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February 19, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-19

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4H A^M





Arrangemients For Selection Of Las
Saker On Sere Are
Still Pendling
Miry, Florence E. Allen, woman
justico of the Ohio State Supremfe
Court, will deliver tQ sixth address
on the current Oratorical lecture
1-ar o ', :pea ing at, s o'clock i inor-
r'ow night in Hill auitoriumi. Ai-
t howl% her exact topic has not yet
been'l det erminedl it is und~erVst ood , e
cordiig to Ora orical official s, that
she K ill (Iiscti 55 :Some lha se o wo-
menin iipolitics.
Al fihe present timhe ;biss Allen is
flling a six year term on the S-
lweme ~ cCourt. bench ater'1Iha ving beenf
elet1 Ot 11wo)yeariis be ore to a fveye va
term in thie ( 'ya hr,;a ('county 1pleas
c'our t.
Alt liough 1M[iss Allen ('it('i'(NI1'!
take Ctyclge at 1the age o-,
she (li 110. fa kea c clage lg';te
a cit ,ue grad(Iuat ed frominWsi e-
Voi se've nnjv(rsit.lvIin Clevla d u,
'904. She received lhr plaste's di-
ree fronlt Ihe' sao l 151ini l fourP '
yolirs later.
'eri ed Xs (o*1-vs3ondevIi
J ;ev -cel(ht ini se siteivedCiyl'er
,I{.1 i MI-1 srved s a ssst at ir-
jit coi'ieIsDOUdelt for t he New Y~oi'A
Mw4usilal Courier for two years, frmx
1904 to 1906. Later, from 1906 to 1909
she -was musical editor of the Clve-
loirt Plain Dealer.
Trhe woman justice began her studyI
oft law at the University of Chica~o
in 1 .00-10, receiving her dgrer' from
New York university in 191. During
the three ySears she was sta(uOrn ;
lat ii New York ,;hF'o aloheld +11
positon.0"1 1 m~usical lecturer fo' the
Poard of Education in New York
City. !
t'Ie~a ai ~9h 'ft'u1 she receIive(dher law
degree from New York unversity.
Miss Allen began hr law patice in,
Cleveland. She served as assistant
prosectinig attorney !for Cuyahoga 1
county in 1919-20 and in 121 was
elected Judge of common pleas court
for the .term o1' 1921-26.
Xembr Of Orgaiatioiis
Between 1911 and 1915 Mliss Allen
was particularly active in national
and state' organizations, filling the
position of assistant secretary for the
National College Equal Suffrage Lea-
gue from 1911 to 1913 and being a
member of the executive board o the
Ohio 'Womnen's 04iffrage associa~ion
from 1913 to 1915.
Miss Allen replaces Albert C.
Ritchie, governor of Maryland, on the
current Oratorical lecture course, in-
asmuch as Governor Ritchie found it
necessary to cancel hsis engagement
here owing to the serious illness of
his mother. Arrangements are still
pending, it was announced Saturday,
for the last number on t he seris, and
annlouncemnent of the(N oclutdig
speaker Iwill lI'oIhiihi y e inadie This;
A1eier 11s (of t loI'm-lacault y are par-
I icu':a rlv pl ('as'tl with thie co ice si ne'
it' will bring to An Arbor one of the
few w on who have entered the law
profession, andi oe(- ho fared(1'sufli-
ciently well to fill the Posit ion If
judlge il the ;judm(ical world.

"Il"11 se l'v it 1111llItw held to>-
norrow for t he late Juist ice I;"icha rdt'
C. 'IIIInigatn. ,'7S1_r.(I h C')o *ichi;gai
Supreme i'ticj~t't N wr ho d i Cied 'O l
Friday a fter a lonige ;t' flen r-isy.
The just ic-, ehad been (Io ilhei-i11
bi1c1 sinlceOct. 4, 19117. aud !'h is
dt l't)I nllil's tlloithird A~cit'l'.gaisl-
prell e cot i tic510to p0ass Liiy in
thle last. six 111(1111 s.
Ju istice' Via nn ;galla -was ab)le toc
spendl only on(, year at tihe Law
school (1ue, tc, financial tli thi( ltieS,
hu-1t ith great persevei'aive he kept;
up his study of la~vw wile working
in an office and was adill:ittedl to the
biar in 1878 at the :age of 21. Early
in his practice lie gained a reputa-
tion as a criminal lawyer. Later he
turned to corporation lawe and was
successful in is enterprises there,
being retainedi by many of thle mini-
ic- nn nio' I'fIIfff1 in flio nnniir, onin(f .l-

