ESTABLISHED 1890 Jr 4KtrA t n .AL . AM. Aft- 4 d&,Aw 40* low --MR MEMBER PRESS VOL. XXXVIII, No. 103. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATUDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1;924 EIGHT PAGES CONGRESS CONSIDERS ALIEN PROPERTY AND APPROPRIATIONS BILL,! ATTrACKS ON I"EDEAL IT RAI)E COX'3ISIOr~IN ENLIVEN SEFSIONS BORAXH DEFENDS MYERS hIouse Of II reeuiiat ii e's Takes Timeli To A ppr ye 1)eb1 Set il14meI'I1 WWIt ii iio-slafla WASHTINGTON, Feb. 17.=Prosaic matters like thle aien property W11 11 and1 the District of Colunmbia appro- priations1 heldI the floor in senate an1d( Ii olUe Itoday, built not to tli C (xci- si on cf ati ack (Ian the federal trad comimssionl anid 5(113lfl embers of the in I {'stale coll IIIQV('( comissio. Trhe trade commission also figured charges against Coihmssioner Abram F. Myers, Were aired and inch words as '"lying'' and "forgry'' were used1 by Senator IBorah.! MVeanwhile, the Association of ail- Way Executives through its general counsel, Alfred P. Thom, disputel be- f'are the Senate -,udiciary committee the constitutionality of the Shipstead ant i-inunctionl ill, and opened up a wide field of legal argument. It was the first innings of the opponents of the bill. Tratde Cmijnnisl on Struck r The llouse gt into the grind of (I abate on the $13,759,000 District of Colunmia bill $i,f0,000to come0110frou the, treasury and the rest from local taxpayers, after it put through the general claims by a vote of 280 to 64. It is imortant because of legislative chantfges easing the way for (damge claimants against; th , government. Representative Connally, Democrat, Texas, however, took occasion to bom- hard the federal trade commission during the discussion, describing it as tho "haven of refuge" for anti-trust law violators. arner, Democrat, Texas, told the ways and means committee the rapidt liquidation of the $18,000,000 national debt would serve only to invite war debt cancellation moves froh debtor countries and incidentally, the House took time to approve the debt settle- ment with Jugo-Slavia. The Senate irrigation committee took favorable action on the Columbiaj basin irrigation project affecting a huge tract of iland in Washington. The Senate, contrary to expecta- tions, worked all day on the alien property bill. An amendment by King, of Utah, providing payment of1 interest on the $2,000,000 of accumu- lated "interest on Lerman-owned secur- ities still held, cauried most of the{ debae. King and llowe~l. Nebraska, (ont 'iiIi' it was necessary to hpre-j vent 'confiiscaion" 1o'f01some C$1 7,00.-1 000 so that the (Orrnll owners' will not get this nony anyhow tafr a quarter century. The Sentes beat the afl11dmeont ad prepared for a vote Monday on thle bill. Reed Ataks Comnmissin lied. 'It ;Misori, iWho leaves for a t alsofi iit a I pre-onvetion tour I cniorrow. delivered the atack on in- 1 erst at~e'commrTcc(ommflission e- iers whlo lamed thie ir vot es in the roliaearing of the litc atenr c coal rate case. t war;a seatc.C'iY iprepay iiaraid mii t iofat leghed Pnn sylvanhinrand ad- iinisti-at ion pl it ical domii t in of the ' omnlTissioll, and strred lp aniin- t erst ae (Iiseisiol. WASIIN() N, Feb. 17. -Approval of the administ rato's warship con- struction program was urnged 1113011 the ouse naval comniil ee today by representatives of the Daghters ofI the American revolution and the American legion. Mrs. Wihlam Sherman Waker, vicepresident-general of the D.A.R., declaredl at a hearing that as "wives andl mothers and sisters of the men who must go to the sea in ships, we want a navy in keeping with the up-1 to date pinciples as manifested in all the busines enterprises of our coun- t ry." Three years ago today, February 18, 1925 Dr. Marion LeRoy Burton, fifth president of the University, was taken by death, concluding an admuin- istration b~rief in time but great in progress and achievement. Born in Brooklyn, Iowa, in 1874, President Burton rose bly his oven efforts from modlerate circulmstances to meritedl pronnce alnd in flulence ini the educaX- tioalcl world. Dr. Burton gained natijonal recognii mnuider d iscourag ing handicaps. At the enl of his first year in high school lhe found it necessary to go to work to help support his family. Taking a position with a (1mtg company. his ability soon mani fested itself and he became practical manager of the firm. Previous to this work he had raised and sold pigeon~s andl dis- ributed newspapers on the streets of M innieapolis. Il i896 lhe enteredi Carltonl college. Graduated with honors in 1n00, lhe took up gradluate studyv at Vale ini 1003, where Ie renininecl