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February 11, 1928 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-11

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S A T U R D A , , ~ ' E B U A.Y 1 1.19 2 8 . . . . . . .J

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c'flFAVENfL TTLEA I' elieves Chinese Graduate Student
SPEAKRN fl Ill MEiEL IING' "How d do~ 1? Yes, I irefin-. taught,'' (s1he roiiounned the name
1)ee you; you waii ted 1fi1e to tall: tOo o it "lbiXwha.') "andl it is being wtldely
[ YOU about(China. did you not? WVon't learned. Ally sisteor in thelie ummier
OF LU NAE CO NC tal:? And Elizabeth Lu, known in for poor people. I think maybe thatl
her on contryas Hsao o thewill help sm.Te oCiai
PRAISES LOYALTY OF WOMVEN IN house of Lu, a graduate student of so very over populated, and travel is
BUILDING smile and showed me upstairs. two railways In the country, and
"What would you like me to talk they both run north :and south,
ATITENDED BY 200 WOM N about ?" she asked in her quick, cage- !though o course, there are the wta-
ful English. "The political situation terways, too-" she broke off, and
Hlopes That E'aelu Of Theue riiuei" -w~ell. 1I(do not kitow mmcli -ahouit fier voice grew wistful.''The moun-
WiVll Become hualrested Ii tn ti that. myself . i'or along t1 '.illyijanyhls are so' be)tif~Iiul. The cloudls
I'iaiversity Iivh-ioe t110ryt(,l)Ilii~d tiai j( t' 1110 I it L(,uuid .l'og iitlnl 1 iiriil atid uip oad 1 t
The regular mid-winte r meeting of1 worry. You see, hey air' rihbtii i a th shrines onl tot), and the flowers
t he he art of t he fight iig (list r (ct ,on (lown beside the rocks arie so beau-
the Alumnae Council was lieold ir.I. ~ othcsencat-1i i ia1.ltuIliero 11le(al erd
conecionwi Iia unceo ilmlligI ould rath er not know, er i he in keeps t toe sun1 a way. hi very once
the examiation period, while Th Inetiw5 comes('5o10ne so hite allwv ' 'in a whiiile,"''?and now sle siled ai
Daily was not being pu 1)1ishf'ieclds.1 i al se--ryc' p]ic te. ll , s et ;re1, homesick. Buti f nt
present atives were here troin abot \ 7.' d 0a 1tt11(1p st and it all?'11 i's elv <s oteni. t here is so very much to dol
two thirds of the organized gius 11 eba ucT's 0(1 -t 1, cimic'tl': Ainel to keep. me busy that i do not have.
of Michigan women. I + ad into111A10 what ( limo the1.tiue.
AnittilCe ~r('oilC ~ Should do, hult there are so veir'l- ~a (ICi mit ;'Firie-rally 1110 ltu,1 tia
The (ief' interest at this mn<..etin ; Ithings thle matter. It is like a dog ''Aho at China a nflother1cr '(int ies?.
w sas the announcements of Hie' con - o-i add1)1 e dtvi))aO 'u'e~l5 ahsa asb


Lecturers Will Endeavor To Correlate
Isolated Courses With a Well
k Rouindedl Education
Weekly assemblies of the members
of the school of physical education
will be held during this semester atI

That -n,,odern youth afie the best f MvacLaren spent three months living
yet is the verdict of M\iss Gay Mac- alone 01n the outskirts of a quiet vil-
Laren, who presented her play lage. She devoted herself entirely to
"Father and Dad," Thursday night her play, and saw no one but the
in lill auditorium. On the surface, tradespeople of the town. As she
the young people of today seem to wrote, she would act. out the various
be hard and reckless, but at heart parts, and could thus perfect her play'
they are all right. They are out for without outside help. Miss MacLaren
all they can gett and will spend Dad's expresses a prei erence for iwriting
money with a free hand, but if troll- rather than for acting, and intends
ble comes they are right there to to write another play as soon as she
help him. has time.
'"A generation ago," says Miss Mac- Plays And WYork~s Hrd

Friday afternoon the Women's
League entertained more than two
hundred university women at a party
in honor of Valentine's dlay. Dancing
and refreshments were enjoyted in
Sara Caswell Angell hall, and decora-
tions were carried out in a motif of
red hearts on a background of white.
The party was in charge of the social
committee of the League, of which
Ellen GIroff, '28, is chairman.

