ESTABLSHED VOL. XXXVIII. No. 101. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1928 MEMBERI ASSOCIATED PRESS EIGHT PAGES TECHNICAL SPEECHES OCCUPY ATTENTION OF' HIGHWAY CONFERENCE GOVERNOR FREI) GREEN TO BE MAIN SPEAKER AT ANNUAL DINNER TONIGHT ATTENDANCE SHOWS GAIN Afternoon Session To Be Devoted To Elections And Appointments ; Of Couiittees Opening the second day of the four- teenth annual Michigan Conference en highway Engineering with an at- tendance of approximately 500, the conference yesterday devoted its time purely to a number of technical speeches and discussions. Today, however, the time of the afternoon session will be devoted to the busi- ness of the organization, with the election of new officers and appoint-! ment of new committees taking place.! Tonight the annual dinner of the con- ference will be given in the banquet hall of the Union,, at which overnor Fred W. Green will be the main speaker. G. C. Dillman, a deputy commission- er-chief engineer of the Michigan; State Highway Department, presidedj yesterday at the morning session of the conference. During this period talks on "The Study of Concrete Pave- ients from Core Records" and "Snow Removal" were given by C. E. Foster,' construction engineer, and V. R. Bur- ton, engineer of research and statis- tics, respectively, both of -the Michi-j gan State Highway departnient. Pro- fessor W. J. Emmons, of the highwayj engineering department, spoke on "Trends in Bituminous Pavement De- ! sign," and the State Highway depart- ment gave a moving picture dealing with bituminous .concrete pavementj design. ,; 1 (i I+ 1 1 ; I1 !i1 I) i i 3, ' i i t I; l ' I If EASTERN ALUMNI ( TO GIVE BANQUETRDIPHON REACHE The Univeisity of Michigan club of New York will give its annual dinner UNIVESITY'S STATION tomorrow night, at the Hotel Commo- dore, New York city. This affair will11 Clarence Cook Little of the UniversitylN RTHERN RE NS and President James R. Angell of -1 Yale university. Earl D. Babst, '93- ARCTIC CIRCLE PENETRATED '94L, will officiate as toastmaster. BY MEANS OF RADIO The speaking program of the din- FOR FIRST TIME ner will conclude about 10 o'clock at I night. Following the speeches, a pro- REINARTZ DESIGNS PHONE' gram of entertainment arranged for _ by "Jack" Yellen, '13, a song writer Two-way Conmunicaticit Established of note, will be presented. Van and Between Connecticut Home And Schenck will form part of the pro- Greenland Weather Station gram, and they will be ably assisted by a number of acts from Broadway Radiophone communication between shows, vaudeville, and night clubs. As the seating at the, dinner will be Manchester, Conn., and the University by classes, it is planned that class of Michigan weather station on Mt. reunions will be a feature of the din- Evans in southwest Greenland wa's es- ner. A program of Michigan songs tablished Sunday night, according to and cheers will be carried out during advices recently received here. This the dinner which will be lead by alumni who were once cheerleaders on is the first time that the radiophone the Michigan campus. has penetrated the arctic circle. -___This successful experiment was con- ducted at the home of John L. Rein- artz, inventor of the Reinartz receiv- ing ircuit, former radio operator for McMillan on the Bowdoin, and design- N MN ODU er of the set which is being used in the Mt. Evans station. To bridge the Unanimous Opinion Of Body Is Lii 3,500 miles between Manchester and Favor Of Selecting An Impersonal Mt. Evans, Reinartz used a radiophone Name For New Athletic Edifice transmitter of his own construction, broadcasting on a 14-meter wave DISCUSS SENIOR FINANCES lenigt. . Replies In Code . when communication Expressing their opinion unanimous- Gren st ation with the ly in favor of an impersonal name for Greenland station had been esta the new stadium, the Student council, ished, Reinartz, George Pinney, and at its regular weekly meeting last Prof. William H. Hobbs, head of the geology department and director of night decided to inquire of the Boardthe University Greenland Expeditions,I in Control of Athletics whether any spoke through the transmitter to Paul plans have been made for the naming Oscanyan, radio operator of the Green- of the edifice. At the same time the land party. Oscanyan replied in code council decided to inquire whether that he had heard each speaker al- any plans had been made to designate though some of the words were indis- a homecoming game in next season s tinct. football schedule. If such plans have Professor Hobbs had been directing not been made, the council will under- the activities of the expedition daily tnlk th(m