ESTABLISHED 1890 CJr 4 ML-ML- MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVIII, No. 96. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1928 EIGHT PAGES { - _ - _ _ ___- I I rnlflAnITTrr onrOT WIGARGOYLE ISSUEI UU1111111I ILLNub L[GAL MEASURES CONSERVATION 01 TENTATIVE LAWS DRAF1 INSURE PRACTICA PRESERVATION BATES ACTIVE IN Group Will Continue Active7 And Recommend Measu Regarding Gas Recommendation submitted Committee of Nine, on 'whi Henry M. Bates of the Law sc been serving as chairman, ha made public by Secretary Hube of the interior department. T mittee has been at work sir 10, 1927, drafting tentativel the conservation of oil and gas, which were submitted junction with a report on ti lative needs of the petroleum try. The bills, if enacted, wo L I PROVESPOPULAR SWith the success of this month's F issue, Gargoyle was forced to keep its presses running overtime to sup- OLply the bookstore demand for copies. OI The sales were double those of last month and were indicative of the type of work the staff did in this TED TO burlesque of "The Weekly For Every- L % body." The opinion which the campus has shown of the book is seconded by WORK 'Liberty itself which has been helpful in suggesting matters for satire and To Study has sent photographers to snap the res bu skness staff. These Ipictures will appear soon in one of their numbers. The entire book from the stories to by the the cartoon follies is one of the best ch Dean I numbers which has come out, in the h opinion of members of the staff. hool has I_ _ ave been rt Work het corkI PLANS ANNOUNCED FOR Che com- nce Dec. laws for nae frOATORICAL CONTESTS natilra in con~- he legis- mi indus- uld tend Prof. James O'Neill Announces Plans For Annual Northern League Forensic Cobtes1 nATV CVT VFD TiYdUTC to modernize the existing methods of I DATE1II7 SE2 1' UR IKI UU I Z developing oil pools, and to increase the efficiency of production. This in Anslfrynoh e ato turn would result in practical con- I plans for the Northern Oratorical servation. league contests was made yesterday Although a very complete report by Prof. James M. O'Neill, head of was submitted and legisation was the speech department. suggested, the committee was not dis- I charged as there is further work toTryouts to select the Michigan rep- be done in relation to the conserva- resentative in the contests will be tion of natural gas found in connec- held in March. Sophomores and tion with oil pools. juniors competing will be heard at 4 Consider Conservation o'clock on Monday, March 12. The Considering true conservation not to mean the 'withholding from present ;place has not been determined as yet.I use the nation's resources, but that From this group one sophomore and they should be drawn upon without two juniors will be chosen. The waste and in an orderly response to seniors will tryout the next afternoon the economic needs of the country, at the same time, two being selected. the committee recommended federal These five will compete in the fi'al legislation which shall unequivocally University contest which will be held declare that agreements for the co- at 8 o'clock Tuesday night, March 20. operative development and operation The winner in this contest will be of single pools are not in violation of awarded a cash prize of $100, while the Federal anti-trust laws. Permit, an award of $50 will be made to the in times of overproduction, of agree- student finishing second. ments between oil producers for the) To Represent University curtailment of production. The winner of this contest will also The committee recommended simi- represent the University in the annual Jar legislation for the various oil- contest with students from other producting states. mschools in the league. Four Big Ten They suggested immediate further schools and Western Reserve uni- study of the matter of the waste of versity make up the group. The four natural gas, in order that legislation I Western Conference members are may be formulated which will forbid Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, and such waste as fully as may be done Northwestern. without working injustice and un- May 4 is the date announced for the reasonable hardship. . final contest which will be held at the lRnecimmiends Action University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Legislatoin by Congress granting The winner in that contest also re- the secretary of the interior authori- ceives