PAGE FOUR THE MTC'NTr. AN T)ATT.V C"TT'ZTSTiA'4 T'r#.P.PPTTAP 10 y q9R TI1P_. 1VIO 111tCANI fLlt c"TTV 1 L1 L A Vt1'h))T ) 0 J L I Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial' Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoflice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate oa postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4. Off ces: Ann Arbor Press .Building, May nard Street. Phones: :Editorial, 4925; Business 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR JO H. CHAMBERLIN Editor...................Ellis B. Merry Editor Michigan Weekly.. Charles E. Behymer Staff Editor...............Philip C. Brooks City. Editor.............Courtland C. Smith Women's Editor........... Marian L. Welles Sports Iditor.............Herbert E. Vedder Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr. Telegraph Editor.............Ross W. Ross Assistant City Editor.... Richard C. Kurvink Night Editors Robert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean a.Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patiick -aul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr. Milton Kirshbaum Reporters Esther Anderson Marion McDonald Margaret Arthur Richard H. Milroy Emmons A. Bonfield Charles S. Monroe ean Campbell Catherine Price Jessie Church Ii arold L. Passman Clarence N. Edelson Morris W. Quinn Margaret Gross Rita Rosenthal Valborg Egeland Pierce Rosenberg Marjorie Follmer Edward 1'. Ryan James B. Freeman David Scheyer Robert J. Gessner Eleanor Scribner Elaine E. Gruber Corinne Schwarz Alice Hagelshaw Robert G. Silbar Joseph E. Howell Howard F. Simon J. Wallace Hushen Rowena Stillman Charles R. Kaufman Sylvia Stone William F. Kerby George Tilley Lawrence R. Klein Edward L. Warner, Jr. Donald J. Kline Benjamin S. Washer Sally Knox Leo J. Yoedicke Jack L. Lait, Jr. Joseph Zwerdling John H. Maloney BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM C. PUSCH Assistant Manager... George H. Annable, Jr. Advertising..............Richard A. Meyer Advertising..............Arthur M. Hinkley Advertising..............Edward L. Hulse Advertising.............John W. Ruswinckel Accounts.................Raymond Wachter Circulation..............George B. Ahn, Jr. Publication..................Harvey Talcott Assistants Coolidge is not requested to run *o a third term. As a public commit ment of policy the measure is doubt less significant, but as a practical po. litical move it means precisely noth. ing-and an eloquent nothingness. In the first place the resolution h not binding on either the Republica] national convention nor the voters of I the country. It merely expresses ar opinion of 96 men high in public of fice. In the second place it is quit( improbable whether President Cool- idge was even considering a candidacy for the third term before the resolu tion; and in the third place the whol( affair demonstrates rather effectively how much of a man's personal pop- ularity depends on his political power. Had the same resolution been intro- duced a year ago, when Coolidge waa on the crest of the wave, none but the most daring LaFollette Republi- cans would have supported it; coming now, however, when Coolidge nc longer wields the big stick in the party, both Republicans and ,Demo- crats flocked willy-nilly to give the measure a more than two to one margin. In spite of its interesting aspects, in short, the resolution is completely impotent to accomplish the end which it indicates as desirable, and cannoi by any stretch of the imagination b( taken as a significant historical or constitutional document. COMMENDASBLE Permission recently granted by Uni- versity authorities (t o remove the street car tracks from the State streel and North University avenue sides of the campus will make possible the realization of a civic plan which has long been suspended in spite of its worthiness. The plan of the city is tc widen State street for the entire dis- tance between North University ave- nue and the Union, and the plan for North University avenue, even more ambitious, provides for a boulevard arrangement of the street between State street and East University ave- nue. With the growing appreciation of the traffic problem, and the growing awareness of the University to the possibilities of its surroudings for beautification, the two projects link very nicely. Both the city authorities who will execute the scheme, and the University authorities whose permis- sion made it possible, are to be highly commended. r if n t P, 01 e1 ROLLS SUPPLEMENT tute to an exceptional demllandf or courses not regularly arranged by the University authorities, Rolls has comie lo tile rescue with its