creordin- to sentiment ex- 4_- 4 - n~,,n +,,,-, +,. ,--- NEW EDITORS FOR TECHNIC ELECTED J EE D T R F O~EETBe r n a r d M . C a i n , ' 2 9 E , w a s a n - nouniced as managing editor of the Michigan Technic and Emmett W. Manning, '29E, was chosen business manager for the coining year at the fortieth annual banquet of the Tech- nic staffs last night at the Union. John S. Congo, '27E, retiring man- aging editor was the toastmaster of the affair. The speakers included John L. Wotring, '28E, retiring busi- ness manager; Edward R. Nell, '29E, alum-ni news department; Prof. J. E. Emswiler; and Prof. E. M. Bragg. Professors Emswiler and Bragg are members of the Technic advisory board. Professor Bragg announced the appointment and awarded the Technic charms. The other appointments to the edi-j torial staff for 1928 were, Francis E. Wheeler, '30E college notes; Ed- ward R. Nell, '29E, alumni news; Eu- gene Easterly, '29E, publication; T'heodore A. Kotila, '29E, articles; Roy B. Blass, 29A, architecture; and Theodore Rogvoy, '28A, art. Theodore N. Will, '30E, was chosen as advertising manager and Lorimer C. Spoor, '29E, was selected as cir- culation manager for the com-ing year. PARISH CHURCH WILL' HOLD BODYOF EARL4 Family Announces Asquith Will Not Be Buried i Westminsteri Abbey As Expected IS WISH OF LORD OXFORD (By Associated Press.1 SUTTON COURTENAY, Eng., Feb. 16-While eminent men and the pressI of Great Britain praised the Earl of Oxford's life of service and mourn- ed his death, the body of the aged statesman, who died at his 'home here early today, was carried tonightj to the parish church of Sutton Court- enay where it will rest until inter- ment. The earl will be buried privately, and not in Westminster Abbey, as had been expected. This announcement was made tonight by the family and the decision' was in accordance with the special wish expressed by the Lord Oxford some time ago. A memorial service for the former premier, however, will be held in the Abbey at noon, Feb. 21.- Praise of the Earl of Oxford and Three Talks Given I, ac g from the campus through the loca Three talks were given at the aft- pressed last night, short-wave station of the R.O.T.C., but: ernoon session, at which Frank F. John Snodgrass, '28, who recently the experiment last Sunday marks Rogers, state highway commissioner attended a President's dinner of the his first attempt to communicate by, of Michigan, presided. These were Ypsilanti Normal college student phone. "The Use of Tininber for Secondary council as one of the speakers, re- Messages Trasmnitted iaily Highway Bridges," by C. A. Melick, ported that the normal college is con- Messages have been received here "The Maintenance and Development templating a revision of its student and transmitted practically daily since of Roadsides" by Phelps Vogelsang, council system, with a view to reduc- Dec. 21, the only notable interruption and "Tme Personnel of a Maintenanc ing its size and with a view to con- occurring on Jan. 16, when a terrific 1 Organization," by S. J. Stewart. These sideration of a point system for ac- storm with a wind velocity of 120 three men are all officials of the tivities similar to the one in effect miles per hour blew down the aerial Michigan S rate Highway department here among women students. on top of the Mt. Evans station. There was no evening session Following Snodgrass's report a The wireless station of the New Today' snogra foll s At the motion was passed inviting the stu- York Times has been in spasmodic morning session, which will e pre- Int council of Ypsilanti Normal col- communication with Mt. Evans since sided over by K wI.h wl ye re-I lege to attend ;the meetings of the the middle of the summer and in reg- dever ofythK. Cmmisawyer, secre- University organization, and express- i ular communication since last fall. tary-treasurer of the Commissioners ing thanks at the invitation extended Oscanyan's signals from the Green- anwf Engineers association, the speak- by that body for local council mem- land station on a 35 to 40 meter wave ers will be W. J. Lehuer, engineer- bers to assist them. I length have been widely copied this commission, C. F. Winklr, engineer- Report of the committee on the winter in Europe and as far west in1 mnagerof, the F.eick, Countynra Burton campanile was made by Jo H. this country as California. manager of the Gogebic County road Chamberlin, '28, chairman, to the ef- commission,and G. C. Dillman, o feet that the work is proceeding sat- ROCKFORD POLICY the Michigan State Highway Depart- isfactorily, and that it is extremely ILC Wilent . iunlikely that any extended drive for WILL BE CHANGED William W. Cox, o