-T 10, 1928 TV, A' THE 1VI.ICHIGA DAILY ' PAGE THREE VRTDAY', FEBRUARY 10, 1928 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE } _ M''ISS HOFMNWILMoncada W~ill Seek Office In Vicar-gzua PBCT NEW LIBRARY ca' ,lim pointmient o0. Miss Ellen A. I? oliman as the new ibrarian of the I ,ra r wh icli the School of Forestry arjil Conservation is to establish o. fthe first floor of Nat ural Science b~uildling. The Loard of Re-gents ate- piroved her appointment at their liA neetig. M~iss Hoffman will take over her duties thle first week in March.. Mxiiss 11 ofm'an was formerly librar- ian of the Public Library at Ypsi-G Ilaifii. She studlied lilbrary science atjA; the 17'niversit y of Michigan and at t tie Uniiversity of Wisconsin. Upon radinai ion, shoe was emp~loyed by the : AV isconsin State Library commission andt engagedl in work at the state ii- brary in that state. Later, Miss Hoff-, man blecamie librarian for the Forest I ioducets laboratory at Madison, 1is., a plosit ion which she has held Wlho wit up to thie present. i iriat es fo U pont her arrival in Ann Arbor, auga in .At Js i-- offlmant will organize andi build next Auigu r,; a forest ry library. United sty C.71 Waite Attends Code Rex ,ision Conference PI? -f.I;)III . Wait~e of the Law sehoo 01attended a eonfe~ence ill New York last, week of a conmnitt ee of the Amiericani Law Inst itute to which was (1o1egated the t ask of revisinig the-, (rillina 1 code. The commiitteye has imeecii en ;agedt in this work for more hInn t wo yea rs. P rofessolr Wa it e will' ;,o t) ainother meeting early in April at.V N 'h ltTie it is expect ed that souncdefinlitIe coniclusionis w i lie (1181 XII. 1) uriing the celelnaition o1 the cenl- 1 ennary of the R~oyal Free liIospital of lloI, Adon(e01flthe gifts was a 1pud(- (U~g weighing 50) poundls. MATHER'S CONDITION IS REPORTED SATISFACTORY The coindition of Edwin ,J. M:\ather, who has been unable to assume his dutiies as Varsity basketball coac'h this seaison, is reported to be "as well as could be expectedl" by his physi- c'ian at St. Joseph's hosp~ital. PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS Corona, Underw-ood, Remington, Royal. We havie al] miakes. Somec in colored deco finishes. 0}. D. MORRILL 17 '.iclkels Arcade. Phone 661. Coach Yost Returns Fielding II. Yost, (irector of01ath- let ics, retuned yeste rday 7nornilig from a fortniighlt's visit to GCrand Rapids and suirrunadinug cities. Dunr- ing the pr'ogre0ss of his trip, Yiost ad- driessedI various clbs aiil public mieetings oil subjects relative to ath- let ics at. Michigan and (e1se0where. ' COLLEGE MEN AND WOMEN will find the Packard Restaurant bigger and better than? ever. 703 Packard St. I, ' F1 _, ,l, add¢ _ its = ,.a X1 bie ' le o1f (lie P 1, ag("Im- oril liepresidenlcy of'Ni car- thle elect ion '8ch"''dltedl toy list lun(101'1lie auspi'es (of the ,,it :es. Ific, :WW,,-l0c Night, a ~~~~PRICES 'I tin I.a~ Jitillflees l(fe, 'AR, -I 3icliig'an siage 1031nlt o .: THE MASTER O WIT B-wL Lw-iY0 H USEE. AND CO.