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Association Trying to Achieve Active,
Interested Memubersh~iiip Befo re
Convention (If 1930
Women who are interes ted in be-
comning members of the women's
Athletic association, and who are
eligible to membership, will be given
a chance to pay their dues in the
course of the wieek beginning today.,
It is the aim. of the association to
have an active, interested member-.
ship het lore the national convention
of university W. A. A's which wil11
be held in Ann Arbor in 1930. 2,
that time our own association willj
pact as hostess to represaent atives of
o~v'er 150 colleges andl un ivers ic=>-
so the matter of membership) is i-
The university of \liclihigan AV. ,^
A. is not only for those who are prinB-
cipally interestedl in athletics. It
has a blroader purpose, offeri-_a
healthful activities andl recreation to
womren who seek a wider range t)'
interests than they Cwould(1 (ieiwse
r~ceive on to cam~pUus < l agas
t his one. W. A. A.. however, is ? ol,
endleavoring 1to sacrifice the fqualilt y
of its m nembership in an effort ito en-
large it. Only those who are sincerei'-
ly interested are asked to try for"
ploints which will make them el ii.
Unobel hr r nui vohave enough points, hut whbo ha ve;
negectedl the matter of dues thiroughj
mere carelessnless. Such peoplea '
reminded that they will not be able}
to vote or to participate in ny
t he activities of the assocria;:ion un-
til their dollars are in the hands of 1
the treasurer, Audrey Wrighx, 72. i
Dues may be sent througah t,?e nmail
to the treasurer at Barbour gyrnma
sium, and membership cards will b~ea
dispatched b~y return mail. Social
events and the sectional convention;
at Ohio university will demand nem-
bership of all partici pants.
Coeduciation Hcr-1 ts "DORMITORY LIFE
Lydia Tlaunnr, direct ~rorf 1lelen New
'7udtuillyg train yourl st anda rds. 1ng - berry dormitry, rWn -well, all An organ izat ion Xor fie purpo)se ofj CLASS IN !' BO IY LAT
land (100s not have ialy real coeduca- peaepruril efs.Ta s i ~i raSi~aPi a oa l
(n,' - i"'0a n t I b 'd i. vv bylronidher dorm[itoryW lifetood 1 tI BEGINS I(JMORxOx D'y'
( hcLOi.;;XX hli call [llvliolve(' c11111 1 iin g for stuodenits. It is one of the I cla ;.~i1(81 ti ate 'rt y, hias been formied
cal ;lal si ill cot in le to diloo'iniiiith
a1" gin1:5t, lliI' tlilil'l . Tl, lt x . o first (defn ite coiit ac05ts hey hauve xvith 17,y Ju niol a:111:1 senlior classicail uli- IBolingas an 'at..hlet ic act ivit y will
rile 111i('11I y Iiti. ll's is ,it hasbeoii lnt 5. P aa Sigmla Ph i was fo1undied start oln'orroi V with th le openinig of
iie)rtautii(Ve' 's''(1 or jst thle faily ratlliel 111,3,n1the social a lie 1he iiniversit y ofcili ca go slio it ly Ihe womeit's field house 1from1]4 util]
Mir (Ctedi was <1a mla ze to find Th~i) u~ iigma~ g ui '~ p~ yrl's2 'u~ olc. le field ]house will be
"'tha ir s =1 lt ofirijull p rs e f I '' S.mot_ Ile ag ii iellii for t his purpose regularly froml
advaneu'd i nr(ri 'lre 1 Ta teriniAnieio; 'f trsinmot; 'tleaalnd( u. ,. lour unt il -,ix e:ery Monlday, Wedl-
Utcaidta b ~ o~leg' al college life, and, it seems 10 moe of t1105. Its putrlo;e is to further inter- jedy n rda fenos
i (r la(] ha, 10 ;uticon di hon could !'nsaadFia fenos
':L. m ih~~~~~~crnitory> life, is this fitting of the in- ('st ainel cooperation anmong; classical I re ocvrieepneo
Enlad dividual to cope with his environ-! students. It. is hoped: that it may en- in boy and alley upkeep it will be
"Even among th? nion tilldents at nn, oadpths wnwnt thee orae= oninaio^o hestd
Oxford or Cambridge," she said, "a , n of octhter individuals.n It adevelopessa Iof Latin and Gr eek b y entering t;i necessary to charge a small fee to
(,X peIiiion of opinion to the effect that play11. Tickets wvill be sold at 10 cents
. 1_7 t (sei'v e in char'acter, with considers-f dents.
