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February 11, 1928 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-11

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..A......R..AY...... FE...RUARY.........1, . . ..).28.

** Try -out; for tile 'Varsity and Reserve lBands:
II I More muen are needed in both the 'Varsity and reserve Bands. All moni
Iwho are interested (except saxophone players) are asked to try-out tliis afterl-
both a the Band Hall on State street.
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of Nicholas D., Falcone~, Dire cts};
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) E Men's Education Club:
Mr. Edwin L. Miller, Assistant Superintendent of Schrool., in D4 itrsit, xx ho
Volme S. SA11tUTDAY, FEIIZt.IARY 11. -Numbher 97. was originally 'sheduled to speak before the clb, will addres,; an as:,(mbly!
_____________________________________________________________ in University High School Auditorium, Monday, February 13 at 4:10 o'clock.[
Members are urged to call the attention of those interested to this nieet-
The eetng f te Snat Conci schduld fr Mnda, Fbrury 3, Ng. Mr. Miller will speak concerning positions and tenure in the Detroit
will be patponed unless otherwise requested by any member or members.
F. E. Rlobbins, Secretary. system. ~~Pnn~

REC NTDECISION __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
St' rtirn with the next term, st~t- . ,

Brossean Foundation:
There will be a meeting of the committee on the administration of the
Brosseau Foundation on Monday, February 13, at 2 p.m., in Room 2, University
Students applying for loans from this Foundation should present them-
selves before the committee at this time.
J. A. Bursley, Dean.

University Lecture:
Prfso John A1. \Varbeke oft"ount H olyoke College will speak+
Benedetto Cr~oce, lnfci'prt r of Art," at S p.m., klonday, February 13,
the Natural Science Audit orum. The public is cordially invited.


Faculty, School of Ed ucat ion :
The regular staff luncheon will be held on Monday at. 12:15i p.iii., at th2:
Milchigan Union. Dean Alariv; L . Ward will speak on"'The Profession of
C. 0. Mais, Secretary.
Graduate Student:
G raduat e s1tudents who have not. cal led at the office of t he G raduilate
School to nmake ,second semiester elections should do so5 before Saturday noon
oif this week.
Persons who were no'-,cii o] led (luring the first semester hut who intend
to do so for t he second ;.semester should comflplet e regisitration this week.
Students who have conmpletedl the requirements for the Master's degree
andl wish to taike the (degree at thiis tulne should pay the d iploma fee within
two week,;. The proper blank for this purp~ose should be obtained at the
Graduate School office. RcltI i A. houseC, Recorder.
Gradutjae Students:
,Graduate student s who are interestedi in electing Zoology 136 (Human
Anatomy) during the present semester should meet Dr. Hluber on Saturday'
of this week at 8 am., Room 3501 New Aledical Building
Ruth A. Rouse.
(Cr~tdiate :students :
Graduate studentsa who have changed their second semester elections by
dropping or addiiig a course, or substituting one course for another, should
notify the officc of the Graduate School by Saturday, February 18.
Ruth A. Rouse, Recorder.
l-hg~shi 1.78 (I ;r1 vtce ntciury3) :
This class, M WF at :11, will meet henceforth in Newberry Hall Auditor-
Louis 1. Broth-old.
G ermnan 2:
Mr. Schatz's 9 o'clock section will henceforth meet in Room 4014 N. S.
Ar. H. Schatz.
Mathemiatics 245~:
Mathematics 255. Differential Geometry (plane curves in ordinary,
equiform, equiaffine, inversive, and projective geometries). First meeting
Monday, February 13 at 2 p.m., in Room 306 M.H.
G. Y. Ralnichi.
'Unhersity of 3lichiigaui lVarirty Band:
Formiation tonight at 7:13 o'clock at. the Field House to play for the
Purdue game, It is important that you bring your coupon books.
Russell L. Malcolm, -Student Manager.
Reserve Band :
Rehearsal at 1:30 this afternoon at the Band Hall.
Nicholas I). Falcone, Director.