Laren, "tbhe mothers scol''led the'r

"W\hen I write,. sle remarked, "TI

8 o'clock every :\1oi1(hip mor'i1 l g.; daughlters to pull their skirts (down 1maust devote rmyself to that exeluzsive-I


Outside speakers are invited to ad -
(tress the assembly a1n(1 o11 asemlbly
period eac'h month is in cha rge (if
(1110 of thme ('1asses. In thle pas't it
has been the custom for' each class
eitiler' to(1p1rov'ide all ucII rta inment 01'
to sa'cui'e a speaker.
Profs. U' Ncill 'TO Spieah
O'ne of' thme first who will talk to
Ie 1110301' stuadent s ikto he Prof. 0.
. O'Neill, heaid of the sp('ech de-

over their ankles. Now lie si lulggle
is to make thle daughters keep their
knees covered. Thlere is always a lot
of railing at the younger generation,
the prediction is ,lways that they
are going to ruin. Personally, I think
they are better than ever."
C'igarettes (OniP.1,r W1ith Cm'ady
Rcerm'ing to the (nlessc55dis('ilssiof
whicihlhas bea.ci au'ilsod ary \1 is
Maude RoyTlen's "cigarettes. Miss
la cLa ren declared that shme consid-

fly, and(1the saniis Fil he 01'lly act-

An open forumin for the discussilon

ing. I have to work without hite_:-
rup~tion and( for a relatively -long,
time. Then I am ready to play equal-
ly hard. Perhaps this is unfortulnat e,
but we all have our 'ownl ways of do-!
ing things.,
"I like to act mhy own phiay, foi' I
feel that I Can take liberties wit I
it t hut would be irn'possible if soime-
one else had written it. I change the
lin~es with each interpretation. 'Staim-!
Icly,' for instance, nmust be kept up 1o0

prtiment of the U'niv'ersit y. H-Ic Will ' .redi the whole a att or too trivial for '
poinlt(lilt. why a study= 01f pu1bli(c controvrsi'y. Wi thoult expwessing any

tracts for the Wonmen's league hu ild-
iug, followed '1y a talk by Piesident
Clarence Cook Little on tihe Alumni
Uiiver'sity: Special reference wx':ls
mnade to the pai't of Miehiganm wouven
in this p~lani for a gr~eateri ichiigan.
A resume of tile talk followvs:
President Little first str'essed thio
natural inclusion 0o' the women it,
the Alumni Univerity, statig: "1I
Ihope you will realize thlat, froun the
fvery inlception of this plan tihe wo-
men ilave been included andl this po-
sition has always been taken for'
granted by me.
Michigan Women Are Loyal
"The women of Michigan are liv-
in g examples of loyalty and confl-
deuc inthe ideals of Michig~an be-
cuse you have put over thye drive
ofi lrge gifts received, ttf of tcr-
11 miat (11 to keep at, it. until t lie gou
was reached. You have Opceat r-r
in giving thmought and support to the
fUniversity, and now the main thing
that -concerns m'e is that wve hmave
your continued support with less in-
tensity but with no less importane.~"
The University, according to Presi-
dent Little, invites alumni comuneti-
tion, and in turn stands ready to
#give out any information desired anf i
to assist the alumni in various ways.
Alumni University Described
The Alumni University is available
to all alumni of the University. No
fixed fee, is to be charged in it. The,
women are urged to give as much as
they feel they can, once, twice, or
four times a year, according to cn
co-venience. President Little hopes that
as in the case of the men, there
may be recognition for alumnae who
have done special work for the Uni-
'versity. ,He urges that each of the
alumni become interested in some
particular department -of the Univer-
sity, wand study it with a view to
working for it.
In developing the social proai
pesnl-ty of the students, President Little
expresses a hope for tile buildli of
dormitories. He says: "One of thle
ti ngs we neced and( m1u st have are
living units for students." In tihl
matter of new buildings' he ref ers to
the memorial calpanula for Presi-
dent Burton, whichm iN to tem'nimmate
the mnall running fr'oim t hf libraryE
thlroughl to Ilurom 'street:. lie urges
tile consunmnmat ion of thlis pro'dject at
an early date.
At this luncheon (ot the Aluitma G
Council more thlan 200 womlenI were }
p)resent. Tiis was most gratifying,
sin1ce the proportionm was greatecr than
111e attendanctl(e atI the n1onels neet-
ing a week before.
All inmcrease' of~ 25 pf'1 c'elnt 11m bee::n
,noted ill tile e~nollment in Anmerican
colleges and univei'sit ies during thme
last five years .