- In I a '11181117 1111111 I1811111111 6111111 81 I181I I 111 111111111111118181 1111C111111 11111111 _ 'The Home of iart chaf fner and Marx" When Ithe Aobins R®etur .you'llWant to Know All About "Fashions Foremost" I .in Men's Wearing Apparel.Y F - Come in and Let Us Show You the Newest in "Fashions and Fabrics" Comprising the Fore- most Lai *of Men's and Young F - Men's Clothing. Hart, Schaffner & Marx Coli adWetherbee w 118 E. WASHINGTON ST. f Y NOWAT EDUCED ' i aile i 1W ('a rolina iIsta il 4 ~is 1.4" thle 'ItanI wivo ph olt'raj)letI °L~hraii C'overed Wwu'onl!" Uai Iitows"lt i ' a i tm' l I by the . N w Y r l1, ! r h e ? a ll r tc 'o i'd ' :n flin t c ii a qarambuw i~c r A p : 7 - r '' , 9'°'- r 1 4, l .: 13 PRICES! 'Er " "This is Parker rressureless, Touch. This pen's feather-light vweigh t alone is sufficient to start and keep it writing. No effort, no fatigue. Doubly remarkable because the new Duofold is 28% lighter than when made with rubber, due to Permanite, a new material 1Q0 times as strong as rubber-in fact, Non-Breakable. But Press uareless Touch is most important because of its ef- fect of taking all the effort out of writing. 3 sizes, 6 graduated pen points 5 flashing colors, to suit men's and women's hands and tastes. ]Parker Duofold Pencils to match pens, $3, $3.50 and $4. Look for "6Geo. S. Parker- DUOFOLD" to be sure of the genuine. TH~E PARKER PEN COMPANY JANESVILLE, WISCONSIN uofold Jr4U) LyDofold;$5. Over-site $7 Red aWi Ulack Color (Comb, Beg. Trade Mark U. S. Pat. 09, yI -s4 - L . ' A KARL BROWN PRODUCTION 'I ADOLPH ZUK(OR ;ESSE L. LASI4Y HA1lL 1ROALCH1 WITH ILOVE & HISSES lI i iogrianis Versitality World's A Best ilhigall Nelws Reel NAIv elty 3 IVSIC BY 1"RA)YDI 1101 AANN AT TICIE GRANDE ORGAN RuAIN, WlIE)EIIIHOLD'S ON THE SCREEN WILLIAM FOX presents Tirtue is Its *'v ei rei'ard-- but it takes 'Clothes to hind thie man1. MXICI-1IGAX i ICIItEST1RA .i .i i yg.... You don't w ant her" ,141,ll.she's just a little girl!" Tite stniggle ci' fmluer antd son for the same wVomanl. He(re's tile picture15 that's NOTE! This is the picture that was selected for 'Fresh- man Week. Sunday-Mary Astor in "Rose of the Golden West" Special Or'g'an Request.. iuber at 1:15' There's Room for Evergone At the MichiganI _; l Subsic .ribe For the Weekly ClisFecer DrugC.sMdYarFuti-Fstival 'p1 Fr'da ad StraFbua' b i t' .. _ I . t F G d', .. ..a t r ',, i q Yr 1 iiff tyd I! f. Y .K i y r ® ' --- ° +o z { a ,_, s w . , l ry y ill i are/ A; .r i S "i ." Y ' S. j ; r ,' . arI ^1 f.+7 trY s,. '° 4 ii r i is w ' 4, iY J% R ;+ n Ile Sodas. . Th Malted Milks. 20c t C'sIlCtl Pille- aiaple Sun- daue........20c CrushIedl Straw- liar........20C a Chocolate Sundae with Almtonds op Pet--itsm . . 2i5 Afle ........10c BUY COLD DII K -'- E AHO xiFRE You'l '1ehver know how zestful and delicious drinks, sodas and sundaes can be until you try one at our elec- trically refrigerated ''Liquid Mfe- chianicold Fountain,'" thle fountain advertised in. the Saturday . Eveiihi2; Post. MECHANIlCOLD )y FO't4t'flrN (Come Tril dav F8 lriday or Saturday and treat yourself and your friends to tihe freshest, tastiest, livest drink foods -on have ever tasted-Remem- her: Buy a cold drink and get alhot drink FREE! Hot _Cocal- tine ....20c Hot Fudge Sundae . 20c Whitman's Chocolates---The Perfect Valentine Gift All Candy Sold During This Event Will Be Boxed and Mailed Free of Charge ...r A.. .rsrr.. ® m s s ® . s - ® r m a w 1 .-m I *"p J'e - - -- -