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February 12, 1928 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-12

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Baked by Presidenit Clarence. Cook I Many sororities are manifesting thet
S[AUESTIONS FORl'OSTDeNrtBppova, DYWmns fetlsii f aeniesca y
LE G E ME lR~ I eagud y, st crday formally endosdigdnes omldne n uh

. I

D~elinquent Pledgs To Ble Forfeited
If :tot RedeenlIIedIWith i A
At the regular nrid-winter meet ig
o: the Alumnae council held Sat ur-
(lay, Jan. 28, several recomnindi-
tions pertaining to the life mnemler-
ship of Mcigan women in the Ao-
man's league, wvere pssd. 'lthe r
commnendations,Wich are JSiz101 .
here, are ot general intiieest to all
Mhiglan wonen, while articles t hre
should lbe called to te s pen al at -
tention of senior Noen. 'The seb 0(-i
Wle as plann ed will go int o effect oil
July 1, 192.
Beginning after conlu i'en crnel,
Juine 128, fees for life mmbershi ps
in all classes (except unerg'aluat -
es) shall he avanced $50 making the
schedule as follows: Alumnae ( (r-
diit in the universit y of Miciga i or
t he University School of lihi.aa
at ;100 ; women listedi in the Ui ver -'
,ty fac(llty (irectoy, pa st r pres
ant, at $100 ; womren ii the iulalrdiat
families of faculty members or ad-
mainistrat ire officers, past or )r'esent
at $10; niembers of the Anl A'.)o'
branch of the American association
of university women at $10; wives of
officers and members o board o di-
rectors of the Alumni associal am at
;100; women of the faculty anti wi-
Cs of the, faculty memers W' the
University School of Music at $10:'
wives of alunii(not olb ew i'is" etas-
Pied) at. $150; lectei mnebei's"0
$2W () ldti> sbeiulur will o122(1 1'e-
feet.onl July 1, 192. 'ive ycars will
be given for the redempt ion of
Those that are deliquent in rn-
deeming their pledges (i. e. who have
failed to complete their payments 1
and who have made no response to
notices and appeals sent them askingj
for an extension of time) shall fe
allowed one year after the pledge is
due, and after that shall receive no
credit on their membership for the
amount paid. This forfeiture clause
will be included with future sub-
scriptions and will be printed on the
The privilege of the building will
be based upon membership.
Guest cards will not be issued to
any person eligible to the present
membership or to the wives of alum-
ni living within the raius of 200
miles of Ann Arbor.
Chi Delta Phi, National Ilium ar
Literary Soority, will old seconl
semester try-outs this week end lg
Monday. February 20. All manu-
scripts should e in on that (ay by 5
o'lock in the Cii el t a IPhi box in1
Barbour gyniiuni. flio j~mat erial
is prlose it is desired thiat. at last
four pages be 'submitted. If it is..
poetry at least two or three select ions
should be submitted in order that the1
committee can et a more comre'hen-
sive idea of the writer's wor.
The pur~pose of the organization is
to stimurlate interest in purely ur at-
ive writing. ;Members brm; speimens
of their own work to metins to ix,-
ceiv yecrit1'(ism l and ('ol'c(' Lion froe
fellow mnembers. Those nt ereit eti in1
trying out may 1iresent (ay !ty'e of
writing they desire as long as Hwy 1
follow the above specihe;at loi'i..

the Open R'oad o ICurs for students5
which are sponsorod by the Nationa-
Student Feder;ation of America. This
action w as taken at tihe meeting of
the Board of Repr's entatives of the
league, when B~etty :Nutt, '28, presi-
dent of the League, announced the
formnat ion etF2a travel committee, eonm-
1)051edlatPlliis Rilmhards;,'2S, eliall'-
mlan. !Betty S mit heis, '21), and lloli1
Brzown. i9
The Open Road(1toul.11are810 uNOW eill
that they are ent irely inl the ha is of'
sI lillelt: . 'Sf (1( (Alt gl'ol ps tfrom nzm-

