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February 19, 1928 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-19

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11 ~ [ OF TIII{[ i3IA~ ~tinteifoi Page Sim.)
C[ o _ TH4LS cu~s, wh l rinceon, Nvy, :Rutg is,
fi -._.-an Dartmiouth still remain onl their 1
('tomes W1;liiii Terl~j~i Seetn4jId Of World schedule. The Blue team dlef eat ed
Reco(rd For 70~ Yard Syracuse by a score of 43-19, while
II ilh U IcardIcs the Wolverines also tripp~ed the east-
IV QNRE WINS TWO M IL.E erurs J~ya. 49-20 count.
,. T 11 S 3J( I n ( iamt L ~ i 5:L I l I~ ,A Y

e~xcitinug and Lu (I fou ght II< I or the


In a practice that was featured by Iveteran aggregation with at least
ion Cooper's mark of 9.1 seconds in 011e tied per firmer in ec3h event.I
fie 70 yards high hurdles the VarsityI The outfit is built around House, the
nd freshman yesterday afternoon i captain and individual star, who
eld the first formal time trials of l competes in both the sprinzts and the
'ac year in Yost field house. backstroke. He holds the intercolie-
Cooper's time which was within one J giate title for the latter evenf.
nath of a second of tihe world's in-I Coach R. J. It. Kiputh, who suc-
oor record was all the more remark- ceeded Coach H~at Maini as Yale
ble in that he ran it without any coach in 1918, has a capable distarW~e
man in Sanford, and a pair of good
)mpetition. The dash men also breaststrokers in Millard and Rick.-
urled in some fast time. Eddie mian. In addition to Captain house,
olan, freshman sprinter and present ;the Yale tLearn1has Howland1 in the
,older of the National interscholastic sprints and Cahill in the backstroke.
itle, ran thle 50 yard dash in 5.6 Glascock and Vadenl are exIperiefleed
nid the 60 yards in 6.5 to nose out divers, while House, HIowlan(l, Pope.
.ook also of the freshman squad. antJ Meany' form a fast rlaky to i..
Dhisli Men Look G~ool The meet wllbe sta,-ed in Carne-
Buck Hester, Varsity sprinter who I gia pool which is conlsidered one of'
>a long way from his last season's li+,e fast est 4.n he United lotates. If,
)rm had a hard afternoon, being un-f is ten feet deep ait. one oxtr°enity and1l
ble to win any one of the many dash '12, at the other. Seating facilis in-
1als that were held. Robb, holder of sure the accominiodation of more than
7e Scotch sprint title and who is at 5,000 spectators.


'Three hundred~u and twenty-five menl
represent lug 26 fra ternities partici-
p atedM ini the, first round of the fra-
ernity foul shlooting t ournament
held Thursday igh-t. The .five men
on ea.(hl team sinking thle most shots
were counter with1 the result that
Sigm a Alpha Mu Nvas in the lead wvithI
89 out of a poss5ible 125 p)oints. Thi)a
Chli was a close seedno with 87, and
Tau Epsilon RIM was third with 863.
(Close oin their heels were h 'i Bea
Delta withl 85 and Phi Sigma Delta
with 83.
Tile renlaininig scores were as fol-
lows: PhIi Lambda Kxappa., 810; Kap-
pa~ Nu 78; Phi Sigma Kappa, 76; Pi
Kappa Alpha, 74; Beta. Thet-a Pi, 76;
Tau Kappa Epsilon, 72; Triangle, 69;
Tan Delta Ph1i, 68; Tan Epsilon Phi.
68; Alpha Omega, 68; Alpha Kappa
Lanmbda, 67 ; Phi Kappa Tan, 67;
Delta .Kappa Epsilon, 66; Alpha Kap-
pa Psi, 65; Phi Kappa, 64; Kappa
Alpha Rho, 63; Phi Epsilon Pit62;
P~hi Clhi, 55; Alpha T'au Omega, 53.
Each afternoon between 3 and
o'clock enitraints in the all-ampusi
fen l-siootinig tournament are accent-
! ol. To'( qualify for this tournamenit
a player nmut make 15 0: his firs~t
25 trys. He then must shoot 40) more
at onle Itime and 35 at another, mau-
ilig 100 Irys inl all.

