PACE EIGHT THE MICHIGAIN DAILY SUNDAY, 1:1. 191' PACJt BIGhT SUNI)AY, FEBRUARY 19, 1928 { il review the regent work in palant genetics in the United States. DAILY 0 FFICIAL BULLETINjItmieiu: l.i. Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of Terey will 21 ateet1n3o'ctl ok. nee Cuat tet ativited the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until ftsday, ebray2,a 5ocok daetiStU31n l afltSr n-~iU I t1 H ~icli igahlensiilll: Therea will he an important meet- of 0 I the Enire 'editorial and ibusi- 'ie " t. I Cot, the Alielhiganensian Mon- Qne.'. Wayne Brevvnell, llusines l 1 Iou ( to Whitney T heatre '1-91)l - ' i ll .n - ' % 11I 1 3:30 p .'m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) V'.Jilie $S. SUNDA'V, FEBR 'ARY 9. Number 104. To All Fraternities: Attention is called that "no student. shall scholastic eligibility to to a rulo. of the Interfraternity Council which provides be initiated into a fraternity without a certificate of' be issued by the Dean of St udents.'" J. A. Bursley, Dean. i i 1 Oratorical1 Association Season-Ticket Holders: 'The course tickets admit, to the lecture by Miss Florence R. Allen of tho Ohio Supreme Court. Justice Allen will speakc in H1111 Audit oriumn Monday night at 4 P.M. (Carl(G. Brant. Oratorical Association Ushers and Tick et.-Takers: Please report at the east entrance to Hill Auditorium Monday night; at 7: 15 o'clock for the lecture to be given by Miss Florence E. Allen, Junat ice of the Ohio Supreme Court. ('arl G. Brandl. Faculty, College of Lite~rature, Science and the arts : - Faculty Program blanks have been distributed through the' Dean's mes- senger service and all faculty mnenilhers are requestedl to fill out the program Joint Physics and Astronomy Collotultun: blans ad rtur thm t thi oficeat hei ealies covenenc. Adi- Professor W. C. Rufus, of the Astronomy Department, will speak on "The bil blands return sh curtothis oiegattheofir eris.oneine. A d-Stellar Spectra and Some Correlations" at 4:15 o'clock, Tuesday, February tUonJ.blankrmaynh seccedetyrhontn the Dffic. 21, in Rodim1041, East Physics Building. All interested are invited to attend.I ---1. r- hScetr)t he D an . 1. Dennisotn. Faculty College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The February meeting of the Literary Facuilty will be held Monday, Feb- Chaliapin i n Choral Union Series: ruary 20, at 4:15 pm., Room 2225- Angell Fhall. Professor J. S. Reeves will Feodor Chaliapin, Russian bass, assisted by Max Rabinowitch, pianist, act as Chairman of the meeting, will give the following program in Hill Auditorium in the Choral Union 11, . ('orbin, Secretary to the Dean. Series, Thursday evening, February 23, at 8 o'clock. The general public is w _ re'spectfully requested to come on time. } ~Liszt: Sonetto 104 del Petrarea; Chopin: Valse No. 2; Max Rabinowitch;j Faculty, Colleges of Engneering and Architecture: Songs tot be announced, Feodor Chaliapin; Schubert-Godowsky: Hedge There will be a meeting of the faculty of these Colleges on Tuesday,I Rose, Godowsky: Little Valse, Moszkowsky: Etude in G-flat, Max Rabin- February 21, at 4:15 p.m., in Rohoro 348, West Engineering Building. owitch; Songs to be announcedI, Peodor Chaliapin. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary. C r. CI),iiin w ill annoancot fromn the Stale the song -.whir h he will ing-tt. They will be ronld ;:1 ooklet programs, which will dicrb'd ShoofEieto SafLnho:throughout the audience. (Charles A. ~ih Professor Yoakum, Director of the University Bureau of Research, willI address the School of' E dulcation stalTf luncheon on Monday. February 20, at I-amia Section. Faclty 1i 'oiuens ('luhb: th;e Un1ionr. Alon day eventing dramla sectioni will mneeta i lhe ( I ul) hiouse at 26 so(l]ih C. (h. I~avif 1JIngallis, 7 :30 pam., Monday, Febr'uaryv 20. V lien e It. Bl (-fly, SecretarIy-. ;(Illona<;ic-r Enlgiaa cs: 'iar1- ilc;at~lhg~, 'c1ioln--l"a,'ult y Il'oIuel's {'11111 'T'here xwill be a v ery fijpoi'tant ncet lug of the So phomoi'e Engin e~r '] 0TCa ly-taiigScto fteFt] tyWmn (,i ilme e~as, 'f esay, 'ebr a v 21 at10 oIockin oom 48. Eey on e is reo'Tutesday, February 21. at 2 :2,0) Pn.. at the homenife 0AMr..