a $100 prize with $50 going to ty to join and to permit lessees from the speaker finishing second. the government; to join in agreements Length Limited for the cooperative development and The orations are to be of not more operation of single pools, was also than 1,800 words in length and may advised. be written upon any subject. Any The passage by Congress of the undergraduate man or woman in any legislation removing the existing 1 part of the University is eligible to mandate upon it to offer for release compete providing he or she has not annualy, regardless of conditions, !had more than four years of college 100,000 acres of Osage Indian land's work nor received a University de- was the final suggestion of the com- gree. inittee. 'The $150 for prizes in the league Th, d ti ni l n101 warp oontl -_ _ r . . - _. _i ..I.. ..t..V71.. i J 1 1 a t i I TERRIFIC WINDSTORM' DIRECT PROJECT MICIGAN EPEDITIONBUSIN IN MESOPOTAMIALSEE SWEEPS LOS ANGELES < BAGOAD ofeUNEARTHS AND NEARBY DISTRICT OLD ROMAN ARTICLES sideahasobee -- siring to tr BRUSH FIRES FANNED BY WIND PROF. WATERMAN IS LEADER office in the MENACE MANY11l ly'S IN OF EXCAVATION WORK o'clock this GLENDALE IN NEAR EAST At the mee ernoon, allt HIGH VOLTAGE KILLS BOY BRITISH MUSEUM ASSISTS business side ___tracts, local Dome Of Mt. Lowe Observatory Among .:Many Ancient Greek Relics Included vertising, c Several Buildings Wrecked By In Findings Of Archaelogy publication, California Gale Research At Tel Omar ments will b Any sopho (By Associated Press) Recent rep orts from the archaeol- ter freshmen LOS ANGELES, Feb. 9.-A terrific ogical expedition in Bagdad, Mesopo- for positions windstorm mowed a swath of havoc tamia, of which Prof. Leroy Waterman experience i in the Los Angeles region of Southern of.the Semitics department of the vertising, in California today and then departed al- University of Michigan is director, in- ion, and in most as quickly as it came. dicate that all preliminary excava- tamed by w The gale tore off the dome of Mt. --lions have been completed. A number Lowe observatory, near Pasadena, of Roman and Greek articles have al- and cracked a huge telescope in two. ra been unearthed in the upper The wind at times reached a velocity I-sTi site te f vations s of 60 miles an hour and wrecked located at Tel Omar, about 12 miles houses, tore up trees, fanned into south of Bagdad and is believed to flames two fires that menaced many contain the ancient city of Opis, the fine buildings, and crushed several northern terminus of the great Median airplanes.K wall built by Nebuchadnezzar for the Extenpoane Boy Is Killed protection of his capital, Babylon. Be Held Chester Hammack, a 13-year-old Bricks bearing the name of Nebuchad- Cont boy, was killed when he grasped a nezzar have been found on the site, as 4000-volt electric line which had have Greek and Roman articles. PRIZES blown down near his home in Pasa- Romans Last At Site dena. So far as is known, this is the The Romans were the last to occupy Definite an only death in the storm. gal the ancient city and consequently for the prel One of the fires burned over several their articles were the first to in the extem hundred acres of the Verdugo Hills, found by the excavators. The final te'st sponsor back of Glendale, near here. The other Professor Leroy M. Waterman of site for digging had not been selected sociation wa fire was in the Flint Ridge district, the Semitics department (above) and as yet but all preliminary digging has E.Eiserman where it burned over a large area. Blakemore Godwin, director of the [ been completed, according to latest year's cte Both fires were under control tonight Toledo Museum of Arts are engaged information. The date after hundreds of fighters battled the in a joint project in the hopes of find- The expadition, which is a coopera- has been set flames most of the day. ing the lost city of Nebuchadnezzar at tive one of the University of Michi- 23 at 4 o'clo A patrol of 300 men was left on Tel Omar. Professor Waterman is gan and the Toledo Museum of Ar fitorstcontest duty to prevent a flareup. the director of the expedition. . wa; organized in the expectation of development Fire Menaces Clli finding a lost city and relics Over ,000 letics. Spea The Glendale fire first reached within years old. All articles found will be will be aske a'half mile of the Oakmount Countrypa ot divided with the Toledo museuhi club and menaced many cosyOLVERO OPEN