A* Ar
47: a
For the purpose of continuing the present excavations are in the vi-
OPENING MEETING 0 archaeological research started in cinity of the ancient city of Kara-BEON C
Egypt by the late Prof. Francis W. nis, at Fayoum, Egypt. The work was
Kelsey, a fund Off$105,000 has been started by Professor Kelsey in 1924,
provided by an anonymous donor, it and was carried on under his direc-
was announced yesterday from the tion until the time of his death last
office of President Clarence Cook spring. While he was in charge a
DELEGATES ARE TAKEN ON TOUR Little. The money will be made avail- large number of valuable specimens LA1RGER NUMBER OFI
THROUGH ENGINEERING able in three annual gifts of $35,- were unearthed, which are now in AND NEW FEATURES
'LABORATORIES 000, it is planned, and will be ad- the possession of the University and APPEAR IN ISSU
ministered by the Near East Re- which have shed considerable light
f-I HiHWAV EXPERTS SPEAK search committee of the University, not only on various languages of TREE DAY PRICE
of which President Little is chair- ancient times but upon customs and
- - - - - - - f ... _. _ ._ ._._ _ I
Presentation Of Technical Papers On
Highway Engineering Problems To
Feature Today's Prograni
Opening its fourteenth annual ses-
sion yesterday morning, the Michi-
gan Conference on Highway Engin-
eering, got under way in room 348
West Engineering building with more
than 200 men, present. It is expected
by those in charge of arrangements
for the conference that the record
attendance of last year of 600 will
be surpassed before the session is
The work being done at present in
this vicinity is under' the direction
or Prof. Enoch Peterson, and the
Normal College Loses To Varsity
Reserves' Attack In Close
Contest, 23-20
the ancient civilizations. v
The work of Professor Kelsey was
not confined to this particular por-
tion of Egypt, being undertaken at
several other points in the Near
East. All of this type of work has
been under the direction of the
Near East Research committee of the
The private, donation will make
possible the continuance of the pro-
ject for at least three years on a
scale comparable to its furtherance
in the past. President Little and
other University officials expressed
extreme gratification yesterday uponI
the receipt of the money.
Satire And Burlesque Section W11 Be
t-sed In Connection With
Feature Section
As a part of the third and final sales
campaign being conducted today by
the 'Ensian stands will be established
at many points on the Campus with
members of the business staff sta-
tioned at each of them to make sales
on the year-book. Two previous big
campaigns have been carried on dur-
ing the fall semester, and this will be4
th, last one to be promoted by the
Culminating more than two years of effort on the part of University
officials, and more than four months of work by faculty committees,
the University College project was unanimously adopted by the General
Committee on the University College yesterday afternoon. The plan
as adopted, if finally ratified, spells the end of the present system of
freshman and sophomore education at Michigan, and imposes between
all high school graduates and the professional schools of the University
a two year preparatory course.
The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, under its pro-
visions, becomes a professional school, and only through successful con
pletion of two years of work in the University College will students be
admitted to its classes. The courses in nedicine, law, and engineering
will not be substantially changed,
K is nevertheless, since bachelor of arts
degrees will remain as a requirement
. for admission to the Law school and
the Medical school, while the engin-
eering course will still be reguizly
four years, with two of preparation
Was Many Years Director Of Catholic in the University College and two
The morning was devoted to reg-i Immediately following this cam-
Michigan's 'B' cage team playing its paign, the cost of the book will be
itainand a tour of inspection of FI IIII&hIIImdaeyfolwn hscm
fourth game within a week, defeated L raised to $5.50. During these three
the highway laboratories and other the Michigan State Normal quintet, days cash payments of $4.50 will re-
engineering laboratories and librar- 23-20, last night in the Ypsilanti RRfllceive a subscription, or the payment
ics. This was of especial interest to 1-High School gymnasium in a game .JN4~ ~fI~ ~ i of $4 with a stub that Ilas been pur-
those attending the conference who marked by fine defensive work on the 6 1BI chased previously.
