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February 12, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-12

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I l' Of 4Cuildholse, One OfM ost
jisibtive Cenlers Of Religious
Thought \n (Social Effort
iI to'c loydeni, amous 'English j
preacii a d liead of heU Guihlouse,
Londoi, will dcliver the address at
ihe "itumis convocation to be he!ld
at 11 o'clock this morning in l1ill
auditorium. HIer subjeel has not yet
been aliouiced, but since her 1wo
tOlis are world peace anid the broth-
erhood of rman, it is probable Ith:t.
-he will treat with some variant of
ithse two it..restili-g Mu l)bjctts. Miss
'Mariin Wells, will introduce Miss
Miss I obydcn stands as one of tle
foremost wonren of the world, both
from the standpoint of personality
and achievement. Graduating from
an Oxford college, she bean her
career as a university extension lee-
tnrer aml later entered the suffrage
nioveiment, being one of its most
gifted speakers and the editor of a.
suffrage journal.
Her first entrance into preaching
caie with the journey of Dr. Josephj

Dr. John M. Warbecke, of Mount
IHolyoke college, will deliver a Uni-
versity lecture at 8 o'clock tomorrow
night in the Natural Science audi-
torium. his subject has been an-
nounced as "Benedetto Croce. Inter-I



Editor's note: The following is the first
of a series of interviews with prominent faculty
members designed to give an* insight into the
past records and present possibilities of the
various men who will he candidates for the
p~residential nomination in the two leading
parties next June. The facts expressed are
chiefly for informational purposes, and do not
neccssarily indicate the personal preferences
of the men interviewed.)
(Prof. Everett S. Brown, of the



preter of Art."Av_ PRE :EW CA1PiGN 1plitical s.,ience department, was a i
rtofs WAr ke, wh is)onONE AM PA1member of Herbert Hoover's staff in
Professor Wrrheek°e, who is con- ON CMPS VhiJtu fom.Jn, 91,toOco
nected with both the psychology and Washin ton from June, 1917, to Octo-
philoophydepatmens ofMt. + be. 192£). It was Professor Brown's
okeiosoi (wll-"knt" oitHoln PICTUREST0 BE FEATURE task to prepare for Hoover a. daily
is a well-known authorityaonoTOoPEAatterD
aesthetics and matters associated snunary of information on matters
with the interpretation of art. SubscripfiOi Price Will Rise Froimi pertaining to food administration andI
At lresent Dr. Warbeeke ts - ci- $.0 C4, 4 s Duri'g Cmpaigit, European relief. While 1oover was
gaged on an extensive speaking tour, To $5.i0, As Final (osi absent in Europe these summaries
taving recently delivered a series j4were cabled to hnim twice a week.
W' lectures at Princeton university. A final campaign for subscriptions Professor Brown attended also theI
Last week he spoke in Detroit on is to be carried on all during this weekly conferences between Hoover
. . and the newspapermen and thus had
he democt'ati cinterpretation of art. week by the business staff of the, an tcellent opportunity to study his
Professor' Dewitt 11. Parker, of the altxeln piitilt osul i
t Ensia as the last drive being made pcrsonality. It is on this intimate
t niversity epartmnent of philosophy, by this publication for suscriptions. knowledge which Professor Brown has1
s in charge of Ntie arrangements for During the first part of the week, fra- based the following discussion of
Professor Warbecke's lecture here. ternities will be solicited and on HiIoover's qualifications.)
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, "Inil my opinion Herbert Hoover is
members of the staff will again take particularly well qualified for the
up stations on the campus for the presilency of the United States,"I
sale of the annual. Professor Brown stated. "His tech-
During this final campaign, al-engical neering training and wide
- th ugh the pric of the year ook has practical experience as adm inistrator
tin thhouas thhe pr ceft e y ar o k a ii a


