SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1928 I HF: MICHIGAN DAILY PAGM FIVE "ATURAY, FBRUAY1Y1,19..TI-IFM r-1S\ AN '"1T VPAF Il / f ^_ LETTElS ARE ISSUEORu BY ALUMNAE COUNCIL, issian Women Are Active In Politics, A N YASARnS Work Independently, Says Miss StronC IRIIUL here are now over one hundred cils a membelrship of one0 1thirld wol1h NA M[ IN 1 07 NOIEI D Tl z f Sots Daily Bulletin of Sportswomen - - - - - - ---- - - -- - -- -- - --- - -- - ----------- thousand women in Russia who hold en.' Yet such was the proud boast I Women Will Be Notified By Circulars government positions," stated Miss read in the official newspaper of Kiev. Of Increase In Life Membership. Anna L. Strong, who has 'spent the Kiev. Pledges Beginning July 1 last s'x years in Russia and who 'There are women managers of lectured Thursday in the Natural trusts and factories, women holding CHICAGO HAS NEW PLAN Science auditorium. "Last year they important posts in the cooperatives. held their first congress at Moscow. In the higher posts one has Kol- An unusual amount of circulariza- Some of them were from villages far wex2 e peoq o} UemoAt s.qj gg ' lia}, n nsueig ountofhe uaresttimefrom railroads. Some of the offices government department anywhere in by the Alumnae council office as a they ho d are mayor, president of the the world, and now the first woman foylow Aofm te co mmendatincas avillage council, member of the village ambassador in history. All of these passedpat fthe e metindaofthesrelief committee, family relief commit- women have histories of privation, Alunas e ouc. Eeyn won whotee, eleate to township and couity struggle, and achievement. Alumnae council. Every woman whomontcrences "The most striking fact aboat all has not yet signed p for a life mei "Rlissian women to day, at least in (hese discissions is that nowhere is bership in tet e notifiatisnthe cities, are very independent. Po- Ohe attitude taken: 'We iust prE- oein ese t i antifiii) sitions outside the home are h eld by seve morality.' Away< the view is: of the icr'ease of life memb~ersii.practically every woman I know there. 'W "Iustt c'E'ae iorality.' It is pledge's, going into effect with rlie Tihat women should work outside the tacitly assumed that the morality of other recommendations on July L home, as well as the men, is nothing the past is of no special interest. It o new in Russia," lis Strong said in is needful now to create a morality Circulars are alsan ibteringisenw,! Foma l ' im it ie r society of equalp. ( 'O)atiye Chicago alumnae notifying them o1a1 timne', the woman hans worked in the \ orkers." liss St11ng '0meluded. new plan inaugurated by the Chicago fisbeside her husband. What is wiomnen for the sale of Ann 1iloina fldW s --i-e---t--1-----tii]ii -'i('f jrsie tsfrmunx Li an playin g car\s. r r ot new is tht equality of opportuinity Ffeen 1 tdns(fo nvs- an r playing cards. Mr.h roc a e ,which has been introduced for women. ties and colleges all over the United Cietagr, 16 North Michigan anvenue, "Elsewhere in the world one may States are urging that a .dormitory Chicago, has consented to handle t hese articles rhear women boast of the number of for American students be included in arilsfor Michigan women without- charge, although le is not himself a posts in government that have been the Iuilding program of the Cite Michigan man; the spirit of co-opera- acquired by women. Nowhere else U niversitaire, an iternational studen tion exhibited by the Ann Arbor o er- does the government itself boast that city now being built on a 70 aer( tans exhiited sb tohe nnsArbor v 'we have succeeded in drawing into tract at the far end of the atir quar chnts Chussesagaour local municipal and county coun- ter inParis to Chicago. Next week a letter wtill go t to C A L S W R U O E L B U every senior woman in theliver it CHARLESWARBURT OJVTELLS ABOUT notifying her that if she completes HIS EXPERIENCES WITH PEOPLE HERE the payment of her life membership in the league by commencement she Charles Varburton sat before the of C1h'ist. Christ was an amazing will receive the same for $40. w . .t All faculty women who have nottmirror in his dressing room jabbing personality whose divinty was stres- yet taken life memberships in the red stuff all over his face with the sed! through his humanity. To me he is the first gentleman,.lie had a league will also be notified of the in- chalk-like stick he held ill his hand. humility and understanding