[ E'ditor's Note Tihe following is the seventh
01 a series of interviews with piniOflxent faculty
'neier~ S (3'signedl to give an insight into the
pas recordls and present p)ossbilities of the
vart iIiou Inwho twill be candlidates for the
piresidential niominat ion in the two leading
l arties next l one. The facts exp~ressedl are
chiefly for informational purposes, and do not
tlece,,sarily indlicate the personal preferences
Of tihe nmen 1intCI-Viewedl.)
"F'orutunately it now seems prob-
able that the I~wo major political par-
ties will present presidential candi-
dates for whom the American people
can vote with much satisfaction," de-
v clared Dean Henry M. Bates of the
Law school in commenting upon the
tcoming presidential election.
"Newton D. Baker, former secretary
of war, although not prominently
mentioned during the preliminaries to
Athe camp~aign of 1928," said Dean
eBates, "possei; scs intellectual No'ber',
high qualities of character, and a dis-
Sinterested desire to serve the public
weifarc, as well as a successful ex-
peretei'll( i large affairs which should
coinmend hint highly to his country
tjand to hig; party.
"Furthermore,"" continuled Dean
IBates, "Baker is an eloquent and in-
tforming speaker, a man of ironcor
tor a-e andI of- soundl and well-informed
V'iews conc'ernling the great public ill-
; !ctrests. There has lbeen some absurd
-talk about his being a dlangerotus
1radical, lbut his administration of the
wvar 1departmnent.ill which he headled
and 51i('(esst'lI 'icarricd throiigh -the
ti'eai1I Cst tlinfdeitakilig ever phla(ed(1 ponl
{the bands o1' any secretary in ou r his-
tor't. lie views which he has p~ro-
clal nled in his speechles and illIihisre
c~re ent book on (Coii .st iut jonl Pro-res
all show cea rly that he is as011116
j onstriet ive thinker, f'ar from radi-
c'al .uht piro gie si v 'anditopen-minded.
I ie'li e1.110. 'ountry ivl aInbe very

r D7 ATES O+' iJ F BOTH '' Woman Judge Comes
)ISCJUj SEDBY BATES!', f' m. r]l ! ^!t!1M4 t


fortunate to have suchlia, man as its
"Among other candidates of the
Democratic party, we hear mentioned
IGovernor Smith of New York," Dean ti
Bates stated, ''le certainly has cap-
tui'ed the imagination and won the
confidence of our people, irresp)ec(tive
of party, in a truly remarkable way.
Probably no man has ever had(abet
ter understanding of the govermental ?
and other institutions of the state
than Governor Smith has exhibitedl
during his term as governor of New
"Whether he would show equal abil-
ity and understanding in dealing with
national and international problems
may be a matter' of opinion, but hie,
has exi itcd a clarity of vx'tnnoird
an almost uncanny ability to pene-
(Continued on Page Thrree ) 1
Is LI1 dertaheli To l'n'Frariel s{
into *Clos.er ('our0Im'tfith
i;aich Oilers
Armran emenu f()rli ith ii trtern-

r' or1 1 41K14. oUoIUII W

JChanges which will be brought;
about by the proposed amendmnent to
the Union constitution will involve
chiefly a consolidation of tiel eenOflt
two boards which control the ad'n'in-
istrative functions of the organiza-
tion into one hoard of directors which
will control by means of committee
the same functions which tile two
boards held under the old plan.
The board of governors, tunder the
present plan, has control over the f in-
ances and appointment of the general
manager who is directly responsible
to this board. This 'board is com-
posed of seven men, only one of whom
is a student, the president of the
Theo~n board of directors has charge
at the llr'5C1t time of all activiises Of
the Union which are not untder the
board of governors as previously
Ilossmiin Is Authorily (hn Politicatl Amnd
S Econonilie Conditions Of
lEastern iNationis