Sulpple-! mentary Catalog. It follows. All courses listed will meet sometime during the day at the Rhetoric library, Granger's, or where you -will? En- rollment cards must be in before the first of June.) FOSSILS AND FOSSIL MATERIALS Several hours credit. Especially arranged for members of the football team and The Daily staff. Co-eds even pass this course at times. Work will consist of dissection and experi- ment with fossils. Each student will be required to furnish himself with a portion of the skull of an assistant- to-the-dean. PUBLICITY 161 A study of the methods of publicity with especial attention to the slogan "For the benefit of the Women's League." Open to seniors and grad- uates and others. Prof. Robert Hen- derson, instructor., * * * SLIIE AND I'TS} USIEFULNESS A special sociological study of Me depths of collegiale journalism, with special attention to smutty jokes. Taught by the entire Gargoyle staff. * * * SOCIAL PRACTICES MORE OR LESS For women students only, with spe- cial attention to the methods of get- ting to the J-Hop. Taught by the committee of the Pan-Hellenic ball. [EATER j T H m3 a n nr~ t n m w n a n e 5;1 1 BOOKS mSuIC TOIGT:The Rockford Plapersil T ext Rnol present a double bill of Bernard Shaw's "Great Catherine" and James M. Bar- rie's "The Old Lady Shows Her Medals" in the Whitney theater at 8 o'clock. T0110RROW NIGHT: Myra Hess, Englisipianist, in the last concert of the Extra Concert series in Hill aud- B itorium at 8 o'clock._ _ __ _ TOMORROW .:NIGHT: The Rock. ford Players present "Cradle Snatch- ers" in the Whitney theater at 8:15 o'clock.:OPTICAL It* * *P IC THE ROCKFORD PLAYERS DEPARTMENT ("Great Catherine," by George; Lenses .and Frames made Bernard Shaw, and "The Old Lathy Shows Her Medals," by James r. Barrie.) Optical Prescriptwns A revie W, by 1inceint Wall and 4. Filled il. Leslie Askrcn. It was a bad night for the stage H ALLERS hands, but it can at least be said thatSt t eelr the audience which left the Whitney' theater last night after seven full acts of Shaw and Barrie showed weariness, 1 ut no boredom. The lplayers ga- boled first through the shrewd, witty, flOlfCifg and map cap fooling of "Great Cath- erine," and then proceeded to the The New larrie piece. Arnao Steamer Ann Arbor has seen many produc- tions of "Great Catherine." But never has Catherine paced the stage so Rejuvenates permanents anld vehemently, shrew at one minute and natural waves. Removes dye. coquette at the next; Amy Loomis is c o something more than perfect. in the Excelent or scalp treat- part. Nor has Patiomkin ever been ments. so bestially inebriate, so utterly and ktEs of Been Received J t Ends of the Diagonal -4 I SER~INE r p9w r 41 NOW is II l 'r t the time to buy a { . , { a . Y _ . 4'd !, d' , "Y t G:l ." % Rider 'y; ' . i made right here in Ann Arbor, guaranteed and serviced by the makers without delay. It is a much better pen than you can buy else- where. You need the best in your school work, and it will last a lifetime. We are the Authorized Dealers for Just think of what this means. Although in the field one year this portable outsold for Nov. and Dec. all other makes. Come in, let us show you why. n r I George Bradley Marie Bruin er Lames Carpenter Charles K. Correll Barbara Cromell Mary Dively Bessie V. Egeland Ona Felker Katherine Frohne Douglass Fuller Beatrice Greenberg Helen Gross E. J. Ilammer Carl W. Hammer Ray Ilofelich Ital A. Jaehn lamies Jordan larion Kerr Thales N. Lenington Catherine McKinven Dorothy Lyons Alex K. Scherer George Spater Ruth Thompson Herbert E.- Varnum Lawrence Walkley Hannah Wallen SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1928 Night Editor-G. THOMAS McKEAN "SATURI)AY NIGHT DANCES" For several years, the interfratern- ity council has been more or less justifiably criticized as a defunct or- ganization. Though meeting several times each year, it has accomplished few things of worth. The reason has seemed to be both a failure to see the problems demanding solution and a lack of initiative to carry out sugges- tions. Slightly more than a year ago the the question of fraternity dances on Saturday nights following football games was raised. It was held that influx of sporty alumni plus the ex- citement and inspiration of the oc- casion placed the parties beyond the control of the active chapters giving them. In the absence of any activity on the part of the interfraternity council, the Administrative Board decided to ban these particular dances for one year. Accordingly, last fall, permis- sion was given only for dances on Friday nights for the weekends of home games. Since that time thej University has taken no further ac-' tion. There