Cosmopolitan Club:
Contrary to previous announcement, the business meeting of the Club,
on Saturday, February 11, will be at 8:40 o'clock instead of 8 p.m., in order
that those who wish to attend the game may do so.
Will every member please make a special effort to attend this mleeting?
M ja 1lowr'aiPresident.
Phi Kappa Phil:
There will be a Phi Kappa Phi initiation banquet at the Mihi-ian 1 'lijol
at 6:30 o'clock on the evening of Saturday, February 25, to whiih iallI mciii-
b ers are invited. Those desiring to attend should niotify the secret~ary, :,0)2
IWest Engineering Annex, prior to Wednesday, Febrruary 22.
Play Produict ion:
A repertory of Southbern-mount ainflik plays o~enis at. 21 un es TPheater
Wednesday, February S. "Sun-Up"' by Lubt Volmer and "H ell HeW, Fel'
Heaven'' by Hatcher Hughes will alternate throughout Itho' week. 'ia',o
plays should be of special interest to all studlents intcrest ( lili nat ive Anniir-
(an drama. Earl . E. leisehli i.
Scalp .end Blade )lci
fleeting Sunday, F+eb. 12 at 2:30 o'cloc'k. IRoomi:,02 tUir ori.
Ain A rbor Art A ssociation:
'ihe Exhib~ition of 46 paintings selected 1101m1tile lVorit'l riiAIwii m F xi--
hit ion of American Painting and Sculpture at. th . art hInstitute of (IIi
opens Sunday afternoon, February 12, in thte Vest (Ia ilerv, Aliun n m; "o i

dents ux's", substitute military train-
ing for, phy i al ednet ioll, accordingI
fo a r, ( o tit. ru1lung o Ole hBoard or
l' fii l . 'lhi, mow,'cwas nt, planned
tfol by thboiphysical education author-
ities, it was learned yesterday.
According to an itrterview giveni
yesittU'da , Dr. George A. May was
not (conisulted in the matter at all.
Poach "Tad" Wieman was consulted,!
lbnt referred the matter to the Board
ofi Regents, who passed the regula-
tionl allowing; students to elect mili-,
t ary training instead of physical edut-
Ieat ion. Thi;; calne as a heavy blow
to ill-~ ea,.nion ritojectsof the gymn-
101=itl ttl.riis who, by alreadly
11' 0 ('051 ili(' ctzrtcetithe it tra-inuralI
I ni lding aind planned other prlojects,
l(I rd 10(1' a st art t owards the pro-
~r1t'5s 5i 'Ss 5511(1coimplet ion. One
iili Li r--Ixt 'rl r. 'The only way il
Mlx irkiiit U oit1(1 'e possible ifor i i
Iplrysico 1 edulcation b oard to combo t
1t ;_; ot i h e hby(offer1ing an lion r's
', iltilrl'rrfor 'physic'aleducation,f
< thibg rlgli'v(rI* e foit' (1one. Accord-
Cotg 1 ('port, i1)5engin eering stii-
(Wd ad 125 "I '-''have signed up
111 r~ilida cti raining, thiis (depileting
10'e alk1 o' thle tiltysical edutcation
Stewart Prosecutor

Recounlt, offie ballots e('ao llinsixbI e~ilrsyl vania, conulfies ill thle 1132 6
senlatorial race bet U'('en \illiariiS. 'are, lRepiiutlican, :ani leiis iiloIecf ,
~ I'illia ni 1. 'Wilson, 1)emocra 1, in ie ll s rooni of thle senate'0ltebulig
SWashington, D.C. Sen.z. (. W a ' t ,ria i, ofColorado, 1left, !a 1( l.T..
Cara'2}way, of Arkiansas, of the re cia te pri vilege", andl elect iuscoilii ee r
sh11own supler'vising the e counit. wit II P. NV. Turner, sipei'ilnt erie t.

Copies of' the :1927-2S St udent Direc-
tories may lie obtained at the busi-
ness office of the 'Ensian anv after-
noon. 'There are several copies of tihe
dlirectory on hand, and new students
are asked to call imniedia tely if t hey'

More than 200 i-rw studenzts have
already registered at. the Union, and
r'egistrationi will cointinule ti'om3, to 5
o'clock ainy afternloon ait tile office ot'
the recording s ecretary at the Union.
A 'file of those studi-rlt 1 who have ~jui:i


wish to obtain a book. They are pric-j entered at th~e start: of. the seconid se-

edI at $1.00.

n.ester is beingt kept.