stated. Seven of its 17 members are
studs nts elected by tile student body.
The new hoard of directors will
have contr'ol over tihe combined func-
tions of the present two boards. It
-will have two committees, which, in a
sense, will replace the present two
boards, oneC the financial committee,
the other the activities committee.
Tihe former will have control, as the
name implies, over the finances as
well as over tile appointment of the
general manager and will replace the
present board of governors in func-
tion. Tihe latter will have charge of
all activities within the Union build-
ing and will replace the present
board of directors in function.
The board of directors which will
omo into being if the amendment is
passed will be conmposed of 17 ,mem-
hers, eight of which will be students,
all elected from the student body as
a whole or elected as vice presidents
to represent tile various schools of
the University.
For the passing of the amendment,
it is necessary to have a quorum of
600 members present at the meeting to
i be held Feb. 28 attile Union, and a
two-thirds favorable vote on the
amendiment. All efforts are being
made by tile officials in charge to in-
terest as mlamny if tile students in the
project as possible and to make the
meeting a su~cess.

M iss Florence F. AllenI
Woman justice of Ohio Supreme
Court, whlo appears hlere Monday
iliglit in.tile sevenlthtnumnber onlltile
eurr'ent. OratorIical association11 lecture
C'01r1se C.

Famuis Opera Singer Will Appear Its
Ann Arbor For First Time
InI Many Years
For the first time in several years
ecodor Chaliapin, who has been cal-u
the wor'ld's greatest opera singer, xil
iakre an appearance in Ann Arbor.
when lie sings next 'T'hur'sday nigh;
in the final event on the regular con-
c ert series in 11111 auditorium. Mane
years ago Chaliapin appeared in the
Choral series, but since that time hi,
engagements have been difficult to
obtain. This will mark the final mu
sical event of the season with the ex
t ception of the annual May Festival
;in the spring.
' Vlth the possible exception of
Kreisler, the Russian bass has drawn
the greatest crowd ever assembled it
Hill auditorium, 'and that on the oc-
casion of his other visit. fie ha
appeared all over the world whereve'
there are musics halls or concert audi
to riums. Following his usual custom.
no set program will be announces
before the night of the concert, buf
song booklets will be distributer:
throughout the audience and tht
singer will announce just before wha4t
he will sing.
3He will be assisted, by Max Rabhto-
Switch, pianist, who will play selec.-
tt fr15 iomil Liszt, Chopin, and Sclhit-
hemt-(oiows1,"v (durin~g two intervals
ill the pr'o rani.
Chaliapin is ,,aid to hav le' the mlost
picturesque History of ally living
sinl;er. Ie was born in tile historic'
c'ity'of Kazan1, a11(1carried l o u s
sce-sively thle occupiationls of ('obbler'.
woodcarver, bookbinder, sehor>lm'.
tierk'i, anld loingshoreman (If thte Volgal.
All this before hie was 17 . After this
lie trae ilped throllgh iRissia as a
J i 3alrelin _, singPIer, and sang: oftenl in
('Iiul ci''l(hoImirs. Afteor finally obt a ill-
in;a, apositiom'i onin tloperatic stage
in .1oseow and1( Petriogi'ad, he was
ill vite( IC t'tedrl li;ownl priivaite corn-
<i< pans hy a w%('althx backer in the for'-
11101'ty''V b is oplpottit y gave irise
to 'his later suc(cess.
C'halia illi's gr'eatest, moles, diff'eent
fromti]no t bass-osmi)re 'Boris Goud'en -
11011' anld 'Prinle'I gor','' (stallied c
early in lls carteer'. Ii is singing in
It"isis' is said to be uniderstandable
to one10 ill amniiai' with the language