He was born in West Branch, Iowa,
in 1874 of Dutch and Quaker ancestry.
His parents died while he was still
very young and Hoover was placed in
charge of relatives. It was the plan of
these guardians to send him to a
Quaker college but the boy had de-
termined to go to a modern university
where he could specialize in science.
He left Salem, Oregon, to which place
he had been taken, and went to Port-
land, where he not only supported
himself but by studying at nightnre-
pared hinrself for Stanford university.
lHe entered Stanford with the pioneer
class of 1895. During his four years
at Stanford Hoover was entirely self-
supporting. He majored in geology
and it was in one of the geology class-j
es that he met Miss Lou Henry, who
was later to become his wife.
"Upon graduation from the univer-
sity Hoover went to the Gra-ss Valley
mining region of California and
worked as miner and shift boss. He
was for a short time in the San Fran-
1Cisco office of Louis Janin. the lead-
ing mining endiueer of (thy West.
From this time Hoover's rise in the
mining world was startlingly rapid. In
1897 he was placed in charge of some
mines in Australia, and so great was
his success that at the age of 25 he
was appointed director of mines for
the Chinese Empire. Before taking
charge of this post Hoover returned
to California to be married. Mrs.
Hoover accompanied him to China and
together they experienced the siege of
Tientsin during the Boxer revolution
of 1900.
"From 1902 to 1908, Hoover was a
junior member in a London mining
firm. .During this period, he proved
his innate honesty and integrity by
making good to the firm's clients the
defalcation of a member of the firm
a sum of about one million dollars
for which he was not responsible.
Having effected the restoration of thla
sum he sold his interest in the firm
and set out for himself. His mining
(Continued on Page Two)


PURDU'E (35)
Wheeler, f (c)........ 3B 0
Harmeson, f ...........6 1
Murphy, c ........... 5 1
Kemmer, g............1 1
Schnaiter, g .......... 0 0
Wilson, f.............1 0
Cummins, f ........... 0 0
16 3
Oosterbaan, f......... 6 3
Orwig, f..............1 2
Chapman, c...........1 0
McCoy, g ..............0 0
larrigan, g (c)....... 1 1
Raber, g..............0 0
Rose, g ...............1 0


Oosterbaan, Although Closely Guarded,
Proies High Score Man With
Fifteen Points
By Herbert E. Vedder
Sweeping on toward a Conference
title with an irresistible drive, Ward
Lambert's smooth working Purdue
steam roller flattened Michigan last
night in Yost Field house by a 35-26
score, rather effectually cutting off
Wolverine championship hopes. Pur-
due's record is still untarnished with
four victories while 3Michigan now
has three defeats chalked up against
an even number of wins.
Michigan's play during the game
was extremely spotted .with Ooster-
baan dominating the Wolverine scor-
ing efforts. The versatile forward
sank six baskets and three free
throws for a total of 15 points, giv-
ing him top scoring honors of the
game as well as placing him near
the lead in the Conference. Most
of his scores came on "tip-in" shots
under the basket but the Boilerma-
hers were uomrding hm so closely
that he had to fight and squirm time
and again even to keep hold of the
ball, let alone put it through the

) I Y 'tE ~i J'%JIL. I h..I.J 1 I Iv
Ohio State's Only Victories Coie in
Heiavyweight Bouts While Rest
Are Taken By Michigan
(Special to The Daily)
COLUMBUS, Feb. 11 - Michigan's
mat team won an easy victory over

Fort Nc wton, of New York city, to the highly rated Buckeye wrestlers,
assume the position as pastor of City 1.7-6, here in the first Conference
Tempie, the premier Congregational match for the Wolverines. Miehinan
church in central London. Miss Roy- now has a record of four victories in
den became the associate minister in as many meets, Ohio university, West
this enterprise and leer sermons were Virginia, and Michigan State being
soon attracting attention and visitors the other teams to fall before Coach
from all parts of England. Her per- Clifford Keen's proteges. A crowd of
sonal affiliation, however, remained 3,000 people witnessed the meet
with the Episcopal church of Eng- which was also broadcast over the
land, and with the return of Dr. New- radio.
tlth' United States 'she joined The Wolverines started out strong
with Dr. Percy Dearmer in the work by taking the first five matches, four
which she has since made entireLy of them by time advantages an'd one
her own--the ministry of the Guild- by a fall, but lost the 175 pound and
house, Eccleston Square, in the west heavyweight events to Ohio, both by
end of London. time advantages.
Holds Unique Position In the feature bout of the evening,
The Guildhouse is now by univer- Sauer, 1927 Conference chamion, de-
sal consent one of the most distino- feated Captain Hummel of the Buck-
tive centers of religious thought and eyes with a time advantage of one
social effort in England. To its work minute 13 seconds. Hummel wa's con-
Miss Royden brings scholarship -and sidelred one of the strongest compe-
eloquence and her position as the titors in the 145 pound division, and
only woman in England who has S'auer's victory puts him well on his
made for herself an assured place as way to a second Big Ten title.
the leader of a church gives her a In the 135-pound class Captain Wat-
standing and an influence in the son of Michigan also a 1927 Big Ten
English speaking world which is uni- champion threw Christopher of Ohio
que. after nine minutes and 12 seconds of
In her tour of the United States, wrestling in the only bout won by af
Miss Royden has won great favor fall.
Iwitii her audiences and with the i Hewitt of Michigan extended hisl
newspaper men who have had the winning streak to four matches by de-'
privilege of interviewing her. feating Cushman in thel 115-pound
Hoids 3lodified Viei s 0 bout. Thomas, competing in his
Her religions views, far r'iolr be- secon-ed bout in the 125-poun d class'
ing teinemerl withIi emltt ionaiismi or' for Michigan, won by a time advantagei
,,,,. . . . ..,. ~ ,over T ller.

