SATURDAY, . FEBRUARY 18, .1928 THE MICHIGAN DAIL'Y' PAGE THREII S A ~ h R D A , F E B R A R Y 1 8 1 9 2 8 H E M I C I G A N D I L Y .AE=T-R- Installing Of Organ At Hill Auditorium Progresses Rapidly Framework Construction Completed; Electrical Wiring Begun Work upon the new Skinner organ which is now being installed in Hill auditorium is going on schedule, ac- cording to Pa.lmeer Christian, Uni- versity organist and designer of the organ. The whole- framework of the instrument has already been erect- ed, and work upon the wiring is now in progress. Many' miles of wires are yet to be put in before further tests can be made, and according to es- timates, will occupy the time of the workmen for about the next three weeks. All except two carloads of thel pipes are now in the building, and will be installed as soon as the wires are in and the chests are tested. The! rest of the pipes will be here soon, y according to a recent letter from the Skinner com-pany. Chiristian recently received another letter from the Skinner company which stated that the console of the organ was now completed in the factory and wouldl be0 sent as soon as possible. As soont as. theconsole arrives here, the co - plete organ parts will be under one roof. Christian praised especially the work of 'the foreman in charge of the work, Leonard Johnson, and of his assistant, Robert, Peterson. Thes~e two men have been workingcon- tinually since they arrived here, about five weeks ago, and have not found it necessa'ry to correct any of their work thus far. ISoda Candy SPANISH WARSHIP VISITS MANILA COMPLETE WOMEN'S GOLF COURSE AT FIELD HOUSE Work on the installation of an in- door golf course in the basement of the new Women's Field t-louse is just being completed by the Building and ! Grounds department. The coursev consists of five booths, each to ac- comnmodate nine players at one time. Each of these booths is lined on both i 'sides with special golf netting to. keep the ball from going out of the] booth, while at one end is a heavyV canvas backstop, in front of which t a target is painted. The netting form-r ing the booths is built on rollers so that it can be rolled up to the ceilingh whenever the floor space is needed.1 The job, when completed, will' amount to about $500 worth of work.p __ . , I BILLIARD PLAYERS Check-Up Of Ann Arbor Book Stores Gives ARE TOREGIS TER Startling Information About Professors Registration for the second billiard tournament of the year to be con- Students in Ann Arbor read poetry, ing tastes mostly stimulated by Mon- ducted by the Uionw ill starit Mon-liography, essays; professors' wives day reading clubs, book clubs, and day and continue through Saturlay.rve At the endl of that period, pairings read biography and novels, and*pro- the like, where a tendency toward will be made and the play will take fessors read detective fiction. These biog'raphy exists. Novels of the more place during the next week. unexpected habits were revealed re- elevated tone also find their way into The supervision of this tournamentek these clubs, of which Ann Arbor will 1e carried oi in the same waya's cently by a checkup in one of Ann boasts more than half a dozen. in the previous one. Cups will be pre_ Arbor's bookstores. The student element seems to re- sented to the winner and runner-up This professional proclivity for the present the intelligentsia of Ann Ar- in both the pool and billiard tourna- epics of the plainclothes men has bor with its taste for the better sorts ment. Competitors in the tournament become so universal and well-estab- of non-fiction literature. Poetry re- will receive a special rate at one-half lished that it is recognized as an im- presents the la2rgest percentage tot the regular playing rate during the portant item in stocking all Univer- student purchases. running off of the tournament. sity town bookstores. Something in At least Ann Arbor appreciates the way of mental relaxation is re- books for their content rather than Six Colgate students are earning quired by professional minds after for their ornamental properties. half of their tuition by sleeping for a day of knotty problems, and the There is no case on record of a re- :he aid of science, assisting Dr. Don- detective story finds a useful appli- quest for a "brown book to match a ald Laird to conduct experiments cation in putting professors to sleep. table," or a "blue book to go with pertaining to the cure of insomnia. Professors' wives have their read- some curtains." For the firs t im y iCe Admiral D)ewey sank the Spanish fleet in the battle of :an ia bay, ai man-oi-war has called at Manila. It is the Brasdoe tor, a light craninerawhichnhas been on duty along the Shanghai wateriront to.>pro~ct el S anish nat ionajs in the Chinese city. }etaiI.t.h.ueo nsmi. Poesr' ie aeterred oecran. NEW DINING ROOMS NOW OPEN Special, Club Luncheon................ ...$ .65 Special, Steak inner ......... . ..... . $1.00 Special, Chicken Dinner . .. ... ... . $1.25 LIGHT LUNCHES, A LA CARTE Separate Room for Bridge Luncheons or Party Dinners Phone 21280 or 8313 for reservations. Campus Catering Company 100% American 609 E. William St., Half Block Off State St. After the Dance or Theater try our toasted sandwiches and hot waffles. They Are Delicious SWEETLAND 212 South Main ~-- -~- -~- - i I r I -... I The Oratorical Association Presents One Qf America's Most Distinguished Women FLOREKCE E. ALLEN Subscribe For the Weekly Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court Hill Auditoriurn 8p.m. Mor., Feb. 20 iii -M I { 711-TIE -200"OWNTOUTN STORE for MICHIGAN )YEN :::.... .....:...:..:.. ......:.: .... .: . { o " fi " ?s t. nE'. t t t. 4yi Hr' l uva 4' A A' v:} : 1 :1 Y 7 t 1 UP2 (( k y 3 t E M ", L ; I .> ... I % 51 r. I S. A i A Little Light a , A, shipment of tuxedos, which have been designed and. 3 tailored by Browning King's own tailors, has gust been received. Due to the large purchasing power of the 3 Browning King shops we are ale to of f er you this tuxedo at' the exceptionally low price of I I 00 I a Season tickets admit Single Admissions, $1 Tickets at Slater's This lecture replaces the one previously advertised for this date. 'Pp . Awl SM J ® n E Y M ILDWdF mrA ND M44FY r k ,l4 ":. 29CI 'r-" WE STATE it as our hon- est belief that the tobaccos used in Chesterfield ciga- rettes are of finer quality and hence of better taste than in any other cigarette at the price. IdGGETF & Myzus TOBACcCO .