and every t hintrIi JuttverVt'1'yn1111g. v1riy 1kindto 1(1's an1(1idl intl. sa we ]leaking 1is01all Important{ prt (f aolirioll n tergl 1 lol 1l n f5mnntii htIwn
think ithat a doctor'woulId have a ha~ve a vcrv frie'nd ly feling fIowa ;ds; ;general ediuc'tlion, awin o wbat sit- ismoking, she observed tha she lchiange I can(10 sOon til esot."
i ard 1t1m1e trying 1to curemo Ihings.,(don1't her. ('i aIi as al wars been so verV('ie benefit it will 1)e to tile pysicaI l lced i iarettes 0on a par withl ('a-, (Careei egunAtEarly Age
' youi? con i-cos anmd kind and(1gcnerous that edc'icat ion sifel~t. etomes oil siuni- dy and cofee. Dminking too much Miss MlacLar'fn went 01n the stage
C h ina G a in s J Nere Id4eas l; he bhas pcm'im it It d too i ily pe opl e n e t n t e f e d fi p y l o o f o s a h ii i fi ~ g 1 1 0 a e Iat 111e age c o f 1 4. because h er p '
Alays China has been undicer' the t10;ntet (011 'l (of hem'. amndyou lknow, I igy' ilmysiolog y, cllenl st ry.ad 111e'too many ig ai'eIls. hiut. Aiss Mac- c(Ilnth; were'Oopposed 1fsdto ile step. Slid
rufle of an'n 1,r..rp 'fr. Now all 1~ni1,, hmnriannature has a habit (f I alinglike will lbt'a part 01' the iest of tt' Larien sees5 nothIig in it to get ex- began by oinginitations, and ilths
'oj nlew ideas h1ave suddenlyv cone all thiat, itdliai, so China is a1lone to scmnester's rirogranin. cit ed over. still for'mis a part of her1 dramatit
o lie.r jiust,. ike you pIeple. Youi take 111ame1, I think, fo'- lots ot' thii;mg.; Explans Values(iof('otu'es 'It rmeninds me of ain experience wxokl. Silo was recently married to
Ile e tin; lke hechaieto, I yujus ilsa e~niestand "The purpose or addresses of this 1 had when only sixteenl 01'sevn- Ialpl Parlette, the faiious lecturer
just because it is new. Lts of Chli- ther'e tusualyis nts r 31101 1 iucl Id. explains Mrs. Van Sickle, wiho teen," Miss MacLaren sid. "I waVs and authlor. Miss MacLaren is spend-
nese' have takeintile.1new ideas ,jus mgnet u fyujs epbn-heads tie school 01' Physical Ediica- :very anxious to appear ut'r ien. u fyu;uthtpbrk before a wo- ing the week end in Detroit; where
becaluse tileyIiarenew without buying a'wayivall thle tuie-it's diffrt, Llion, "is 011 attemtpt to explain tiemen's club i Cicago, limt beore I she is giving, imitatoins of Ms.
in eal ha-y mea- 101. l Td- Atircai annt n'rtn I value of t110se isolated courses whichil could receive permission to do so, 1F iske in "Helen's Boys." After her
I (on't kinow nofw it will comeiC(hit. China, evenlltil e ls that have lived major students are required to study I had to be heard by a coinmmitt.eel workc there, she plans a tour of the
I amn afr'aid to think abot it. there fom' many year's, for' our' iminds :an~d to correlate tiheir' value to a well of the club women. I wore my hair Pacific coast, from which she expects
Fewi Read anid Witie are'us different. We have had differ, - tounded education." Invitations have! in curls down niy back, and had l a to return some tine in March. Tihe