risen to $5, cash payments of $4.50 or tandexIL ve s 6)M ) M 6 y
$4 with a stub will be accepted as i of leader demanded by present domes-
final payment on the subscription. At tic and international problems. He is
the end of this campaign the price 53 years of age and is endowed with
will take its final jump to $5.50 which physical as well as mental vigor. The
will remain throughout the year as factor of age and health is one not to
the final cost of the 'Ensian. I be disregarded in the selection of a
Many color plates are to be incor- man to bear the onerous burdens of
porated in this year's book which will the presidency.
outdo all past annuals in this respect. "Hoover's career is a romantic one.
Many improvements are being madej
olong other lines in nearly every de-
partment of the book. PINIST TO CONCLUDh
I Will Be Many Pictures!
An unusually large number of pic-
tures will be among the features of
the annual. In connection with the l"
cross section of camus life as repre-
sented by various activities and in- ;Iritish Artist, Myra Hess, Will Make
cidents will be a series of photo- Anti Arbor Debut In lill
graphs of the Opera, football games, Auditorium Toinorrow
dramatic presentations, as will as
activities of the alumni and faculty. MANY GUESTS TO ATTEND
The feature section will introduce
a note of satire and burlesque which Appearing as the closing artist of
has not been present in 'Ensians of
the past. All have treated happen- the extra series of concerts under
ings of the school year in a serious the University musical society, Myra
fashion but the new book will have Hess, distinguished British pianist,
many humorous incidents among the will make her Ann Arbor debut in
pictures in this section. A special hill auditorium tomorrow night.
type of stipled paper, never before
used will also be a feature of the sec- Miss Hess is a thoroughly British
tion. artist, having 'received her training
In the fraternity section, the addi- entirely in England. .She attended
tion of more fraternity history will be Trinity college and the Guildhall
a feature which has not been incor-
porated previously. A slight change school of music and a little later en-
in the arrangement of the pages de- tered the Royal academy where she
voted to this material will be noticed, was awarded the gold medal and
The athletic section will follow the made an associate and a fellow. Her
general outline of previous years with New York debut was accomplished in
a larger number of pictures and dif- 1922, when she was possessed of no
I ferent treatment of these pictures. The I reputation at all in this country.
1 usual outlines ,of the seasons in vari- Ier playing is not the type de-
ons sports for the current year will scribed as masterful according to re-
be included along with numerous cent critics, but at that arouses
photographs of the prominent atIj- greater interest in her audience than
Ietes in these sports. is usually the case. She sacrifices
-------- pOersoma,, accomplishment and tech-

10 6 4 26
Wolverines Win First Big Ten Meet Of
Season By Taking Every First
And Second Place
(Special to The Daily)
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Feb. 11.-
Placing first and second in every
event, Michigan's swimming team
overwhelmed Indiana here this after-
noon, 60-9, the largest score possible,,
in their first Big Ten met of the