is at least something to be said in favor of the Saturday night dances. From a social standpoint, the football weekend is a desirable time for the fraternity dance. Moreover, if entertainment is not provided in Ann Arbor, many students will seek it elsewhere where the situation will be much less controlled, or controllable. Before the end of this semester some decision must be made on the matter for next fall. The Adminis- trative Board may extend its rulings for another year. Despite the action of the Board previously or in the fu- ture, however, the matter is one for concern of the Interfraternity coun- cil. The Council should investigate, as with representatives from each fra-I ternity it is alone qualified, the re- sults, of the experiment during the last senmesier. With that materiall CAMPUS OPINION Annonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communi- cants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Letters-pub. lished should notrbe construed as ex- pressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. METHODS OF EXCLUSION To the Editor: Two methods of excluding unde- sirable students have been brought into public notice by the presidents of two leading western universities. The first, advocated by our own President, seems to consist in placing heavy restrictions upon student priv- ileges, so that the undesirable stu- dents will no longer have any desire to attend the University. This method is based upon the assumption that the undesireable students are those who come, not especially for the pur- pose of taking advantage of the Uni- I versity's educational facilities, but rather for idleness, to have a good time, or similar admittedly undesire- able reasons. The second, sponsored by Presidentj Glenn Frank, of Wisconsin, consists in singling out the particular men who have specifically demonstrated that they are obtaining but little edu- cational benefit from the University, and refusing them readmittance. President Little admits that under his plan, the many must suffer for the sins of the few; whereupon he dodges the issue by proclaiming us all ser- vants of the state, and, as such, in possession of no inherent fundamen- tal privileges. Furthermore, the as- sumption upon which his . plan is based does not take into account that many of the undesireable studens are not necessarily lacking in ambition, but rather in mental ability to keep up their scholastic work. Whereas the Wisconsin plan strikes at the heart of the matter by going directly to the unfit individual, President Lit- tle seeks to apply a System to a largz group. It seems to me that President Little, instead of devoting himself to idle criticism of President Frank of Wis- *AY4 hugely blotto. It has always been a STOQDDAR SJg DIPLOMACY 4441equestion whether it has been Patiom- A course in the mollification of kill's or Catherine's show, but it 707 N J" landladies. To be taught by a promi- seems it is not for the critic to ce- nent University president. yde. ALSo we had a new Edsfaston- Mr. Wa rtib rtm, who had a betteri AUTOMOBILE comunand of the part t.Lan any of hi- .'s- A nCo mancofsary course to be taught predecessors I have seen. It is in his An unnecessary course to be hlines that we see Shaw creeping out by a prominent scholar. Particularod emphasis will be given to the removalofteplay ofis Egihis pp- of cars from muddy ditches. See Iar- alampoon of his English compa- triots. Vey Emery for particulars. Section {Barrie's hoky-poky about the late strictly limited. * * * lamented war was quite obviously a sermon. Skillfully done, it was nev- THE USE OF PONIESI N EAOFATONWS ertheless a heartbreak plea for the IN EXAMINATIONS loneliness of humanity based on the Open to all students with lroler lpre- scriptural "cast thy bread upon the requisites. To be taught by the honor{waters-," and deserves, as such, committee of the Engineering college, high praise. The first scene particu- larly was a subtle picture of low-life POLITICAL CORRUPTION- in the grip of patriotism. It recalls AN ADVANCE'D COURSE Carlyle, for if God wasn't in a bad A PROPOSITION All students who plan to run for way certainly Mrs. Dowey was among campus offices next spring are re- the toothless patriots of her milieu. quired to take this course. Students For the rest of the play there was must have flunked everything else on awy h ra hato uaiyANE you a pr po- campus. Will be taught by competent beating thickly in the background sition that you Student councilmen. with, occasionally, the shrill piping wish to place bfore * * * of the "ghost-piper" in the wings. the student body? The THE DISPOSAL OF Mrs. Mansfield, as the soul that Daily