TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, T"I"I'RT'Alty TWO THE MICI IMAN DAILY SUNI)AY, FI~BRUARY 19. 1~2~ FOR EXTEM1PORANEO1US' SPE-ECH COMPETITION! O)NTX TEN PERSONS E:NROLLEI) FOR CONTESTS T() IE IfEll) THIVH4WE K TWO PRIZES ARE OFFERED, Four Days Still llemainIi n WiVch ProsPective Entraids s May Apply For admission e RA E _ THREEU - BIG DAYS ADMISSION, 0 MOND~v. rU1-SDAY, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 21, 22 :. . i ATTEND TODNAY'S FR TIMNEES anolp e1e 3e e n S ,o utingAbout n , Starting this after'noon comes a show thait is the greatest entertainmarent b again you ever heard of, not only here but anywhere- According to a count mlade yester- day, not more than ten students have thus far signifiedI their intention of entering the preliminary trial of the extemporaneous contest by affixing their names to the entry blanks placed on four of the bulletin b~oards o1' Angell hall. Only four more (lays remain in which studlents may signify tbheir dc- sire to participate in this contest by s:gingi one of these entry blanks, for the preliminary trial is schedul- (d to take place on hursday, Feb., 23, at 4 o'clock in the alpha Nu room- o) the fourth floor of Angell hal]. Athiletics Is Suibject Tphe subject which has already ]been announced by Lyle E. 'iserinan,l '36L, manager of this year's contest, ;r "Resolved, that the new develop- inents in inter-colltgiate ,Athletics will more adequately represent stu- dent interests and the aims of coml- petitive sport. 'Those entering- he contest shouldl comfylpreparedl to talk can any phase of this qluestion. The spceeches should neither lbe read nor4 ,"emorized. .i+ v ry sophomore, Junior, and sen- ior' on the campus is Qlig;ible to par-I ticii te in this conltest. ''i , t O Figsern ,-. Freshmen may (luter ol'lyI by -(cciti permission gra"Itcd 1."yt11 clean cf the college ii, which thr e h .Imt is cr.rolled. The final contest is set for Tues- day, Feb. 28, at 5 o'clock. The subI- joct for this final trial will not] be selected or announced until after the six men re chosen from the pr - hiinary imeet. The place where 11,S last contest will be held has ncl v t bieen deided. gnd accordimn to ' i, .er-'}}} man, if stifficient interest- is shown, A:t may be held in one of the large au., ditorlums on the campus. The extemporaneous speakingco- test- last year was won by Paul J. Kecrn, '29, whose subject in the fin, l w .as "Picking the All-Amnerican I Tea i.." Two prizes are being offered 6y the Oratorical association, which is '-ponsoring the contest. UNION TO GIVE SPECIAL 'WASHINGTON DAY DANCE i Tickets are now on sale at the main ! desk ,in the Union lobby for the spe- cial Washington's Birthday dance which will be given next Tuesday night at the Union. The dance will be a fpur-hour affair, lasting-from 9 o'clock until 1 o'clock, and special fav-ors will be distributed to the guests. Syd Bryant's orchestra will furnish the music. ~h n - :t,1- :00, 6:00, 8 :00, 9:1") YI LA,14I VHS M4E TO TIEW TIS ASTER PLAY _______ __'.AE _ _ _ _ _ _ ROME ~- -THIS = AFTERNOO3N= AL :..s. . BOYLE WOOLFOL'jS71Z UNIT SHOW I I ... 0 THEATER FIRST ANNU Frwell Engagement Corn. Sunday, Feb. 19 L1dat3('t1( te al lvlyi' (l l~laz' 1100-. Mdtill es, (ednesday anhd 8atur'day Mssrs Slhubert 1"nsenl, GA GOLDEN GLORIOUS BLOSSO Bes~t Seals Vljah'ey $1-00 1"tll ax i GNP-- 8ii'. "sit. Bet llu', ITax Ail[~, $1.(U to $2.5~ Ilesal : e-wi Yo1'k ( asl l~c~i mviyLast F ugmi gement in Detroit: go= MENEM _IR I RE'VEX'S SAKE 1t -M~~)si' AR 0 LDYou'll Qui vexy -and shake-- t l )1 I IV laugh till you ache and yo.ur sides nearly break. For Harold's here again. TOMORRIOW 0DY ANj 0 ;t , I f If- . AC? I SPECIAL SLJ r ENT i LeR I 6 11 0 MINUTES OF STAEREVELRY P EUROPE BY -MOTOft 'rilal, e(ad ilac L imu s ine DeI )eii Front New York June 23 $1,850 S7 Days-14 Countries 177 2oanroe, G~rand RIt"ds, N icli. t e I I 'FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE/"~ Iruesday--ilc THE CAB SHERWOOD ENTERTAINERS Eli 8PALACE GILLS 1:1 . 1 J 0 EE Elf CAS. Ia Grey 3ARE99 . a ° , + . . ROSALIND GRAY FU WINONA' (The Originl) E0 LEN LAVETDI If you desire variety, Service, and QualityI Eat at 1= We aeccc"iimodate with reservations - (W atch; for menus in subsequent Dailies) Replete with Song, Dac ad irth--An Avalanche of Fun! IA ND LOOK iAT'1 1K V 1AT S 1~ ' 1160!TO~ rc~ a', 4 t4/ - u Raid Rah! Babies'. Q 9'es College yells they knew . . but when a pair of squalling inf ants was added to their cheering squad, what a difference it made! Dane and Arthur, the team riot of"bRookies," give you one explosion of mirth after another in this grand film version of the famous Broad- way f arce. L. q In1 Floyd 05" ~ i s fmann t he NT ORGAN KINOGRAMSI presenting lUorgld\ Gre*atest. nory 's"N h , . ' < sue ° t ,,0 IVI-HIG-oAN ORCHESTRA HN _. 2 -' . r