such as crease in dues, giving her notice also "You know," lie said, "once. I was no' other man has ever had. that she can have this for $50 if the strolling along the Strand near Nel- In the same way Lincoln is one pledge is taken 'by July 1, 1928. son's column with an American of the world's gea,st. figures <)e As soon as time will permit, it is friend of mine. le was an eminent cause of his understanding, Ile had planned to send circulars to the personality, one with a great nai', a sweetness that offset, the anger of wives of all Michigan alumni living in -many respect,,, which name I am friends and foes. An Englishman' within a certain radius of Ann Arbor, sure you would recognize should I Lord Charnwood I believe his n which will givednotie tt after July tell you it. He was discussing his is, has written a "Life Of Lincoln' 1, new pledge dues for' them will i~etravels and impressions of the coun- that t thet. $150 rather than the present $100. tries he had visited. Ile turned to me The insight shown by an lngslinan TY FSAR and said, '1 have gone the wvorldl over treating an American hero would S YLES ARE SAME and I think I understand why the prove interesting to the peonle here." COLORS DIFFER IN British Empire is 'the British Em- "People are usually so stupid in pre' " their condemnation of their neigh- FiArH 1 N S OW ''Now I," he continued, ."Have been bors," Wurburton complained. lit At a fashion show held in Kansas in America for the past seven years, they would only make an effort to City recently, it was shown that have travelled two hundred thousand bilities. I'm fond of America be- styles haven't changed much, butsthat miles over your country, and I know recognize the other fellow's possi- colors have. There are the same that I adore America." cause I've tried to understand her straight dines, skirts are full and a "I trained several American bat- politics, her people and her cus- trifle longer, concealing the kneecap. talions after I was wounded and all toms. I have noticed that all genuine The colors used in costumes are more I can say is that the Americans are English actors in New York, and I gorgeous than ever, the pastel shades damned fine. I didn't hear any non- think I know pretty neiarly all of of last spring having darkened, as the sense about'inning the war until them, are remarkably attached to.$he artists say. Colors are more fiery, I arrived in America and then it all Americans with whom they are more positive, and, the combinations caine from those who had stayed at working and recognize the rrnintr e r > I c ,. ,! ! s s. i . When in 1867 the present name was formally applied to Vassar col- lege, the following comment appear- ed in Gody's Lady's Book for April 1867: "We have before us a copy of the Bill, passed bythe New York As- sembly, ,Tan. 8, 1867, which changes the name of the "Vassar Female Col- lege to "Vassar College," by which it shall hereafter be known. "'e look upon this chanlge of name tor hat great college as one of the 1(10 a irhable evets of the year. It is S'trium di h of moral right over a1 WrOi- Clisto oi'ca'relessl introduced iiito our language. This public re- form will show this error in its true: light-that it dcetrades womanhood for manhood either) when the an i- mal teirm implying sex is used for plersonality. 'Vassar College' Has no- bI retdiemed itself flrom the inferior poition its animal Hanme woul have mIade permanent. AVe conrgratilate the nobler Founder and all connect- 'l E,:;f the Institution. A good name is, as they will find; a perpetual "lessing," "We h 0owtlis examnle will be, speedily followed by all the "female" :'ollIe es 0chid''female' e"Ciinaies in i lad. It si o"ld be (lone for the solr, o Amleriean women if for no) other reason. T'here is not, probably. respec't able woman in our country it (disIlies th t ei'm female thus ,?pliod and feels it to be-the wifel of an eminent . clergyman in the Methodist Episcopal church lately wrote us--"obnoxious." Gody and great men by promoting this reform in our language, will find added to their fame the tribute of a gratitude from the hearts of women." BOWLING IS OFF ON A GOOD START Bowling which started in the new field house Wednesday is open to all students and women members of the faculty. Anyone who is interested is urged to come out and play. It is not necessary to be a good bowler or even to know the game. There will always be someone in charge to teach beginner's., There