PAGl T;l(aFT's THE, MICHIGAN DAILY'' SATURDAY, FEI3P-T'APY 1S, ;; .... .... ........, .BRUA . 18-192 DAIL OFFCIALBULLTIN NEW AIRLINE LINKS NORTH ANT) SOUTH EUROPE Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the president until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. in. Saturday.) jWhitney Theatre F'acu lty College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The February meeting of the Literary Facul~ty will be held Monday, Feb- ruary 20, at 4:15 p.m., Rloomn 2225 Angell Hall. Professor J. S. Reeves will ai:t as Chairman of the ine-,ting, It. J. Corbin, Secretary to the Dean. Bureau of Appinents: All candidates enrolled -kith the Bureau of Appointments should call at the office this week to fill out Location Blanks for the second semester. T1he office will be open from 8 to 12 a. in., and 1:30 to 5 p.m., daily, with the exception of Saturday afternoon.I 1lellen It. Sliambaugli. Sipececl 31 and 3.2: " Thle make-up) examination in these two conurses xwill be held February 18 at 9 a.m., 4200 AngelIl[ill. Lionel Crocker. f 14Eret:nttatic 1('iI I F igu°iee i;' At tent ion is cal led, of sI udeni s if Aeronaut icaI Enginee ring to the an- r entnct'ment from Dean Edwxar'd H. Kraus's office, in the first columan on pa~*go <31of lie ''b ur (day, 1 'ebrua ry I G issue of tis paper, about the opportunitie's 1o rgr in practical ('Xperienic( by wvorld ag in Gierman factor'ies. Tbose interested should discuss t he m-1alt r w ithI the und ersigned and fill out the priopier a ppli- cat ionis with Il)oan Era us. 'thbe followving 1people fron m mvI9 o'cl.oclk M.W.F. sect ion of lEnglish :.> will 1!10a' erepiort t iIhoom 3306 .iason 6I a] Iat 9 Mon (ay: Cla retjco'I. I h na 'ts, I Xil Bensclioi en, Ivan W'. Bidwvell1. Dorothy Roomn, Gecrge S. BradlIey, Iria Ch icliester. Juliett e Cohen, Luithor C. Calre- petr Jr., O)mar Curt is, Dorothy 1)onahoe, Goldye Feerer, Charles L~. Haseilen. Robert Ii einsheiiner, T. IKnhnjer. Donald La vine, William Nunneley, Edward .Mi. Ozanick, It.. RiI3le ,°.1. Ch~ase Scully Jr., Alfred Singer, I sabelle P. Shank-t laird. Gra'~duate ('l111 In Educaion : There will be a mueetirgogf0 the Graduate Cluin ii dll('tioti, Monday evening, February 20. at 7:30( o'clock, in the Educational Laboratory of thef t.riversityIy 111h Schoon>_ All graduate students in education are cordially in vited to he present. 14. IV. Keeler. Oirat(rical Asociaition Lecture: The attention of season ticket holder-,a is called to the lecture of Miss l"Icrence E. Allen oif the Ohio Supreme Court, who will speak at 8 o'clock Monday night. as the sevenith number on the Oratorical& Association Lecture Series. Th~lis lecture takes the place of the number that was previously b~ookedl for this (late. Carl G. IBrandt. Comedy Club :' All members of Comedy COiub are cordially invited to an informal recep- tion given in honor of Miss Charlotte Walker, Mr'. Norman Hackett, and Mr. Lou Tellegen at Thieta lDelta Clhi Fraternity House, 621 South State street, on Saturday afternoon, February 18, from 41 t 5:30 o'clock. Roy G. Curtis, President. Cosmopolitan Club: The Martha Cook Residence has kindly invited the members of the Club for an informal tea party to be given on Sunday afternoon, February 19 at 5:30 p.m. l An interesting pr'gram has been arranged, Mr. Benito H. Lopez and his ' Trio" will be included, others will represent customs of their native lands. Do not fail to come for an enjoyabl e hour. # Raja F. Ilowran3l, President. hid