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February 11, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-11

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Wlie, And Children Wail At Iiea'l Of
Shlaft In iollinger Mies As
Work ()oes Forward i


.. .. .. .

(11v As ociateO Prss.)
EVERETT, Mass., Feb. 10.-With a:
conIcliss(1I that rocked this city and
was felt for many miles beyond, a
unit of 10 large stills in the refining (.apt. Franik lhii
plant. of Ihe Beacon Oil company here Wolverine leader who
exploded late today, causing a heavy 1\lichigan against Purdue
loss o! life. Early tonight the known a crucial contest. Te c
dead numbered 10, but it is believed idetermine definitely the
that other bodies lay covered in the ? pionship aspirations am
red hot ruins of the stills section. At Ten.

"Religion in terms of modern
thought, in terms of 'science and psych-
ology-that is what I give to my con-
gregations in Guildhouse," said Maude
Royden to a Detroit correspondent
yesterday. She continued to remark
that she believes that there are great
moral laws just as there are great
laws of science, and that man must
break himself on these laws, not that
the laws can be broken for man.
These few words contained the epi-
tome of her stand on religion, and ex-
plain the great hold that she has won
for herself in the evangelistic field.
Miss Royden is at present in De-
troit, where she delivered a lecture
last night on the subject, 'England
and America-Can They Ever be
Friends ?'" She will continue fromj
Detroit to Ann Arbor, where she will
deliver the address at the Student
Iconvocation to be held Sunday morn-
ing in Hill auditorium.
As the leader of Guildhouse. London,
rina n Miss Royden occupies a unique posi-
will lead tion in the world. The Guildhouse is
tonight in known as one of the most distinctive
uitcome will centers of religious thought and social
local cham- effort in England and thousands upon
ong the Big thousands of people have gone to
Guildhouse from Sunday to Sunday to
!hear this brilliant woman expound
her conception's of the modern life
and the parttthat modern religion may
urninbe expected to play in it.
Reporters in all cities have been
fascinated with .Miss Royden. As
Time put it, "Reporters who were
present at the arrival of Maude Roy-
den to the United States were pre-
Fifth Annual !
ational Night ALBIONSCO NDSG
rch 6 in Hill-
pices of Cos- Ranitz And Balsamo Score Brilliant
ing the or- Shots In 43-23 Victory For
ign students MichiganI 'B' Team1

pared to find a large woman with
little conversation and a large smile.
They found instead, a small, mercur-
ial, unbeautificd, talkative lady, lean-
ing on a chestnut stick. She answered
their questions readily and with wit."
lAnd the Detroit Free Press said yes-
terday, "Over against the militant
f gure of Emmeline Pankhurst, the his-
tory of woman suffrage may well set
the gentle and energetic spirit of
Maude Royden. For Maude Royden
:s a lady who does not forget certain
elegances because she is a 'preach-
The subject of Miss Royden's ad-
dress Sunday morning has not yet
been announced.
i ny iver~t' Expedition lit Greenland
Will Supply Veather Reports
And information
Information and weather report
that will be compiled at the Univer-
sity northern weather station in

house Pass
Six ii
bright new

'' fl hIIT lU I MIMES ELECT 13
TIRllThirteen men were elected to
membership in Mimes, campus dra-
matic society, at the regular meet-
ingAheld this week in the Mimes
theater, according to an announce-
ment made yesterday by James Yant,
1'31M, president of the organization.
OUR DAY DEBATE ON IThose selected were Paul C. Samson,
IDENTIAL TENURE '28M, Richard C. Kurvink, '29, Wil-
TO CLOSE -am rE Edwards, '30, George T.
_-Tremble, '30, Daniel H. Buell, '30A,
BILL RIDER FAILS L. Farnum Buckingham, '28, Robert
W. Manss, '30, Kenneth G. Patrick,
ryApr i '29, Dalton D. Walper, '29, Raymond
Cs Army A)ProPrIatiol OT M. Read, '28, Arthur M. Hinkley, '29,
H 'on To Cover R er Charles A. Coolidge, '28A, and Hugh
rvys Of Engineers Claney, '30.
By Associated Press.) Initiation will take place next Wed-
. - nesday afternoon in the Mimes the-
GTO, Feb. 10. -- A ater and will be followed by the
"Keep Off .- The Grass'' annual Mimes banquet in the Union.

