* course of this long debate on better___
moving pictures, no one has ever con-
sidered that the public is not the TEDT E A T E R N rrisGilberts
Published every morning except Monday chooser. Film fans must take what
during the University year by the Sard in ple W
Control of Student Publications. they can get or cease attendance. JTK1SAeE".B 0 0 K S JUILL ER ET'
Memer f Wsten Cnfeenc Edtoral It should be much simpler to or- 1MS C03.SteDil56-
Association. ganize the producers themselves into REFR.t
MmeofWsenCneecEdtra leaget oshoulve much simple ar tCaor-d ito spa l and extra-8 S.StTATDalIO N
The Associated Press is exclusively en- a league for improvement of the art C i nto special an exti -A
titled to the use for republication of all news than to organize the infinite audiences plenipotentiary session the Rolls Ex Salted Nuts Roasted
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise eutive Board indulged in its first ATRO7:TeReiodWITH
credited in this paper and the local news pub- into merely making an appeal. The i HIS AFTERNOON: The Rockford Fresh Daily AR
lished herein, movie habit has grown on America meeting of the semester yesterday Players present a matinee of "Aren't - NAME AND ADDRESS ON
meeti sa ndsesil sfodad nooPlayr rsn
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, it is as indispensible as food and nOOn. * * * We All" in the Whitney theater at 1111 South U.
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate drink, and producers and actors are S P L C I A L
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- By unanimous vote, the following 2:30 o'clock.
master General. safe in waiting for any noteworthy
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, demonstration of public disapproval poem by Oliver Wendell Bolt was or- TONIGHT: The Rockford Players Assorted
$4fices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- for it can never some on the face of dered to be incorporated in the min- present a double bill of Shaw's "Great Chocolates
ard Street.-y
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 2214. things. So long as cheap melodrama ute *'Catherine" and Barrie's "The Old
STAFF and sex is placed on the screen, just OLD RBORETUM Lady Shows Her Medals" in the Whit- 3 9 C LU,
EDITORIAL STAF so long will it be patronized. And Ay, close that dear old winding ney theater at S o'clock,
Telephone 4925 just so long as there are no good pic-
MAN.A MBNGERLINR tures made, so long must the public roa
JOsHtCHAMERTe ad, on a g ubl Alongdthe Huron shore! THE CASE OF COHAN VS. BARRY
see the bad ones and grumble to The student couples, young and THE HOME OF PL
Editor.......................Ellis B. Merry itselfs By some strange and unkind fate
Editor Michigan Weekly..Charles E. Behymer t gay,
Staff Editor .............Philip C. Brooks Pioneering is admittedly difficult, Mimes have chosen George M. Cohan's
City Editor ............ Courtland C. Smith Saltedi eemr.6
Women's Editor.........Marian L. Welles but quality productions have been ll tieve r "The Hometowners" for their opening
Sports Editor..........Herbert E. Vedder turned out; recognized as such; and Full many a time weve heard TPhone 4277 114-1
Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr. those hills next Monday, and only a week later
relegraph Editor.............Ross W. Ross heavily patronized. But producers, Resound with happy shout. Comedy Club-which has been static
Assistant City Editor.... Richard C. Kurvink like the proverbial flesh, are weak, Brn fo th hy gsh o f
Night Editors lk h rvrilfeh r ek
Robert E. FinchG. Thomas McKean and it is so much easier to make the for some time-will present Philip
Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick Brass-
Jau 3. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr. other kind. Barry's "You and I." This bringing
_____________ To keep the necker's out. T e Ma u e f S
Esther Anderson Marion McDonald AN EXHIBIT junction is rather painful. Cohan's
Margaret Arthur Richard H. Milroy There is not the slightest doubt but Go, spend the people's filthy goldt
Emmons A. Bonfield Charles S. Monroe brusque humor is going to do no good
Jean Campbell Catheriae .Price that the Clements library possesses Erect this bar uncouth. fo r . Bar swetne an d gtavgood purchase is ex
Clarence N. Edelson Morris W. Quinn one of the finest collection of Amer- The harpies of old age may pluck And Barrys eg teebetter playis ng. on every doar
Margaret Gross Rita Rosenthal ,AdBrysbigtebte lyi '
MagaetGrss RtaRoenl! can historical documents in the The eagle of our youth!