were familiar with the exact nature part of both teams. A larger number of pictures than
of the work carried on by the en- Last night's defeat was the second Delegates Maintain That Discussions have ever been used before are to be
gineering school in thir laborator- the Wolverine reserves have handed Have Brought No Agrement a feature of this edition of the 'En-
ies. the Ypsilanti cagers, having previous- On Main Issues . sian. The number of color plates
Engineers Give Talks I ly defeated the Normal team 29 to 27 which will be incorporated in the an-
The afternoon session of the con- in Yost field house. This victory was CONFERENCE ENDS EB. 30 lhO] is to be increased over those of
brencopened at 1:30 o'clock. H. the third for the 'B' quintet, an1d it E2 I hst years. Improvements will be
E. Riggs, professor of civil engin- brings its percentage up to .500, a sl notcaed~111ed along many other lines . also.
eoring, presided at this meeting. The 43-23 win over Albion and losses to (y F ed Prs) whben the book makes its appearance
tim' was occupied witl speeches by Western StaterNormal, Alma, and De- HAVANA, Feb. 4.Frank admis- ie spring.
prominent engineers concerning dif troit City college being already chalk- soin that some problems confronting In connection with the cross section
ferent phases of road development. ed up. the sixth Pan-American conference of campus life as represented by var-~
H. S. Mattimore, of Harrisburg, Pa., Michigan State Normal completely are beyond its powers to settle was ious activities and incidentswill be a
who is engineer of materials in the reversed form by springing a tight openly made today by some of the series of photographs of the Opera,
Pennsylvania State Highway depart- defense which 1eld the Wolverines to football games, and dramatic presenta-
1 omost influential delegates. Therefore.. . !fal f
men spke n "iel Cotro ofti(on with Itreatmletof alumilifun-
mont, spoke on "Field Control of nine baskets, while the Normal play- they contended, it was useless to cOi- ,m
Pavement Concrete." C. N. Connor, of ers caged but eight tosses. In con- tinue indefinitely to discuss them. tionls also included.
the highway research board, Wash- trast to the fine defensive play was All the delegates, with the excep- A bock of sat ire a ldburlesie
igoDC.gaeatlon"Low the weakbaktsoin of andhwich has not been used by the fea-
ington, D. C., gaved atalk ok basket shooting of both tion of Argentina and Colombia, voted Iture section for the last few years will
Cost Improved Roads;" while F. C.'teams. Michigan forwards missed to maintain the date fixed for the be used. Past yearbooks have treated
Lang, who is an associate professor many short shots gained by good closing of the conference, February este sh ea
of highway engineering at the Uni- passwork and fast breaking, while 20, aitough the committee on public s happenings of the school year in a
versity of Minnesota and engineer of ' Ypsilanti seemed unable to find the international law is hardly half-way 1eyrs fne ' book
tests and Ispections in the Minne- hoop on set-up shots. Moran, the through its agenda. They took this hthe pictures.m
sota State Highway department, Normal center and scoring ace of the tand~whena suggestTh was made Orders have been made for a special'
chose "Bitumunious Treatments Of previous game, was held to two has- before the committee by Jesus Yepes, type of stilled paper that has never
Gravel Roads and Earth Subgrades" gets by Magram and 'Lovell. Colombia, that the conference be pro- bfore been used by the 'Ensiai for
for the subject of his speech which Kanitz starred for the Michigan re- longed for a week beyond that date. the montig of the feature section.
ended the afternoon session. serves in basket shooting and floor Oppositin to prolongation of theI This will add greatly to the attractive-
A smoker was held last night at play in the first half, garnering two conference was expressed by the ness of the book as well as to that
7:30 o'clock in the Union banquet baskets and three free throws for Brazilian and Peruvian delegates as particular section, and will give better
ball for the members of the confer- high scoring honors, but was put out being determined by the conviction treatment to the pictures than the
ence. Horatio S. Earle, first state on personal fouls shortly after the that it was an "illusion" to hope for ordinary paper affords.
