FEBItTITAItY 19, 1928 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'PAGE FIVBI ~1TNI)AY, FEBRIAILY 19, lti2S I'AGE 13'IVR THE MICHIGAN DAILY \ 11 // % . .... .. //f'j L ol VAAAM M, MA"AME M Itt C==== * LEAGUE HOUSE HEAF GIVES WOMEN PRAISI States That Students Are R espnsbleh When Not Kept VUnder Siret Wartch An,. Rules WOMEN ARE LAW ABIDIN( That women students are miore re sponsibe and more law abiding whe not kept under close surveillance i the firmn, belief of Mrs. John Holcom head of one of the University league houses, and a former president oi the Women's H-ousing league. T'hhs idea both in theory and prac- tice in her own house has formed th basis for her staunch belief in stu- dent government. "We have no diffi- culty in the enforcing of rules here.' she said. "It has always been true in my experience, that nagging re- ates not only 'unpleasantness, but dishonesty; that young wornen con- sider it Ii the light of a challenge, with the result that they will attempt t hings thai ollerwise would hold no ;a, i:1'esfctfotr the.' TIln olls1151achl s lint are placed in the ay of (doimeg I Ililis, Mrs. 11ol- comtb believes, 1ie moreispirtin .~t andl desire is formedifor the doing (of them. "Aside firom that aspect of 1lth e ase,''9s12 ontitiied, "11111. 11otttintr is, I believe, essefl Ii:1llv hon ct an thre sense of honor 411it t h ae 1ni pof thle vast mjorit y o' stuets will h, ot permit themn to fake ad vantage oft l-st." MrI s. l~ol('n un e oflh 'ti iuP 11seit ovrc(ordalce with this philosopy. "I dlon't know whther i-ur gils ate anry different front te majority of Nmenhi l.sttint s or iot,' she said. "Tt witlit the excpt ion f fsome bo- ken cniet hous, (and I guess that all (Iof ius have somve trouble in keeping hose) , we Have htad( really no difl-i (Iity in keepig lUnhersiy rules, duhring fthle seven . %ars of1iry e p'-nea os lcd alrl 1,every cte in a X biile one will fi d a tot ally irtespotsibe Xoian, but Jthie ases aren very except i()nal. "We try to create here, a homer en- viroliment where the _womer will ~el 1 crl ectlv at ea le all over thle ose, no0 t st inl their own rons. We want Wthem to be happy and contented il that. environment most conducive to t he develoment of what is finest and; itest. for them.,mniiI ally, spirit ualy a ndl physically." DELAWARE, 0.---More and(1bett et per'fumitfc s Jeig nsed by W'slyn girls is t he opin11io(n pressed by local dr 1uggists. Ani special prefr,=eixt : ot' French ilportcd perumlle wats nt(ed. Students of Journaism, Law, Business Administration and others need shorthand and typewriting. DON'T DELAY SOC IETY Mr. and ?Mlrs. Edward P. C reene, Prcotessor and Mrs. Charles C. Fries. e andl Professor andl Mrs. Clifford Woody were enterltainted at a faculty~ dinner, given by the women (of Adelia Cheever residence, Thursday, Feb. 16. jAmong the guests at the faculty dlinnerI given -by the women of Betsy Barbour houtse Thtursday night were: Professoir Arthur, S. Aiton, and( Mr is. iAiton, P rofessor Claude Van TIyne, and Mr s. Van Tlyne,' lProfessor Prnes- itonl Slosson, and Mrs. Slosson, Pro- wfessor Henry C. Huttchins, and Mrs. f Hutcthins, Professor Rober-t C. Angel and Mrs. Angell, and Professor Maurice P. Tilhey, and Mrs. Tilley. Members of Zeta Tau Alpha, were hostesses at a rushing dinner Thurs- day evening. Helen Doyle, of De- troit, was pledged Sunday, February 312. Theta Phi Alpha will, hold their initiation February 25. Tihe initia- -tiates are Kathryn