sign to protect the presidential no-
third-term tradition, nailed into place
by more than a 2 to 1 vote by the
senate, gave to the legislative day
of February 10, 1928, its chief clain
to a place in congressional and po-
litical history.
The resolution by which the sena-
tors informed the White House and
the country that they thought two
terms enough was an expression of
opinion, and nothing more. It is not
legally binding, however much stock


least 50 were injured, many serious-
Eight charred bodies had been tak-
en to an undertaking establishment,
and another was in sight beneath
the caved-in walls of one of the stills.
Vito Raneso, of Everett, one of 30
injured taken to the Massachusetts
General hospital, died there of burns.
The oil company's plant occupied a
tract of about 5p) acrees on the bank
of the Mystic river in East Everett.
The stills affected form one unit in
a total of 25 in the plant. R. B. Kahle,
president of the company, said that
the explosion probably was caused
by the failure of a low l ressure
In the refining process the crude
oil is first carried through coils and

Cosmopolitans Announce 1
1rogram To Be Pre
On MarchG

may be taken ill it by
of the day and of the
it was adopted, 561
ctrnP d f lnsiar

the politicians
future. before
to 26, it was
ai,;, n ~


The fif;th annual Inter'u
program will be given Ma:
auditorium under the ausp
mopolitan club, culminat
ganized work of the fore