The pledges of Alpha Phi are giving
the active members of the sorority a
formal dance on Friday, February 17.
The decorations will be suggestive of
Valentine's. 'On Tuesday night, Feb.
14, a rushing party will be held.
SSigma Kappa entertained with rush-
ing dinners on Wednesdlay, Feb. 8, and
Thiur .ulav, Feb. 9. Thie tales Were
ma de evenil llol-',atlrt iN v'withii red
ro -. After 1'dii lo i i(Ar i n '
until 8 :30 o'clock.
Tih,' active lmelrs of 1i tBet a I lhi
wer'e invited to a formal V"alen t inc
(18ace by theciri pledges Tb Imrs(day', Feb.
1 11.


oto-w- QjSAnteic'a11l 'l1)12ieXVisit: Lull)- On V. aleltnt 1111 (lay III'c a Phi Alphia
iwall ('cilltrie(s in 1111)cnl'sVariyimig I will have'a rushinlg dililiel'. Ca rrysing
from 101 to 1., o.'14; th:'ry are 111(1 anld1 out tie VaIlnt 1in otif, I ho d(io('O'-
:m1 iet ai ned inll IHw ) i'igli111(1ndsby t lls will fVat ore red tulips Is id ired
studl~ent hosts. 'I'is liH dul es I lie c e
Dr. R.1t111 :\oufaiu uof Oleali, N.Y..
sillI('i 'ial sigh- seeing 0o' most, tour- luiai iiiga h 'iltIn
is1, for it tnailes the sl uidlents to ac- lIiellk l' T1seta 'i lp ttcha. ir
tia llv gain anin ilsighlt in to thle live's houi's of'lheeaDr.IXinunlt ia.isDuiing
.Ind1 nature ~of the counitiy'visited and .if:tyhr r onani on
ool buuild u iniaiiy strong frhiedshipI~some or'k at the dental ('1inic.
l'f itll htudeuf':;Fourteen mad. 1emmeis of Alphia "i
X IIi 1 idlclilft8 ltoth' fIa 1omen1 108 Omega iv4el I to Ai cingan Sta toeollegeI
Thl' il 1 haedS (li1)y Iou' o :wM en I his 'it L.ansiing t his iveek-emid for' the in -
Lyte '.diirect or of Bet syBairbour' dormi- .stalln t on of a une w ('118liter(alt that,
it ou'y. Ali;s I yt c 1 was selected by thecleg.T in altintoklcet
I ia e lc olnmiti ce to ac c oni pany the lt( cpe uh n h ate
gioup. 1) The ctillittOO 81lso chose fVllclsriug was hl lt fthe Olds hotel
the it ileci'ai'y, the route being knowii Apa(2anaDlt . rtleta
as thle "W'estrei'urlope' tripi.tu ihintg 1part ies Tliiiistt iy ad Friday
nigh,l hn lthsd iiooii. Foi'mal htilt ia-
Asi plans now stand. the voyagers I ion ilh hl audaFb !
fill sailo oniheusteamelanI1datn !after which a banquet w'ill be held.
1'iom ew orkonJul 7,laningat Alpha Epsilon Phi held a formal'
P lymnouth. From then until August, Valentine (lance Saturday night.
LS they w~ill visit London, Brussels, Phi Sigma Sigma annolunces the
I leidlelherg, I he Rhine, Gencva, Par'is, ,
'and will enjoy mianiy eX(;rsiOnsisnito ezngagemet of Silc'1y Friedman, '25,
[tie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t Kuionigcuti',sc sat asper Cutler cf Det roitl
the surouning ounrystic asa (Attm'acl lye appotinment S wilt be in
istto Oxford and the Shakeispearian Iic,~ hnBes ahu os
Ih cnliotu7ilo a i's oinclude'; i two days;!od t 'IElf'1c ~ue usa
2 ..,leiylpcgaie. l (igt.. t1arspecial tea last Wedne's-
.1(ilw 1 t1Aine'tcranswhich I iltake a ati'onte.wmn fBts
ola~ca. inc~terdnithe carly part !Barbour were hlost essve William .1..
of Augt !iist. T'he total cost of the f ewis, '29, and R lobertl. 'a ',5011, '28,
,joullyTi, excepitig of course such per-frihe h msc
~~oal Loisas aunry,(t'ins, nd Women of Helen Newberry resi-
"Ih like, will be $670. dence entertained at an informalj
The programs while abroad are plan- dac atngt ls cuitne
,,-A1 .,>;iI a., ew.,,vi.cin+co- ac atngt ls cuitne

