Ahr 41P
Hart And Copeland Turn In Stellar
Performances For Mi3iclhigan;
Gamiiie Unusually Rough
By Blanchard W. Cleland
Gaining its first victory of the year
and at the same time getting revenge
for an earlier defeat, the University
of Michigan hockey sextet came out
on the long end of a 3 to 1 score
over the Michigan State college puck-
men last night in their second meet-
ing of the season. Only a small
crowd witnessed the game, which was
faster and rougher than any played
by the Wolverines thus far this season.
The first Wolverine point was made
during the opening minute of play
when Fisher, new Michigan center,
took the puck on a pass from Cope-
land and shot it past Plaunt, the
State goalie. The only other score
during the first period was made by
Kennedy when he unassistedly
carried the puck within a few feet of
the Michigan goal and rolled an easy
shot past Steve Jones.
Second Period Faster
The second period of play was much
faster than the first and during a mix-
up on the middle of the ice, Hauptli,
veteran State center, received a i
broken nose from the misdirected el-
bow of one of his own team mates.
Hauptli's injury was the only one of
the game, although the play was
rough and was marked by many
crashes into the boards. Penalties
failed to check the game. In the
closing minute of the second frame,
Hart toted the puck the full length of
the ice and shot from mid-ice, the
rubber hitting a State defense man
and bounding to the side. Hart
followed up the puck and took a second
shot and hung up the Wolverines'
second point of the game.t s
Hart's counter ended the scoring
until late in the final period when Cap-
tain Bill Maney passed from back of
the net to Joseph, who pushed the
puck over for Michigan's third and
the last score of the game.i
many Shots On Goal
The Michigan State goal tender was
given plenty of work preventing Fish-
er, Copeland and Hart from scoring
at random'. during the fray. Mort
Fisher, a Varsity man of twoyears
ago, was with the squad for the first
time this year. Although not in good
shape, Fisher held up well through-
out the three periods and in addition
to registering the first Michigan point
proved valuable later in taking the
puck from the Michigan State men.
Hart, in carrying the puck down
the ice, and Copeland, who played an
all-around good game, turned in the
best performances of any of the
Michigan players.
Kennedy, Harper and Haupti were
the only State men to press the Wo-
verine defense to any extent.
Lineup :
)Iicliigan )Iicliigan State
Hart............ d .... Hancock (C)
Fisher.......... c..........Haiuptli
Maney (C).,.....w........... Harper
Copeland ........w......... Kennedy
Spares: Michigan-Joseph, Nygord,
Abbott, Waldron. State - Clark,
Hodge, Stimic, Maskrey, Jones. f
Sets built especially by the classes
in stagecraft in the Universtiy have
been set up in Mimes theater for the
opening tonight of Play Production's
repertory presentation of "Sun-Up"
and "Hell Bent Fer Heaven," plays
laid in the mountainous regions of
Kentucky and North Carolina. The
latter work, by Hatcher Hughes,
which was awarded the Pulitzer
prize, deals with religious fanaticism:
among the half-civilized peoples of
the mountains. The first play is the
work of Lulu Vollmer.
Use of identical sets for the two
plays have enabled Play Productions
to give them in repertory fashion,
beginning tonight with "Sun-Up."
The engagement will close Saturday
night, but may be revived later. All
of the direction for the production is
being done by Earl Fleischman of the
speech department.
Three persons sustained injuries
about the head in an accident which
occurred shortly after 11 o'clock last1
night on the main highway between
Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti.1
Maly Wente, 609 Hill street, was the
most badly hurt, receiving a deep la-
ceration on the neck and a probable3
skull facture. Her husband, William
Wente, with whom she was riding, re-
ceived a minor cut on the cheek, and
was removed to his home after two1
stitches had been taken in his cheek.,
Bertha LaBlane, the third injured'
person, was treated for bruises about
the head and removed to her home at I
202 Glenn.
The accident is said to have oc-
curred when a truck crashed into a
bus in which Mrs. LaBlanc was rid-
ing. The Wente car, following close
behind, was not able to stop and
crashed into the rear end of the truck.
Mrs. Wente was reported in a semi-
conscious condition by hospital author-"
ities early this morning. She was
being treated for a fractured skull
although the exact extent of her in-
juries were not yet known.
Noted Indian Diplomat, Journalist, And
Authroity On East Will Compare
Ideals Of East And West
Syud Hossain, noted Indian lec-
turer and journalist, will speak at
4:15 o'clock Monday afternoon, Feb.