vaporized at low pressure. The gases of the University for this year. SinceD
then are cooled and redistilled at the first production of the organiza- LOVELL AND MYRON STAR
higher pressures. Kahle said he did tion in 1924, the work has developed'
not think any high pressure still had considerably, and it is thought by the Sensational basket shooting by
let go. directors that this year's program Kanitz and Balsamo from the far reg-
Explode In Pairs will be"the best in the club's history. ions of the court, and the uncanny
The explosion shattered windows The program itself will be made up '
over a wide area about the plant. almost entirely of campus talent, and ability of Lovell and Myron to hold
The stills blew up singly or in pairs. is under the direction of Mrs. J. H. the rival offense to 'seven field goals
The flames shot up to a height of 80 Scott and Mrs.. Robert Winters. Among stoppedi Albion college, last year's
feet above the 100 feet structures, the countries that will be represented M.I.A.A. champions, and the Michigan
and a fall of dense smoke hung over will be China, Japan, the Philippines,
the plant hampering the work of res- India, Germany, Hungary, Italy, and B cagers swept on to an easy 43 to
cuers. ! Russia. The costumes used will be 23 victory last night at the field house
About 300 persons were employed j the native dress of all the represented before 1,000 spectators..
in the entire plant, of whom' 150 nationalities. One of the more at- Kanitz amassed five field goals and
were in the section chiefly affected ractive features now in preparation five free throws for a total of 15
by the explosion. Most of those kill- is a tableau of Indian home life in points to top Balsamo, who secured
ed were at work about the stills, but charge of Achy Iype, president of the 'four goals and one charity 'shot, by
in the machine shop nearby four men Hindustan club. It will be given in four markers. Lovell also contributed
lost their lives. When the fire was pantomime to show the intimate and four baskets and a free toss as his
brought uler control about two j largely unknown features of the In- share to the Michigan triumph, the
hours after the first shock, six 'of dian civilization. first of the "B" team this season.
the stills had fallen and the other Other acts in preparation are a While Kanitz and Balsamo were
four wore severely damaged. Kahle German male quartette accompanied dazzling the Albion defense with their
set 'the property loss at $75,000. in its selections by the music of the fast floor work, the Michigan defense
Americanization group of the Perry compo'sed of Lovell, Margram, and
FO.I'Y RI'IEAI'VE 1 IN T I MM NS ' school, native edances of Hawaii and , Myrln presented a well nigh imreg-
3I1N ES IE 1111141FAi :iIII ATy' the Philippines, Italian national prize nable wall to tihe visitor's oifens.
songs, and a fquartette of American holding Bromiley and Carlson, the Al-
Ey A sociated l're'.) Negroes singing spirituals. The pro- bion scoring aces, to a field goal each
TPO1ONTO, Feb. 1 1- Alost two gitln has been arranged with in eye in the first haif.
score men were 1trapued by fire in to its originality and cosmopolitan Michigan forged into thoeIead isl-
the Hlollinger mines at Timmins t 'ep'prese1tatiorn, as in forme1 years, mediately after headpcni wile
dlay, and( as thle i'eteu(' work went anid this year the various featulres ad wsnvrhae adol
forward t heir wivesc waondchildren 1l1' Iupon awider sphe of inter- once was the lead threatened, early in
waied athe shet heas i eping national activity than ever before, the game. Field goals by Lovell and
and prayig. Ticket sales for International Night K anitz and free throwstby1 e atlme
Four .bodies were brought ot, but are under, the direction of Donato t o gave Michigan a 7 to 1 lead ith
sevural hours after the fire bloke Suyat, and information coi erniitg the fiey only a few i nurtes 0o.
outinP~(~U~ti11 a~ fet udr-them will be publishedi soon. Rlichar l To field tosses and free throw by
out in ex.'cava tions 550 feet 'Under- thmw' epbise on ihr Carlson reduced the Michigan advant-
ground rescue crews had not yet Woelihaf, graduate assistant in the s le>ined the Michigan
been able to reach the place where play production department, will as- age o one ) as but th Michigan
21 more miners were believed to be sist with the lighting effects and gen- scotin he sset in rapid ato
imprisoned. Their escape, if they eral staging. Synd Hossain is acting ' toring the soitte at htf.a
were still alive, was cut off by fumes as general chairman of the affair. Albion, refreshed by the respite be-
from the fire. Procecds from the sale of tickets will Alonreesdbyteepiei-
(inizens In Rescue Work E be used in furtheiing the work of I moent atles te hbgiack ft
All work in Tim'mins was halted various international student organi- sentaly ath begnning o te
an te iiznstrnd utp 'frcnations on the campus: second half and began cutting a deep
and the citizens turned out in force swath in the advantage piled up by the
to offer assistance in the rescue (asui--Michigan cageman in the first ses-
work o. G. Williams, general super- COOPER IS SECO D sion. Accurate pegging by Carlson
itendent of the ine, took personal IN CHICAGO MEET and Bromeley hoosted the Albion
charge of the quentk, leading rescue total points to 15, while the "B" team
parties on frequent descents into the r Tswas scoring five to bring its total to
nint number 11, in the hope of event- Prout Ties For Third In Pole Vault 125.
fully getting below the fourth, fifth. While Peltzer And Osborne 'I'lle Michigan defense then tighte1ne
and i+1h levels where the men were Are Both Beaten jagain and made Albion 's spurt short-
, -",.,..4t- n lcarn. and Lovell