i the St. Clair funds will be undertaken on the local County road commission will preside a s. Considerable progress has Beginning with Booth Tarkiigton's ectin s. been made in the direction of secur- "Clarence," which will be the next election of officers will take place.;ing the campanile, Chamberlin re- offering of the Rockford players inI One technical talk will be delivered.ported. their :stock season at the Whitney Lee J. Rothgery will speak on "The rels theater, Don McIntyre announced yes- Several standing committees of the Townslip Road Problem." W. W. Coxsr terday that a new policy would be in-I couincil pr~esentedI reports at the mneet- will lead a discussion oil thepossi-3. ,ystitu ted wherein each production will 11ill andad discusdioncuomy thefpoanc- le desirability of appointing com-a 'f te inor dsfi1t2 of ain run a full week of nine perormance s. mittees representing various counties the table ipending more information Every play will open on Sunday night. to study special subjets and report . and run through Saturday night withi sty seci e from the class treasurer. It is possi- the regular Wednesday and Saturday at tfe next meetrng.wg ble that $1,500 of the surplus funds of Adlatinees. Auinor'a dnjerwilheis ly il egie t heBrofn mtics in the banquet hall of the Union this class will be given to the Burton The change in arrangements was it at 6:30 o'clock. President Fred campanile, it was reported. made o avoid the confusion that has Knox, of ithe Commissioners and En- John Starrett, '28E, was appointed ,resulted from previous runs of lc 5s n as a committee of one to investigate than a week. McIntyre also stated gineers associationi, will preside and psil ae o h nulsre William M. Connelly, of the Ottawa lOssile dates for the annual series that the company would play unin- County Road commission, will be the of spring activities to be undertaken terruptedly for the rest of the season( Coutymadr. Adrnissis will be the by the Student council, including the with the exception of the single en- toastmaster. Addresses will be ale- 'Spring games. gaee«to MsIik n Tm er livered by Frank F. Rogers, of the gagement of Mrs.1Fiske in "The Merry Michigan State Highway Department, ITl Wives of Windsor" on Feb. 27.- and Junius E. Beal, a regent of the Ihe eThe double bi of Shaw's "Great ive tierCather'ine~ and Barnie's "The OldI University of Michigan, followed by ily Associated Press.) Lad 1 as ed the ealurespeaer f te dnner a Cy AsocitedPres.)Lady Shows Her Medals" will end its the feature speaker of the dinner, Mosily cloudy today and tomorrow. run with the performances tonight and I Ion. Frec W. Green, Governor of the Not much eltange in e:niperature. tomorrow night.- State of Michigan. 1 Little Speaks ' 1.GOODRICH COMMENTS ON SMITH'S the Union Tuesday night,President QUALIFICATIONS FOR PRESIDENCY Little delivered a short address. He } urged complete cooperation between i Editor's NotereThs following is the fourth quickness of mind and adaptability, ugdcmlet oprto ewe of a series of interviews with prominent faculty ithe University of Michigan and Mich- m ilembers designed to give an insight into the coupled with his, good sense will soon past records and present possibilities of the igan State college, branding as false various men who will be candidates for the compensate for lack of previous know- statements printed in a Lansing presidential nomination in the two leading parties next June. The facts expressed are ledge along thse limes. And further- newspaper which declared that in a chiefly for informational purposes, and do not more, the party has some fine men recent minterview with President Cool- 'necessarily indicate the personal preferences ideh tepe ouehsifuneof temnitriwd)lk John W. Davis, wyhose knowledge, ofthe men interviewced.) lk idge he attempted to use his influence Gov. Al Smith of New York appears 'advice, and counsel are always avail- to direct federal aid away from Mich- to be the man for the Democratic able." igan State college and other land normination for President in 1928," de- Commenting on the political avail- grant colleges. clared Prof. Herbert F. G'oodrich of ability and the general availability of "I am for State college in every the Law school who firmly believes Governor Smith as a possible for way,' he declared. "I believe we that Governor Smith is well qualified president, Professor Goodrich assert- should cooperate to remove any sem- for the office of president. ed that "There is of course the relig- blance of duplication between the two "The governor is a remarkably able ious issue. How much difference that i'istitutions. Nothing wilI hurt both