Classifleds afford SLUSH FUNDS reached out into the unknown and A companion course to political found bitter happiness, was perfect- corruption. For students who pla11 to ly splendid. Her interpretation was this becauwe they tas work on next year's J-Hop committee. delicate and finely sustained, espec- litlte, rech ten thou- Several past conunitteenien 11i-1 CO- ially in the second scene when she sand'people and briog operate in this instruction, had to run the gamut from tears to * * * skittish delight. Otherwise, Clene TICE AND INIQUITY la gnus was a beautitFul "submarine- A special course for those intend- 11woman," looking very much like ing to go into the management of something from George Bellowes J-Hop week-end parties, with special sketches, and Velma Roynt on's'lost THE ICIGA 1Y attention to the means of escaping the tooth did realistic service. notice of the lean. Staff 01 the d-- .n m flee partment. PLAY PHODEtTJON ~ 1 i,:l' 11 1111EtPreI \ C ldg. Phon G fP * *a *e Last night Play Production jpresent- THE ECONOLIICS OF ed 1tie last performance of their series 1---- DELAY AND INEFFICIENCY of Southern niountain plays in the A social study in te iingenuiityv of Mimes theater. This marked another .. the Union manageimient. St utdeits ill epoch in their history. Last year with CE9 1=y special attention to ith' l orhkig. a ulite an extraordinary performancei of the check rooi after Friday and of And i yev's "He Who Gets Slap- KITCHENETTE Saturday night parties. No pre- ped' they proved that they could d1 ~o requisites. ;omiehing much better than that Food that atua is home * * which local play-goers had come toc . METIIODS' OF expect. In short that they could ac: SELF FELICITATIO complisi more than merely give an joo Open to those who want to acquire indlifferent rendition of the semi- h IUl its literary conceit. To be taught by classics in the drama. P. M. Jack. And this week they proved that * * * they can definitely rise from their S fliI v. Ujnner WRITING OF present classification of an organiza-- ROLLS COLUMNS tion troubled with something very Cream of Corn Soup A course of instruction in the per- like an inferiority complex. Both Brussels Sprouts petration of so-called humor. Also a "Sun-Up" and "Hell Bent fer Heaven" series of lessons in self defense for were good plays well done, well those no take it seriously. To betmounted, and displaying some real Beet Salad taught by .talent, Chiefly due to the acting of Chickcn Loaf Kernel. Sarah, Bonine and Truesdale Mayers or a * * * they approximated, at least, the ex- eg of amb STUDENTS GIVE THANKS cellence that we expect from the P : Dear Jeb, Mimes Players and Comedy Club. The a olaoe As a true member of the Leaguc only defect to be overcome is that of Wii Cr V for Student Enlightenment, I feel that accuracy in lines and action. When Stuffed 01hvs there were two bits in Wednesday's their machine becomes more smooth Red Cherres Daily that should be commented upon. running without hitches and without i-r c 1. There was no double implication awkward pauses and halts, they can or play upon words in the announce- take their place as an organization Rolls, Coffee, and MIle ment in the Bulletin that Professor which can be trusted to produce Love will give a course in Infinite something worthwhile in the campus 75 Processes. Also, contrary to the theater. popular belief, it was "Infinite" in-*SUNDAY IGT LUNCH 350 stead of "Infant." FEODOR CHALIAPIN 2. Upon due investigation, it was Myra Hess, the English pianist, Cour '7<7<7<7< P F' aVa,.t± C E F ,u l ON'T MiISS 1 ON W1F EA TUR .i Yi EXCLUSIVE INTERVIFW ~Pj] Who Discusses L niersity and Civic Qu estions With His CaracteriStk. I unch. " On Sale at New Sayd5 a (I ' upus WHITNEY THEATRE SATURDAY NIGHT, FEB. 18th. T'he Brilliant All Star Cast in Somerset Maugham's Witty MischieouOs Comedy . _ { 7 :,.4: ° .' -; rw .1 e , r r, . x ' , F i Pi6; . h ; '., i . _a'i. ? D i Lr . it JD : :ri 4.Y. t ,1 .e ' 3 ,.73v- .r +._U " eL' + 1 Il .. 3 i OiYe D i Ai' ^{ ? v .'t .. .. I . 11 S omersct? Mau gham S . gatherca, it should decide on the de- consin, would do well to set his own sirability of the Saturday night dance University in order. for 1928. --W. M. E., '29. If the Interfraternity council makes a decision before the Administrative It is reported on good authority that Board considers the matter, its con- Lloyd's of England are now quoting clusion will probably stand. If stu- i odds of nothing to nothing that Mich- dent government is at all worthwhile, igan's new cheerleoder will continue the Council should certainly take ad- to wear the garters which were pre- vantage of its opportunity. sented to him. IQ E?