highway commissioner of Michigan, s second half opened. Captain Crouch concrete results from debates on sub- Addition of more fraternity history
presided at the affair. Dr. Clarence and Muellich, the Ypsilanti guards, jects where not the slightest suspi- and a slight rearrangeleint il tie
Cook Little gave a short address of showed the most form for the losers. cion of an agreement bad been as yet inakeul of the various pages will 1) a
welcome to the engineers. Following Michigan State Normal took a four displayed by the delegates. Although feature of the fraternity section.
President Little's sneech, two talks point lead shortly after the game it was not mentioned, the delegates ---------
of a technical nature were given. opened, but two baskets by Kanitz understood the reference was to the
Prof. John S. Worley, of the engn- and one by Balsamo gave Michigan discussion in the sub-committeeonj FAMOUS CH I T
eery'ng schooll, gave a speech en- a lead which it never relinquished. the definition of nation independence, ADDRESSES CLUB
titled "The History of Roads," and The score at the half was 14-8 in with the allied question of interven-
Lioutenailt George P. Finch, of Sel- favor of Michligan. With but five nun- tion of one state in the internal af- ON USE OF DRUGS
fridge Field, spoke on "Aviation and utes to play Ypsilanti started a scor- fairs of the other.
Airports." ing rally which gave them a 20-19 What is considered an actual dea- "Most drugs aid nature in prven-
Convene Again Today lead. After some fine passwork, Bal- lock has already been reached on this tion of disease, and do not destroy
The program for today is as fol- samo sank his second basket to give question between Argentina and Sal- organisms," declared Dr. Robert .
lows: Morning session, G. C. Dillman, Michigan a one point lead, which vador, both of which are insistent that Ruthe, chief of the Pharmaceutical
deputy commissioner-chief engineer Myron increased to three a moment all intervention, no matter of what division of the professional service
of the Michigan State Highway de-l later, ending the scoring nature, shall be prohibited, and the of E. R. S'quibb and Sons company,
partment, will preside. C. E. Foster, The summary: other countries led by the United in a talk before the Prescott club,'
construction engineer, and V. H. Bur- MICHIGAN 'B' (23) States, which favor a formula empha- last night, in the Chemistry amphi-
ton, engineer of research and statis- B FT P TP sizing respect for the rights of other theater. Dr. Ruthe spoke on "Immun-
tics, both of the Michigan State High- Balsamo, f............2 0 1 4 nations as a prerequisite of the ide- ity-From the Laboratory Stand-
way department will speak respec- Kn f.............2 3 4 7 Ieidence of any state. point."