man," Professor Goodrich maintained. will make is hard to tell, for its dis- more than to have the people of the "Even life long Republicans say that cussion is whispered behind hands state think there is a waste through he has made a splendid record as gov- nd seldom actually gets into the open. duplication. ernor of a great state. He has broad Certainly Governor Smith's admirably UNION ILL ATTEMPT To AROUSEINTEREST, ON AMENDMENT VOTE HOPES TO PASS AMENDMENT SIMPLIFYING FUNCTIONS OF ADMINISTRATION PROVIDES FOR ONE BOARD Cards Asking Cooperation Are Sent To Fraternity Presidents And Freshmen Extensive operations are being carried on by the Union in order to in- terest a large number of students in the proposed amendment which will be voted on by the members on Feb. 28. Attempts are being made to reach all of students if possible and explain to them the plan of reorganization which is embodied in the amendment. For this purpose, cards have been 'sent to every freshman on the cainpus asking their cooperation on the amend- ment. Letters have been sent to the presidents of all fraternities asking them to explain the reorganization amendment to each member of his fraternity and to urge them to attend and vote at the meeting. The interest of faculty members of the Union is also being solicited by means of let- ters concerning the action. The proposed reorganization, tin- volves the consolidation of the two 1 boards which are at present the hold- ers of administrative power into one board which shall have control by means of committees made up of its mInembers over the same functions which the original two boards were required to take care of. To Speed Up Work Tme improvements which, it is be- lieved, the new organization will bring about are along the lines of speeding up and simplifying the ad- ministrative functions of the board. Under the old plan, the two boards met at different times and had control over ,ifferent functions with the result that for the taking of certain action it was nece'ssary for both of the boards to meet and for a great deal of delay to ensue from this. The board of governors which form- erly had control over the finanes and the selection of the general manager will become represented on the new board of directors which will be fornied by the amendment by a finan- cial committee which shall be respon- sible only to the new board itself. To Have Activities Coninittee The activities of the Union will be under the direction of an activities committee appointed from the board of directors, several members of which will be students and which will have charge of all activities within the Union building. There will also be a house committee, composed partly of students, whose duty it shall be to assist the general manager in the running of the building, according to the new plan. Thie personnel of the board of di- rectors as planned by the amndment will consist of the president of the Union, the recording secretary, six student vice-presidents, three faculty nimembers, two alumni members, the general secretary of the Alumni asso- ciation, a member of the Board o Regents, the financial secretary of the Union, and the dean of students. In this way there will be eight studen members and nine picked from other sources than the student body. All th tudent members will be chosen by a general campus election, with a vice president being chosen from the schoo which he represents. ANNOUNCE MORE ALL 'A' RECORDS Eleven students in the School o Education received all 'A' records fo 1 I the first semester of the presen fI school year, according to an an nouncement made yesterday by th recorder's office of the Educatior 1 school. They were: Laurie Canmpbell, Spec. Ed.; Ahicf Damon, '28Ed.; Cletus Fagam, '28Ed.; SCatherine Hodson, '28Ed.; Vivian L, Jeunesse, '28Ed.; Alice Miel, '28Ed. - Katharine Patterson, '28Ed.; Grac - Peters, '28Ed.; Marion Stevens g '28Ed,; Grover Stout, '29Ed.; an( d Marian Van Tuyl, '28Ed. DR. STRONG HAS LED VARIED LIFE Dr. Anna Louise Strong, author and i traveller, who lectures today oni "Six Years In Soviet Russia" at 4:1i o'clock in Natural Science auditori- un !, has lately led a varied and in-f terstnglife in connection with the1 Russian refugees, and primarily with the problem of the orphaned child- ren. She returned to this country in January from a trip around thef world, 'travelling part of the time as ? a member of Borodin's caravan from Hankow to Niugsia. Russia with tie first shipment of food from America for the starving popu- lace on the Volga river. For the past four years she has acted as a jour- nalist, writing for the New York Tiites