Greenland will be utilized in the OIJjUUkdIbi5 111,LU11
sppea of anguage aiming to it
ka wdirectly at President Coolidge; butl
making of an airplane flight to on the other hand, the Senate refus-
Stockholm in June, according to an ed 76 to 5 to limit the two-term stip-
nnouncement made yesterday. B. R. ulation to "elective" periods in of-
J. Hassell, of Rockford, Ill., will fice. While the senate thus was
bringing to an end its four days off
make the flight, it was announced debate on presidential tradition and
by William C. Naylor of Detroit, the politics, the House was spending the
chief engineer of the Stinson air- whole day on appropriations. It sent
craft corporation. the army bill over to the Senate with
Decision to utilize the University some $6,000,000 added to the com-
facilities was made after a confer- mittee recommendations. Most of
ence yesterday between Naylor and this, $5,000,000, is to pay for river
Hassell and Prof. William H. Hobbs surveys which would be made by
of the geology department, director army engineers over and above the
of the University Greenland expedi- surveys contemplated under the us-
tions. The flight, beginning from Chi- ual lump sum appropriation of $50,-I
cago or Rockford this spring, will 000,000 for river and harbor devel-
follow the great circle route, pass- opment.
ing over Greenland and Iceland and Reject Appropriation Rider
the Norwegian coast. The total dis- The House rejected a Democratic
tance to Stockholm from Chicago is attempt to saddle a rider on the billj
4,283 miles, but one stop will be to prevent use of its appropriations
made in Greenland on a sand flat at to send troops abroad without spe-
the head of the Sondre Stroem'jord cific congressional authority. Some
within 12 miles of the University Texas Democrats shifted over to join
station, a distance of 2100 miles from the opposition to that proposal, but
Chicago by air. The stop will be otherwise the vote was largely a
made to replenish the gasoline sup- party division.
ply. Fuel will be taken to this point With the army bill out of the way,
by the University expedition, con- the House began "general debate" on
sisting of Professor Hobbs, Prof. the treasury-post office bill and gen-
Ralph L. Belknap, assistant director eral debate at this stage means dis-
of the expedition, and Duncan Ste- cussion of almost any other subject
wart, Jr., of the department. The, than the bill before the house. The
latter group will go to Greenland in floor attendance dwindled from 200
latter members to less than a dozen.
The possibility and practicability In Senate committees new investi-
of an air route from the midle West gations, this time of the use of in-
tof Eu ai rouyter teidleNest junctions in labor strikes, became a
to Europe by the Artic region will i possibility. The judiciaryr committee
be the main purpose of the flight. A iitd Tan iiationar tomtake up
Stinson monoplane, specially equip- bt atedanapoli ca stke and
ped and outfitted as was the "Pride the Pennsylvania coal strike aspects
of' Detroit," used by Brock and' of the injunction controversy, but took
Schlee in their around-the-world no definite action.
flight last year, will be used by the 'oninitte ('onsiders Strike
two fliers. In the meantime, another Senate
committee was considering whether to
CANZONERI PROVES RIGHT authorize a general inquiry into the
TOBXN A POSU coal srik itelf but it deferred ac.
rO BOXINCG CfAMPIONSHIPtion. There were indications that
such ininvestigation would be voted
(Bv Associatcd Press.) later, to cover the whole situation in
NEW YORK, Feb. 10.-In one of the Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio.j
most vicious battles the new Madison Due to the third debate, the Senate
I Square garden ever has seen, Tony did no other bu'siness today except to
Canzoneri, youthful New Yorker, to- confirm some nominations, but it ap-
night clinched full claim to the feather- peared to get ample. amusement and
weight championship by whipping political edification for one day, par-
Bennie Bass, bulldog of Philadelphia, ticularly out of watching its own Re-1
in 15 slashing rounds. publican presidential candidates.

I Rockford Players Begin New Progra'
Tonight With Mrs. Mansfield
In Barrie Comedy
Opening the fourth week of their
stock engagement at the Whitney
theater, the Rockford Players will in-
troduce a novel bill beginning with
tonight's pctrformance and runninOj
through next Friday night. The bill
will be double and will include a
revival of Shaw's "Great Catherine,"
with Amy Loomis and Robert Hennd-
erson, and Sir James M. Barrie's one-
act war comedy, "The Old Lady
iShows Her Medals," starrijig Mrs.
Richard Mansfield.
Amy Loomis, who was director of
the Junior Girls' play "Castles In
Spain," three years ago, played the
title role in the Shaw farce with
Comedy Club, when the first perfor-
mances were given in Ann Arbor.
During succeeding perfornances the
vehicle established a reco'rd for the
number of performances enjoyed by.
any campus drama, and was revived
several times at the Mimes theater.
Henderson also played his role of the'
drunken Prince Patiombin at that
time. Miss Loomis appeared Jere
last summer and spring with the
Rockfolrd Players, when they were
were playing to benefit the Women's
league, but is no longer a regular
I member of the company. S'he has but
recently been dismissed from the
hospital, and due to ill health will
be unable to play successive per-
formances for the entire week of the
present engagement.
Because o,f this, two performances
of "The Cradle Snatchers," and one
of Frederick Lonsdale's sm'art farces,
"Aren't We All," will be interspersed
1 with the regular bill. The Lonsdale
play will be given at the Wednesday
I matinee only, while "The Cradle
Snatchers" will be given on Monday
I night and at the Saturday afternoon
matinece. Cham'les Warburton will
support Miss Loomis and Henderson
in the Shaw play, and other members
of the com'pany will be featured.
Henderson directed both productions.
"Great Catherine" is being costum-
ed with special gowns furnished by
I the Brooks Costume company of New
York, and are said to be the most
colorful ever used in the production
of this play. Miss Loomis' fourth act
costume, in particular, is of red vel-
vet and ermine and was originally
1 worn by Doris Keane in "The Czar-
' ina."
This afternoon the company is pe-
sentin , an added ierformance of