Charlesf........ Evn3Hge,4 rl ftle I
tively on "The Study of Concrete Magramn, c ............2 0 0 4 In speaking of biological prepara-
Pavements from Core Records" and My1 2 1 4 American delegation, has arranged to tins, especially antitoxinls, Ir. Rutho
"Snow Removal." W. J. Emmons, as- Lovellg .. .....2 0 1 4 leave Havana by steamer on Febru- traced the history of immunization
sociate professor of highway engineer- Cushing, f ............ 0 0 0 0 ary 22 for New York. The date for against smallpox. The first ways o f
ig in this University, and director of y 0 o 0 o tie departure of the other delegates attempting to stave off a serious case
the Michigan State Highway labora- Nyland,.__.frm0 tie United States has not yet of the disease 'as to wear tle
tory in this city, will speak on 9 5 7 23been decided. clothes of a person who had con-
"Trends in Bitumious Pavement De- 'IIICIGAN STATE NORflAL (20) tracted a slight case of the disease,
sign." At this meeting moving pic- B FT P TP BRIDGE PAIRINGS and thus, in all probability, con-
tures of bituminous concrete pave- Noble, f .............. 0 1 3 1 POSTED IN UNION tract a slight case of smallpox in
ment design will be shown by the Van Fleet, f..........2 1 1 5 t urn. The next step came when the
State Highway department. Moran, c............. 2 0 2 4 First round 1atches in the all-cain Chinese took soni of the pus and
At the aft{rnoon session, Frank F. Crouch, g ............2 1 2 5 rg tournamet, now beinlg held by 5tufted it up the nostrils Oil a piece
Rogers, state highway comissioer Mullich, g............2 1 0 5 hiO , wd y cloth, il this way contracting a
of Michigan, will preside. All three si- -gafthtrooand those matches which 'case, although many times, the
speakers at this session are from the 8 4 8 20 adrnotn, ani hosel wes dec cases were more serious, the second
Michigan State Highway department. ~had not yet been played were declared tm.Th is else oadte
Michigan State Highlway department. iFree throws missed (Michigan B') forfeited. One hundred teams werjtime. Tho first real step toward tie
C. A. Melick, bridge engineer, will Kanitz 4; Magram 1; Myron 1 eteei o dern method was made when te
-Kailtz 4 Magam I Myrn I.entered in the tournaiment, and most
speak on "The Use of Timber for (Michigan State Normal)-Noble 1; of the matches were played at the Turks rubbed doses of the pus on
Secondary Highway Bridges," and Van Fleet 3; Crouch 3; Muellich 1. scheduled time. the skin, and even inserted it un-
Phelps Vogelsang, forester, will speak Officials-Bocill, referee; Btchel, Second round mateis wiii begin dernath the tissues, to contract
on "Thle Maintenance and Develop- jSeonimpn ire.swil nv
{m aies." S.umpire.St this afternoon, and the pairings have slight cases.
m en af coasuperis or, willJ clSew atileb een p osted on the front bulletin -
masien w su ervis r, ill"close te BASKETBALL RESULTS board in the Union lobby. The tourna- ASOUITH SINKING;
sonnel of a Maintenance Organiza- Purdue 40 Ilinoiinchrg1ofWilim'30.- DEA THIIII INET
n 1 asi~i chrg o Wllim . d~ DEATH IM IN NT
Hel err 11. Asqutith
Earl of Oxford, for xhom little hope
was held at a late hour last night.
Physicians said he was slowly sinking.
Graduation Of Scbroeer Necessitates
Election Of New President
To Lead Group
Dales A. Knapp, '28, was elected
president of the Interfraternity coun-
cil yesterday by a narrow margin overj
his nearest opponent, Robert L.j
Shambaugh, '28. Knapp was elected
Olthe first ballot.
The new president of the council
was chosen by group four of the di-
vision of the fraternities, composed ofj
11 organizations on the campus. Eight
fraternities were represented at the
meeting held yesterday afternoon in
the Union. The vote for the two can-
didates stood at 4-4, but Knapp was
elected on the deciding vote.
The electoin of a new president of
the council was made necessary by
the graduation of Wayne Schroeder,
'28, at the end of last semester. He
formerly was presiding officer of the
interfraternity group.
The newly elected president hasj
been active in campus activities
during the past. He is treasurer of
the Senior literary class, and was as-
sistant manager of intramurals during
his junior year., Stambaugh, whom he
defeated for the council presidency,
holds the position of secretary of the
council now. Other officers of the
Student Affairs; Formierly Active
Iii Politics And Law
Fr. Michael Vatrick Bourke, tho
chaplain of the Catholic S'tudents'
Chapel, and for the past 15 years di-
rector of Catholic student activities
on the campus, died at 7:45 o'clock
lesterdwy morning at St. Joseph's
Mercy hospital. Death followed a long
illness beginning Oct.t13, 1927, when
he was -strickein with, hemorrhagic
Fr. Bourke, before obtaining a po-
sition of eminence in the field of
theology, had been prominent in the
law profession. For six or seven
Commenting on the death of
Fr. Michael P. Bourke yesterday
afternoon, President Clarence
Cook Little said: "Father
Bourke has been a tremendous
force for good in the lives off
the students with whom lie has
come in contact."
years he was a memnber of the law
firm of Navin, Sheehan and Bourke,
in Detroit. During this time he was
a candidate for the office of prosecu-
tar of Wayne county, losing the
election by a few votes. However,
prominence brought 'him an appoint-
ment as assistant attorney general,
which he resigned in 1905.