ty bid ~ge toll ri'lllil'mt havye beenl ('Coil-
plett'd aniu illit at 11111 hav e been is-
to d lltheil e.SC oiliithe ci iil toIC
ai i(' ia te. The toliinamnelit, given
tind ter the auspices of Ithie In Ierfia-
' ' ord(er' to) bri mgth~e 4vonun s ot'a n -
'%it ionis into close'r oeqni at an'e111a
'oiitat-Iw'ith leait'liot her.
Alatchles it thle io ril montit 1 ANilC'
lield ill the fraterity loilitls.J'litt'll
douse will have the oppor'tunfity (If
teing host and guest at, lealst onc'e,
lue toit conlsolationl tournamenit
whicht will be held at the same time.
'3oth the finals and semi-finals o~f the
ournainent will be heldt at the Union,
W'inncrs of both tournaimen~t: will hi
riven silver loving cups. R1u nuer
11 will each m'cceiv-c a. aCt of playing
Drawings for the contest will
-iade immedliately andl the fraternities
Lotifiedl by t elephtone. SuppI enient amy
announcemeints will appiearP i'Tie
Daily from un e to t ineC. En trante
'ardls have been mailed to all ltoussc-i.
These must be returned to tile billge
committee before Feb. 24 in order to
I ecure entrance to the tournailnent.
Rules for the contest as announced
're that play will be for rubbers of
)ridge, the best three out of five win-
ling the match. Rubber's will be de-
r'rmnedby points with 250 pin~ts.
)eing added to the score of the play-
-vs malking two games, after which
he scores are to be added with the
'sigh score winning the rubber. Reg-
ilar rules of tihe game are to be fol-
'owed in all other respects, including
10 redoubling of bids. Each house
vill be allowed to enter only one team
If two men, selected either' by corn
,(e-tition or by ability. This team must
'epresent its house thlroughout tihe
Bernath P. Sherwood, '29, is chlair'-
nan of the committee which has pre.-
)ared the rules. Match drag ings
wiii be entirely in th1e ha ds of this
!ommlit tee, iictoi'diitg to anoi iOicl'0
1llC'its, and(1these will 11" telelon.1ed 1to
,be v.01 lis loiise Iais soon1as thtev
1r ma iltdeC. I I.is itopedto ~lfinish IPlay
inte ileouCrinameInlit by the 1middi it'Ci

FeatOure0 sec('tin Of "New Yeamr Boob
1'o Cotlj;l llMorl Co lorefd Pleturies'
Thle 1pricC 101tihe 1928 Michigan-
eCniainl will remain at $4.50 apiece
' until Tuesday at least, according to
anli annloundernent miade yesterday at
the offices (If the publication. The
dlate (of tin oh atigi' of the prlice to
$f550 will he-. decitded upon tontorrow
afternoony)~ and will he announced as
soon as passible. 'Tine, camlpus sale
which- was made during three days
( of the past w(eek will not be contin-
M ied, however, andi those who wish to
~I .ius~e a yearboiok at, thleetiri't'nt
1 pt-ice will have to alay ~or t hem at
s thli' 'nsian b1usines-s offi'e illtile
I Press building.
f The feature section o l the new 'En-
sian -wlibe.) printed upon a stipled
papler wicih will gi'eatly inmprove tile
attractiveness of tile book and afford
bletter tr'eatment of the plictures. More
pictures will be used than in past
years, one of the most noticeable in-
creases being in the use of color
IA series of pictures of the Union
opera, of football games, of dramatic
presentatiomns, and of alumni func-
tionls will be included. More satire
and bumrlesque of campus traditions
l and events will be used than has
been used during the past few years,
and many amusing pictures will bd
pr',nt"'d. Tile fraternity section will
l be featured by the addition of mnwre
fraternity history and rearrange-
;ment of the makeup.