( eadni?. (}, urs o w I he ]ban linlg aileys. Someone will behei
B s.boarde1ag influence, for it cle h lsia abwsatv
tr :ailsd as in~fiort inelcc by tale <admin-" aldTe lsia lu vsat char ge during the iiours that the al-
hohd 0ri gt; the 1;t.dent ill con tact. with a onl the campus. The dleath) of Pr o- r Sep open for 1i.e to teat ci1ihe-
i SL ulion ta:d[1e '!)- , t 1~dd}i m" 1 - n-ed(lt)t that. less ol.i' Fi aiici, . ese, fi th gm
tinen -111':: ' nb fitia' ad-f: 19It21' cAlaiai oe'spiH ta
r iAie'1fa bt tat1 iI''ells't i g has been possil. ll 0 -111
- stiitl11iis t:) 11(.ro.i th 't'sii-iore of'Afictian gom 8110 tilre l111,1.
"We trs t'o eve higl('''. Tie ;':t lip('ea 0;111 llur] ifno owl tsgnoom in the aoweuneni o
01n)ibig l rlc 1"1't 11,1r-- 1("ll 47nt lepos f( bnias di'"9,0 ece1a1-fo a1n ies 1in i i l l asleetpossigbleng.pAl c'1lF
1Oii tit i 1'last 1' 0)o ]'+I H il 01 OH((1-t1tnone Pi . dis the l'i' 1 oli'i. A'htil oii)11hish)1've y ci edit 5 i h
maid. *'t is ill](]g tiie(2z'us Pazi
universiti s belIeved. And aso,,1 'ix i take e1ine oth~e b deoi.tO(f
osng annl cg(i',t illyit'aco'gi111 1',',iytlin ele. 'lullthairnian (ief teally1'4 1]1i )t?~ )tW]ul i'~e nneioy10
mai3?, 5 Il) 1 11 )(10 f l , lii Il a W n) el no vrli I111- l N tI rn P n t i ert v 'i s.1iii])(rin tired. The
\\-(lulit V'111vingi:'s ;nl so io n s ho ( 111)II iiiiot 11 lol lt0( I *'ill 1''' hO''i'lh p o ol1lls s i t
:sh coiitl1'it(1. 1i is.itre 'ir-t ( ' i-l 55 .'11111.via eq n inu'ua t for bo5ytilt "
uispeiies 10 beniesved. ie tbo, ilor than iii 1llini> lily, oiltil. 1111letlc Il(-lir111f thet(oensil vnw *)of
il' 'Vi eet ut >Hno shs 1110-'1 iii r 0'al I sl ('1 rollS \\ ieh-I'a Iof-(oe lendom turn isl
li : tll 0 i il '1°IiaId oie,e (oil(,( sort, x -tsd l ifEaSgn b ta l'- e loysproes -pil] 110(1 lgh)ing.
, 1"'t, a t-; eNi ill l so e 118 heil1 th 111 1 ' i t all ation 01' ne t I ( hit ~
i14lvii nltil i)h s iPl 71kgd s) r h y olhil ,ll ierva. t s n r d ce . I l
''i1c-'o( ac' (lv 1' i t Sle 5(il 11iot (t 8 lil ua il tk (a-' o 1 )tilgil 0 O\0W 501(iil it.