Rinihan, Grand Rapids; Marguerite Maurice, Detroit; Agnes Lally, Canton, 0.; Anne Rlobb; Howell; Irene" Finnigan, '_larquct ic ,Julia M~ae Conlin, Ann Arbor. Suinday. F'b. 26, Theta Phi Alpha~i will entc rtain at tea for thei' new !patronesses. A (0101-seliteme of yellow anad whiit e xill 1be cari-iedI out Iby yel low tapeors, white roses, atnd daff- odils. The Ipatrion osesare U us. vrmil(1exile, Mi's. George bloe, 1Mi's. John11 St oee. and dirs. Clootge Burke. :lMrs. Weld emeyer 'wvill pour. The enga"gement of Isabel St one, '28, to Poereit Cha pman, '28, was ain- flottiicod at a dinnier at the' Sigma K X41- pa1 house Mlonday night. The sorority color's, 11] i iooit anrd. Iaveiidar wxvete ('arr'ied 011ut inthe' deorat~iions lby the ulse Of roses and (tlills. 0. Mceisch. will be)helteidlttSatutrlday3, Feb. 2:,), at. Eight guests weire entertained at a which many of the sorority's alumnae rushinug dinner- Wednesday evening will b~e presen t. S P o Feb. 15. At Alpha Xi Delta, Mrs. C. Gamma~ Phi Bet a held their annual . D. Thorpe and Mrs. 1D. F. Lyons, two Valentine's (lay formal rushing p~arty D? ulei p Iatronesses, were present. Thle color last Tuesdlay. The (decornationis were DiyBlei i(scheme was rose and white, carriedI red and white flowers and r'ed candles. 1jout by sweet peas. !A large valentine box from which the p On the same lay the pledIges were gir-ls drew valentinA.sl was) in the i '*n*shi*ng Touches Y entertained at. tea by Mrs. N. IT. Wil- i cnter (of the~ room. lias"OnWednesday they will gv a Put On Field House Leap year- was observed Friday Washington's Birthday fancy dress Y night, Feb. 17 by a formal dinner for p~arty at which the plde ilen'taiyasuigahoelk t Sthe pledges of Alpha Chii Omega. Mr. tertain. This is also anltinusual) mosphere, tile new athletic building and* Mrs. Goodrich and Dr. and Mrs. aftar *L3artt s xvere cha'aons.. is taking on those finishing touches (:la~rlls.Mortarboard is giving their Mrs. Bridges, National Inspectress,I monthly breakfas~t at 9:30 o'clock this and intei'ior dlecorations that will Iliac Bo n fA ,. t dA 1.i h ,,,;,...1../,- +«.,.,1_make it a perfect unit, uinder the di-I RTS of Spor'tswomien i i i i MON DAY'S GAMES Alpha Ganmma Sigma versus Kappa Delta. Pi Beta Phi versus Helen Newberry. FRESHMAN, TEAMS GET INTO ACTION . r z T r i : ,I' i 1 I i ~IMB teen theI~ wet L I tpIJ.tll Omega sorority this week. Inlitiation at Alpha Gamma Delta took place yesterday afternoon fol- lowed by a formal banquet at the Union in the 'evening. A nationlal of- flcer, Emily IButterfieli, attended. Alpha Epsilon Phi initiated the following pledges Sunday, Feb. 12: Ruth Mandelker, Corinne Scharz, Sally Nederlander, -and Dorothy Touff. They will be entertained at a tea Sunday afternoon Feb. 19 at the house. Alpha. Omicron. Pi entertained the Advisers of women at dinner, Wednes- j morning at thenC ozy Cortner tea room. A business meeting wiil follow the breakfast. Percy Ives, whose portraits include President Harry 13. Ihutchins of Michigan, President Grover Cleve-j land, and Professor Wenley, died on Tuesday the 14th, at his. Detroitj home. Homne economics co-eds at State college, Pa., must spend six wetnks before graduating at a practice house rection of a comm'ittee made up of Mrs. Fielding H. Yost, Mrs. Everett Brown, and Mrs. John Waite. Plans for the furnishings of the louge roonm have already received consid- erable attention by the committee. The office furnishings