season. History repeated itself, as
the Wolverine tankmen duplicated the
score by which thley defeated theG
Hoosiers in the Union pool at Ann
BEArborlast year.
The 235 yard relay was won easily
by the Michigan quartet. Walker,
Council To Meet Tomorrow At Union Reif, Walaitis, and Watson, the first
To Select Nan To Take Place three named appearing in their first
Of Graduating President year of Varsity competition, composed
the winning relay.
PLAN BRIDGE TOURNAMENT Capt. Darnall captured the 50-yard
free style in :24 1-4 seconds, while his
Election of a new president will be teammate, Walaitis, took second,i
E Thompson, sophomore star, defeated
undertaken at the first meeting o the veteran, Wagner, in the 200-yard
the semester of the Interfraternity breast stroke. The time was 2:46
council when they convene tomorrow seconds, remarkably fast for the 80
afternoon at the Union. The election Ifoot Indiana pool.
IAult, another Wolverine swimming
has been made necessary by the grad- his firstyer oVarity comin,
nation of Wayne Schroder, '28, form- las fi year oft Varsity competition,
er president, who has been the presid-5 placed first . Wthe o 440 yard swim,
ing officer during the past semester.n 5:29 seconds. Watson fished se-
pas, smeserconl for the M~aize and Blue.
Schroder completed his studies and I fD r 50 va ze ack Btoe
graduated in February and will not be The 1 0 yard back stroke result
onthe campus during , pe ent i.nma, tie between two Michigan
on teg the resent swimmers, Spindle and Hubbell. The
BE-ides the election of anew presi- time was 1:49 seconds. Darnall de-
dent other business will occupy the peated again in the 100 yard free
meeting of the delegates. Plans for style winning from Walker in :55
a fraternity bridge tournament have 4-5 seconds.
been drawn up and will be rep{rted ichigan's medley relay trio of
out of the committee preparing them. Caffee, Thompson, and Reif easily de-
This committee has been engaged for feated the Hoosier team. The fancy
ome time in making arrangements living was vwon by Wa aitis of Michi-
far the tournament. It has been re- gan, while ailey, another Wolverine
quested that all fraternity organiza- entrat, placed secondl. Indiana had
S t t in to be content with six third places and
tint 5 ho rE~ i'' '. rnO i at ILL Lit', iJL'' _

Suthi apeals, re - ' upoini 1 eII rL't
'ont'iliation of the pel''st'nt day vie -)
l science at S '1 psychology wiih thei
cOlceptsions: l of the Universe and of
lorl' goOd and Ibd. S'he i ever
se !king to cislliss tHe irrelevalit and
the inllmmaterial fIi'omi Ier concept.
One he resent tour of the United
States, her first since 1921, her ser-'
A-ceS hla'o ]een i in great dthmaiad aind
he'r i mamget li been fo rced to re-
fuse milote i han 400 invitations for.
her lect urie's. Follovwing the cotltro-
t'ersy on cigette siking wilch
som~e unsispect inlg i'reportet' started.
three of her lectures were cancelled,
but those weme innldiately replaced
by 18 others which poured in-
Miss Royden plans to spend threej
-months illin th United States lectur-
ing. At the end of that time she will
spend a month on vacation, and then
will proceed to 1lonolulu oil a pro-
posed word tour to study the prop-j
lems of youth and of feminine Chris-
tian ity.
Soloist Announced
The soloist of the morning will be
Bessie Ruth Sickles, '28, and Miss
Donna Esselstyn will be the acconi-
panist. The prelude amd lthe post-
lude will be given by Cassius Jolly
of the School of Music.
The Royden address is the first;
of the spring series which have been
largedl by the special committee
alpointed by President Clarence
Cook Little. The next speaker of the
series will be Dr. Carl Reiland of
Ncw York city who will speak on
Sunday, March 25.
It is requested by the members of
the committee that all of those men
who have already acted as ushers,
or ,rho would like to do so, present
themnselves at llill auditoriulilm before
11 o'clock in order to aid in accom-
nodating the large crowds that -are
expected. Tfownspeople will be ask-
ed to sit in the balcony, thus keep-
ing the main floor free for students,
for whom the convocations are by

In the 15-pound division, Donahoe,
M ichigan's third 1927 Conference
chtamipion added three points to the
Wolverine total by beating Power of
the Bitckeyes. Hlager and Prescott
of the taolverines lost to Ackley and
Ielg'rson in the 175-pound and heavy-
weight licuts respectively, both Buck-
eyes gaining smaill time advantages..
(By Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 11.-A picture
C of organized labor writhing in discon-
tent because of the issuance of equity
courts of injunctions against its ac-
tivities, a practice which the Ship-
stead bill seeks to restrict was drawn
I before a Senate judiciary sub-com-
mittee today by President Green of
the American Federation of Labor.
Meanwhile, the Senate interstate
commerce committee failed to get a
quorum for expected action on another
phase of the labor question, the reso-
lution of Senator Johnson, Republi-
can, California, for an investigation of
the situation in Pennsylvania, West
Virginia and Ohio bituminous coal
fields. Chairman Watson, of that
committee has declared that an in-
quiry will be ordered and this is ex-
pected to materialize Monday.

