IJ . ).A T, li.v 'r 1 l .lil:[ .11 1 c 1 g', 1 . THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,\VI~DESDXY~ l~iHd1ARY ,. . .TH. MCHIGAN...IL . ww . . . " ( LITTL SCORES REFUSING FUNDS 5HOSa unSCOO LT L0ESTABLISH HOSPITAL SCHOOL I I ii 5Ch iO l' 'ldn E~latoi 0~ ~ ac iig edt ion of the ANici Will IParticipuit ('chlbs 1 to 1151a 1 sbalselol. 14,1les For l ' i l t '; rece(, 'ok l: i]''s ik s0c1oy1 I)( 1 1 lst Frid i~v ai he Unid- ELIMINATED; o i 1is' a, Th e President poinited 0out.1that this 80(101 v IL s1 year' di.(cci l'aecl thle raising of1funds(1!'or thepoecJ10t , 1hop]- iug to gain oa girn t fromu the state le--isl atiure for tbho' purpose of the school. The l egislatlure f;,.fle~i to anp- I, ropriaie the wls, and I hto 11he es- SalishnlH'f , of the schoiol 1has 1been f(lyed at least two years. COLLEGE MEN AND WOME\!,N will find the Packard Restaurant bigger and better than sever. 703 Packard St. F Au nnonceentwas sent out , roai the1 l xt en sion dena ri nent c t he I1ivo)rsity to thue high schools of the stae ith a list of the 64 schools wichT will lbe allowed to par- t icipate iv I lie elimination series of debate to determine the state cham- pion. According to Prof. Gail E. Dent - mlore, manager of the 1lichiganl High School Debating league, these 64I scll ools were selected from the 240 'iii011c iii the mlemlbership in the league , Every member of the league! ias11=,A tour)' deba8tes in the prelim- Nmairy series, antcl these 914 team's were selected because of their good re-3 cords. Pt was determinedl that 12 points bad to he earnled in the preliminary deats in order to be elliible for. the eliimition series. Only 62 teams had this record, and as 64 are necessary,, two schools were drawn1 by lot in ordor to complete this num- ber. The anniiomiceinent also contained a. schedule o" the contests inl the inal rcc. The first debate will be held oil Welualry 17. This will elim- inatf °'82 of t he 64 teams. The secondI round v.will be run off on March 2, ,tnd this will1 leave 16 schools. The third roimd is set for March 16 and lhe fourthi round for March 30, which Awill e~ilimnae, all but two teamns. r1hlise t wo team.s will 'eet in the Stat~e ('hi mfiojislii) deb~ate at Ann Arbor in iEtill~ Auditorium on April 17. Ann Arbor, last year's champion, ,failed to qullaify for the climinationi saeries. Albion, runnerup -last year, was able to: garner tihe requiredl 12 points;- and will meet Grand Rapids Union in the first debate of the ser- ies. B-"EHIND 1)SC'HEDULE After a brief halt due to a col ,nap in1 December, work on the new. intramural. sports building on northi i'qrry field has progressed rapidly throughout the nast month. The brickwork on three sides is entirely calrpletedl and the fourth side is ra- pidly nearing completion. The wq' rh jng ,contrac't scheduled the building readly for opening by Feb. 1, 'but, it is believedl that two mont I hs f ,th~e labor will be re-j o nired on theo structure, since none' ofi the lroorfing or interior work has been,. ilgn as vet. q3V ~ ~f~rA Full Line of Whteoue ary odl On'Dislay A - --.)WOOLFOLK8 33 Souh SateStret . exlsv _____adPturs ____ladBldnlyi AT Fulinlo __ea HAINES in WINT I I I " 1 Follow tte (rowds 1to lliam I lailes' hilari- ouls succesor'to '"Tell It 'To The 3farines," "Slide, K~elly, Slide" anid "Spring' Fever." fvitli JOAN CRAWFORD TODAY ONLY Oh! Mama! Has She Got AND HOW!!! THAT'S CLARA BOW EDWARDl SED( 'WV ( h production T m'8 9 IWH!AT 1114'1) T '?-WIlI Eli I Is :- i s "T AFTER YOU I HA YE L ' "IT" '1ATID( YU1 i LF'r LTHTIAT DE11l- IO 101 "'P MAN!'D' KP11111W' tIARA BOW 5119W YOU. /AGAIN I ]j SAY-AND 1HOW! /.ae 7ffew-rwPIutT TX CLARA'BOW in "IT" i i! ' BILLY HOUSE & .: HIM ' am, _fa I We have the lamest Stock of both ew and a Had FVld PAM a' ITE CITY I YouCnSv ohTm n oe By Doing Business With Us 3 BOO KS ANA SPPLIS OF ALLKINDS 0 RNMRMPIRWN r