until 1907, receiv- ing; the (degrees of bachelor of divinity and doctor- (ofph iiiosophyv. .An assistant professor at Y~ale(luring thie following year, lhe then became inlister of Pil- (grnn' church in B rooklyni, New Y'ork, until called to Ithle presidlency oIf Smith college in ilo ( . Iin 1917 1 )r. Burtlon went to the Uliivcrsitv (of NI ilnesota ani three yours later accepted the presidency of the University of M\Iiciligall. Comm-ll to Ann Arbor in the dIif ficult }-ears iollov lg tile Worldi war, 1 . llrioll xvo ri~etl uinceasinigly'for the Jpogress :31d1 aivancirt (I f the L Im'ci vst v. The iiunied jate prle 1m teas thlit (If hin,;. gthii rapidl11y expand(1- jg ldepart ments of the lliversit e. A colnliri.esivc (7' i>t rtilt ion pr t '9m xvas 1 lgilil by D r. 1Bur1t (IIi ien (de'athiihalted lhis ef ilrts. Although the Saccoiiiilishnicat> ofI lr. Burtonii weie lartculirly apareni~lt inithis (directionl, Ill lsabor)sim for the Uniiiversity iin the regular adl iiiiist rat iv(' and~ academnic dlities' of his posit ion were part iculIarly sig iihalt. D)ist inguished foIr h1is plersonlI niag ct isiiu. sound met I oils, tact, and leade rsh ip, the U ivi\ers ityv imade g reat adv anlces ndler his brief administration-of four yea rs. It is appropriate that on the third aiiiiversary of tile death (If ID)r. BturP o that hiis accomlishmlents and~ ideals be recalled by the stu(1e111s, fanulty, 01nd friends of this University. BGIN PLANS FOR PROESOROECARS~ANNUALBANQUET K) Arrangements for the Griirnon ban- NEED OF R PID /OR for the carousal of past, present and S future "B.M.O.C.'s," have already be- ^N " W [ 4VATO"Sgun with the announcement of the U M N date made yesterday. The affair will WOOD) SPEAKS ON "IMPORTANCE The Gridiron banquet, sponsored by OF STEEL INMOTOR CR Sigma Delta Chi, professional journial- C. NSTR CAROV istic fraternity, is the one big stag event of the year on the Michigan DQTORN IIRC TLKScampus, and famous for the llresenta- TALKZ tion of the traditional 'Oil Can," last year won biy Prof. William A. Prayer, ItalleyCites Things Which People, of the history department. Should D~emand Of Their Home Although committees for the event Hecaltig Systems have not yet been completely drawn - - tup, Herbert E. Veddei-, '28, is chair- "A t the presen01t: day excavations areI man, with Courtland C. Smith, '28, the sole means of increasing our know- president (If the Student council, as- 1d e (If ancient time's and attaining 5i5tsistant1chairman. W ldo 1M. Abbot, oIf the tonalnl t 3 r of ravile rhetoric (departmnent, last year's i i I r r 0 i r t WILL STRUGGLEI HIGHWAY CONFERENCE' in nnminnr m mA Alnor ALMA STAGES RALLY TO SNATCH 2624 WIN' lb IUV I IULLUUil Filial SessionI s 1)eloted To I'tibdrj j Of '1ecliuical Speeches .Anid i Discussions BRUMM FEATURES DINNER The fourteenth annual Michigan conference on highway engineering came to a close yesterday after one session in the niorning which was taken up entirely with technical discussions and speeches. Over 600 I s a e L jWol vernues Have Aditaiitage _1 uriit Period, Sore Being 17.7 At HKali MICHIGAN OPENS SCORING (By Bert TIrip chlfer) After being held to a lone field goal in the first half by an impreg- nable Michigan defense, Alma's bas- ketball team staged a sensational comeback to overtakse the "B" Varsi- ty five and eke out a 26-24 victory last night in Yost field house. Kanitz of Michigan and Tidering- ton of Alma were high scorers, each accounting for 14 points. Kanitz dropped four baskets and six free throws while Tiderington snagged five goals and four gratis shots. Michigan opened the scoring when U 11501 VCII piroblems3 connelcted with the rise, bloom anldd (e(ay Of ancient civi- I ization," Prmof.. Arthur Boak, of 'the hlistory (department, declared in sek spa-ingg0o1 the Michigan Night. radio pro- granl broadcast over station WWJ, the D~etroit News, last night. "It is ti ecessary," lhe said, "to press this work as rapidly as possible to fore- stall the (lestructive agencies which ae accompanying the revival of civil- ization in its ancient seats." Tracing the work of American uni- vers ities and museums in this field, Professor Boak went on to point outj that no less than four archaeological expeditions are at work in Egypt in addlitioni to the Egyptian, English, Fr-enchi, Germnan, and Italian parties at i' o"k there. "Other American r '.'ups,' hle 'said, "are vying with rep-1 resentatives of European countries in u nearthin~g the secrets of the soil in Palestine, others in Babylonia, and' it has just 1)een1annlouncedl that Yale Iniversity will undertake the work of clearing the site of an ancient Mace- (onia, colony in Ylesopontamia on the baniks of tile upper Esuphrates." 