Delta Kappa: All active and associate members of Phi Delta Kappa are urged to at- tend the luncheon at 1 o'clock today at the Michigan Union. Professor Carver will be the 'speaker for this occasin. R. D. 3MacNitt, President. ReseT-ve rand :.. lPvery member of the R .serve Band must be at the Band Hall this after- noon at 1:30 o'clock sharp for rehearsal and at 7 o'clock tonight to march to the Field House to play for the wrestling match. Attendance at both re- hearsal anti formation is absolutely, imperitive. Nicholas D. Fale one, Director. Mondlay evening dramia sect ion will meel at tbo Club House at 226 South Mouth Iii-alls, 7 :30 p~mii.. 1\'l a y eveninig, F'ebruary 20. F ilete B. i~yeirly, Secrct ax~y. IK A new airway established between Friedrichshafen, Geormany, and Genoa, Italy, now links aerial transporta- Con between northern and southern, Europe. The plane a bove, one of those used by the company, is equipped with four motor-., carries 20 pa ssenge rs andl will maint aim n a v'ei'age speed of 0lIt) es p~er lior,(covering~i the distance between t he twvo citi's in less 1him two hiours-. MICHIGAN STUDENT TO SAIL WITH CRI A. ntanber)of it cI hgan studen it; will be on-ilboard thle S. S. h vo ulaiii xvhen it leave~s New York in Septe oni '' on its cruise a round ilhe woild, it, was announced yest er lay by L wrence II art wig, representatii v('of lbec 'nu- 'ei'sit v Ira vol a ssocia tion in Ann Arbor. Included in the lfme idly will he Dr. orani i . Railer, of the L'inivei'- sity of M1ichigan, xWhio will give souiis- es ill botany. (JIher';Michigan inst lii (- tor's will hbolwiure'loni lie Ifaculty. The college ('ruise, with ian cnroll- monint 1this year' of 375 '1 udent's. will visit 28 (countr1ies ein'.0 'g '40,00 *miles during the monthsi front Senit em- her to Ma1'ry. The first semester opens15 in New York Sceptember 19 and closes in Bombay, India, January 17. As on the last cr'iuse-, "tirbe ivr uie sity afloat" will 1)e organized so that credhit for work (lone will be0 recog- nizedl by all leading universities and college's in the United States. There- are three major (divisions of enroll- ment: college preparatory, college undergraduate, and college graduate. I The courses offered vary over a wide field including such dissimilar sub- jects as navigation, appreciation of! art., and religion. ]Many interesting sights and exper- iences will be enjoyed by students on the cruise. Last year IHi NMajcsty, King Hama VII, of Siam, the only re- mnaining absolute monarch in the ['S AND FA.CULTY UISING UNIVERSITY « o t'(-im li i t r i i c n « i l # h:n . '1 1 1 y a k- o vx j o t d 1 h " i' lri O l.ahej ; iritctivifexx' d 1.\lassu'ini altcendc- ('i a (1i11(- ' i'.'(lly hxe o'Queen of Spain : toluiS pr t ill a r1't'('( ]i iveni'4 by the M'2"m' of Ber-lin: _7111saxr i-ih Bill in ad Queen or1' nr'do mid at Wind- 51' Cawt ' . Thel'le lniv'i'it 2' o(itW(iii- m a olfi C'hicago is to piijh l ii'liliiii di- lli;' alitiuii iill tli'stales. of 1lilirli. :m(1 Wisconsin as a souvenir for the Trien- vial Convention of' alumni clubs which is to he he ld in Chicago early in May. o~ { .:. . ' REIPAIRING All miakes of nma- chIinies. Our equip.- meaut anld jie'somiiel is conlsideredl amuong STOCK SEASON 4th Big Week NO PERFORMANCES TODAY OPENING Tomorrow t8 Booth Tark"ington's Most Human of All Comedies the liestinith lte II. 'Fite re'sult of hwv'iity vyear"' carefuil building. 