Tickets may now 1)0]bought forDoixBlti0
lie Rockford P1lavers at; the candy
booth in U'niversity hall, it was an-1 HOUSES COivPETE
i nounced at the meeting of the Board IN TOURNAM'ENTS
of Representatives at the Library
yesterday. It is hoped in this .way
to ;reach more of the men stufdents.
"Fifty cent tickets are very good, XONDAY'S %GAfES c
and everything on tihe stage can 1i n
both heard and seen," Evelyn C.s- I At 4 o'clock, Alpha Phi vs.
burn, chairman of, the board. empha-l Zeta Tan Alpha; Martha Cook
i izedl.A"Thle A Great Cathemrine' which vs. Phi Gamma M1u.
is beintg played thlmis w'eek, illn l* At 5 o'clock. Delta Delta Del-
unciit,zOli withii1The ()Ilt luLyShows 1IIt. VXs. A 11)110 Xi D elt a ; lPisli-
HeIr 1\fedal I,' sI alirill,;t l's . :1 a stield.1 mn8ltolIed ' icvAlha, Gammla t
shoul d especialy bIoAsuippormted. l.t I IDelt a,.
is hloped[ inlthis way t0o118rt ly re-
(eenm 1he $50i,000tupledge which hias{
recent ly been made b he boa1(r id to I(2 i'oll) I, 811 ind~epemndent; tcam.
1h ~ ALeague Buildimng Funid 7gwin ed ia52-21 victory fr'omn Kappa
slides Wvl'Q s ho 'A 0 b i~yirls. XV. D. ;I )elt a. 11(1tied for the intram~i'u cal
1 1 l id e l 's o l i o f 11h ec l e we 1 ( a g eil 1 ii i l - c u p 1l 1 5t y e a r in'. m a;l v em r v o n ec - s i d e d g S e i l Y o ~ n e i r o h 1 " ? 1 ,T e t z z l o n e e l l n ;
lplopl05 d thboate(Al,.for' whlic'hithis laust
pledgeXwasm iio, l"iid wh'iichl w~ilil ooked bcbttemr hu2this gaie than la?' 4y
e'ait '80 inl theilmain room,11alhlea I(snt that, has playedi so t'ar
-:f-in the toni'ney. At t lhe samuie t ine,
IMUMMERS PRESENT PKAY ! i llel Fiounda ti1011 (efe0ated(1the fresh--.
- - 1181 .lecdi ca tll lnt by at14-1 1
M1ttmnuners (11 i atie solc i V - will1
s'ore, and(1Al phi.OnmicrniiIz ipiae .(i
give Its 1fis l I)c('seintiaior1 0' tiIC 110
Se5(A5~1' at 4 0 c lock WXed ilESd a V ft - 1above IDelta Zeta lby uefatll t.
A ('lnoon at. II en llNewber'y l'es.nd(An ('(A A eordling 1(o thle plac(inig roiud tha t
1 The; Lamne of ihe play has no0t yet \X8 s cinpi eteil on Friday, all (of thle
been dIisclosed. ceams hlave been placed( in eitheir an
Wilma Neubec kei'. 2M,:Al., d1il'ects 1 A 0o' B 1 our'iia me't ,the fir'st mound
the prl'(il1ltioilland1 8dso plalys 011. o='o wich il is t r t o lr()loi'low.I
lie leaduling p"]811..Th'e ('a st: inll('il- In A league, ('hi One'ega, Gmroup 1,
es Bl5osomhBacon. '30.1""Inau Liii borg, ilIlel Foundation., and( Betsy Bam-
I Wima ciibeckin.'28Ed.. l~o'a ourtddrew byes. Alpha Omicron. Pi
1 lVanl~erfle zg, '31, and H eleni )fork- will be matched with Alpha Epsi-
111111, 30.ton Iota, Alpha Phi with Zeta Tau
This is the only meeting of the Alpha, Delta Dlelta Delta with Alpha
year which the Muminems have open Xi Delta, amid Martha Cook with Phi
to everyone. Anyone who likes a Gammia Mu.
good comedy will eiijoy this produc- The first round of the B tourna-
tioni. ment will be as follows: Alpha Gain-
scene of a tea-dlance which will beI ma Delta and Freshman Medics, bees
given Saturday afternoon, for Delta, Gamla, Alphla (,'aria Sig-
On Tuesday evening the Student nia. Kappa Delta. Phi Sign.'.iz Sigmia.
council of Couzens Hall is giving a 1PI Beta Phi, Helen Newberry, and
ValetIIe's, party for' all the students a team of Adelia Chzeever combined