>I.81(ie'; O q uUee to at I tod.E.U. !Ietr 3, .1,t) Cambridge Roa d. :Mrs. t'. It. Kauffmuan and IMr's. WV. F. liii t will a Ft as St aim 4 C II i'aii, 1 'iesidt'nt. Iiotcss Aeolyles: .Acolytes will meet on Monday even- i ', ebtruary' 20, at 7:30 o'clock in Ron om06Mason IHall. IDr. George F.Brtt will read a paper on "as "asality in Modern Physics." Ptaypnimd lfoekstra. Chii Dfla 41h i: Tryut committee will meet Mon- day, February 20, at Room 204 Mar- Ilha C'ook Building at 7:15 o'clock. lathlryn Francis, President. DU*ISCUSS METHODS OFi Green] y Says Position Of Forestr$y As Prev-entive Measure Should Not Be Exaggerated 'MP1 HkC' .A DE.AN SPEAKS~ (iPy A ssociatr~i mess.) j ST. LOUIS, Feb. 17 - 'The view- point of the United States forest ser- vice coiwerningi forestration as a flood ,'oti'rcI l asiive was announced by Col . Willlam, 11. C reenley, chief of lhe fore'(st service, in add~ressing the' At'tii aForestry So( jation )h!! e t l ,tia '- STOCK SEASON 4th Big Week Opening Tonight at8 BOOTH TARKINP TON'S Most Human of All Comedies i .11 r'~. I~'. i~. Finch, S~ ta'eia cv. Sen iot' Enug ieers: There will11be a (Ilasa 711eIi ug l d a Ilmain g, Fehrtuincv21. at 1 0 o'c lock, Iou'l ia: ins Room )'48. A n1 I at euda ine is i'X(j lCestedl. FI+Ji Ia rmold L. . Ma1tiue somu, Piesideut. c u o (---: 'Hi l al try'(oults hfo'Portia Liter''ryi' ocietyxNilli be l'elIlAlondav i iill "' ron, 4th flour Anugell H allI. All members ac asked to >'e 11witi'<1a ch. ''t iwre shomit i , )' 1no exal,'ggeatea l i 101 of what forest rv !an accoml- W iish in tout rol hn g 11he behavxior o, st reamns" he said. ''i'Iiere shouldl he 11$N il[i XX'aiited a ssumlt ion that for- st 11 i''cnidae Ithe place of engin- . iv sh-tii c res ill 1n'ot ectl tg areas slhi('1 itoovellow. NWe know that hoi-s to01(1 iwth run-off and hind soil ill place bet er t hanl any thler' ('otxr A1 .m'txvet' : noxv that forests' us- x, f i'rtard the meltinig snows Afl( as are ,eli' Hitr C a t{):ill ; waxvii" Iul fot0 1''N Il iist lie filted' Iinlit's pV)- i'- idace'Uintoil] 'ol liii g 11oods. Its I"''s'0ii1-1i.5' 1o01 he exaggerated.'' tleall Sa iel '1. lDan1a or'the U iii- xt~i city of '\lichiga nrmesti'y scho-ol ;11;'o k I/ }'eMd' d r # ^ ,.1.. - tiP . I, " -.... j .. 9 ' "' a Glad to Be Back Oj(. is h'ow you Nwill promlnty pro- ;,c '_>,c t. lhere are tasty sa ndwichl'es and light, luncheon ,pecals and \ De Tail The best of everything at the .S LUNCH 605 Church St. See wvhatI Alex h.-as to say in ev ery Sunda"' D i, and to a lot of were have a chance to O f course, Oscar talk had Noteworthy but Alex always said that he liked his own line better. And speaking about lines, just take a Walk around to Church Street and you will find the hest line ox things to eat that you ever saw. meals 'that are a treat. The' Menus are always planned with the utmost of attention to' Well Balanced, g('ood things to say that '-U . ..............,,/...,,..,.. ,.. . .,,.. tu IMAIL ORDERS .NOW 1V1 I "9K jlr NI E S PMW" JL L EA IBOX OFFICE ii PHONE 41411 I 1f M, ewssws s zesm w+sosr;dmneraa _.M_.^___ ._ _...__,. _,,_ '° -- .. anwxrxam ^ es¢rans .w esa .w.sawamwtn A w.+wssrsn..a.+rrwso+ra ae+s a+unee++aa wiw w+nawn..w.Nnrw+ r...u+nw awn 1 ,. J FEBRUARY lilt 20, 21, 22,; 23 24, 25 THE MIMES PRESENTS i Geo. M. Cohan's Hilarious XJE H 0 M E farce VV N E R 99 Comedy I I --. . ' - 1 NEW YORK TELEGRAM-"Broadway em- I~~with a mixed cast including I NEW YORK AMERICAN-"Wie laughed and 1111 11 11 11 1111