Maize And Blue Arrive At Another
Parting Of Ways; Game To Be
Decisive Test
By Herbert E. Vedder
Championship aspirations will meet
their severest test tonight when Mich-
igan encounters undefeated Purdue on
the field house court in a game which
threatens to be one of the most mo-
mentous of the 1928 Big Ten basket-
ball race. Defeat for Michigan will
mean practical elimination from
titular consideration in view of the
fact that the Wolverines lost their
first two Conference tests.
Nearly four weeks ago Michigan
played host to a fine Indiana quintet
in their first critical game. The
Maize and Blue had not won a game
and had lost two; Indiana was unde-
feated. The Wolverines were at the
first fork in the long road that repre-
sents a Big Ten basketball season
and they chose to take the trail lead-
ling to higher rankings. Today those
same Wolverines are rated as con-
tenders for the championship of the
Big Ten for a third successive year,
but a defeat tonight would bring their
total of losses to three and give Pur-
due a perfect record with four wins,
thus effectually crushing any hope en-
t'ertained by Coach Veenker's team,
and setting the Boilermakers well in
front of the pack, which now includes
Wisconsin, Northwestern and Illnois
as well as Michigan. Truly tonight's
game is another parting of the ways.
May Complicate Race
By winning tonight Michigan per-
haps can prove herself the strongest
team in the Conference at present,
although this is not taking into con-
sideration the quintet which opened
the season so disastrously. By win-
ning tonight she will throw the race
into a "free-for-all"; if Wisconsin
wins in this event she can leap into
the lead, and five teams must be con-
sidered in the race.
Purdue has the better record and
probably should be conceded the edge
over Michigan, but this is hardly to
be conjured over. Michigan will be
playing on her home court before her
home crowd, and with top-notch op-
position, should play a high grade of
ball. If she shows one of those
streaks of indifference, it will prob-
ably be a different story.
Two Veterans Playing
Purdue was considered fortunate in
having four regulars return this year
but such has been the calibre of ma-
terial at Coach Lambert's disposal
that only two of these are slated to
start tonight; the others have been
displaced by new blood.
"Stretch" Murphy, a lad of some 6
feet 7 inches, has displaced Cummins,
high point man in the Conference at
center and is a real scoring power al-
though a bit weak on defense. Cum-
niuns, on the other hand, satisfies him-
self with occasional substitutions at
forward or center.
Captain Wheeler has been rather a
regular at forward again but the other
forward of 1927, Wilson, has declined
to a substitute place with Harmeson
doing regular duty. Kemmer has kept
his place at guard but Schnater, a
wonderfully fast dribbler has shoved
"Cotton" Wilco to the bench. Purdue

has a fast versatile team competent
of the best of basketball.
For that matter, Michigan has a
team that has risen to the heights on
occasion, displaying both a fine of-
fense and close guarding at different
Oosterbaan, Harrigan To Pair
Capt. Frank Harrigan and Bennie
( hsferaaa wVU'il answr wte rol call at
forwards as usual These two have
ben geftiny back into their stride
plenty of trouble. Harrigan who has
been clearly off form practically all
year, has been showing much better
during the past week, according to
Coach Veenker, and may be expected
to do better.
Chapman will undertake the rather
difficult task of jumping against
Murphy while McCoy will retain his
guard post. At the other guard, it is
a toss-up between Raber and Orwig.
Raber will probably start but Orwig
can be counted on to play a great part
of the time. Orwig is a great ball
hawk, and showed himself to be one