A nnounteenient was made yesterday
that [President ClarenceC Cook Litthe
will leave next Wednesday on an east-
ern trip, during which he will deliver
addresses before t~he Utnivrersity of
:\lichigan ('cb of Now York and a re-
igious conference of collge prei-
dents at Prineton u)iversit .
Pr'sident Litthe will be in New York
Thursday and Fiiday whereh lie will
speak at an alumni dinner Thursday
night and will go t!) Princeton, N.J..
for the religious cenference Saturday
and Sunday.

" ulique to the spirit of the co"posi-
tion. Perfect poise and readiness for
every mood characterize her perfor-
As a special featu're o: the ap-
peairance of Miss hess many pianists
of note t' fiom surrounding cities have
ilatde arrangements to be present at
tomorrow night's concert. As a mar
r{ i1-..h f rI'0' h+ets ,,f the

Ilarmeson Stars
For the major part of the session,
the Wolverines seemed totally to have
lost their basket eyes, while Purdue,
on the other hand, was enjoying suc-
cess both in close and from afar.
Harmeson, fast forward, ran around
Harrigan; who was assigned to guard
him, 'to the extent o six baskets,
giving him second scoring 'honors.
Pa'rt of these came from well out on
the floor, however, the Bailermaker
showing an almost uncanny eye for
the hoop.
"Stretch" Murphy, the much her-
alded center, looked all of his C feet,
and 7 inches and caused im-nmeasur-
- able discomfiture to the Wolverines,
although Bob Chapman, his former
teammate, beat him out of the tip-
off practically the entire game, and
guarded " him so closely that he did
not score a point the second half,
Chapman had a "big" assignment
and filled it well.
Fast Start Made
After "sparring" for an opening
only a few seconds, the, Wolverines
started off as if to snow the visitors
under what has been called an ava-
lanche of baskets, jum'ping off to an
early lead with scarcely two minutes
Then it was that Purdue began
utilizing the natural advantages of
Murphy's physical propensities. The
"stiretched" Purdue center made
three baskets to bring the Boiler-
makers alongside the Wolverines,
and Harmeson contributed a basket
and a charity shot to put his team
into a lead which it never relinquish-
ed. ?
For the remainder of the half, the
Wolverines were helpless and suffer-
ed from inability to hit the basket,
Oosterbaan alone contributing to the
Michigan total with two gratis- shots
and a field goal, while Murphy, Kem-
mer, Wheeler and Harmeson all took
turns to bring the score 23-12 at the
Boilermakers Continue
The rest period seemed to have lit-
o tle effect on either team, the Boiler-
makers continuing to score and the
Wolverines continuing to miss. Har-
meson accounted for six points and
Wheeler for two more before the
Maize and Blue cagers did anything,
t though Harrigan made a free throw.
With the score standing 31-13
suddenly to life. fighti t n ho'.
- fruitlessly against the all-too-great
odds. Scoring power which had lain
dormant too long was at least un-
Bennie Oosterbaan broke the ice
e with a short one. Harrigan gave way
d to Danny Rose, and a moment later
e Chapman, after gaining the tip from
t Murphy, tallied on a long straight
d toss. Wheeler temporarily inter-
t rupted 'he Wolvos to bring the score
e to 33-17./
ff Oosterbaan Dominates