are fonr bowling alleys all of which will he open Monday, Wed- nesday, and1 Friday from 4 to ( o'clock. It has been found necessary to charge 10 cents a string to cover the cost of pin boys and general upkeep. No competition will be offered in bowling until later in the season so as to give beginners al iopportunity to learn the game well enough to play with teamns la 0r. Aitei' spring vaca- tion. however. W.A.A. will take charge of the sport and will prob- ao! y organize both teams and tourn- ment. W.A.A. points will be given for bowling as they now ' are to all other team sports On Wednesday, 20 people bowled at thr field house. Among them were several very p~romhising players foi' swho a bright bowling career is an- ticipiated, Already rivalry between: freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior classes is making itself felt, which speaks well for a lively tourna- ment (later on. BASKETBALL BEGAN AT MINNESOTA UNIVERSITY Basketball for women was first established at the University of Min- nesota 26 years ago. Gamne, were played under boys' rules until it was decided that just as ittere'stiuig a game was possible under girls' rules. Since its intro- duction women have been enthusias- tic supporters of the game. In its -early years,'games were scheduled between classes and local high school teams, but in 1904 the first inter-collegiate game was played with the University of Nebraska. dress in a definite period of Ameri- can history. The students who are dressing the (dolls must carve the features of the dummy wooden dolls provided to them, besides dressing the doll and writing an account of the work and the period the doll represents. RIBBONS AND SUPPLIES for all makes of TYPEWRITERS Rapid turnover, fresh stock insures best quality at a moderate price. 0. D. M O R R ILL WEEK COMPLETES FIRST ROUND IN In the intramural basketball tour- nament, all the games in the first half of the contest have been fin- ished, and the teams are now well started in 'the final or elimination tournament. In the first tournan'ent or league tournament which ended last Friday, Feb. 10, the teams were managed through leagues each of which were made up o ' four teams. Each team played three gaines with'- in its own league, and the rosults of these games are what decided the present standiig of the teams in either the A or B tournament in the contest that is now taking place. This elimination tournament which is made up of the A and B tourna- imsents began on Monday, and will problably continue until March 2. The gaines are expected to be played at 4 o'clock Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and evenings to be decided later. T'he final games of the elimin- ation tournament will be played on JMarch 2, and there will necessarily lbe two winners, one fiom the A and one from the B tournament. Further details as to when the teams play and other details will appear later. The spirit during the whole tour- i'amnent so far has been encouraging and shows the interest of the houseF ir. supporting their teams. The play- ing during the tournament has beer: exceptionally high grade and some v(ry close and exciting matches hav already been played even though th tournament is still young. -- KAPPA DELTA IS WINNER OF GAME Kappa Delta advanced a step near- er the intramural championship title yesterday by downing the Phi Sigma Sigmna team in a listless game by a 58 to '6 score. Jones, forward on the. winning tear, marked herself as high point scorer dn the tournament so far by tallying 39 points. After piling up a 29 to 3 lead in the first half, the strong team rushedbin to almost double their counters be- fore making substitutions early in the second period. At this juncture a shift in the lineup of the Phi Sig- ma Sigma team. kept their opponents scoreless for a short time. Hoover and Peters for the Kappa Delta team with Jones were offensive stars. Mor- rison was the most dependable phly- _ ci for the losers. One dollar a, year is plenty to live on. according to E1arnest l.Price, Aiierican consul from 'China, who )spok. before a fraternity at the 'ni- versity of Washington. -I f WEEKPEND SPECIAL ICE CREAM BRICK Cherry Vanilla Grape-pineapple Mousse Here's a dandy ice cream brick, as fine as can be! Order it from your dealer. I l .. i : s c . j r i x TRYOUTS MUST BE IN FEB. 20 se so Ce "tryo"tmanu- scripts for CIi Delta Phi should be in the box in Barbour gymnasium on Monday, Feb. 