trappcd and finding some outet for
rihui L(By Associated Press.)
TheseItries '.nt t , t r r) f CHICAGO, Feb 10..-Dan lam
necessity o' short duration as the former University of Illinois star, now
smoke and gas was dense. Rescue comnpetinghfor the Chicago A. A.,
work was seriously hamdicapped by equalled tie world's indoor record
lack of oxygen for the respirators for the 60-yard high hurdles when he
worn by the volunteer rescuers. cleared the barriers in :07 3-5 seconds.
Although the fire was at the 550 Cooper, of Michigan, was second, with
foot level, the fumes penetrated to Chich Werner, a former Illini star,
the 1800 .foot level. It was believed third.
the ijre might well burn for several The pole vault went to Laddy Mey-
days before it could be brought un- ers of C. A. A., member of the 1924
der control. American Olympic team, with a leap
fof 13 feet. Droegemueller of North-
western with 12 feet 9 inches, was
TEAPOT DOME COMMITTEEsecond. Prout of Michigan and War-
TO EXAMINE ROCKEFELLER ren, a Northwestern freshman, tied
for third with 12 feet 3 inches.
(By Associated Press.) I The crack Iowa State team won

r Kam ltZ, tSila i1V , u vr
O4-'i~i"l ~ll~QOi~~proclivities of
aid shot goal after
, Ojl from the field and foul line until
the end of the game to give Michigan
43 points against Albion's 2.
Coach Harry Kipke will take the
"B" cagers to Detroit tonight where
they will meet tho strong Detroit
City college five. The same line-up
that started against Albion last night
will be pitted against the Detroiters

By request The Daily herewith pub-
lishes the complete statement issued
at the close of the recent conference
of a committee of the Women's Hous-
rng league with President Clarence
Cook Little regarding housing condi-
tions for women on the campus. The
sy P;et. ai ned b' Pres'.d ent Little
Sa7,,e, states the results of the
conference and suggests plan's for
further future cooperation with Univer-
sity authorities. The statement follows:
After a considerable discussion in
which the points of view of the league
and of the university were clearly
stated and compared, the conference
decided that the following statement
be issued:
1. The committee of the league felt
that Dr. Little had been somewhat un-
fair in emphasizing the, difficulties
and failure's of the present system of
housing instead of giving reasonable
emphasis to those houses which had
done their best to live up to the rules
and to maintain an establishment

'EADS AND LITTLE Cradle Snatcers"by Norma Mitch-
Illamid Rusel Mederaft. Followed by
'IENDLY ARGUMENT the performance tonight of "The Old
ady Shows Her Medals," and "Great
those interested, but he also gladly Catherine," this means that the play-
admitted the reasonableness of the I ers will be presenting three plays
request of the committee and agreedI in a single day. Through this re-
to take more pains in the future that pertory several of the actors are
in public utterances due credit 'be thrown into widely contrasting roles.
given to those members of the league t Matrvel Garnsey is playing Kitty Lake
whose efforts had begn unselfish and ; in "Cradle Snatchers" this after-
calculated to achieve results of a more j noon; Princess Dashkoff in "Great.
di -rable nat:r'e f"r th . '! ,'..Catherine;" and O- o f ' u1 r'0-
'i oa ,mmittte n _it art agre-d men, Mrs. Twimlev, in The md tAdy
to do its best to see to it that the IShows Her Medals." Robert ib'nde
members of the league fulfilled the son also is cast in two widely sepae-
requirements of the University, and rated roles as Jose Vallejo in "Cra-
that those who used their opportunity dIe Snatchers" and his old role of
for selfish gain to the disadvantage the drunken Patiomkin in "Great
d the students were detected and Catherine."
were given in opportunity, under the
supervision of the league, to fulfill INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL
the term's of their contract.
5. It was suggested by the league TO ELECT NEW PRESIDENT
and agreed that a committee of girls
representing league houses and the The first meeting of the semester{
Women's league of the University be of the Interfraternity council will be
appointed to confer with the commit- held Monday afternoon at the Michi-
tee of the Women's Housing league in gan Union. At this time, a new presi-
matters of mutual interest. It is dent will be elected, owing to the
understood that Miss Grace Richards, graduation of Wayne Schroder, '28,
representing the office of the advisers former presiding officer of the organ-

The production of George Cohan's
latest comedy drama, "The Home



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