11fe e eecj t "..e c " 1- i l of a ll';. I i:froill'the lint' thai 1 '11 ill l Cl10ol ' he howrisl-
tahg Viill 11' 1111 o~ iy'(0Wthre V~i t'mitfor s iIlt'. ag rom.>1'(l
g i i e i 1' (1t' u l ( l l ' . ' h l i m h : g ~ I h t 'w m i h s - o t . A i l g x ' 1 0 l ( ' t i
ill tie. ,.,.<, alleys. 11 t ll ' 'h(IISOt] t. fuU il'weKll11.4.N'pl4RIOR LIJ? i'1I idVLatlightings, sil.W l l
(' ojieIt 11ytpart ait ii 0111 to11 tilhit th i Vs'S'lll'on ofsthe (]]all(('('
i1lof-- of ta],s( 11 lr slittyl II'.f81th1irs, tTp p l7 1' c e i g of sco::rlern e a fuil] r G)u l i
111r, 't' 1. emai 1 l ';llgsl51X' ff~'~~,a il 5t l]0'at lclg'nwil ~l~ c' fil,;ill ow ng(lssswilh
8 0 ,n- a tl t'i 15 1ll d 1 1 1 'eigt l (11 ( 11 tl'11 ol . -c u' ll. 1 lonl~l'cll u '71
all1O-, , l , . l i1;c1i ;ihh'1s ho l m!. %-ll 1V«'orilt f r hi
of .SportswomenZ~i
4 -.
I)1 the intrraniral basketball tour~-
namnent, thle game between Alplia Ep-
silon "Phi and Martha Cook played
today was particuilarly exciting and
well playedh. Mar'tha Cook has an
excellent- team and also displayed
very good passing and general team'
work which w~s the result of zre-
qluent practice. However, on the
Alpha Epsilon Phi team. the guard,
especially did some good work{, andl
throughout the entire game both
teams played good basketballIt and?
almost all the plays were fast and
sure u(The torwvari-s 1'rMar t ha (ook:
didi sciiie 'x('ellh zt, pasinlg aad mle
50110 ei'r ydifficult: baskets. Thle 5score(!
ithe( halt' was 2(6-9 ill I avor of Mlar-
tiil Cook:, and thne finalI store waIs
I44-17 still in favor of the dor'mitory,
limt ill spite of this througthouit the
w:hole game both teams liut up a
good tigh-lt anld the result. was all ex
tri'el'y exciting and entutislt ic~
ii matchk,
The original lineup.I was aos I'l--
l ows:
ilal i Coo ra4 0k Al plia I'.hili li4i
AlMiIddle...........Rh" l........... Fuchs
Ileiiiont.......L.? '... ,........Taulitff
I~eckel'.........C (....-Nec la,zndei'
Nat bill ..... SC..........hscliwary
113cnjaillin......JIl ........ Tu cs
Sanbhorn ........1.. ..boi
In the freshinmi 11gr'olm toil liia 110])t
gamies which wvill start next week,
all fresic-n who ai'e an xiotrs to plat=
inl thle Itoiiunament. s1hld get in
to cih immediately withi their gr'oup
calptaini. The ('aptinls are uu'gedoll
get inlI tie lists of pla yeu'sinl their
groups whio wish to play as soon as
p)ossible. The games will priobabtly
h1e playedh Mondays anid 'Wednesday:.
Any undergraduate woman
wvho completes tier payment o"
a life membership in the Wo-
men's league on or before t'v
date at which her class gradu-
ales shall 'receive her men'ber-
ship for $40 iii accordance with
the schedule now in foreo for
undergraduate womeni.I
.I~nent Players
Are Seen At Oregon
Playing at present for students at
the University of Oregon in Eugene,
Oregon, the Moroni Olsunmlplayers are
prominent representatives of the little
tiheatei'11 uthe far we t:,
J n t Y u g fo m rG iTiO and now the leading lady of the
Moiroini Olsen lly,:'rs, ati ributs thte
ppllaruity of their xx ovk aincuig col-
logo auodiences to the facet Uthat they
:are' un't a ti t reilig 't)cioman.."'A pr
'0on may take a lead tim one hutay an1d
a1 vei'y mnior part in It'e next,'' shet
Idds ill OXlanItilliou . 'Our 1' tlim-n('S
do not. l,'o'mle hbored by see'ing ;one
uu trI 1 or aet ress playing <tI Yhpt part
because0 xet'c0angeii aoundOhi. In 'Dear
Bi'lil is,' for inst ance, Il played buoth an,
old tvxainani a little girl, while in
Ouhtwa to Doilled' 1 piort rayed a po00r
woi'kinlg x-oliuii.