"'Vary few of' ihe pe~opleO(c11i'edtd trditons ,fifferet.'ond'Oilitions, been sent to a numbier of other well blue ribbon around my head tied ini work of writing anoter play will
Jor Wite, 1or'thle xv i llcn hNnrugoag(' of O landd il'i'rcnl ha eground fr sto lon1g. low acutltymemblers 011 the cam- a large bow. The committee admit- then be given serious consideration.
China is entirely difer'entfrom itile A:lat'he tins sWill work thirm selves Uus to speak dluring the semester, ted thiat they were perfectly satis-_______________
spoekccn 01e, anaml tihat mlakes ano1ther ' aut inl soine way, they usually (1, and 1110 complete list of speakers fled with my reading, but positivelyNO I E
illit-'il1y. Io- i irlithtere' i>' a wqr. hat I feel all sick- --in here, when tilb announlced soon. refused to allow me to read before,
is 1 iie agnn lh'.e h J:-; think of it' As,emblies field First Semester their club, on account of their dis- All woe inteested in taking ad-
IDuring the first senmester assembly like for that large blue bow. I con- vantage of the beginning rifle class
I- +" , E J$ PKR FERS - I'!i('Iiods were field, but at irregular cider Miss Roydens case parallel to aire asked to meet with Captain Brick-
101 5 O~sI.Plt.ESI lwN!'l's i I 1(0111. Several well known 111e1 ad- thiis." r at 4 o'clock Monday or T.uesday
____(.- ., ressed thle group among whom were Likes Ane Xior Audiences afternoon in room 330 west engineer-
P41 3OTION PiICITURES lIlHouse presidents are request- fIr.)a Hugh Cabot, Dean of tihe Meh- Miss MacLaren expressed the ing building.
e d to acquaint girls with tieII cal School, and Dr. Howard Lewis, greatest enthusiasm for Ann Arbor
Ahobby of seonm' kind is generalyI fact thiat Rockford Player tick- i Professor of Phlysiological Chemistry. audiences, which she regards as the NEW YORK.,Mi s Caroline Ritten-
;%attributed to all actresses but Miss 11 ets are being sold in tile house, Dr. Cabot talked about Body Me- type that brings out the best an ar- berg, 20 years old, received an unex-
Frances Dade of the Rockford lay-I and to make reports to comniit- c hanics and Posture and Dr. Lewis tist has to offer. "They do not cha- peted bequest of $200,000 to $300,000
ers, nroclaims that she has none. -; tee heads. spoke on Proteins. Several assembly lenge you to entertain them, but from a friend of her father's. The
"My one obsessiorn was keepiing a. periods were given over to parties come expecting to be pleased." money, which she will get in install-
diary," s11e explained. "I used to keep'/j - and in tihe place of one week's as- Devoted Entire Time To Play ment, will enable her to continue her
one all tile time and I just cherished Art Cenfter Hlailed senbly a swimming meet of major In writing "Father and Dad" Miss work as a writer.
every bit or it, but when I went out F rc students was 11e1d at the Union.
to -California with the 'Gentlemrent A-1sk.Creative FoUIVESIT OF ISSURI -_
f rfrBods opnIlf yi*NVRIY o SUI. -= P IAT-ATE
Prefr Blndesmctnhen , paletk- In WY orld's Affairs Womien debating teams have been or- SPECIAL RATES T RV T A TE
diaries home and~ my moheIac-