Valborg Egeland Pierce Rosenberg iAnhitriaddcmeten the h agle horouh going to bring about some unfair Students of Journalism, Law, wj,.~fs1upof
Marjorie Follmer Edward J. Ryan world, and not the least advantageous And cn the gate hang up a bell BusinesssAdministration an others weeks SUpp y first qua
aber. Feenr leanorScheber phase of the remarkable set of docu- That it may loudly ring compariso. he Thspin' trade needshorthand and typewriting, as rE Ly us.
Elaine . Gruber Corinne Schwarz ments is the policy of displaying An evening peal of fiendish joy DON'T DELAY
Alce Hagelshaw Robert G. Silbar And the unconscious irony in the
Joseph E. Howell Howard F. Simon them in public exhibits. To "ANTI-EVERYTHING."
J. Wallace Husien Rowena Stillman . . t proximity of two such plays is not
Charles R. Kaufman Sylvia Stone Sustaing the general high stand-
William F. Kerby George Tilleyr
Lawrence R. Klein Edward L. Warner, Jr. a* *
Donald J. Kline Benjamin S. Washer the present display of the Lord Shel- Should find an earthly grave;QL ITaGO
Sallya Kx y Leog eie n fteeehbtos-nteps s O etrou hl olvr nrqet.lE MOB' HOSTAG
Saly Kno ait, Jr. oseph eding burne papers. The inimitable thrill of Than stand a witness, still and TROBESP MILRI' by Hilaire Bel-
JobnH Maloney viewing at a close range a letter mute, RB PER ,"y ireB-
BUSINESS STAFF written by the hand of Benjamin That Freedom's turned a slave. loc. G. P. Putnam's Sons & Co., New PO PU LAR P
Telephone 21214 Franklin, or notes on a momumental To arms! We'll meet the issue York; 1927; $5.00. o
BUSINESS MANAGER speech in the English parliament, is square- To retain the interest of the biogra-
WILLIAM C. PUSCH one which has few counterparts in Bring forth the dynamite. phy reader in the lives of such figures
Assistant Manager... George H. Annable, Jr. the life of an average University stu- We'll blow the Boulevard to as Napoleon, Bismarck, Shelley, and ____________________________________
dent. Hell- others of the same vitality and in- -______.__
Advertisingi..............Rchar M. Hinkley The students of Michigan have truly And do their job up right!sy wcp
Advertising................Edward L. Hulse a rare opyd y* ularly arduous and is usually achiev-
Advertising ............ John W. Ruswinckel arepportuniity with tihe display ofedwtotoogatlbrThca-
Accounts ...............RaymonduWachter these documents; an opportunity to In commenting upon the proposal ed without too great labor. The char-
ubication...............HoarveyTAlcott see first hand the documents which to blow up the Boulevard, Half Shot acter himself usually carries the read-
Assistants have colored the pages of our national suggested that if all the blasphemous er along with him. But to write of a
George Bradley Ray Hofelich fgr akn nthsmgeimad -Fo
Marie Brunn eler Hal A. Jaehn history. expostulations and invectives directed figure lacking in this magnetism and For
James Carpenter James Jordan toward President Little and the Re- vitality which appeals to the multi-
Charles K. Correll Marion Kerr tudeisa__________taskwhichseems
Barbara Cromell Thales N. Lenington gents during the past semester could tude is a literary task which seems
Measrse V eland orCathyLyon TORIAL Chave saved, no further explo- tohave been greater than the capa- Delicious Breakfasts, Lunches, Refr(
MarysieVEelnd Carthrin s EDITO r' R IALCOMMENT hv etsaetn urhrep o
Una Felker Alex K. Scherer sives would be needed. city of most of those who have tried
Katherine Frohne George Spater -=TastySaladsToasted Snd___h__
Beatrice Greenberg Herbert E. Varnun INDIVIDUAL ADJUSTMENT 'eBelloc, however, has succeededin
E. J. Hammer Hannah Wallen amyhe a lygCardinal) once the coeds cried 'Stop'" this peculiarly difficult type of i-k Creamy M alted M ilks
Car W. Hammer Plans advocating the prohibition of mentedTiyTm "Now it'sthRe ography in "Robespierre." He does
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1928 student cars have been abandoned. ts not sentimentalize over a man who _Goto
The university board of visitors has . * * certainly did not nor does he indulge G
Night Editor-J..STEWART HOOKER been investigating the situation and "Paresident Little may not have been in wild flights of fancy; his opinions
reports that enforcement of such a responsible for the proposal to close are usually presented with the evi-V YL'IIIJU.! /
restriction would be an expensive and the Boulevard," declared Chairman C. dence for them indicated. Thus the C R I PEN 'SSU
difficult matter. And it is safe to say Cathcart Smutz, "but he'll never be questioning of the reader who is not f=C R IP
THE ENGINEERS that the prohibition would be unpop- able to convince anyone that lie a thorough student of the n n and tI
For the thirteenth successive time, ular with the student body. It is wasn't." his period is avoided. n SA N D WIC H SH O P