''I Owe a gro'at. deal1 to tle dramatic
xwoirk whicth I rece'ive'd in college,'
M ISS yoiug admi~itteil, "ui Iliy on'ly
re Brett was that. I had not( had more
(hllara't r xwort: anlul lss playing of
trat glt parts. E"Very student. shouldl
imviist up1on11vaiety=(evet fin smlall'
flails for a.-doirmit ory at. Michigan
'sate un11vei'sitIy xx'bichl will a('coiii-
Ill~tui t' 60 ;sutdolnt s, will he piresentedl
to 'tile St ate I build oft Agriculture,
F-'b. 12. The tent at ive ('(st of tme
building will be $1 00,000.
1111 UISlS- -Classes were dismissed
"Before I began working with pup-
pets, I was in Sara Bernhardt's coni-
x-pany with my father who was her
manager for a number of years. It
was through her suggestion while our I(
French company was together, that I
became interested in the pupp'ett
show," reminisced Jean Gros, whose
puppfzta played recently in 1-111 audhi-
c torium. "We have produced a nuan-
ber of child tales like H-uckleberry
Finn' and 'Robin Hood.' The great-1
est appeal is made to children who
see the humor surprisingly well, al-
though grown-ups patronize the pro-
"For our Bluebird' we represent 130
characters with nine actors backstage
who change their voices and play the
roles of all of them as well as operate
the strings for the dolls. One person
can seldom work more than one doll
at a timtie and frequently it takes more.
"The ftrsit thing we do after mak-
ing our dolls, is to teach them to walk
by a process of getting the balancee
exactly correct so the dloll won't
slouch. After that feat car(hue exe~-
cutedl with facility, the head and arms
must liepmastered. In (Ii l't'a inrg thiese
puippets t hmougli thue ;show sotme ofl
the -'acor ms stand at theo sidlelh11105andt
otesaelctdo a lvlArn-way across the Stage.
''The grea ter' part ou tri ng o
menits come thrvoughi women'it clCubis
in the nature of Parent -'Teachiei'sc-
ganizations. Clubs meet success; by I
spon'soring our 'Bluebird' for which;
Lillian Owen andh Will Tholinp 1l)-on
oJf yoit l. ' It II i( t'h 1Ii 1 Iid iu. i('ylt
tiluu0u Ycltisofhvs cimin ous. 1, lcgillps
wic ten xpe ssab o 11r (1 an o lot
i'1,SCltcwi' u u' AIehs rhich -
I o y'u i stii' I-diw 0 l lii la yo . 1 o
Nlie " 1?sorer,1'1 hllI, LOoi1.iR(ha ir-1
Amnres,; 'f40, otIpainen'oie, 'ollpEd
aten the isab1p". toilirld intilehose
mutny bealat was- rheld iliatile fda
Goodlandier'Webb cfeeulot'shop, after~
which th e memnber's of the society ait-
tendedh the convocation servic es at 11 ill
amuditoriii in.
mnade puippets for' us by hanh, xvhich{
are both beatutifuil ando valuable, each
beinig woiLh about $200. We had a
morn difficult time oi the road with
our 'Paghiacci,' for in it were 45
actors and ani entire on'oh est ma. Nowx
we have a good sizted sli axv o1'1 ,500
1iclli ianPDamel s xwill be It steCsse.9
ti Ihu t h" ll u nls 1.2 ( I l t (1'?ili - at a
c arl-llal'iy to 1,r:giicti 1l'itNay el-I'
Clin- t, t lHl~u F'iit V Aonmtii's chub
(Ii)I ,mu:11.1stit'S,
1 l 'Mc ofi- ( t hI(10 Al ichuigul a 7;:i213{'c-:,
U itucli3al e of01, u ot cuiai dleatfion]-
umh ilaf]Ii').are hioldI the firs(; and(1 thid
Tliim -slaay:u 11('Ifeah tllnti. Wives-5of
j, wxt r'e'gi ay ma10t11 il1 altlt'e Faciult y
'oin's ech1, Feb. 21, a8; whichi rinis
1Vuu2ners will pr'tsolt; aflay. 'Wo-
men, ilwho -are interested 11lay ('al~l
i's. P. 11. I rocitell, 1115 South) En>l
Miss Sally Maloney, '24, (formerly
connmeted with the Alumnae Coun-
cil office was recently admitted to
the University 1losnital for treatment.