W 11 Pct. 4
Purdue............. 4 0 1.000 1
Wisconsin ..........4 1 .800
Indiana .............4 2 .666
Northwestern .......4 2 .666
MICHIGAN.........3 3 .500
Chicago ............ 3 4 .429
Illinois ............ 2 3 .400 j
Ohio State.......... 2 4 .333 l
Iowa-............... 2 4 .333
Minnesota.......... 1 6 .143
Last Night's Results j
Wisconsin 38, Minnesota 18.
Indiana 50, Iowa 33.(

ri appreciation o- ue enort of rie ons m,.
several younig pianists engaged in tonorrox'
lhe piano playing contest now being president
conducted throughout the country, port ance
I he University School of Music has The br
extended an invitation to all of them ready be
who are able to attend the concert of Chicai
as guests of the sponsors. It i-s mete bet
thought that the playing of the Brit- standing
ish artist is such as to encourage tcampus.
them iin further pursuance of their ternity w
work. an e(imi
The program for the Hess concert to be off
has not yet been announced through Meeting
'her manager, but as a rule she in- cil are u
terpirets both modern and classic of the mo
compositions. The recital will begin ation per
at -8 o'clock. A few tickets may still new term
be obtained at the offices of thA postpone
: School o Music.
The last musical event of the sea- HOC
son with the exception of th Ma. PL,
Festival will take place on Feb. 23 P
with the appearance of Feodor Chal- OL
iapin, the Russian bass. This will
mark the final number of the regu-
lar concert sereis. ST. Y
day on a
A T TENDS GAME tween c
and th
The largest crowd ever to witness a opened t
ba'sketball game in Ann Arbor last While
night jammed into Yost field house bounded
oor the Michigan-Purdue contest. banners
Well over 10,000 people attended. 'in a rag
Seating capacity was afforded for 9,- of 900 a
500 persons, it was announced by rink, P
Harry Tillotson, business manager of Swiss A
the athletic association, but even the the com
addition of 1,000 extra seats was un- in ceren
able to accommodate the mammoth tire mor

w', as th electioti of the new
t and other business of im-
will be iraunsacted.
idge tournament plan has al-
,en tried out at the Uiversity
go. It was originated to pro-
ter acquaintance and under-
among the houses on the
Two men from every fra-
will compose the team to play
nation tournament for a prize
ered by the council.
gs of the Interfraternity coun-
usually held the first Monday
onth, but owing to the examin-
riod and the beginning of the
n, the meeting this month was
d one week.
(By Associated Press.)
VIORITZ, Feb. 11.-The first
of the 1928 Olympics came to
ritain, France and Sweden to-
day about evenly divided be-
eremonies, speeches, parades,
e four hockey games that
the winter sports program.
guns boomed and echoes
back from the lofty Alps,- thed
of 25 nations wvere unfurhed
ing snowstorm for the parade
athletes. At the Olympic ice
President Schulthess of the
Athletic federation welcomed
peting countries to his country
mones that occupied the en-
hnekva thne onmprised the

1 scud in itboth relays to assemble
theirimne points.
(oat'h Matt M\ann's x-ater poloteam
also was victorious, scorimng fonu' goals
to Indiana's two.
(By Associated Press)
E 'fIMMINS, Ont., Feb. 11 - Almost
two-score miners were still trapped
in the depths of the great Hollinger
gold mine tonight, the second night
since fire imprisoned them, but hope
ran high among their praying fami-
lies at the shaft head. For, during
the day. a dozen men we're brought
alive from the mine, and only six
were known positively to ?c .r
As the rescued men -- ,-t.
up and their wives and children e-
braced them, hope was reborn in the
hearts of the relatives of the other
trapped men that they too may sur-
The fire started yesterday at th
_ 550 foot level in rubbish which hac
been accumulating for years. Smok
L and fumes drifted down the shaf
as far as the 1800 foot level, an
while most of the large day shif
- of miners succeeded in getting to the
1 surface, more than 50 were cut of
from all means of escape.
(By Associated Press.)
DETROIT, Feb. 11 Detroit City col.
lege in an overtime basketball gam
here tonight defeated the University

Paul W. Endress, '28, retiring especially during the football season.
Varsity cheer leader, was afforded I He was chosen for the position by a
'support both literal and figurative !committee composed of the captains
last night at the field house when he anm manager of the major sport
was presented with a pair of garters teams, and he himself will appoint his
of brilliant hue by Robert J. Campbell, assistants, who will be sophomores
treasurer of the University. The pair and Juniors.

Purdue's attempted stalling com-
bined with fast breaking checked the
rush for only a moment, and Ooster-
baan came through with two more
Michigan's little guard, Rose, broke
in on Oosterbaan long enough to
alnk un mtw nointe hbt Benniene

of supporters were presented to
Endress between halves of the Michi-
gan-Purdue in order that he may be

The passing of Endress marks the
exodus of one of the most popular
cheer leader in the hi'story of the

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