1 >;
I' Tl
C sic
I 1

1IM ii(. Th gr heele Timus at
1i i t illi ihlmaB 1 T Owthe ',Tivl'
in forward'ts to 5U'. AI u di t'
iiliddle o' hIilas: of the ovortlhine
per~iods 'Wisconsin (ari'iei thle llcl
;oX\'il into Ithe M 11iii 5 111 1(111110 o:y iiid
1u rphy sanlkiii , wimairl2, 3(. f
lie 'game, making the \Voiverhiies
aubject to six straight defeats inl he
3ig; Tell. A las>t minute rally of the
4iiehi;'amilteemIllonly i37ade 1 h iWsL
conilli lead iisocuOre, iIoWO\ ', I" hO
WVolveini~es Nere Su:>? sIt.' ] hF:ly '('llr.;l-F
°di frontscoring.
ISunday .Uinner
"j Vegetable Soup
P ineapple Salad I
.1 Fried Chic1ten
or °
Beef Birds
lahcd eLPotatoes
Peas, Jellyp
( ~Ice Creamn
Sunday Luncheon
Ove- Der rillPat

' America n RugCleanip''X.7 rI s
Rugs and Carpets
Cleaned-S ized-Re paired
1032 Green St. Phone 8115
AfPoeto o o
r11:nv: c 15Ey
' y~1 i11!tl3{H{efi1it~~tlfillII S1i~liatlproltE c ; I1:!J"" .o OUI t as-;'i
suI o . ~ oei
ou. rmoetect ions. for s on
yO u r p seI bns o us n w
r~h oakl iing Stion" i
Open Phone 4is
_ and Eve ins and 5vnd irp cyi--
ou moeae-ic. ll edn

present enrolled in the medical school

captured two of them while Chapman ~S111IIl111111lllll111 i1111111111111111111:1111111.
and GIrod sky each won one. The last i"
competitionl may develop into quite
capable short distance men.
Jons uns F~ast 440
In a il elay race, a quartet coin-A no V =J
Sposed of Freese. Daltlan, Seyjnour,
H -arbaugh andl Munger defeated I-Iowe,
SDale Seymour, Jenes anld Tarbill, the I
time Ibeing 3 minutes 29 seconds. In
Jlou s, last year's Varsity hurdler
turnied in an impressive 440 in the
thiirdl lap when lie picked up about 15 _
yards on Dalton Seymour whose time =
was 51.8 seconids. Tilis went to waste w i1 -t~' ,5 i ~ li l~~tStc
when Trabilil was unable to close theL~fi ~lf ~'aM)321 sc '~ nvwe a
slighit gap left between himl and( 1=< FiI' -Iet
Muainger whose tinme was 51 seconds 1"itei I C Crle uIv >Jee bosittillc i
flat. f$adiadsl ::
Monroe of the Varsity squadl ran the =1 Y~:.1 )1 111i~dsi
two mile course in 9 minutes 44 1 .~m ;;1 1ev lr attained excpt v,7t1
', econds to win over Wuerfel, Grewin l .--~ it
Iand others. This time is quite good ,rcc us;;o resAl 1
'considering tile track and tile earli 1 5t114i1;Cs K < )S ilodil lines airc the re- -
ness of the season. Si ISii r ~iL
Averages of fraternities and 50 -~ ;Ih~V:- nd +r.bu adIV
orities at Northwestern university-
higheor during past year thin at a ny - (l ztmn. ):1 xi rtllelt al the oither enti of
tine since war. -vi. inr j~ ol nCan eny~o voi r w nter varui-
~(rll 'ob"a !-J d.he last 1 1;1I .
All men interested in enlter- i.
inig the light heavyweight, 160-
175 pounds bout in the All- I
ICampus show, March 8, see me E
IMonday, Tuesday or Thursday I-
afternoons after 3:30 at Water- !
mlan gym, tis week.
Coach Let Pilbin. -) -
___________ Phone 42 13_.'
T Tl ly for Spots
TYERTR - l>.ciasriie Users in Anii Arbor of .
All makes of ina-
chines. Our equip.(a
Inent and Personne
Is considered anion.I, .. .
tehsti hesae.Teresult o:~
17 INickels Arcade. Phone tG1 b.