20, at 5 o'clock. Work put in later than this time will not be considered. If prose, at least three or four sheets should be handed in; -r po+- ry, two or three selections should be submitted in torder that the com- n~ittee may get a complete idea of the persoiis work. Tryouts should btar in mind that the work of the organization has to do purely with creative writing and criticism. )RESS DOLLS FOR CLASS IN HISTORY Dressing dolls is the major require- ment for theses being done by 10 women at the University .of Wisconsin. Each doll, however, must be dressed to portray accurately the style of The Secret of the Truly Cleansing Shampoo is Soft Water Soap Suds MIRROR BEAUTY SHOP 19 Cutting Apts. CIZ9 ANN ARBOR DAIRY COMPANY Dial 4101 are unusual. Designs exhibited were simplesand very definite. Young women's suits were a bit mannish, some of them having vests. 1ats for the most part were small, although there were large hats displayed also. The veil ap- peared in the show and was applaud- ed at every appearance. It drops clear of the face to the tip of the nose, and is presumably for fast driving. NOTICES W.A.A. executive board wilt meet Tuesday night at 6:15 oclock at the Cozy Corner. All members must be present unles's excused before Mon- dlay night.k Kappa Alpha Theta announces the pledging of Francis Hall, '30, of Charlestown, West Virginia- Kappa Delta announces the plQdg- ing of Josephine Siersma, '3I, of De- troit. NWASIHINGTON, D. C-Postmaster O. L. Davis urges all students to place the return address on their packages and letters, as chocks and money orders are often held 1l' for three or four months at the dead letter office in Washington. Incorrect car vague addiresses are other :'aults he has round apparent in student's mail, both incoming and, outgoing. He added that although valentine mail seldom carries the return ad- dress, 'it is not often addressed wrongly. home and had not even smelled the gunpowder." Heturned, and waved the red stick in an explanato'ry gesture. "It is best for an Englishman not to say anything about his own country to an American because his listener presupposes that they think England superior. It isn't a matter of su- periority: it is a matter of geogra- as a great and free nation. She is a gmand land, racially and geogra- phically." Warburton completed the make-up job ant turned from the dressing ta- ble. "Persons who do not understand the country they are in 'pan' it un- justifiably. It is not a racial de- fect as much as it is a matter of individual iznaP T xQno j 1 q 17 NIckels Arcade. Phone 6615. I I r t I f i I phica difference England is ideal horrified once to meet one of my own)j_ for very short railway trips. Here, fellow connti'ymen in a foreign land I well, here an, extended freight jour- who did not 'do as the Romans do.'' SPECIAL RATES TO PRIVATE PARTIES Iney is not at all tunusual. You might In uPrance you must act in Francs, follow that out in other parallels." in America. in Dollars, in Germany i= '"Quite sinceiely I am- a "ollower Marks." - . -. The Collegian Restaurant AND CHOP SUEY IN CONNECTION FetHats to .Accompany- n T"The Fiest Dining Room in the City" Sprig Tailleurs American and Chinese Cuisine Distinctively Styled Expert Pastry Cook Popularly Prxaeday 50c Luncheons Served Every Day Puyear and Huitz Phone 3268 DANCING 113S. Main . Michigan Theatre Bldg.Q LS V =-QUALITY SERVICE ......... .. ..... ... . ... ............. .... . ,....,.,..... .............:.... .,....... ,- ___-_--- - e-.-.- ---- - 1{ { {I {{{ {l 11 !{ {{ i t 1{ 0{ {1 1{ {{ {fH { {U {i I{ {I {{{ {t {{ I{ {1 11 {{{ {1 11 {{ {I°. - Sring 'Enters with New Suits chilly days under your coat. Fashioned of new lightweiht woolens, finely checked and tweed mixtures. SWEATERS to match your suit of contrasting or matching colors. $3.95 5 I . _ E .I.. I i A Cozy Spot for Lunch and Dinner Prekete's SUGAR BOWI 109 SOUTH MAIN Meeting Spring Halfway With a New $3.50 Hat Dept. All Hats Absolutely Brand New Our buyer just returned from New York with these new and clever models for our $3.50 hat department. ~"j~J F::m eatherweight felts in all the close fitting, off-the-face - r1'ects. Bristcil ornaments, feathers and pins adorn ° ' = - """ __ the greater prtion of these hats. Make a visit to this . epartment-to appreciate their beauty you must see ate, ~~thenm. Yums e COLORS: Poppy red, Lucerne Blue, Cafe Cream, Soft ,;'shades of Green, Black, Wood Violet and Rose 11 I I I i I i