which is financingthe expedion. F in the district. This fire was caused Professor Waterman, who is director The final c by the breaking of a high tension wire IN OEof work at Tel Omar, is spend e is for Feb. 28, in the gale early this morning. The ,1sabbitical leave in Bagdad where he subject for t Flint Ridge fire was started from a holds the position of annual profes-- be announce small smouldering brush fire. It sc-r of the American School of Oriental of the six n burned a Flint Ridge home valued at Michigan Two Mile Relay Quartet To Research in that city. trial. Trhe p $10,000 and threatened the Flint Ridge Ilun In Feature Event Of British Museum Aids held in roo Country club and riding academy . A. C. Meet Tonight Officials of the British museum at ing to Eiser In Glendale the gale smashed Bagdad has offered every assistance final will in Glendaler theD galeJsmashledEVENTto the project, according to the latest sfiin n hangar and wrecked the planes in it. COOPER IN HURDLE EVENT ttrsoTPrsfsfiordnatterman.'ec i n At Burbank the wind partly unroofed - r of Pfwere begnduring the ntest wi a schoolhouse and razed a church un- Wolverine trackmen will open their iltr s xvery bn duringotkecam pus audi ae cntuto. dw e 198idoat'Clock tmas holidays and actual work pries wil der construction. It tore down elec- 1928 indoor schedule at 8:00 o'clock on the excavation began Jan. 1. Thesendpa tric light poles and put 400 telephones I h rit is begsmd in 1.gThe second place out of commission. Many plate glass tonight, when they compete in the expedition is housed in irrigation day at the windows were broken. At Alfadena annual handicap games held at the bungalows loaned by the Bagdad gov- association. one house was toppled over and many Chicago Riding club under the direc- As assistant to Professor Waterman trees and poles were broken and up- tion of the Illinois Athletic club. In n the expedition is a young Syrian The winne rooted. aito to the Michigan team, Iowa w ieepdto i on yin~all plaque rtee airplaneswerecr d a te tcolle, Iowa Christian, a graduate of the University given to ith Three airplanes were crushed at State college, low-,university ad of Beirot and an experienced Arcael- honors Bo Bria, southeast of here. - Notre Dame will be represented in ogist Professor Waterman has visit- ished by the the meet. ed various excavation camps in Egypt, The judg CHOOSE MEN FOR I The Maize and Blue contingent ar- Paestinj, and Mesopotamia during probably be DE ATING S AD rived in Chicago this morning and the past months. He was present at Law schoo ESOUAD will spend the day resting for to- Ur when the recent rich finds of the faculty of s] Eight men were selected yesterday I night's competition. The Chicago tomb of a prince of the First Dynasty Studentsd afternoon to compose the second se- Riding club has one of the best 10 (3,500 B.C.) were unearthed. For six test are req mester University debate squad. The I lap dirt tracks in this section of the weeks he was with Dr. Chiera of a to papers wv men are Jarl Andeer, '29, William I country. Harvard expedition near Kirkuk, I the door of Bishop, '28, Paul Franseth, '29, Law- I Relay Is Feature i where le familiarized himself with ical associat rence Hartwig, '31, Elliott Moyer, Among the features of the I. A. C. the Arabic vernacular, the methous and in' the 30L, Richard Savage, '30L, Howard games is the two mile invitation uni- for caring for and recording objects fourth floor Simon, '30, and John Webster, '30P. versity relay which will see the of value found, and for some time was From this group two three-man Michigan quartet composed of Leon- in charge of the Arab diggers. DISCU teams will be chosen, the remaining ard, Lomont, Monroe, and Hunt run- O- -IN two men being na-mned as alternates. ning against the Hawkeyes, Iowa ALUMNI COUNCIL OF I 'he affirmative team will meet lii- State, and Notre Dame. WILL MEET HERE: HAVANA nois in Hill auditorium on March 16 Iowa State flashed a speedy com- I MEET while the negative team goes to Mad- bination in the Milrose games which' intense disc ison for a debate with Wisconsin on were held in New York city a week The second annual meeting of the committee o the same night. ago, capturing second place in the Class Secretaries council of the ference's c two mile event, while the Hawk Alumni association will take place ternational rICAL PAPERS ON coaches claim to have four men who here March 10. There were 82 at the the