Ordained In Detroit
After the death of his mother, Fr.
Bourke decided to enter the priest-
interfraternity group wiii remain the I hood. Taking up his theological 1
same, according to Edward Wachs, studies in St. Mary's Seminary in St.E
'28, vice-president. ' Paul, he was ordained in Detroit in
Plans were made at the meeting to 1914, at the age of 36, and was sent1
further the interfraternity bridge to Ann Arbor as assistant to the
tournament which the council is late Bishop Kelly at St. Thomas
planning in an effort to bring the church.
organizations on the campus into . Fr. Bourke was responsible for the
closer acquaintance. Bernarth P. erection of St. Marys Chapel, which
Sherwood, Jr., '29, is chairman of the was dedicated in 1925. The project
I coimlittee appointed to make ar- for its erection was launched ten
rangements for the tournament. years before by him, and it was un-
_der his direction that it was brought
DECIDE DATE FOR Ito a completion. Fr. Bourke, as head
of hosnitals and as chaplain of stu-
UNIVERSITY MOVIE dents here built up an enviable posi-
-tio as the result of his successful
Hawley Tapping, field secretary of xork in Ann Arbor.
the Alumni assciation, has anuounced Burial ThuIrsdaI y
that the University film which was Requiem' high mass for Fr. Bourke:
taken on the campus last fall will be will be solemnized at 9 o'clock this
shown March 19 in Hill auditorium, morning at St. Joseph's hospital. The
The showing will be under the au- body will be taken this afternoon to
spices of the Women's league, and St. Mary's chapel, where it will lie
will be managed entirely by that in state from 2:30 o'clock this after-
body, the proceeds going into their noon until 2:30 o'clock tomorrow aft-
treasury. ernoon. Services will be held to-
morrow morning at 9 o'clock with
IVES DIES IN DETRO T Isolemn requiem highm. ilass in the
- students' chapel. Seats will be re-
(1y Associated Press.) served for members of the Uliversi-
DETROIT, Feb. . 14-Percy Ives, ty administration and faculties. Fin-
internationally known portrait paint- al services will be held in Detroit,
er, died at his home here today after with interment in Mt. Elliott ceme-
a short illness, tery, Detroit.
Dean Bates, Of Law School, Comments One
Appointment Of Potter To Supreme Courts
of completion in the regular engin-
eering college.
Regents Must Approve
The plan will be presented for
final ratification to the faculties of
the various schools and colleges now
on the campus, it has been announc-
ed, and ultimately to the Regents,
probably in their March meeting. It
is unlikely that any opposition will
develop among the faculties since all
have had a part in its framing, ac-
cording to University officials, and
quite inconceivable that the Regents
will oppose the step, since they have
been aware of its promotion since
its earliest stages.
The faculty of the new unit will
not be organized into separate groups
to be independent of existing units,
but will be an integral part of the
various departments of instruction
now existing. This faculty will de-
fine requirements for admission to
the University College, and shall
have the power of recommending
certificates to be granted to students
who have successfully completed the
first two years of work. In this way,
students unfitted to continue their
University work into one of the pro-
fessional schools will 'be eliminated.
Recommendations for admission to the
various nrofessional schools will be
made by this faculty of the Univer-
sity College, and also the questions
of admission with advanced standing
and disciplinary questions.