20, under the auspices of the Hindu-1
stan club, it was announced yester-
day by officers of the organization.
Hossain's lecture was originally
scheduled to be held under the aus-
pices of the Oratorical association
has been cancelled due due to unfor-i
seen cricumstances, and as a result'
he will speak here Monday instead.
The speaker is an authorital on
political and economic conditions of
the East, and has had long ex-
perience as a public lecturer. Edu-
cated under English influence, he I
early became engaged in journalism
in England, writing for such period-
icals as the "Contemporary Reviw,"
and the "Pall Mall Gazette." Later
he went to India where he held suc-
cessively the post of associate, editor
and editor in chief of the "Bombay'
Chronicle" and of "The 'Independ-
ent" of Allahabad, two of the lead-
ing journals of India. During his
career as editor of these publications
he first won favor as a popular ora-
tor and public lecturer.
In 1920 he was one of the three
special delegates elected, with the
consent of the Viceroy of India, by
the people of India to represent that
nation in presenting the Indian case
to the powers at the Near East Peace
Settlement. Upon the conclusion o
his mission he remained in Europe
to follow the developments of the
international situation and in 1921
attended the Washington . conference
for the limitation of armaments as
press representative,for India.-
Since that time he has devoted al-
most'his entire attention to the lec-
ture platform, having completed sev-
eral tours of Europe. He is editor,
however, of the "New Orient," a
Journal published in the United
States for the furthering of inter-
national good-will between peoplied
of the East and of the West.
His lecture here will have to do
with present conditions in the Far
East, and lie will com'pare the rela-
tive developments of eastern and
western ideals.
Arrangements have been made by
Liberty, the "Weekly for Everybody"
to take pictires of the members of
the business staff of the Gargoyle
wh<A will be selling the February
issue of the humor magazine Thurs-
day on the campus.
The new edition of the Gargoyle
will be a take-off on this well-knownE
weekly with each feature of thes
magazine easily recognizable in the
parody. Officials of Liberty have pro-
vided the business staff with 'special
sacks which are used by regular Lib-
erty street salesmen and these will be
used during the sale of the Gargoyle.
Many members of the staff of Lib-
trty have formerly worked on stu-
dent publications in various college's
and much interest has been shown
concerning the forthcoming issue.
V ! if -- - - % r r C
Acting on the request made by thei the state $50,000 of the $350,000 ap-
Board of Regents, the state adminis- propriation for a site of the new
trative board at Lansing, yesterday
decided to send R. G. Thompson, state
budget director to Ann Arbor to de-
termine how much of the University
of Michigan's request for $100,000 for
repairs is urgently needed.
Shirley Smith, secretary of the Uni-
versity and manager of the school, ex-
plained that the money could be re-
leased by the board from a non-tax
clause appropriation of $100,000 for
additions to the University's power
plant. In return for this sum, he
said, the university
would return toI
Sub-Coniniittee's Proposal Objected To
As Subordination Of National
(By Associated Press)
HAVANA, Feb 7.-Cordial but ap-
parently irreconcilable attitudes on
the part of the countries represented
were revealed at today's meeting of a
sub-committee of the Pan-American
congress which discussed the funda-
mental rights and duties of nations in
an effort to iron out differences which
last Saturday led to a mass attack on
the part of most delegations on
United States'Latin American policy.
Prompt agreement was reached to-
day that the basis of the discussion of
the sub-committee, which held its
meeting behind closed doors, should
be the report which Dr. Victor Maur-
tua, of Peru, presented to committee
on public international law last Sat-'
urday. Dr. Gustavo, of Salvador, re-'
Woman's league building. He said
the site will be obtained for $300,000.
The improvements the regents de-
clared are urgently necessary are: 1.
Dust line and cable to the University,
hospital, $15,000; 2. Duct line con-
tinued from the Dental building to
the substation near Waterman gymna-
sium, $6,800, and a 2,300 volt, cable
from the power plant to the substa-
tion, $5,600; 3. Three new oil switch-
es in the substation, manhole, $3,600;
4. Ten-inch, high-pressure steam line
from power plant to Chanmber No. 1
near substation, $33,500, and 8-inch
return water line from Chamber No.
1 to power plant, $10,500. The esti-
mated cost of equipping the Women s
League Building with heat, light, and
power will bring the total funds re-
quired up to $100,000.
Prof. O. N. Holis, Detroit Edison
expert detailed to the University said
in his reports of the present condi-
tions, "I am very 'strongly of the
opinion that the work under the first
three items should be done as soon
as possible, and that the work under1
the fourth item should be completed
before next winter."