'-i a \'butiuie s(lew~'o wxhich ii'1i'st:'
lIt it lhocr a 1ti' e 12110it tin' 8,1 teau give :'ll
!'1 t >lie ig n lW.omn :11 d HitS onlSo
''11'1-t he Y. W. C'.A. t''roiu 4 to 'I
Blo 111511055 Vollien's rchbto
A gonup o ongs includin g "_lou'i-
l ig"! b1vSpeak~s, "11y the Shores of,
i tlilleoa k iuac,"u se Night" biy Bohmn, andl a fanci fuml
1 f'aii'y tale wer e pre~sentedtiby ('aro-
mlyn Sleplieka , a. stuldenit inithI 'i-
x-('isity, While Ailtriel Volz, "also 18
st,, lff11; rideict - ' e a S -''e-4 mC' Ir4170l il
A.t4 1)1 lit'hi , flohr Maljors
'S. F' eshiAnlma tio Sophiontoroe at 5~ o'clock aund Fridays at,4 and 5 ;fr'om 3 to 4 lMomiday uutei'oofl, andi a
At- foris couilbnoni; ,luiomr Acut- o'clock, hut, this will dependolin thel special convoc'ation hieldl in hionor of
deoniics vs. Sohcnmoi'e Academ- ' number of teani's that come out. Ahrahalv Lincoln.
ics. ________________
At,5 o'clock, Senior Academ- ! at the Junior Girls' Play, "For the
Love o6" Pete," pes alRt e-EDUCATIONAL TRAVEL
I"___ .t_____________- socie'ty announces the combined with study for young
l~apa. 'li xvhl acc at5 oclok intiaionof uthAbrms,'29., uth ladies. Apply with references to
tod a Pheb. ill, meet a i l ck init- ao oR uteA r msI29 ,RuhM RS. H. W . CAKEI
toaFb 4 nWesley hal. errick, '29A, and May Elizabeth 1145 Washtenaw. Dial 3597
__.. V' ('A E
strings amnd 150 marionettes, which weI
believe is given successfullyunuder
the sp~onsorshiip of tble universitie,=
'anid women's groumps," Mr. Gros con-
> '' '-'' ' m A 1 uioi'womn i wsnilng "to usher Tuttle, '291A. __________________________
among- xxhicihwere ''Abraham Lti-
"Tile Old Woman Turns the Child-
ron" by Duuibar for time entertain-
mlent. of the guests. 'F t ou n'taini
SPi'oiptly at 5, Mrs. Wells Ben- -
uletlt, president of the Y. «'. C. A.,
poured htoua with which small cakes=_
with vari-color'ed icings were serv- 1Service ...
Winter sports Olymnpics opened at S'-,~nte~ ito oc
St. Moritz, February 12. - .
RIBBONS AM) D rinks-Light Lu c
- for all makes of
Raid turnover, fresh stock Inqures B e s=~s h
bet(aiyat . moderate price. -
0. 1. MORR IL L -r Nickels Arcade=
17 Nickels Arcade. Phone 665
Now Served Regularly, at
Under the Michiga.n, Thea tre Sign
Fo olw ear
r <
A bottle of Ann Ar-
bor Dairy Pasteutriz-
ed Milk with your
lunch or dinner adds
health and Pleasure
to' bath meals!
The Brilliant All Star Cast in Somerset
Maugham's Witty Mischievous
Uriginal Foot ear
for Spring
We are now featuring :
in Ladies' Toot Ivear to meet the Spring Demand cre-
ated by the fanciful fabrics in .ladies' Dress Apparel.
c A
t/ ' I 4
io~~ /n/7
Li _
.:.4 ::.