foi' tomor'row nlight, but tis eligilge-
i ut~eit 1was canicelied by the Oratrical
associa ilont x'4'1i0lt'eibr'lw 'Ib is tont-
tr'act, in apipearming(Ion a local pi ut-
form dlur'ing Christmtas v'acationl.
The speaker is said to lbe anlathior'-
ity on plolitical antd econonmic condti-
tions of the East, and hlas htad a long
[ experience as a public lecturer. Edu-
cated undler English influence, he
early became interested in jtournalism
in that (')untry, writing for) such
p lerio)dicals as tile "Contemporary Re-
view," andl the '"Pail ':all Gaze1tte."~
ILater he w'ent, to India, where 110e1h01(
successively the post of associate
editor and editor in chief of the "Bom-
bay Chronicle" and of the Allahabad
puiblical ions Of Illa. . l his 11
career a's etditor of these Ipublications
he first won favor as a popular or'ator
and lecturer.
In 1920 he was one of the three
special delegates elected, with the conl-
sent of the viceroy of Indlia, by the
peop~le of India to represent that na-
tion in presenting the Indian case to
!the powers of the Near East Peace
Settlement. Upon the conclusion of
his mission he remained in Europe to
follow the developments of the in-
ternational situation and in 1921 at-
tended the Washington conference on
disarmamlent as a representative of
the press of India.
Since that time he has devoted al-
most his entire attention to the lec-
ture platform and to propaganda work
?n the United States, having com-
pleted, also, several tours of Europe.
lHe is editor of tile "Hew Orient," a
magazine published it the United
States designed to further interna-
tional good will between the peoples
of the East and of the West.
During his stay here he will be the
guest of the H-industanl clubi at a ban-
quet arrantged for NMonday ilit.
jwhlere lhe will be introduced by Dr'.
Join Sundlwall, professor of hygiene
aind public hlealthl. At the afternoon
lecture Dean Carl IHuber of tile Grad-
uate schlool lii introd~tuce tihe speak-
Tie subject of Hossain's lecture
tomor'row will lbe "Eas~tern and W Xest-
erni deals," dealinlg w\ithl a comnpari-
Son o1' the presemnt state', of eai-t.9l't

v. .U ,.,.... ~a -1-- r

Sitrleit s Ald iFacultyI
Willianm Greenu, president of the

I~I~hI~lAIIF&IIALIjISytid Hossein.1not1etd Indian ('ctul'-
or, politicianl, and(1jol iilliSt tviiinnri
M, HG I SAIH T speak at 4:15 oI'c'loc&k ttIoiCi'l(I\X after- R [ TO GlIVE TALK
1100n1 in1Hill aud~itriumllund~er' the atts- I
TOr RE[MAIN VNCHANGEDD ies Ioftthre wsHina lub. sdidl N O[I.OLTC
Isislc uewatiegin alystn cleuIledos- * OLT
I on -tre* Oratoriscal associationielseries



American Federation of Labor, whof
has jtust retui'ned fronthtie Pan-Ameri-t
raun conference at Havana, wvill speakc
at 8 o'clock Wednesday, February 29r
in h1ill auditori] ulm. "Labor's Placec
in American lIndustrial Life," will be
the t ':lic 'for 'tis lecture wvhich is free
to the public being hteld under the
onUo'of thle Ann Arbor Round
.b!0. There is a possibility that
Green will remain ill Ann Arbor all
extra (lay sto ha t le may conifer atc
greater lengthl with nmember's(If tihe
faculty an(i thooci studmtts wilo are in-
terestrd inilsp)eial phaises of the pres-
011t labor situation.
In the past months Green has been
an ardent fighter for the Senate quiz;
into the mining situation in Pennsyl-
vanila, anld has been generally active
in Washlington in connection with all
coal conferences and problems.
Under the late President Samuel
-Gompers, the American Federation of,
Labor held to uiltra conservatism as
its policy. Green, being the first presi-
dent to follow Mr. Gompers, who held
the post for slne 40 years, h-as defin-
itely changed the aspect of the organ-
ization's, political policies, so that atj
present American business men do
rot know Just exactly where the fed-
eration 'stands. It is expected that.
Green will deal with th^ attitude of
labor toward politics in his lectures,
showing how labor is fighting, and
tile altered principles for which it
(13y Asscitel Press)
MACON, Ga., Feb. 18-Running wild
after an ill-tinted aerial bomb had
killed its pilot and his aviator pas-
stinger, an aeroplane participating in
I tile !,outleastern aiirtieriy he-re,
plunlged 7000 feet into the hleart of
the ibusiness district here today, kill-l
ing a pedestri,-n1 andI seriously in