were. ordered before the field house itself was well completed. And recently pilans for the indoor golf set-up andl equipmflent for the rifle 'range, W. A. A. room, and lounge were firesented to tile general committee on the field house, who sanctioned them. The accep- talice of the plans insures a: perfect-y ly eqttipt~edirifle iage. The golf set tip), wvit iclita t)i'oxiulat ('(1;t (cost o ;50)0, wais itist aled dunt the 1),s wee e and1( is 1'Oit(ly fo-riuse i)y ('I sses oni ltilon4y. F'urn.1ishiti-s for the nvin lou n goe Dav y e 1 oi ordered int part. -Colorful 'ha irs 0111(1 hangrinlgsLare to 1)e used1. Bt'owit u2itttI tables liave been 1so-, leted, aind the whole scheme of de,-; ('etIiot) Aill be earliy American. -Freshmen basketbaall teams will be- ont the n nmoiq to day-, Feb. 15. They ns'tea. Stitday, wviiv .i apat i-on- ntallagemen of a learn the scientific 110o110. gin their tournament Monday with two games at 5 o'clock in Barbour gymnasium. Four teams, some of which have been made up of two of .he old groups and others which-have been. lucky enough to get a full team from members of their ownl group, ire expected to be reacay to play onl Monday. Group II (Clifford) which has comn- bipied with Group 1.4 (Miller) as Team I will nilaiy rleam iIV whti(il xwas knlown itin the other t on rnantiais Group 9 (Culver), and Ct-oups IT (Robinsont) andl I1 (Taylor) are nowv *]Uinedlto iniKe Tean' lif which 'will play Tean II1 or whtat was Greuip TV PMaslen). As ino ('10ss0sxwill be held \Vel- ttiwsday. t leie will be no gailie s, 1il1 a. not ice of te leoines fl'oi'Friday will NOTICES W. A. A. executive board will meet' Tuesday night at C o'clock at the Cozy Corner tea room. All members must be present unless excused be- fore Monday night. There will be a meeting of the genleral conmmtittee of the Junior Girls' play at 3:30 o'clock today at Helen Newberry residence. IEveryone in the Junior Girls' play must be measured for costumes to- morrow afternoon between 1 and 5 o'clock in Parlor C, Newberry' hall. Don't forget tile hike sponsoredl by W. A. A. which leaves Barbour gym.- 'nasium at 9 o'clock this morning. E'eiyone who would like to join the hikers will bo welcomed. "Women are the best ssky travel- les"rs," assert both officials of Croy- den Air Station, England, and Stan- ley E. Knauss, general manager of Stout Air Services. Inc., on. Detroit to Cleveland. They have accustomed themselves to the air more readily than men. Dressmaking H emstitching Jewelry New Brooches Just Received. The Quality Hemstitching Shop. 721 , I ith-. Phone 197 12 W.'x-e-i't:society is holding its tog- ular itieeting this morniitg, at thle home (It Maryv 'White. 514 Fotest a yen 110. Br'eakfat'awxx'if be1 servred at 11 o('iltek. Alpha (~i t Oega sorority wil hold t heir staring inaitial ion Friday, Felt. 2.Ahanqttet f'or the newv initiates IThe Smart New Yorker StesOtin a Spring Stele \VMlSTI V I R(I N 1 .--Fouti'Seniort'hoimelii o-noic Oiti'Sgiris eo' iiie U ivxeisii x' o1 Wtest Virginia. Super'xised by the home mnanagemnent diepatmnit take the var- ious5 respoitsibilities of housekeeping itt, a pt'ac(tic'e hoits;e. Foir five weeks, their' posit ion s range fromn cook to iturtse for1'thle . bby, "Jack'' Charles Lindbeirgh. i olesig11 WOt71ilI Sprin' Prtinited Fro(----a viv'id of color-intricate in aind fashioned by a miodiste to flatter- the xx'ho gvear's her lit-st Frci''-- ieieath a furm Lafayu~eIc tte 'it shell)~+ rCdilc8 DR AYT R0 V .i" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ li Sigma Na1ppa Nxx'eb ostesses 'A ruishing ditinet's Wodnesday ati d Thlui'sda y. ('11i Omega anit ntice"s ille pledging of l lizabeth 1 Iowax'rl. '31, o1 Pit Is- bitl11 t'hicnn1. 