PAGE ElGfI r THE MICHIGAN DAILY PRIDAN, FEBRUTAItY 17, 1'.128 PAGE EIGHT I~'R1I)AY', FEBRVAl~Y 17. 1 I~2A THE MICHIGAN DAILY VIA TIONFIELD Michigan Men Bow To Dame Vanity In 0 A LyO 1 I I A BU LETN j VIAION IED~i Meticulous Demand For Tonsorial Aidj Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of( Dame Vanity is not et irely without ut it. has to conormif to every little the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until Cher inlCfuece on Mchgan males ac- not ion of te college man here who is 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) ";cording to barbers, clothiers, and ldrugl- getting more and more particular s ( store owners, who say that every day every day," an Ann Arbor clothier con- Vpltttie 8. FRIll)AY, FEBRUARIY 17. Numbii~er 102. they see evidences in the demand of ~ided in a whisper. "And if a shirt ___________________________________________________________Michigan men for various "dolling- collar is just the narrowest part of Whitney Theatre To All Fraternities: Attention is called to a rule of the Interfraternity Council which provides that "no student shall be initiated into a fraternity without a certificate ofj scholastic eligibility to be issued by the Dean of Students."I J. A. Bursley, Dean. Faculty College of(it erature, Sciencee, and4 the Arts :, The February meeting cf the Literary Faci~lty will be, held Monday, Feb- ruary 20, at 4:15 p.m., Room 2225, Angell Hall. Professor J. S. Reeves will act as Chairman of the mneeting. 11. al. Ccorbin, Secretary to the Dean. Bureau of Appoinient s: All candidates enrolled with the Bureau of Appointments should call at the office this week to fill out Location Blanks for the second semester. The office will be open from 8 to 12 a. in., and 1: 30 to 5 p.m., daily, with the exception of Saturday afternoon. Helleni R. Slambaugi'. M. E. Instrument Iloommi (hecks: Will those men, not taking work in the mechanical engineering laboratory, during the present semester, but. who are holding instrument checks, please turn them in at Room 124 Wuest Engineering Building as soon as pos'sible. HI. J. Watson. Economics 101-)iVoiiy and (Cred it: The mnake-up examination will be given Friday, February 17, at 3 o'clock in Room 101, Economics Building. Leonard Watkins. up" aids. Ann Arbor barbers say that many studlents are not satisfied with julst three standlard 's--shave, shampoo, and shine, but. that the colegiates often linger for the mud-packs, and face massages, not to forget faintly scented preparations for the hair. "Why, one would think we were still in those good :old days when a man d olled up to go out for an automobile ride with his best girl. Now they seem to be particular abouit how they look in the People's B~us company coaches," declared Oscar, a prominent tonsor- ial artist on the campus. "A lapel notched a certain way, a quarter inc~i more length on the trcusers, a little higher vest, a pat- tern with a 1-16 inch narrower 'stripe, perhaps, all these little desires on the part of meticulous Michigan men are a constant source of worry to us, for it just isn't enough anymore for a suit to he the latest from London, an inchi different from the accepted style," accordling to this merchant, "the student turns it down with a look of scorn. What chance have we poor clothiers got. to please you college stu- dlents here," he moaned. When a drug-store owner was told about our findings, he exclaimed, "Mlister, you haven't heard anything yet. Would you believe that we have a great demand for fancy face powd- ers, vanishing creams, imported per- fumles, and other conmmodities usually reserved for the feminine trade from among some of your most he-mannish looking males? Occasionally we get a student who wants to buy some rouge for the improvement of his pale complexion. When he has finished the description of the kind and other de- tails, hie invariably blurts out as he notices the clerk's surprise, "Yes, that's the kind my sister asked me to get for her." That was the last straw; we went no further. STOCK SEASON 4th Big Week Tonight at8 Superb and Appealing in Barrie 's Moving "Echo of the War" Matasaka Ando Rear admiral of the Japanese navy,1 who has arrived at San Francisco at the head of a party of officers from the aviation corps of the Japanese navy. He and his fellow officers will begin a tour of the flying fields in this country as guests of the Unitea States navy. O"WNERS PROTEST UNIVERSITY SUITS! lihetorlc 31: Section 6, M.W.F. at 1(I azn., will