Northwesterni Mentor Sees Abolition
Of "Screen Pass" As Most
Important Change
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Feb. 7.--The changes in
the football rules for 1928 found favor
today with mid-western coaches, not
only among the universities, but also
LaFollette Moves To Record Senate
Support For Three-Term
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7.-The fever1
of legislative activity which yesterday
rushed nearly 200 bills through one
or the other house of Congress had
burned itself out almost completely
today as the House went back to ap-
propriations and the Senate to poli-
It was very practical and up-to-
the-minute politics in the Senate all
day. The tide of debate rose and fell
and rose again around a resolution
by LaFollette, Wisconsin, to record
Senate support of the tradition against.
a presidential - third term and spe-
cifically to "commend" this tradition
to President Coolidge. Throughout
the argument which jumped back and
forth . across the political No Man's
Land of the center aisle, the Pres-
ident's celebrated "I do not choose"
statement of last summer threaded
its way in and out of proceedings.
Consider Army Bill
In the House, the army supply bill
was up and members hammered away
industriously. Burton, of Ohio, furn-
ished the only departure from the set-
tied course of debate with an item to
eliminate a $15,000 item for new gas
masks. He felt it was contrary to the
anti-gas warfare policy of the govern-.
Miss liaude A. Royden
Famous English woman preacher
who will deliver the first of the
spring series of student convocations
Sunday morning in Hill auditorium.
Myra Iess To Conclude Extra ConcertI
Serios; ('Ialiaipii Will Give
Year's Final Concert
ment, of which he has for years been Y
sisted this move on the ground that among the professionals. Representa-
the Maurtua proposal, which subordi- tives of both the college and pro
nated national independence to the games agreed that the change in in-
observance of the rights of other gesragree tfa the hn , in-
countries, was less suited to molding terpr etation of a fumbled punt, per-
into a true definition of the rights and mitting the defense to recover, but not
duties of countries than the recom- run with the ball, was a forward
mendations on the subject drawn up step.
by the Rio Janeiro conference of jur- They also agreed that the same
ists last April. change on the lateral pass meant lit-
The Rio Janeiro project included the tle to the game. It was, they said,
unconditional statement that "no state only a surprise play which many
may intervene in the ;internal affairs teams never used.
of another." Belief that the Maurtua George Halas, coach of the Chicago
draft appeared to justify if not to en- Bears, of the National Pro league,
courage intervention precipitated last said there was one change not made,
Saturday's denunciation of it, and the which he would recommend to the
official e'spousal of the principles it annual meeting of the Pro league in
contained by the Washington govern- Cleveland next Saturday. That was
ment gave the demonstration a dis- to shift the goal posts back to the
tinctly anti-American character.
Charles Evans Hughes was elected goal line.
chairman of the sub-committee to ou see," said Hals,we have to
chai~inn1 f te sb-cmmnt~e towatch our attractive features. The
which Dr. Victor Maurtua, of Peru, old picture of a team fighting with
Dr. R. Castro Beeche, of Costa Rica, i
Dr. Aguiles Elorduy, of Mexico, Dr. its back to the goal posts to stave off
Leandro Lira, of Chile, Ambassador a touchdown is gone The posts are
Honorto Pueyrredon, of Argentina, and 10 yards behind the goal line and
Dr. Gustavo Guerrero, of Salvador, many fans cannot tell when a touch-
had been appointed. I down is made. Moving the goal posts
Under Mr. Hughes leadership the back was to encourage wide runs and
committee approved with little discus- passes as scoring plays, but in this it
"sion a preamble to Dr. Maurtua's re- failed miserably. Everybody still
port in which the codification of in- uses the old smash for the last few
ternational law was described as des- inches."
tined to "clarify, define and fix inter- I Abolition of "the screen pass" was
national rules, stabilize still further declared by Dick Hanley, Northwest-
the relations of brotherhood and union ern coach, the most important action
among American republics and render of the rules committee. The eligible
firmer and more friendly their rela- receivers will now have to go after
tions with all nations of the world." the ball, he said, instead of tackling
Only generalities were discussed the secondary defense the moment
when the actual principles which the after the pass was hurled, and much
declaration of the fundamental rights roughness will be eliminated.
a leading exponent, to go beyond pre- I
paring to manufacture masks. HisI
House colleagues disagreed with him'
3 to 1, defeating his proposal.l
While it was flailing away at the;
army measure and its more than three
to four hundred millions, the Housel
received from committee its biggest
appropriation bill up to date, the $2,-
250,000,000 job to pay treasury andl
postoffice costs, including that for
prohibition enforcement.c
The LaFollette resolution to declaret
the Senate on a no-third-term plat-1
form got a foothold more or less by
accident, due to the fact that the Sen-
ate had no unfinished business await-
nng action. It stayed in the ring all
day and the Senate weltered in pres-
idential politics up to or possibly over (
its ears. The test will come when a
motion by Bingham, of Connecticut, to
slide the proposal into commitee, de-
scribed by LaFollette, as a "chloro-I
form chamber" in this case, is taken.