the University is host to the annual good news to hear that such action "We wont say that it's wrong to Robespierre, student, sch Iar of
meeting of the Michigan Conference is unlikely, at least for a timwe. close up the Boulevard," declared Arras, provincial lawyer, official, par- N. UNIVERSITY AT SO. THAY
on Highway Engineering, which open- The alleged evils of student cars President Bolt, "but we will say that liamentarian, Jacobin, Committee-
on yHstghway EnginerUin, whch openhave been greatly exaggerated. In it's just what we might have ex- man, symbol of a Terror which struck elov. Our Campus Store
fact, the arguments advanced in fa- pected." back upon its makers, the man is
since its instigation the leading de- vor of their prohibition sometimes By the regular unanimous vote, the traced from his youthful days at Ar-
velopments in the science of road seems to b largely mere rationaliza- Board decided to extend the same ras through his development and ex-
building have been laid before the en- tion of the desire to curb student whole-hearted support to the new perience to the dark twenty-eighth
gineers by prominent men from our freedom. Many of the conditions poject that it has always given to the day of July 1794, when he went to the
own faculty and from the practical blamed on student cars are really auomie a th e poways t-fot a guillotine. Jul7 wrtesh well. To he __ __________________________
fed fr d cnsrc on w k, nd cu d by th r hn s an crc n automobile ban, the post-football. guillotine. Belloc writes well. The d TaPJ2.i J, J .!-zt'dfj 2J P .iiale!'L'JJPf~l
fields of road construction work, and caused by other things and circum- game reforms, and all the other at- disciple of Rousseau, whose integrity
each year at the time of meeting stances. There are too many stu- f tempts to make our Michigan fool- no one could deny, stands clear before
Michigan's highways have been in a dents in college who are not fitted proof-insofar as the students are a background of mobs and bloodshed
more advanced stage of development to carry on college grade work, concerned. through which was arising a new so-
than in the year previous. There must be more selection in the Benjamin Bolt. ciety from a decadent old.
T h e tremendous responsibility IPreparatory schools; there must be * * * Jo H. Chamberlin.
which these men have on their shoul- stricter entrance requirements; so JI ChTHE NEW eiETHOD * * *
ders is only suggested by the fact that that only those capable of doing sat- I THE ANN ARBOR ART
the state spent more than $18,000,000 isfactory work without having every T o ASSOCIATION EXHIBITION
on highway construction as a resul acti of thei ext-curcular lives A review, by Robert J. Gessner.
of measures passed at the recent ses- regulated by faculty rules will be. o In criticizing the exhibits as a .r. ~u- ~ j1L.LIb .3
sion of the legislature. These vast admitted. whole one must state at the offset
sums represent more and more thetSuh ideas seem opposed to the.
116 East Washington St.
aving Money
Ceedingly satisfy-
invested for your
lity merchandise
d and
C r
the oud importance of highway transpor- cmo gospel of education frua al. e out dsturbance. About a third are Long Distance Rates are Surprising
tation, and the Importance of confer-,They would of corse, cut down the With the addition of the new gates gd n e h a
ences such as the present one. enrollment of our colleges and uni- the above illustration demonstrates eallyood. Another third are un-For Instance
versities; but the cause of educa- the methods that will be used by Uni- interesting. And the remainder are
delgats wichhasbee retertedtion would be furthered. Anyone versity students. It is not altogether idfeeta owa fette
delegates which yhas been reiterated ith the will to learn can be sue- Impossible that the theater interests possess between the four panels of
through thirteen years would be s-ay cessful in college in spite of the al- have donated funds to the cause of their frames. Thus, we will only con-
perfTheruoussunitysthplas-leged handicap of car ownership. If closing up the old arboretumn. ern ourselves (necessarily through
host to a gathering such as the pres- the individual can be distracted and * * * the shortness of this review) with
ent one, however, affords a chance to caused to fail by the possession and SUCCESS those paintings which appear to be
combine the hica e rac- use of what is now more commonly Every hell has its watchman, but the most impressive.
nstutaI nchancerwhicshapreductioalregarded as a necessity rather than this late ban puts hell high and dry MacenaBartons Sunday Morning,
institution fails to appreciate. a luxury, he belongs in an aggrand- at the end of Geddes Ave. which was awarded a $200 prize at the
ized super-regulated high school, not Sic Semper. Art Institute ofCisIctin Or Less, After 8:30 P. M .
