Amiusemnent Coin- and Love Week - --__ Motion 2.SPECIAL DAILY MATINEES 5n Over 1000 Seats LIGHT LUNCHES, A LA CARTE Separate Room for Bridge Luncheons or Party Dinners Phone 21280 or 8313 for reservations. Campus Catering Company 100%' American 609 E. William St., Half Block Of f State St. EMPLOYE ENTR std ,j S i i, r- WMWAMWOMM IFrank and Ernest yBRIGGS n (BACK OR, . ARE-:t RN CFNGAGE- IvE,' i t-IE vtoURLE}D'SWORST COM D~Y "TEtaM q THEY WAORK \/IHL--YOu SLC-E P ! Wt-4E~? WEP~ ? (LL.'NO1S. I-4XJSE LAST t-E. COPY Ni~-vr ~' W6LL WA.4 MARK' TCL L MR, WH(CH £ap You LI K( BE ST- YOU R WIFE OR FrOUR TRoVSE2S G? E()Go LL ( C"" LOTS Off'. Ct-S VJITK- MY WIFE.. i DI1D Yo'u tVNjoV TH^ T T H/AT AR -r i w f\AHU F'Atl1,..-TED &JR 'FC tURC eLAJ s YCAFi I FRRlE=D YHC- (RL \).JNo USED -i-oPo5F Fog .HIM? K'd tK \ Wj~ELL. - 1j-4AT MAKEfS HISA t-(A S 8flN! SUf~J . 1 e Ry r mEf is s 'WEE I II EAR T, STORY BY Ili A T H I_. E FN ( N .- WOrjDSR WHXJY ALL l'AYi3A; TIE J'EWAELE RS THEY' R! ARE S8LYrt IG So G :hJG .1 MAt JY O LD GOLVZ> MAK £DtoiFFEFc IJCE -5MoV(E ERRtrJG BET wJE E N A A"D.0TktE. SuuemD j DAVIJ(ArvEfCraI"S , GOLDS N4ORRI S IlRI CII I) BY SAM TAYLOR Maggie had pride--even if she did work in- the Five-andTeti, When she found that the boy she adored was terribly rich..- what do you think she did? You Will Hold Your Sides In Laughter and Cheer"With Delight When You Find Out. By all odds--the greatest picture Our Mary ever made x s _cr ^jc , 'I r r- o ,_ .w. 4 .< Ic I Slipportc C arles Igo A11- Star ~ E7:00) Y. I-. . 01. } MAJETICAPP-OINTMENTS A. -N E IVAESOI"S ART AM) BEAUTY FABLE ___ AS YOU LIKE IT BEST . . ig