f Sportswun


Riflers completed shooting yester-
day for an inter-collegiate tourna.
ment. The scoares that were turned
in are as follows: Mirian Hosmer,
'28 Ed. and Maurine Jones, '28L,
100; Julia. M~ottier, '25 Ed., 115;
F"sie Haseiihl, '28 Ed., anuld Cze-

t'ude Benhanm, 96; Rtowena Still-a be openedol nixt week by Audr'ey
lean, '28, 94 ; Irene' Cook, '29, 93; Wm'ight, '28, treasu'emr.
' Umderclas's women especcially should
M~er'le Ha hue, '29. anid Eleanor' Short, ('onsider' makinug the t rip. The middle-
'29. 87 ; I-I ci(:Cint on, '30, 88. Ivestern section of the national organ-
The scor'es of this team of. 10 wo- j izdt ion of athletic omganizations in
Wrens lecedf'omotherriler b Aclleges ilil meet at that time at Ohio
State(A Because the nal 101181 coliveil-
('0114)01 itioli,,honot ig, have lbeen sent
by mlail to five other col' gcs Iil i , goinlg to lie holdt at ilth 1Ti-
I hinuighont th1 le Imlited St ates. All re- v l\I o icihi-au in 1930, it is, in-
pol' s ad o bein li mais b 6por1t aimt, for'freshinami 811(1 sophlomiore
So'loKalasto ni.111the ais byi 05 nWho Xv ill ha ire charge of
i comkat niht a( he -ors .A'A. in 1930, tim have ca knowiledlge of
i'r n heothler schmools are expected I the nat bunlal act ivitieAs of W.A.A . aund
eamrly in thel' week so that they mayd to br'oaden their intercsts by visiting
be chlcked liup, the highest percen- 11 A s many -othei' Schools as they canl.
age (f all the Scoi'cs froml a single ' 'ire. ('0st of making the trip will b)e
schoolio td(etermlline the wiinnr f kept. as low as po0ssiblA. It Will do 1n0
the meet. harm to10smake inquimries r'ight away.
~~ ~ Prhaps twvo-c~oach-lowlyS of M~ichiganl
All wXomen'u who are iinteres'eted(1in women inisteadl of one will be conl-
bueginmning rifle ('lasses are asked to I'iincedl of thme lboundless pleasuires of-
meet Capt ain, Bricker at 4 o'(cl(ack I ftm'ed by such an excursion and( of the
tomlorr'ow or Tuesday ini room 330 ilfinlite value to be derived as well.


Michigan women will have a won-
derful opportunity to visit Ohio State
university this spring, since a delega-
tion from here is to go to Columbus
for the fimrst week end after spring va-
cation. Anyone with a desir'e to see
Ohio State university, who is a mem-
ber of the Women's Athletic associa-
tion may go. The fact that one is not
a member of W.A.A. right now need
bhe no hindrance, for an interest in
furthering healthful activities in this
college is the only requisite toward
becoming a mnember of W.A.A. and a
iiinAl.shli pczmipaigii is schledule'd to

IWest Engineer'ing building.
1There will be an important meeting
of freshman group captains at 4
o'clock Monday in the parlors at Bar-
hour gymnasium.
Elective golf classes will be held at
4 and 5 o'clock on Monday, Tuesday,
Wedlnesday, and Thursday. Since no
imorce tirrd golf classes will be or-
ganiized, these are beimng formed in
orer 1'to) ive those who could not get
into any class a chance to play. Be-
ginners as well as advanced students
are welcome.