Warren, D~onahoe, And Prescott Win
By Falls; Thomias, Sauer,
Watson Also Win
By Charles Kaufman
Losing but one bout, and that to a
World's champion by a narrow time
idvantage decision, the Michigan mat
team overwhelmed Northwestern 24-3
in Yost field house last night before a
crowd of 1,000 people. Three of the
Wolverines, Warren, Donahoe, and
Prescott won their -matches by fall's,
while Thomas, Sauer, and Watson con-
tributed time advantage victories.
Last night's win adds a fifth to
Michigan's unbroken string, and
coupled with the 17-6 defeat admin-
istered to Ohio last Saturday, puts
the Wolverines at the head of the
eastern division of the Big Ten with
twVo victories and no defeats.
iuiiton Still Vilmiaen
The bout between Ralph Lupton,
115 pound intercollegiate champiol,
who has been undefeated- in three
vear's of college competition, and He--
witt, Michigan's star sophomore, pro-
vided the best wrestling- of the eve-
ring, Lupton gained a vfictor~y by thte
ntar'row tinme advantage of 1 minute
and 35 seconds, althought he saved
hiim'self from being pinned inl the first
two mntutes only by souezing off
the mat. Both men used everything
they hlad in an endeavor to secure a
:ail, but aside, from the first two
ntinutes there was little to choose
either way, neither man being able
to clamp on a decisive hold. Lupton
offset Hewitt's early advantage by re-
maining on top for the last quarter
of the bout.--
In the 145 pound bout, Saner, 1927
conference champion, was pushed to
he limit by Boddie of Northwestern.
Akt the end of the r(,gulatf Wten mn-
rtes, Sauer had an advantage of 35
seconds, not enough to secure a doe-
cisonw. In the first three minute_
extra bout he remained on tolp all
'te time, and although Boddie won a
small time advantage in the 'se ond.
overtime per od, Sauer gained the
decision with k lead of 1 minute
20 seconds.
Watson Misses Fall
Captain ,Watson, 135-pound 1927 Big
Ten champion, was kept front pinning
Putnam of the Wildcats only by the
'atter's tactics of squeezing off the
mat every time the Wolverine captain
I'damped on a pinning hold. Watson
won by w time advantage of 7 mn;-
20 seconds.
Donahoe, Michigan's third 1927
Conference, title holder, went out of
his weight to gain a fall' over Ander-
s~on after 2 minutes 44 seconds of
wrestling, although outweighed 20
Hounds by the Wildcat wrestler. War-
ren celebrated his return to the Mich-
gan lineup by pinning Yarnall with
chead scissors after 8 nminutes of
wrestling in the 158-pound bout.
Prescott, Wolverine heavyweight,
added five points- to Michigan's total
by gaining a fall over Dart with a
bar arm and half Nelson with but 30
seconds to go. Thomas tooks the ag-
gression continually in the 125-pound
bout to pile up the largest time ad-
vantage of the meet, 9 minutes and 25.
seconds, over Reicke.
(By Associated Press.)
CHICAGO, Feb. 18-"If noderu,

youth looks lightly upon the moral
standards of the older generation, it
is because young people suspect their
elders of making a failure of life,"
Dr. Max C. Otto, o"4 the department
of philosophy of thte University of
Wisconsin, told the Mid-Western
School for Parecnts today. The session
tcrnminated the three-day conference
on char'acter development which has
been attentded by 2000 father's and
Dr. Otto declared that interviews
with hundreds of high school and
college students had revealed the
wide plrevalence of dishonesty ini
schtool work, and that dishonesty was
not considered in the nmoral categor-
ies of the young people.
While the older generation has ac-
ceptedl selCIICI with it's mind, ili l int
with its hlear't, youth has taloeilt the
ilow dIevelopiltent of biology l)i
psychology "into the fibre of its be-
ing," said Dr. Otto, and youth "is

i 1 L ,l.V, . .- 1i L'1i1 3 L%.-
Is Agrain Foremost
In Peace Congress

If'- Assoe iterl Press.)1
F OR FIRST TflM i ic n <conegress today laid one spectre

1I LooM ENC\T ON. l' cb. !i.- Iiili;IIti
tollight, 1put, IheC' irst l'hill i.10hePig
Te rei icor'd of ai'ue i's Iba ket ial I