'iill0a Phi announeus tIw le l(dgiu of :Mairian Wari'tei', '31, f ot'('(11wateri. l')clt a Gammna will e'mt rtain its alumini at reception tea oni Sunday afternoon, February 19. A (dinnetr was given by D~elta D)elta Dolta onl Wednesday evening in honor of the hllniibei'5 who have transferred from another chapter. Yellow paper and spring; flowvers carried out the spring decoration scheme. Mrs. Johl Brumnm will entertain the pledges of Delta Delta Delta at a tea Sunday evening. The hostess will be0 assistedl by Miss Grace Richards, Mr's. Inez Hozarth, !miss Beatrice Johnsoti, Mr's. Clifford Woody, Mrs. It. K~ratts, Mrs. Carl Braun, Mrs. 0. WATCH FOR ANNOUNCEMENT O'F SALES of SMerrick HeirloomE Chinese Rugs in- - Tuesday's Daily 11 ! Coinsultiii;! Costumier Iii the Arcade. Permran~n Wave Win are specialists Wper fect perma- nent waving because we use the one perfect :"' method of permanent waving-Nestle Circuline. CIRCUUINE Waving STO'DDARO BEAUTY SHOP Niil't. ~ .z< , -$ 4 T h;''uirs. 31 .1 5(h $1-1;i Sal a. n. 4(-$2.00, One Week Only--Opens Sunday, Feb. 19 r x e sa g 'r "Excesagage VI'VIDLY TOLD!! Is. thus story of back stage lfe by John M~cGowan. It has romance, thrills, comedy and does for vaudeville what ".Broadway" did for- Night Clubs. New York has ac- claimed it as being "better than Burlesque." III Powder Puff Beauty Shop presents the only smooth permanent And the price of a wave is oniy $9.50 I f THE EUGENE WAVE N mM ....M .I.., o.. .. Fascinating New Fr~cks I Y ri Mein ba playwrigIht m-rc' lena'ied his ltheatvr as an actor of acknowledged Wo1111. I' 1 e I I At Attractively Low Prices .r D IMATTIA Beauty Shoppe ._ - I PHONE 8878 340 SO. STATE ST. Dresses Suits. Ensembles '. r ', .. ° " e J , i ' a ' 9 d >:. ?. I New Spring Hats ^0%0%^^OOOPWO - - - - - - - - - - - -- -%0%0%~ WOE SPECIALIZE IN HAIR CUTTING AND MARCELLING IN ANY STYLE THAT YOU WISH Try our white henna to keep blonde hair light. All of our hair dyeing is done by experienced operators. (~) C ~ ~-~C> -11 , . L M~arcel Hair cut Shampoo ... . . .75c ... . . .50c ... . . .50c Hot oil treatment. Henna pack .... Facial ......... .$1./5 .$1.50 ..$1.50 Special Showi-ng of New Spring Dresses at $16.75 . l__.- =----_---- % We also make switches out of cut hair Ojrrg ~1wp P i 1 i i f I i 3 I i J { i t __, _ r ,/ , , ' - h\ / -\ -rosw Fr ,}"C "I t Make your appointment for a permanent wave Monday IrH' HUMEJU w -.9dmu" O Y __-... I i i ail 'll T-Bone steak, lamb, or chicken dinner or' salad luncheon, is your choice here this noon. We always serve our own made whole wheat A Matter of Taste Q[TESTPION: In htoxw itany in- Stances is good taste outstatndingly evidece~Id in tile above setting'? ANSWER:'Thr'ee. 1 . In thn'-achtoice of the smartest t'estaurant in toxvn, wher'e tood is a delight to the epicure. 2. By the young man, in Ihis choice of the lady. ~3. By the wvise young lady, whose hood taste iecognizes MACK'S STORE as tile smartest place in towa to buy clothes. ; i THE ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION presets One of America's Most Distinguished Women RENCE E. ALLEN Justice of the Ohio Supremre Court F . i. bread. Our special Sunday salads and entree lunches will An r f tn> t n; U fr.y 11 ,r III