Executives In ChIarge
Tilhe administration of the college
otherwise will be in the hands of an
executive committee of ten, to con-
sist of the registrar of the Universi-
ty, and six men elected from the
faculty of the Engineering College
and four from the University Sen-
ate. The executive committee will
serve as a standing comniittee on the
curriculum and will have as one of
its functions the stimulation of re-
search regarding instrumental meth-
ods. It will also have in its charge
the appointment of :faculty advisers.
It is in regard to this last phase
of faculty advisers that the Univer-
sity College offers the widest diver-
gence from the present plan. Each
student entering the University Col-
lege hvill have the opportunity of
choosing a major interest and will
seem best suited to his purpose. In
be asigned to a group whose aims
assigning students to groups special
weight will be given to the student's
indication of his major interest and
in assigning him to a faculty advis-
er, account will be taken of common
bonds of interest in subject matter
and specialization. Students who do
not indicate a major interest will also
)be assigned to groups under sympa-
thetic faculty members.
The reports as adopted leave con-
siderable room for variation from the
present system at the discretion of
the new organization, and it is pro-
bable that a broader opportunity for
work on their own initiative will
be afforded to students enrolling.
The adoption of the reports came
after four months of work on the
various phases of tie University Cob
loge by the General committee ap-
pointed last fall from the University
Senate. Prof. H. C. Sadler served as
chairman of the sub-committee on
faculty, Prof. C. S. Yoakum served
as chairman of the sub-committee on
selection, placement, and guidance of
students, and Dean G. C. Huber,
served as chairman of the sub-com-
mittee on curriculum.
T'he University College will;114
nlaced in oneration as soon as the
1 .1 k -k, 1 11V L .,
w a I uo, 0v.
President Clarence Cook Little will
heave tonight for New York city, where
he will take part in two alumni
gatherings and from where he will de-
part for Princeton, New Jersey, on
Saturday. Tomorrow night President
Little will attend an informal gather-
ing of a small group of New York
"Mr. 'Potter has always stood for
Democrats Should Name Newton D. Baker I SIJTT "N CO ;;S1te Yress . 1.- te highest standards of the bar and
Those gathere around the bedsideof hassteadfastly worked for the ad-
F or President, Says Professor H the Earl of Oxford and'Asquith to- vancemnent of the entire profession.
-lighit were awaiting hi-s going out of He is a man of unimpeachable char-
Editor's Note: The following is the third onstrating his fine abilities. Later his life. He did not rally today, and actor and integrit," declared Dean |
of a series of interviews with prominent facultyofhsenyatsofilsco,
membersdesignedl to give an insight into the as Secretary of War under President has recognized none of his family Henry i. Hates of the Lawscholv
past records and present possibilities of the Wison's administration, his achieve- since yesterday afternoon. The latest commenting upon the appointment
various men who will he candidates for the
presidential nomination in the two leading ments were remarkable and much to 1reports from the attending physicians yesterday of Attorney-General W. W.
parties next June. The facts expressed are his credit. Everyone knows of the i say h6 is slowly but gradually sink- Potter, '95L, as Justcie of the Su-
chiefly for- informational ;purposes, and (do not p'ieCutt uce h aeJs
necessarily indicatethe personal preferences excellent record made there by Mr. ing., preme Court to succeed the late Jus-
of the men interviewed.) Baker who again demonstrated lis The mail who was primei nister tice Bird.I
"I favor the nomination of Newton power as an executive. Since that early in the World war lies in a "Mr. Potter has been an earliest stu-I
unquestionably one of the most dis-
tinguislled lawyers in the state, aind
is on tile whole xellqualified for his
new honor. He has been very active
in the work of the Michigan bar as-
sociation, having been president of the
group several years ago.
"Nobody has been a more vigorous
advocate of methods for improving
the administratin of justice in Michi-
gan than has Mr. Potter," continued
Professor Sunderland. "He has made
an excellent record in public life, first
Ias State senator. later as a iember of