SPECIAL-i. W. Clark, Custom Shoe
Mlaker. Corner Forest and Soulh U.
Bring your shoes to b: repaired
where shoes are mae, amd*save
15%7 by walking a block. Only one
store. Corner Forest and South 11T. C
SPECIAL-Monday and Trv sday,
Shlampoo free with either l8lamcele
or Finger Wave. Raggedy Ann
Beauty Shop. IDial 7561. C-104i
ROOM for twelve, in a privae lniiv,
room. Board by the week.(ay or
meal. Cutting Cafe. State and Mon-
Iroe. 104, 105 106
FRATERNITY or Sorority Site- Cor-
ner of Olivia and Cambridge. Th~le
finest avaliable site in tie city. We
itnvite you to inspect this prmapemrty.
Co-operation of Ann Arbor Rc2a
Estate Board Multiple Listing Sys-
tenm extended. Call Mrs. Burnett
!with G. E. and L. A. Cornell, 408-
409 Ypsi-Ann Bldg. Phone 3713 or
1Evenings 3103. 102, 103, 104
NOTICE-Good food and good service,
onel block from campus-that's wihy
you save. Barney's Restaurait, 5163
E. Williams.
SPECIAL-T. W. Cwark, Custom Shoe
SMaker. Ladies riding boots, hand
tailored to your measure, $9 for a
few days, any color. Men's, $12. Only
onev store. Corner Forest an(d South
IJU. Next door to Harry's Restaurant.
'Good Eats. C
TYPEWRITERS-All makes, sold,
rented, exchanged, cleaned, re-
paired. Our machines and work
gularanteedl to give best satisfaction.
0. D. Morrill. 17 Nickels Arcade.
TYP~EWRITING and 1iimographing
promptly and neatly done by ex-
perienced operators at moderate
rates. College work a specialty for
nearly twenty years. 0. D. Morrill,
j17. Nickels Arcade.
turnover insures a fresh stock. You
secure tihe besit quality. at amoder-
ate price. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels
TYPING--Theses a specialty. Rea-
sonable rates. Al. V. Hlartsuf.
Dial 9387. 77-180
COMPLETELY furnished apartmient
for three girls; also. large beautiful
room for two girls, and a garage.
Dial 8544 or 9714. 422 East Wash-
ington. 204, 105
FOR RENT--Four-room furnished
apt. Call Dr. Travis at Univ. Hlosp.
or 7008. 102, 103, 104
IFOR RENT-Single Room in quiet
modern hsuse, near campus. Busi-
ness mnan or student. 702 TIappan.
102, 10:3, 104
COMFORTABLE front suite, stitable
for two men studentr,; also roon-
mate wantcdl for Senior. Oine block
from Campus. 807 East Washington.
98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104
FOR RENT - Two suites, one suita-
ble for three and other for twtio.
Also one single room. Phone
22110. 615 Monroe.
101, 102, "03, 104, 105, 206.
WANTED-Ticket for the Chalia pin
concert and a Patron's coupon for
the May Festival. Call Bullock 8597.
WANTED-Students to know that our
home laundry metihods give your
clothes periaonal attention. Moe
Laundryn 204 N. Main. Dial 3916. C
LOST-Black leather key case, with
licenses for Greene. Return to Unii-
versity High Schoo; $2 reward.
103, 104
LOST-Yarn purse, Wednesday, be-
tween Vaughan and Hill St. Findsr
please call Wilson 6641.
102, 103, 104

LOST-Pair noc", glasses in a small
black case. all 6617 Hlughs. Reward
104, 105, 106;, 107
3 'THE
Switches Back
to Favorite.
Peoria, Ill.
Aug. 26, 1926




,' r


7 A. 1.

NICHOL(A S 1W 1'(AN A, Prop. -N SA. -31.
33 :.138 ~ d St, TO 7:l V.*1. N


! i
1' ,
4y i
", .
' ..

ly L


Beginning Monday, Feb. 20, we will reduce all prices on a La
carte service including breakfasts.
Sipecial Ano ce
On the same day we will place on sale a limrited number of Meal
TWickets on the basis of 13 meals for $6.00. Serving luncheon and
The reductions possible by rearrangement, in personnel, and
quantity buying and efficient managem~ent~.



i v
g f
I i

Messrs. -Larus & Bro. Co.V
Richmond, Va.
Dear Sirs:
Just aconfession and an appreciation.
A rumber of years ago I was a uiser
of your Edgeworth smoking tobacco.
But like some others, perhaps, I wa-s led
by alluring advertisements to change.
A few days ago I went into a drug
store to get some tobacco, and on tile
case was the familiar can of Edgewo-,- i.
I bought it and since then. I have cn-
joyed old-time comfort.
So -my confession is that I wade a,
mi-un.lran an in cvM n lr Il~air '.


ntI *" - ,V.jl0 . J .rkl 1. x .1. -, .a+. '-s -:1mea aa'''ge' " + .ui ;' MA T 'x. :. ..


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