ip to move, found he, hogh _gainized for the -first tinme and thle first ______________________________________
theyweee nthig bt tash and After a four year struggle, Mrs. encounter will 1)e with the University
threw them away. I was right in the Dorothy H-unt is on thle verge of real- of Iowa.C
midst of another diary when I found izing her dream of an internationalc}It
out about it and I was so discour- are center. IHer plan is to establishT hC o l g a e t u an
agd InvrwoeaohrwrVuhacne tCnvweeae orris Cilberts eT'~ O NE TO
in it." through which artists ca1lmk AND CHOI' UE IN C01N C I N
In regard to hler theatrical work, themselves felt and seen as an fin-
Miss Dade said, "I love acting - ternational force, dcreative and unit- "TeFnsRom i
it doesn't seein' like'work at all, but ing, regardless of race, color, or JLI L R T S TeFns Dining Rom inceCiy"
nor'e like playing and it is so in- creed.
teresting. I hiated work in the mo- To her support Mrs. Hunt has ral- 302 S. State Dial 5860 -A eia n hns usn
vies and althiou~gh the stage wor'k isI lied such pIersons as Mussolini, Ram11- A eianadCies1usn
hadr n he hours longr, I (:Or- I say Miaclionall, C'ares Dana (ib- forI
ainly refed it. Ioever'usedc to he Ison, R io'hartd Le (iallienemm, 1 Uil, Expert Pastry Cook
0111e to (let'ide whet heri' ' wanilte'ditoh('Liin, Itlie- d ir'o't o(f the Beau x Arts Valentine Day I
bte in11ad'tress 01' i nua lisit T itinPa ris, til imnnlumetriable artists.
rcciomod I likt'at-tiing 10hei'r ad 1solhe Le~aguie of Na tiomns has al lent H atB x s 0 u cen evdE ey a
Iw(rit to dramfiOlia+ i' at. School. 5nS ia rtl rra l na i count- 5cLu ceo s eve ve1Da
ii ot er ca te mctdb.aw1 atey r i s.V fol mat erial't ts(01'or11.Ilfyilled(dilllth
::oC''tary indclseilt 1me0'tocia secretor-! Artists fromiliall over fthe Xworld will i_ - ho e 3 6 AN I G1 139S. Min =
i(1 scoofl, hit I just Inat ed that and i'eet at BrusselIs, beginning Juno110 7
di n' ui'ee it ll-
r cliln'Dsmitnin lt 111 QUALITY SERVICE =
"I t in k A n nirl mh r r is lovely," M iss Y E R I I
tul a e cl emi mio aml Iciues. -Our equiip.
I bought it woutidlid'emomr' ik e it'mut antd hpersonaIe
Vaste i'n eollt'ge t otws t 11 111 i's)-iis (considlere'd amng
ly and1(1v e'1y liltt I ho 10111amd 1 w. ile best;1051fittthe tlate. 'C'ho resiult(of
so suiti'isoed to fmtAind 1 Aib-ror sn ~~cr'('lc~l htidt
1 1d1m gl-adpo e. I ii f'Y('i' eCmiIto n___f0 a T
cd-('dlot ((1(111school limt I thlink 1 0.iD. IMIO R1 RISI L.L
would like to gin to Mlin.'' 17 'he'ls Arcade. Pihone (66101

womein has been ina ugurated at the
Univer'sity of Iowa.
.Wear '
In the Bois de Boulogne,
chic Paris restaurants and
tea gardens, these details
are note being observed
on smart Parisiennes.
Seen smartly tied about the
throat, or £Nw ;ng from
the shQylf~grs on frocks or
- oats.
Side Irapey 1now tends1
more to the right thian to
the left. Bak view shlown
Gathering 'at the waist is
seen on many chic models,
contrasting thle blouse and
full skirt.

Tea and evening frocks
dhow many a hemline fall-
ing to the floor, tbut, long



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