R~ASE-31lINDED PUBLIC in a university. * r * one of the most striking. It is indi-
Moving picture producers and back- The same situation prevails in the MANY STUDENTS MAY have won- vidual in its unique presentation of Ycu can call the following points and talk for THREE MINUTES fo
ers never seem to tire of telling the case of outside activities. Some stu- dered how Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co., two young girls with long, thick hair Rates to other distant points are proportionately low.
public through the medium of their dents become engaged in so many or- owners and operators of three stores flowing in black tresses over the spot-
trade journals that they are prostrat- ganizations, clubs, drives, and what- in Ann Arbor, have been able to sell less white of their dresses. The artist F
ed at the thought of giving out such not that they neglect their class two drinks for the price of one during seems to have taken advantage of his
a low grade of material. At stated work. On the other aud, some be- the past week. Upon investigation his unusual technique, by portraying ATLANTA, GA............................................
BIRMINGHAM, ALA ............................ ...............
intervals some magnate will take the come so engrossed in the hunt for by Rolls financial committee it was the maiden's hair in such an extreme BOSTON, MASS.......................................................
columns to deplore bad pictures and grade points that they find no time determined that the liberal minded fashion. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. ......................................
declare that as long as the public in- for anytng auelse. The former are owners of those three stores had de- A simple but powerful oil by NatP . NEOR, .
sists on going to see them his art the more numerous, and limitation of cided to take a profit of only 100 per Little, entitled Sanctuary, is perhaps RICHMOND, VA.............................................
mutsfe nslneadba h rfto ny10 e ST. LOUIS. MO. .........................
nust suffer in silence and bear the activities has often been suggested cent instead of the usual 200 per cent. one of the most artistic. Its mood pro- WASHOND.
stigma of commercialism. The re- as the remedy. Various point sys- * * * cduces a strange effect. A little snow-W.
turns of several million dollars on the tems have been advocated in the past. THEN IT MUST BE REMEMBERED covered cabin is almost hidden as it The rates quoted above are Station-to-Station night rates, effective from 8:30
investments do not console them for In fact, we think The Cardinal may that they do sell drugs on occasion huddles beneath the gigantic trees of r A Station-to-Station call is one that is made to a certain telephone, rather tha
such a sad state of affairs. They are have backed some such plan in other and the great indulgence of the stu- a deep forest. With this scene the art- articuornot know the number of the distant telephone, give the operator the na
interested primarily not in profits, years. It seems to us, howver, that dents unodubtedly stimulated the ist has left nothing out. Even the spe:ify that you will talk with "anyone" who answers at the called telephone.
but in art. it is a matter for the individual. It sales of certain brands of drugs. - solemn solitude of a forest in mid- Day rates, 4:30 a. m. to 7 p. m., and evening rates, 7 p. m. to 8:30 p. m., are high
Statistics compiled recently disclose is the problem of every student to IT HAS ALSO BEEN intimated that winter is there. This majestic still- A Person-to-Person call, because more work is involved, costs more than a Stati
the fact that one person out of every adjust himself to his university life. the drug stores took over the Univer- iess completes the general effect with The rate on a Person-to-Person call is the same at all hours.
six in civilized countries sees a mov- Guidance from faculty members is sity health service orders for the next a deep touch of profound impressive- Additional rate information can be secured
ing picture every day. The importance desirable; arbitrary regulation is not. week, but this report cannot be veri- ness. by calling the Long Distance operator
of such an agency in forming public We rather like President Frank's fied. Two Bronze Medal winners of the
opinion, and in educating the masses conception of a university career as Sesqui-Centennial are included aniong
Ly Low
r the rates shown.
.. ..1.20
.1.1 0
.- 1.30
.. ..1.05
p. m. to 4:30 a. m.
n to some person in
me and address and
er than night rates.
on-to-Station call.