Magazine, Christian Science Monitor, Outlook Colliers and other magazines. In 1924 she published "The First Time In History," which is now in its fourth printing. Her most recent experiment in Rus- sia is the founding of an independent children's colony, located on the Volga. SEAT SALE TO BEGINI 'FOR NEW COHAN P'LAY' Aimes Will Begin Sale Tomorrow For Run Of One Week to Commence Next Monday Night 'HOME-TOWNERS' IS TITLE Seats will go on sale tomorrow at the box office in Mimes theater for George M. Cohan's "The Home Town- ers," which will be the next produc- tion of the Mimes Players. "The Home T'owners" will begin a week's run next Monday night. Mail orders I for tickets are being accepted now. The cast for the Cohan comedywill include Thomas J. Dougall, '28, C. Lyman Crane, '29, Francis K. Kleut-r gen, '29, and Florence Tennent, '31Ed. Several others obtained through the tryouts held recently in Mimes thea- ter will be given opportunities of ap4 Rearing in this and forthcoming pro- ductions. Direction, will be by E.I NMortimer Shuter, while Robert Manss, i I Ii I I v l , ,i . Asquith as a great parliamentarian, a forceful, gracious debater and an unselfish servant of the nation's wel- fare is contained in thousands of messages of condolence published and received by his widow. All recall his activities in the early days of the war, when, as prime. minister, he breathed the British spirit of confi- dent courage. Many proudly rememtmber his de- claration in the face of Germany's seemingly irresistible advance when he said: "We shall never sheave the sword which we have not lightly (lrawn, un- il Belgium recovers in full naasure all, and more than all, she has sac- rificed; unill France is adequately se- cured against, the menace of aggres sio; until the rights of the smaller nationalities of Eurbine are placed upon an unassailable foundation, and muntil the military dominatlon of Prus- sia is wholly and fully destroyed." ALUMNUS TO SING IN CHICAGO CIVIC OPERA IN DETROIT One of the singers of the Chicago l Civic Opera company which will ap- pear in Detroit at Temple auditor- ium today, tomorrow, and Saturday I is Chase B. Sikes, '17, who is known to opera-goers uiider the name of 1 Baromeo. But once in the eleven years since his graduation has Sikes sung in Ann Arbor, and once more in Dectroit. Several years ago he ap- peaied at tie May Festival andat the Detroit Woman's City club, but -never in operatic roles as on this occasion. Sikes went overseas with the Ameri can forces shortly after his gradua- tion from the University, beginning service as an ambulance driver ano i terminating as a lieutenant of artil- lery. After three years of study h made his debut at La Scala, in Milan Three years there were followed by 'a season at Buenos Aires, one at Colon, one at the royal theater in Madrid, and his present engagement with the Chi- cago organization. His voice isa 'bass, ai ' in La Gioconda, the open- ' ing production tonight, he has the rol' of Badoero, the high official of Venice. ',30, will act as stage manager. The three act comedy is the most I recent of the Cohan successes, with its locale laid in and around New York. The leading role, taken by Dou- I gall, is that of a middle-western "home-towner" who comes to New York to make a .fortune. After sev- eral years his project is accompfish- ed and he sets about to be married, He imm-ediately involves himself in a series of colplications with the folks from South Bend who have come Ito the city .for the 'event. Special sets for "The Home T'own- ers" have been built by Fred Reb- man, technician and stage director foil the company, and rehearsals have been carried on for the past two weeks in preparation for the opening on Monday night. This play will be followed the next week by Comedy Club's production of Philip Barry's 'You and I." GRADUATE WILL eAPPEAR IN PLAY t Norman Hackett, '98, who will ap- pear with the company presenting 'Sonserset Maugham's "The Constant Wife" at the Whitney theater Satur- day night, was involved in several d campus dramatic productions during his undergraduate days. During 1894 and 1895 he appeared in several pre- sentations of Comedy Club, and im- mediately after hi's graduation in 1898 ie became interested in professional dramatic undertakings and has been f associated with them ever since. One )r of his better known roles during re- t cent seasons was that of Boy Fen- - wick yin the original production of e Michael Arlenm's "The Green Hat." A n reception will be held for Hackett while he is in Ann Arbor. His home e is in Detroit. a APPOINT PRESIDENT FOR 1.S. C. (By Associated Press.) e EAST LANSING, Feb. 15.