COLORAD)O - According to time
President of the ('olorado Woman's
coleg, te onor system puts an
almost irresistable temptation in time
way of young people.
- Corona, Underwood,
lRernhgton, Royal.
We hiave all mtakes.
Some In colored deco finiishies.
17 Nickels Arcade. Phone' 66159

4 ....,...... ..., _, t., ,, . ...... ...


litr es ol,1) thre ftlmiversity liospitaul.

s with a lumntae hou se.




try and city, society and sight-seeing,
activity and rest. As much tinme a's
soenms practical is left open for thei
gloup itself to fill in with such ac-
tivity as they may see fit when the
[ine comes.
Applications may be submitted to
e.ther Miss Lytel or Miss Richards
and are due by April 20. From the
group of applicants, ten will be cho'sen
by the committee--comnpatibility, and
the like, being the qualifications con-
classmen now have an opportunity
to show their gratitude to their
granidmothiers by taking them to the
annual Spinster Hop.

of the women will be their guests at
a 'specialI tea Thursday afternoon.
Martha Cook dorumitory wvill be the
New Brooches
Just Received.
The Quality
Hemstitching Shop
731 N. Univ. Phone 9712

I I ,

Give her "something unique, something different."
Gints from Paris, from Vienna, Venice, Florence, Cashmere,
India, Peking China-Lovely gifts to suit any house
Merrick Studio
928 Church St.

flferrick CbtieeC 1RMKSS
New Shipment of Rugs
made to special order. These are already' sold and will be on
display only a day or two before they. must 'be delivered.
But I want all Ann Arbor people, whether or not they
are interested in buying, to see these beautiful rugs. Day or
evening. I want you to see what I can do.
928 Church


RPII-. ~ M A 6 11 ~1MO111 7O I ~ - 11


-Most Important of All
There is a bob for every personality and the :
modern spirit demands your individual choice.
We Can Give You Your
Personal Bob
Over Graham's




Breakfast - Luncheon - Dinner
Just try it-You'lI like it

229 So. Mate.

Small Gifts

M A/4L10 RMRtl[

___ __ _._' I


4 _.._._........._.._ .,_. ._._.... I

of Rare
of Design
in these

4 a p

(6rrg A hpp



,;ti ; .irrY.;"
YSy' '
' v, ""

NewSpring Dresses.
Fashions that introduce things
new for Spring, for those seeking
really smart frocks. Here is a
group of charming dresses that
illustrate the very newest style~
details and colorings and which
are exceptional quality at these;
Indian Printsti
Plain Crepe
Special Showing at

Who Proved

Abraham Lincoln

A dversity


A quiet homelike place toI
ref resh yourself after a show
or dance.
The quality of our light
lunches and sodas is our first
We specialize in serving
dinner and lunch.

an Asset
With log cabins, a meagre supply of books
and the most trying frontier hardships, the
pioneer life of the early nineteenth. century
was certainly not the easiest way to gain
an education, but it has produced some of
America's finest men. Abraham Lincoln
achieved success, perhaps not so much in
'spite of his early hardships, but because of
them. Is accomplishment more difficult
today because the ways are easier? We
honor Lincoln, we uphold him as anmong
the greatest men in history, and we com-
memorate him today as an example of ac-
complishment under the most adverse con-
II II - .'~ .dm I UnI


and 7


Frocks that advantageously display every
one of Fashion's newest foibles for Spring
wear-the accented waistline, novel
pleats, tucks, belts, d'rapes, wide girdles.
For street or afternoon wear. Sizes for
women and misses.








11 .i ..+ov Aw ZIA II







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