conflict CLEMENTS LIBRAR Y have all covered the distance in less meeting of the council last year and rights and than two minutes in practice. it is expected that the number wll ject at issu hlie kept. In the exhibitiomn are two Monroe of the Wolverine cnombina- be increased this year. country to data sheets, one showing tire imports tion has been credited with a mark 'The regular meeting of the council affairs of a Idand sepots rom Ahric to Emnrs of less than two minutes for the dis- will be held in the afternoon, but in impossible and exports from America to E1g7 - ance, while the other three men have the morning there will be a confer- j which won] the other being a record of all the; been running in close to that time. ence of class secretaries whose classes to protect ti n.t- ' n. D i 111 1hs the 1 1stfor- are to hold reunions in June. itorial inte Notre !agie IS Ier iap5 1U1t5 u troops stationed in colonial forts and the number of companies in each milable of the four entris. PRESIDENT LITTLE ASSER regiment. , Othbers Entered KOne interesting eer lie received In addition to the two mile relay f DORMITORY PRO JEC cgt of rBo-t event, Coach St ephen Farrell has Bu- ton, relatinge details of the Bos- tered veteran performers in two of Expressimg surprise at the unfavor- will materi ton Massacre of March 5, 1775. he it the scratch events on the program, able reaction which his advocacy of fords a qui was exlained the Meghigence and ac- i the hurdles, and the pole vault. Coop- dormitories had caused among Ann itories whit ioms of tie commissiomers, and a r- er will perform in the 60 yard high Arbor residents, Presidcnt Clarence years to ol quest that the troops be withdrawn hurdles, while Prout will compete Cook Little yesterday explained that The Pres sfrom the city. A in his event, the pole vault. the dormitory project was not a new even in tt The entire collection is arramged IThe spectators at the games will idea, but that it has beeni amn integral built, there haccording to countries, volumes ap- be treated to another feature event part of the University policy. "The I alarm on pearing from Russia, France, South- as Dr. Otto Peltzer, Gernman middle VUniversity has always accepted every since: the . r ern Europe, and many of the more distance star, will renew his rivalry dormitory that was offered without housing of remote countries of the world. Be- with Ray Dodge, a-ce of the Ilinois cost and I merely propose the addition dormitories sesth res the wseverl . Bnes Athletic club team. Peltzer defeated of others without cost to the Uni- this num osinete etter sa comnmumes Dodge by a narrow margin last week ! versity," lie said. cripple the tof intercepted letters, and commu- t the Milrose games, and the latter The President also added that the Arbor. tcations from his various agents and hebwn unfavorable reaction is premnature President officials throughout the territories of charges him with elbowing. v nfavorable io is prubture Peint - GeatBriain On oftheletersoneven now, since it will doubtless be noon with Great Britain. One of the letters on jconsiderable time before the first of en's Housin Sview is - a 20 page correspondence the dormitories is secured. At the eral decisi from Henry Hamilton, governor ot HOCKEY GAME POSTPONED present time the administrative au- close of Detroit and the Middle West dis- thorities are investigating the plan of The comm tricts, telling of the sufferings he had The hockey team+ did not Michigan State college, President urge the m Sundergonewhile a prisoner of the leave for Wisconsin on account I-Little said, whereby the dormitories their best Colonies. In addition he has letters of the lack of ice, it was report- are built by a private corporation, ments of t from Benamin Franklin explaining Inu ;t Iane hour last night. Irented to University students, and dent Little SS STAFF KS TRYOUTS ywill be offered by The tam: experience on ak business part of news- it has been announced. tryouts for the business m issued and those de- y out will meet at the Pi'ess building at 4:15 afternoon. ting to be held this aft- the departments of the e of The Daily, the con- advertising, national ad- opywriting, circulation, and accounts depart- e explained. mores and second semes- a are eligible to try out 3on the staff. Practical n selling and writing ad- accounting, in circula- page makeuptare all ob-{ ork on the staff. i !