-R. S. s, Shaw, dean of agriculture, today was d appointed acting president of Michi- gan State college. CONGRESS APPROVES FINAL ARTICLES FOR PANAMERICAN UNION RUMORS OF RESIGNATION OF ARGENTINE CHIEF DO NOT . DETER ASSEMBLY ARGENTINES ARE ABSENT Ifonorio Pueyrredon, Irreconellable, Takes Firm Stand Against Articles Of Union (By Associated Press.) HAVANA, Feb. 15.-Reports that Honorio Puerredon, irreconcilable, Argentine leader, had tendered his resignation to the Buenos Aires gov- ernment, did not deter the Pan- American conference from completing the first reading of the Pan-American union covenant today by approving the last article. This was designed especially to save the unanimous de- sires of all the other American re- publics from being frustrated by one country. Rumors that Dr. Pueyrredon had resigned, dominated .the conference buildings when it was noted that the Argentine delegation was absent from the meeting of the committee of Pan- American union affairs this morning, at which a proposition bearing vitally upon Puerredon's attitude came up for discussion. The rumors were greatly strengtl- ened a few hours later when Dr. Pueyrredon, after being unavailable all morning, even to members of his own delegation, said he could not dis- cuss whether he hal tendered his resignation. At ]is headquarters it was learned, however, that his stand was firmly established in favor of re- signing both from his position here and from the ambassadorship at Washington, if ordered by hip govern- ment to sign a convention of which !he disapproved. Committee Meets The Pan-American union committej met in the morning, determined to put an end to the crisis which was pre- cipitated more than a month ago by Argentine insistence that the pro- posed convention, to regulate the ac- tivities of the union, should include specifically the necessity of reducing excessive tariffs and removing other obstacles to the free flow of inter- American commerce Spurred by reports that the Argen- tine government doubted the advis- ability of standing alone in this de- mand, the committee considered and approved a proposal submitted by Jacobo Barela of Uruguay, that the !convention be opened for later signa- ture and ratification to the govern- mients whose delegates failed to affix their names here. The article approved empowers the president of this conference to trans- mit to such governments; certified copies of the agreement for their con- sideration and possible ratification and signature. The convention would not become effective until all coun- tries present at this conference rati- fled it. The delegates hoped that this pro- vision would prevent Dr. Puerredon 1 from killing off the convention by re- fusing to sign it, as he, announced, since opportunity would be offered Argentina to repudiate the attitude of its representatives at the conference. Barela Approies Withi the approval of the Barela, the convention was referred to the sub-committee for the style in which it be finally approved at the next session of the committee. Under the agreement as it now stands, the operation of the Pan- American union will not be modified to any vital extent from the present form, except that all countries will be allowed to have special representa- tives on the governing board instead x'of that body being composed ex- clusively of accredited diplomats at Washington. DRAMA TIC GROUP HOLDS INITIATION _ The annual banquet of Mimes, campus dramatic society, w~s held . last ight at the Union, following the initiation for 13 men in the Mimes theater at 5:30 o'clock in the after- noon. The banquet was presided over ,by James Yant, '31M, president of the t organization, and Prof. W. A. Frayer 1 of the history department acted as toastmaster. i i -I , t CROSS LAUDS LATE LORD ASQUITH FOR HIS EMINENT LOVE OF PEACE "Lord Asquith was a man of great political life he was chancellor of the clarity of thought and precision, and exchequer and then prime minister, effectiveness of expression. He was a position which he held for ,eight prone to give all elements a hearing I years. After the war he became the and his temnperan-ent was more suited leader of the Independent Liberals, a to peace than to war. His favorite party opposed to the National Liberals phrase was "Wait and see," Prof. headed by Lloyd George," said Pro- Arthur L. Cross of the English his- fessor Cross. tory department, declared yesterday "During his career, he was made in commenting upon the life of the lord rector of Glasgow university and formivr Enz i51i nri oi mi~h ~ niister, rowtc''nc onivar~t.' ofi'A hp~rilnnd HOLD HIGH MASS FOR DEADPRIES s :s 1 COMMIT ERROR IN DAILY REPORT