rThe Prescott club, whose meni'bers
are studlents in the College of Phar-
macy, will hold its first meeting of
thie semester niext Tuesday night at
1 7:30 o'clock in room 165 of the
Chemistry building. The speaker of
the evening will be Dr. Robert J.5
Ruth, cief or the Pharunaceri~ical
division of l"ra essiora~l service of
E . R. Squibb and, Son; company. Dr.
Ruth has announced the subject of
his speech will be "Immunity, from.
the Laboratory Standpoint." His
talk will be illustrated by four reels
of motion pictures.
Dr. Ruth is known as the origina-
*tor of the idea of Pharm'acy week,1
which is held annually throughout
the country. He is now making an
extended tour through the United
States, speaking before medical and~
pharmacy schools and medical so-
cieties. In a recent letter to Uni-
versity authorities, he remarked that
at that time, he had more than 90
speaking engagements scheduled for
this trip alone. The subject of the
motion pictures witlf which he will

Si u s r t h i t a i h z n o sen - fin ite ly s e ttle d , b u t it is e x p e t e di I hi t Y
they will (lea] with t he pr'epa rt 0111
of biolog;ical l'o(hwit.3 airii(Iof('odl
liver oil.
W~alter ScottIPenfield, '00, -formerly
a n o f c a n t e f r i n s r i e i W 1Ce n tra l A m e ric a , sp o k e w it h I ) r. N ic h - I '
olas Murray Butler, presidenit (itCo-
lumbia university, in a ;joint talk giv--f
en recently before the 100th New York1
luncheon of the Foreign Policy as so-
ciation. The subject of the, talks per-
tained to phases of the League of Na-
tions. GeGorge W. Wickersham
Of New York, attorney general un-
PALO LTO,'""'-~---delr President Taft, and president of
Caliorni-Stafo 1 the American Bar association, chosen
university has cancelled all permi -'to represent the Senate in habeas cor-
bas~tbll ame, l anendavo topus proceedings brought by Robert W.
basetbll ame, n a eneavr t 'Stewart, Standard Oil company of
check the spread of infantile liaraly- IIdaa
sis. Idaa



3rd Big Week
of the Uproarious Mary Boland Farce
with Velma Roy ton and Robert Henderson
Also Monday Night--Repeated by Popular Dem and !


Band And Glee Club
Make Preparations
For Spring Concerts
Preparations for Spring activities of
the Varsity and Reserve bands and
the Glee clubs are now being made,
accord~ng to Ilolert: A. C'iinpbcll,
faculty manager of thle Itw(o o'ga nizl-
tionsi. The Gleecc 'tll) will r'esumle its
activitie's on Feb. 17 when they will
go* to Adrian for an eveninrg concert.
Practices arie no(whieinglheld every
night in I1l110iweek i order to b- pre-
pared at tlat tine. on Fel). 21 thec
club" will take a trip to Toledo, O.,
where it will piresent a se'conld concert
at the Libby 1-igh school.
Tryouts for thle Va -iit y anid leoserve
bands have been in pr'ogress during
the bast week, and several new menl;
have hieen found t1 0 take places" in
both oi'garfizat ions. '11e va ryit y band
is now practic'ing enlt~lci ireuonlcoin-
cert mu~sic for thle Spring('onict't5s,
and it is expected that the lnumber of'{
men will be cu.t so that the organiza-
tion may r'eachi concer't size for' the
trips. Amnong the new" pieces which
will be introduced to the Spring
audiences will liea medley of Michi-
gan song's, arranged by Nichola,, Fal-I
cone, director of the bands. This new
number is a collection ot the verses
and choruses of more than 10 Xlichi-
gan songs, and Campbell predicts that
it will filch favor with the audiences.
Plans are al'eady being niade for an
Easter concert, to lbe presented biy
both the Varsity band and the Glee
club on the Wednesday before Easter
vacation, begins. The program will
probably consist wholly of Easter
music. The Reserve b~and~ will give a
special conert during the Spring
months. Campbell is now planning
on again presenting the band in the
annual, series of Spring concerts,
which are usually given at the Main
library. "As soon as thle sun stays
out and we can give the icncerts-31-
fore dark, we will begin them," he
A nationwide effort to bring alumni
of Zolleges and universities into closer
contact has brought the appointment
ot hotels in the principal cities of the
country as centers of alumni activ-
irties, according to a recent announce-
ment by the Intercollegiate Alumni
Extension Service, composed of alumni
secretaries and editors of college pub-