1 is-vley Discusses Illeating' "Heating the Home," was the sub- ject of an address by Prof. Ransom S- liHawley, of the engineering de-} p~artment, who cited four points, com- fort, convenience and cleanliness and economy, as the four factors which people should come to expect of their home heating systems. Professor Hawley emphasized the fact that the first principle of correct heating be- gins with the design and construction of the house itself. Precaution in l building, he said, will! make possible a more uniform temperature, prevent drafts and cold floors, will reduce fuel cost and eliminate possibility of sickness. "The Importance of Steel in Auto- mobile Construction," was the sub- jest of an address by Prof. William P. Wood, of the engineering depart- ment011. Professor Wood stressed the recessity of steel in certainl meclian- ic'8d parts oIf the alutomob~ile, and traced its his;tory as a metal. Steel, Professor Wood concluded, is pecu- liarly adapted to withlstand the twist- ing andl turning forces which are re-I (lulled to drive an automobile. I arrangements for the annual banquet. APPOINT BRUCKER TO STATE ATTORNEYSHIPI ichiigaii Graduate lRelIacesPottery As Prosecutor For State <: : ...:.:::. Of Michigan DECORATED IN GREAT WAR Wilbui M. Brucker, ex'17L, of Saginaw, was Thursday night ap- pointed attorney-general of Michigan by Gov. Fred Green, to succeed WSil-tI liam W. Potter, '95L, who was re-I Gcently advanced to the bench of the llcyrbert Iloover state supreme court., Potter's eleva- Sena. F'ank 13. Willis tion followed the death of Judge '\W. With the announcement of. secre- L. Bird recently deceased. L ary of ( anm cehoover thlat lhe Brucker was edutcatedl in Saginaw, wiwl d la'e'lit his mine to be -ente'reld gradluated ' ,om the high school0 i t ho Ohio I teptthiican presidential there, and enter-ed the University prim tries, ibtSuprefie 1tiured ini separate pla ys. It was giv- I i-oduction of "The Home Towvners,'° :08s anid :TL ONT U ED court. Dlucker did not gralillate ill (711(Itnd prodluctioni on tihe canipusI a comnedy rm yGog V.Chn whileJA: l a regular way from the Law icl0l - l, y Cohi('ly Clb Sil til 1111 :tter- 'Te1-oeTonr< 1flrthe was lauded by General The cast for the Cohan. farce in-. r, f th (Sined C. . LIT dEPrtm Pentstated issn afrecethitoer- Pershing, commander of the Amer!- eludes Thomas J. Dougal '28,in the thatshevie dicusing he ossblen Ican Expeditionary Forces,' as one of= leading role, and Frances K. Kleut- i SCOR DROW om FRa- Ithe most offilcient war secretaries the gon, '28, C. Lyman Crane, '29, and zcupy a SCRIRO NA FRY tion of Baker for thie presidency. Of FlrneBiennt 3~.Drc ).Carl SUDDENLY SINKS IN BAYI all the men now politically active 13lie nryeerhd rtment, ; is the" clearest heir to the Wilson The speech at the Democratic Na- tirn of the entire production is in If the hands of E. Mortimer Shuter, and of Miss (By Associated Press.) tradition, and lie is the most pro- tional convention in 1924 received a i SA ACISCO, e.1.Psil one doaeo h Wilson for- great ovation and a com'plimentary Robert Manss, '30, is acting as stage SAN A? , Fb. 7.-Pssily ouned dvocte f te V ( manager. Special bets are being con- .;Allnh'12_- n r oA..rn, ~rr rr-a,,.,.r -nr moviLn liernr Bt iin reaaord to d-(~amount ot support from the conven-i . . . .___-_, repesn Thoative, (ich eioi t lation. publication, local and for- reprsenativ oftheLegin, n ai eign advertising, and service. The letter to members of the naval coi- i first will give the tryout experience mittee, also urged thle Ibuildimng of ad- ; l handlingbokepnadinfic ditioal sips, eclainintatit e womrkwhile the publlication depart- ganiatio of men who fought i he mot deals with the formation and World war wanted Congress to pro- mk-po h aaieo h eh vide a program "which will give us naempo h aaie01tl eh abolt prtyonte e."iical aide. The local advertising de- partment offers experience in selling dvertising contracts and in making CHICAGtip copy for local business men, while ILLINOIS, 52 TO 26 that of the foreign type is especially, _____good training in advertising and (lay Associated Pre s) salesmanship. The service depart- CHICAGO, Feb. 17.-The addition ment gathers statistics and form- of Charles Cooper, former Chicago ulates data for operating practice and high school star, to the lineup of the, policy, and consists in work in gen- University of Chicago's basketball I oral practical research in the maga- - ..... ....t , . ,,.,,~. -11Xx Iinl '1intp. fiPI. T his .aan . rnn N, .E C (3wh'no' tothe fooit flist Mis