(111101'. which iiadcibeen
.odi en l;': show lvits head

to have anl-
ill Pllentary


I eirn 115111g ait ii 0h~ol 01110hots, 41 eStii. N (I-iltereCi'Vel in lAmeri n- ti ''C '' 'i'''''' he itade.C1 '
to 7,n ('iiligmllum111Ic'1( ('tll stattexwas thne issue whlichitcame I 4oitcltergc. of 50 ('etts ill b rd. Tile weighlt of a ntoonday cr'owd of
'Vt tmiisnoa 9li I ife' aft er havimng Ia in Comlt in ^- ihundreds o','per'sons whto rus~hed to
thlC itf (I ommittee. lier tte' I.'1aiAi-tt BIASKETBALL- ,' SCORES ie w1C;Re2(Ckaige, catised {the collapse ofI
IStriclad , t'onm1ei' O~vensvi lb' Ihigh l 110it 11icitl Colveiltill.whlich ha1)-1. concrete side~walk and the " injury'
school stai' tt' s. ame St rickland tha1t l)1('GllktIi ('1)11 'ltntion re'Csultintg inlthe Northwe terml '1i, Minneta 3ti 6. of .six (If tieme th111a ascore whio
ltrell feari'nmta Ptirdli' at I.aatyti C' resitnlat ionll ot:hi. Pileyrredoit, of' Wisc'oisin 21, Ohtio State 18. wrere thlrown into the basemenctt of a
tw\o wr~ \'i(''1i5 agoit l tIhree bask ets ut=i'ge1t ilt, Itad been appr~loved. Indianta 40, Puirdtte :I7. structure.
the last few Ix' iiiiii 0. 11111 ftil(,t) s'i'iu Afteor the repr'esentatives of sever~- CON RES TA ES AY OFF AFERD
lltilC'Ilitnthe('i'insolliitIclktonigllht ll uties had expr'essed themtsely- C N R S*T J~ ./ if 4irLa
wiithl six ba1skets Ianidfoi]' fl'ee t 11 'tlS. e'Siii(11 leay sesOion tas op~posed to0J'K OF E YTR~A ORIJNARY .ACrTIII IT 1
Ind2.na.111 htoplIC'tiinto a 38 hifo leadlinter'vetion, Gustavo (Guerrero, leadh- "
at the start, but .lurilhy's I -Ilg alms I ci of the Salvadorean delegation and ElB) oca1 1res.
I11(1 lvlleelei's atc('i'ately platced s1o0s5litead th 1le colnIgllittee on public inz SIGO, el S llOf~ lisod 11i11to) restrict federal -
I clt 10ownlI te advantag e. ter'tati(Ilit law sprmang hlis bo0mb- da +cursilltile gr'amting of labor strike
4 'Ielt wiitt tile score ' 8to 40 -shleil by requles#tgper'mission to0ii- ywe-orwayla-aesls-in jucin.Before thte other Seinate
aFgalillst 111111, the BIoilermI1akes ''stairt- itiudCe aresolutiont placinlg thiecoil- I1eC55 te0ako1'-e'~itllcmite harmnEsh o h n
f e a corng pre whch ndina'.1fernceon ecod a unnimusl iwas again in vogue "on thHile l"h I ters,.ate commerce commlission, hea-
stallimtg tactics could halt only en- !and irrevocably opposing any inter- i today. Congressional activities were edly repudiated any suggestion that
[ough to hold a three-point leadl at the vention by one state into the affairs1 confined to the buzzings of presiden- the commission was guided by out-
gun. Purdue lost its game on fouls as; of another. I hial byce;11(1 contmittee drudgery, side influence at any time ill deter-
tielt'T01leakel's culltr'd( 15 to Indi- 1Tie said thlat wihile iti s ilnios Si- Th e cotmitt t otipt tntwas> law.. Intt t~ii c oal rates.
allals 13 field goals. [1110 to) reachtaal agreement ill snb- ' (efitito actionl it c' 1 bS1 sInl1lled up11) Toheowse trules coiniith eld 11t) l
- -- ; c_____ I(oliiittee or commliittee it :appeared I in diecisionis by a Fo Ise r'ules commit- action (In the Thurlow resolution for
N ~ E O D SET ;to)fliing that. there existed a nearly; tee to htustle up thte change ini laws a. commlnissionl study of an express-1

due to ltis impressive and intimate
A fell seats for tile eoncei't are4
still available at the offices 01' the

"Mussolini and thte Black Shirts"
wlli be the subject of Tom Skeyhil,


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