Corner State and 'I asligtoui Sts.
,%rthiur IV. St alk~er, D).l., M1inister
Parley 'C. Bing'hama, Assistant
Miaister acid Student iDirector
10: O4-"('r~l ical '1a1d1('oirageous."
[2:00--Ralph J.'ilarlan 01' the
"'pie''(h Dept. will have(chiarg'e
of01' h Bible Cla>s. Rajlph IJohni-
scn will lead discussion class.
Ii: 00-- Jlrxx'od Iudei ll11spea<k
at t the Guild Me(eting.
7 :30---issondryPa geanitundler
aus'pices of ZYoung Women's
State and Huron Streets
Sidntey S. Robins, Milnister
February 12, 1928
101:45-Morning Service omitted to
give congregation a chance to
hear Miss Royden at the Con-
5: 15-Candlelighit 'upper.
6:45-Judge James Austin, Jr., of
Toledo. "The Family Problem
:s4Seen In CourL1"
615 E. 'University Dial 3779

10.5 4i oing iworshiip .2Mr. Solsd's
wvilsh''ak. Sub~ject : Abriuiii
12: :(--TJlireChurch IBibl'- School.
12': 00 --The st ud"i-t group meets at
the Guild Ilouse, 503 East
Ihnti onStreet.
:30--_'The evening friendship hour.
C > 8-- ex'tional sel'lic'. AMiss
Elizabeth Birown will speak on
'"Campus religious life as s: en
by a gi'rduate."
40)9 South Division Street
10:30 a. m. -- Regular Morning
Service; Subject: "Soul"
11:45 a. m.-Sunday School follow-
ing the morning service.
7:45 p. m.-Wednesday evening
testimonial meeting.
The Reading Room, 10 and 11
State Saving Bank Building is open
daily from 12 to 5 o'clock, except
Sundays and legal Holidays.
Washington St and Fifth Ave.
9:00-Bible Study. Question Hour
of Stujdent Conference.

Cor'neri' II iil it[d Dii is ion
:Merle If. Aildersol!. 31iiiert i
D~ale IU. Moore, .Associate.
Mris. \'Nvliv B. (Caddell
Secreclarz'y for W0111('u1.
9:10i-Chui1cli School. Pt il~i
Cl ass led 11)' !)11(,o 11. Mloor''
10: 1-5--Ajorn-in' W or'shiip Sermlot
01n "f.I 'i n iia it 1" Ei~ a ,-
I rojihe." UR..Dale i11. Mowi''
will lil'c.'ir
12:t--Stid(en.t ('lal; 71 I1 9j),' r'ot.
Hiowar i AI"'('llsk-.
5:0Social [lo1r1'andii Pihla'i'.
8- ---young PeolEjde- So i(''r
(Evangeclical Synod of N. lA.)
Fourth Ai t., between Packard
and Williams
G. A. 'Neumann, Minister
9:00-sunday School.
10:00---Regular morning' service.
Sermon subject: '"Thtou sshalt
riot kill."
11 :00---Germran sermon.
5:30-Young People's social hor'
and discussion1: "Religi ouls As-
peel:s 0o'the Life (it _n ri'lii
Corner Hill and Tappan
Rev. Frederick Cowin
10: 30-Morning worship.

D'". (CarlS. IPat t-ou,
1<_°itm -1Miu~ter
5 :::;;) SIta'- School.
1):S'mni lvRevr. Walter T.
i .eX ln' t?>1Lil? ^tliu --:+, Proph~et'
- :2 - Sridet Felowsip met-
S in irlndsuzppjr. Al tUn iver'sitv
s; tli .irt' acwelccme.
Division and Catherine Streets
ier. henry Lewis, Rector
Thomas L. Harris, Assistant
S : 0--I [oly Communion.
S): 8tJ--It y Communion (Harris
I:all) .
LI ' ai - -l'n-ning Prayer and Sermon
by the Rtev. Thomas L. Harris.
f3:15S Stujen' Supper. Discussion.'-
7 : 9-): -F>ei g Service. Pr'eacher,
(Missouri Synod)
Third and West Huron
C. A. Brauer, Pastor
Parsonage: 420 West Liberty
February 12


Gala opening Tonigh"i at 8

F You .have all heard of
(Miss Loomis' Only Appearance this season)
Charles Warburton as Edstaston--
Robert Henderson as Patiomkain
togethier with
in James Barrie's Moving "Echo of the War"
A Superb Company in a Superb Bill!

Sunday, Feb. 12, 1928

' 4 ,.

_Services at 4:00 p. m.

Lane Hall.


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