-1 i CE DATS 1FORKa IG CONTSTS Ea -I ous Speaking Trials WillU 1 February 23; Final t est Is February 28 TO BE AWARDED inouncement of the datesP iminary and final trials poraneous speaking con- ed by the Oratorical as-t s made yesterday by Lyles , '30L, director of thist S t. . of the preliminary trialw t for Thursday, Februaryr ck. The subject for thiso is concerning the new1 s in inter-collegiate ath- tkers entering this trials J to speak on a particular s general topic. 'inal Date Seti ontest has been scheduled I at 8 o'clock at night. The his final contest will not d until after the selection1 en from the preliminary1 reliminary contest will be n 302 Mason hall, accord-t man, and the place of the be annomunckd later. If terest is shown, the lastt be held in one of the torium's. I be awarded for first andl es, it was decided yester- meeting of the Oratorical, Prizes Offered' r will receive a University , and a volume will be e man who wins second th award's will be furn- Oratorical association. es, as in the past, will six men chosen from the A and members of the peech. desiring to enter the con- nested to sign their names hich have been posted on the office of the Orator- ion, room 302 Mason hallj Alpha Nu room on the of Angell hall. SS RIGHTS TERVENTION Feb. 9.-Three hours of cussion today in the sub- of the Pan-American con- omnittee on political in- law failed to harmonize ing views regarding the duties of states. The sub- e was on tie right of one intervent in the imternal another, and it was found to discover a formula d appear to all countries heir independence and terr- grity. TS THAT T IS NOT NEW alize," he saii, "For it af- ek method of getting dorm- ch otherwise might require btain." ident also pointed out that he event dormitories are is no need for excessive the part of the landladies, early plans call for the only 1,000 students in the THIRD TERM QUESTION S RESPONSIBLE FOR CONGRESSIONAL CLASH BILL FO REGULATIN OF USE OF ARMED FORES ABROAD DEBATED IN HOUSE ROCKEFELLER SUMMONED 3mall Appoints Smith To Fill Vacancy In Senate; Issues Call For Special Election (BY Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Feb. 9.-Congress treated itself to another foretaste of the coming presidential campaign to- day, both house's taking a fling at political sparring; but it got in a lot of solid legislative achievement. The Senate spent most of the day on antl-third term resolution but failed to reach a vote. The 1-ouse got the army bill for a passage tomorrow, but paused half an hour to indulge in a xordy clash over usecof American ammed forces in foreign countries. In the end, it turned down an amend- ment to require congressional sanc- tion before doughboys leave American soil. Incidentally, the House added $5,- 000000 to the rivers and 'harbors ap- propriation of $50,000,000 in order to pay the cost of river surveys outside the regular lump sum provision. As an interlude to the Senate's day of political conversations and legisla- tion almost without debate, another ,senatorial headpiece came hurdling in- to the Republican presidential nomin- ation ring. It was the large black slouch hat, of approved political model, worn by "Jim" Watson, of In- diana. The Indianans in Congress hailed it with cheers and demanded nationwide support for their favorite son. Fess Livens Debate The third term debate was enlivened by a long speech by Fess, of Ohio, holding that President Coolidge, de- spite his "I do not choose" statement, could with propriety accept the Re- publican nomination if tendered him. Reed, Democrat, Missouri, finally challenged Fess to 'say whether or not the President would accept the nom- ination. "I do not know," the Ohioan admit- ted. Heflin, of Alabama, closed the day's debate with a declaration that the Senate "should pack up the Pres idemnt." "He says he does not chose' to run," Heflin said. "We should say, as unanimously as possible, that we do not choose for him to run." Senator Robinson, of Arkansas, the Democratic leader, got through, 68 to 1, his resolution for an inquiry of the imterstate commerce commission as to whether it favors sectional pro- duce in making rail rates. After that Norris, Nebraska, served notice that he would bring up his iresolution for government operation of Muscle Shoals as soon as the third term thing was settled. The Walsh proposal for investigation of public utility electric companies was set for consideratiomi next Momday. Senate committees had two im- portant developments. John D. Rocke- feller, Jr., was summoned for Satur- day as an oil case witness and Secre- tary Davis, of the War department, said the administration's proposal for a 20 per cent state share in the cost iof the flood control plan for the Mississippi was just "a suggestion" to Congress. Small Reappoits Senator a SPRINGFIELD, Ill., Feb. 8.