meet henceforth in Room 2054 N.S. 1ChaIrges cont ained in eondlen'i an on F~orninaan ro *n,. ljwoceedings st artedl by the I1 Iite'si- It y were denl~liedlby thle defewlda a ts in Speech t 1 «11141:4: a rep~ly filed Wednesday in Jud1gej The make-up examination in these two courses will lbe held February 18 (Georg~e W. Sample's court. The1)1prop-)l) at9 a.m., 4200 Angell IHall. erty' affected is a. 27 1-2 acre tract Lionel Crocker. iit, St 1at steet and1(1sou th of the A ani Arbor railroad tracks. It, is to Econeillies Club : 11be used in carrying out, an ext ensive Meets Monday, F+ebruary 20, ait 7:4'5 o'clock in Room 302. Michigan Union.l at hli c programii. Professor F. E. Rosa speaks on "Fifteenth Century Bookkeeping.'' The proceed~inigs were begun by th i Z. C. lDickinson. ;Ilniversit y t hrough its ajtto rne ys, ('ava na ugh3 and Iur,~e, a fteri the e {aagebic Range (lub : gents ana a the property owuer". Lad i There wi l be a inect ing at the Michigan Union at 3 o'clock tonight. Roomj been Zunable to core- to an gr- 302. Real entertainment, don't miss it. I l ('1] as t o a reasonab1)10 price for t lie Peter ugi, President. land. Thie defendanrts are .Josephline - Stimson, M1ary M. Wiltkin s and JIB - txaigoyle Bu sinless Stiif :' Creery 11. Stin son. There will 1)e a mneeting; of the upper staff at, 4 o'clock this afternoon. It The VIiiversi tv authoities cl,111nv .1l is important that. all 1)e present as the lower staff will 1)0 chos~en at that the reason for the disagreement ,vas I time.1. because t he pr'oper'ty owners Wan'*( d ( atltlli Studnts:a, price not, commensurate wVith the ('atiolc Stdeifs:value of the land. This charge, boxy"- I Due to the dealth of Father Bourke, there will be no Catholic Stiideni'oei(lnd ytelpikclS Mixer Saturday night. C. J. spanld1ing~. eei eidb h epr ci who claimi that the Negents )ffterc l Juior Womae* Costunmes thkem a suns wholly inadequate for All women in the play who have not been called should come to Newberry thle.poet n esthniso' a Hail, Parlor C, to he measured for their costumes any afternoon this week be- vle tween 1 and 5 o'clock.'111UUI~lIh~~IUt11i11lhilliIllilldllllill Hlilda Mary Evans. ARIT EXHIBITS PLACED ON PUBLIC = Shaw Grocery Co. DISPLAY IN TWO CAMPUS BUILDINGS ___________ - Staple and Fancy Several art exhibits sponsored b3- ettes in wood is being displayed in = the College of Architecture are nowiv the exhibit cases on the second floor= GROCERIES on display and open to the public in o the new Architectural building.- the main lobby of the, University li- These pieces, showing varoins shades B brary and the corridors of the new of technique between the convention - A rcitetrls ulig al and the modernistic, represent the Quality Al.ecits Asrie of 22 water color pauntI-- ings by Myron B. Chapin of the arch- work of ;several contemporary sculp- - Itectural college is being shown in tors, among them Juszko, Brush, .. the exhibit cases on the main floor Malderelli, Archipenko, Rosenshine, Phones 371 2-3940 of the library. The themes treated Konenkov, and Azzi. One of the out- areloalbengtakn ro th cm-standing bronzes in the collection is '7109-71 1 Packard St. pus, State street, and the country around Ann Arbor. "Torso" by Archipenko, an impres- A colecion f bonzs an sttu-sionistic piece of the modern era. I~onulIn~uuoI,~IIiii "Ann Arbor's Original Sandwich and Coffee ShoP" INS SO. UNIVERSITY Opposite Faiieia'Archl . E Individual Mexican Tomrales With Chili Con Came. Italian Ravioli With Spiced and Shaw's Triumphantly* Popular rt With AMRY LOOMIS The Play You Have All Heard, About Every Night, including Sunday at 8:.00- TIomato S auce and Grated Parmesan Cheese. { Sensational and Justly Popu- lar Are These Famous Cali- fornia Dishes Newly Introduced and Now Served Nightly at the Den. 50c, 75c, -$1. House, 50c. . Wed. Mat. Sat. Mat. at at 3:00---Entire 3:00-50c, 75c For All Departmen~ts IJILS VIVESITY BOOKOR (Phone 4814) OPENING SUNDAY NIGHT-BOOTH' TARKINGTON'S "CLARENCE" NOTE NEW POLICY NEW BILL OPENS EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT FOR. ENTIRE WEEK THROUGH SATURDAY u a [ ; . i r 1111 ) MAL ORERSI M E S "I' E A THE BOX OFFICE I N nvieervm acsf> +rt wwwna FEBRUARY 20, 2 1, 2 2, 2 3, 24, 25 THE MIMES PRESENTS Geo. M. Cohan's Hilarious Farce Comedy EM M H M E T 0 w N E RS t 'I NEW YORK TELEGRAM-"Broadway em- 11 with a mixed cast including NEW YORK AMERICAN-"We laughed and we chuckled and we ha-ha'd at scores of ingenious bits All [I1 Il I I ElIl E I III