0. D. MORRILaLA 17 'N ic'k('s Are(ate. PhJonie 6615. "',., s Saturday 5'pecial 1111.. Doll Bed Lamnps. Regular Price, $4.50, while they last, $2.19 Al ohc SlkBed.ams Allo ff;$" Bile$ 5.00- 1 2.49 Electric Shop 210 South Fourth Ave. a = .. w w r r .w r r w r rs ic rr M } r r _ w _ _ I 1 i= I !- ii m. _ wwry w w If You Were Bliss Carmen e What selections of FRENCH and DANISH AS GOOD TO EAT AS BEAUT'YIFUL. American poets have would YOU Everybody likes "CLARENCE"; with Charles Warburton, Robert Henderson and Frances Dade Clarence hadl no medals, no shoulder bars, no great aecoin- plishmnents. One of the "five million" in the war, lie served where he wasp sent-though it was, no further thtan Texas vvhere lie drove mules and wvas wounided at target practice! Now, reduced to cis itl ife and seeking a job, he finds at pos'i- tioi i Ile, oof dlr. ffbeeler, a -wealthy business mian withl=- a. FAMILY. And be*caiise held"been i the army" lie loiues - git de andA friend to All the miembhers of this 4list raitel eihmselol ( latIeime(eads it15Ike lt~ inibiing, Itames the pin ito, types Kad p Jlays the saxophonule. And arouindintfl revolve, a group jielmri- -actors stich as oily Trikiigtoii ('(>tt1l write. "C larenice is a -real deliglht. It is as American as "huckleberry Finit" or -ptumpkin pie. It is the finmiest. comedy in ;yea's.- Every Night, including Sunday at 8:00- FACULTY PLACES S'TUDENT' ON PROBATION AT STATE C ul 1 t \ ,indel-1 m1, a sIii emit at; :Michig-an St atc,' colle'ge' was ple oil probation by ilhefac('ulty comni ttee( i c'ent Iv onl sl0na ids Ioi' circillatlii. paciiic Ic iteral nre Ait hi luIsanc(ionl. li e 0 idm it ted p1 acing leafl eits a i i :tc'li~ a y t ai M l l> lie ]I10:'atn's at a fai'nl iiiran h"all- Dean Jolln Pholllan a nnonn('ed, "IVII Va uderina c' circunlatedc, in a JImallne1r'i noit in ac(cordance Awidthli eii olhii (5 o. the st udent; body, liteoraturie at a "mieeting; held TF'b. 2. ie lprocedure'( !71 sit(h a case is to seure perinis- smon i'om t hose in charge of thle meet img.'' Va nteria-le still has the privilege of appealing to the pres0i- (lent(of the ('lleg;e and (if th1e staite hoarid . agiictilltire. INSTITUTE RECEIVES ,GIFTS Two gifts to the Simpson Me1oI1'- ial Institute form'Medic'al IResearc(h have rsncntly be'n put into use at the hospital. lrs. Sim'pson preseted a poi'tabhle radio for lase at the In- slitult 0, anid alli X-riay nlit'h11ne01' the miost. advanced type( to be0 used in the X-ray de'par'tment. I ., ii I ' I made? Materials for your decision can be found at The Print and Book Shop 521 East Jefferson St. We have employed the best F rcnch pastry cockin the State 1f Michigan espcially to satis- fy -th e eaacting tastes of you, the students. overie afe The Pride of An~n Arbor EC; p. tWuLeril T'heater Radio Music Pri-pate Booths 5®c, 75e House, C9 $1. Wed. Mat. at 3:00-Entire 50c. Sat. Mat. at 3:00--50c, (Phone 4814) . -- ' 1 ., I a, " A MAILORDERS1 NOW MI M Eo jA T R E FI BOX OFFICE PHONE 4141 I I fw i w wu aRaw n. :. a., , ,. ..... . ..M...,... ..., ...,.,...: ..,,. .,. ,,. ......, .,. mo w. FEBRUARY 20, 2 1, 22 23 24, 25 I THE MIMES PRESENTS Geo. M. Cohan's Hilarious "TE H 0 M Farce 'gor V N Comedy E R" II NEW YORK TELEGRAM-"Broadway em- braced "The Home Towners" with all the enthusiasm to~ wAhicb ithevlhave alreadlvbcome accustomed in their with a mixed cast including f NEW YORK AMERICAN-"We laughed and we chuckled and we ha-ha'd at scores of ingenious bits .... the kind of -a olav than a Sphinx must smile at"-- TOM DOUGALL T. LYMAN CRANE 11 1111 I "u I I fill