-Sen.- I Elect Frank L. Smith, of Illinois, whose seat was declared vacant by the United States Senate, late today handed his resignation to Gov. Len Small. The governor immediately re- appointed him to fill the unexpired term and issued a proclamation for a 1 special senatorial primary and elec- The governor's proclamation said the special senatorial primary would be held on April 10, the date for the regular April primary, and that the special senatorial. election would be held in November in connection with the regular election. LECTURER GIVES I DRAMA RECITAL Portraying each of the 10 different I parts in the play, Gay MacLaren, a dramatist and play interpreter, last night presented "Father and Dad, in Hill auditoriun-. It was Miss Mac- Laren's second appearance in Ann Arbor and the occasion was the sixth number on the current Oratorical lecture course. i r ern ecommen a ons w ere accom- contests has been furnished annually pnied with bills which raght be ex- since 1901 by Frank O. Lowden, for- peted to lead to a full and practical mer governor of Illinois and at pres- degree of conservation of natural re- emt an aspirant to the presidency. The sources, especially oil and natural prizes for the local contest are award- gas, in the United States. ed from a fund established by Paul A. FGray, .90, for the purpose. CUBPANOFlFICIALS I 'H .#VE WJJ1 C'. ~. SI th Li mi it fic Sz a I7 a U-- %INORLINDARGHAN OLD ENGLISH POLIT INORLIINDBERGH I EXHIBITION AT I (By Associated Press) ITAVANA, Feb. 9-The "Spirit On exhibition in the William L. t. Louis," his beloved plane, was I Clements library is part of the col- ie first thought of Col. Charles A. lection of the political papers of Wil- indbergh when he had a few mo- 1Iham Petty, 2nd Earl o' 'Shelburne eents of leisure today. lie proceeded iand first Marquis of Lansdowne, the it to Camp Colmmbia where the : prime mmimister of England during the lane is guarded lay and night, gave I American Revolution, the man who a close inspection and was satis- 1 was probably the most steadfast ed that it will carry him safely and friend of the colonies, in a newly ar- uickly back to his own country. 'ranged exhibit. At the Officers club at Camp Co- Shelburne, who was considered the imbia, the Cuban secretary of war, !best in.orir._d man of his time, had r. Iturralde, addressed Colonel 1 collected anproximately 175 volumes indbergh in the name of the officers 1of letters, papers, and other docu- nd told of the great emotion he felt j ments pertaining to his political ca- esterday when he saw the ambas- I reer. To American affairs alone he ador of the air alighting, bringing devoted 14 books. His first direct in- message of friendship from the terest in the Colonies began with his 'nited States. He eulogized the cour- appointment to the board of trade, a age of the youthful aviator and de- clared that the name of Lindbergh and the "Spirit of St. Louis" would in history be the equal of the name of Columbus and his three caravals. ALUMNI OFFICIAL REPORTS SUCCESS Wilfred B. Shaw, editor of the Alumnus, who left some time ago on an extensive trip throughout the nnnn r +fnrfin n onn e ofviine I committee which vied with the se- cretary of state for the administra- i tion of Colonial affairs. In 1763 he brought the former into power and acted as one of the strongest forces in Amnerican politics until his ap- poimtment to the position of secretary of state. Upon this appointment he I shifted the power to his new position and made the board an advisory com- mittee. His collection includes all the ma- terial that he gathered through his owne ffnrts and through those of his s, probably freshmen, and ber will not completely rooming business in Ann t Little met Tuesday after- a committee of the Wom- ng league at which time sev- ons were reached at the a considerable discussion. ittee decided that it would nembers of its league to do in fulfilling the require- the University, and Presi- e agreed not to over-em- -1 A review of "Father and Dad," presented by Gay MacLaren in Hill auditorium last night, will be found on page four. I- , i ,