Large Appropriations Slated f
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7.-Carrying'
funds for varied government activities,
including prohibition enforcemen+,
initiation of work on 72 new public
buildings in various parts of the coun-
try and for air mail contracts, thej
annual supply bill for the treasury
and postoffice departments was re-
ported today by the House appropria-
tions committe.
The House dealt in figures of bil-
lions of dollars for the first time this
session-the measure calling for a
total expenditure of $2,298,696,000,
the largest of any of the five supply
bills previously reported, and un-
doubtedly the biggest Congress will
be called upon to consider at thef
present term. The money will be
available at the beginning of the next
fiscal year, July 1. House leaders
plan to bring the bill up for debate
on the floor Thursday.
Of the measure's total, $1,533,746,000
was allotted to the Treasury, repre-,
senting a decrease of $51,726,000 un-
der current funds and $746,950,000 to
the postoffice department, ai increase
of $7,582,000 over its 1928 appropria-
The direct appropriation for prohi-
bition enforcement was $12,729,000, a
decrease of $591,000. This, however,}
does not include $19,180,000 for the
customs service which will spendF
$787,000 on patrol of the thousands of
miles of the Mexican and Canadian,
borders and inspection of ports in
quest of rum smugglers. Also theI
prohibition navy, the coast guard, willj
receive $28,902,000 and with its fleet
of 450 vessels and five sea planes anl
its force of 13,000 will constitute the
sea sleuths of the enforcement service.
The allottment of $48,520,000 for
public buildings represented the sec-
ond fund made available this year'
for these structures. But all -except1
$18,955,000 will be spent at the na-
tional capital.
Concluding the Extra concert series i'to
for the season of 1927-1928, the Uni- iu
versity Musical society will present g
Myra Hess, an English pianist, in re- ri
cital next Monday night in Hill audi- er
torium. Miss Hess has received herre
training completely at the hands of m
British teachers and is one of the o
younger products of the British school. w
She has recently appeared in both q
Detroit and Chicago. Iw
As the final musical event of the la
University year, the society will offer
Feodor Chaliapin, Russian basso, in b
Hill auditorium on Feb. 23. Chala- th
pin's concert will be the last of the (hm
regular concert series, following the
Newv York symphony orchestra. w
Myra Hess was born in London and t
began her studies when five years g
old. She entered Trinity college andi
the Guildhall school of music, and was
later admitted to the Royal academy.1i
Shortly after this she was awarded b
the academy gold medal and was a
made an associate and a fellow. Her b
American debut was made in New I b
York comparatively recently. Her
art is said by critics not to be master- w
ful but rather interesting and varied, U
and therefore new to the American s
audience. t
Chaliapin is one of the best known ti
of living singers, and an artist of the s
Metropolitan opera company. He was d
at one time a cobbler in the city of 1m
Kazan in Russia-, and after that at t
different times a wood-carver, book- S
binder, novice in a monastery and t:
longshoresmani on the Volga river. f
He attained recognition on the oper-~t
atic stage after travelling through them
country as an itinerant singer and o
was invited to head his own opera t
company by a wealthy patron. ToursA
through Italy, France,' and England D
led to his first engagement at the c
Metropolitan in 1907, while his first e
real sensation was scored in 1921. 1
Offering an unusual opportunity for a
students to gain practical knowledge v
of the editing and publishing of aj t
magazine, the editorial and businesst
staffs of the Michigan Gargoyle are in- e
viting tryouts to enroll in the compe-
tition for staff positions on that publi-
cation. v
Tryouts for the business staff will
attend the meeting at 4 o'clock today t
in the Gargoyle offices in the Press I
building. They will begin taking an
active part in the work o T'urs-I
day, when Gargoyle's "Liberty" nem-
ber will appear for sale on the campus.
Editorial tryouts may present thetn
selves at tie offices any afternoonc
tlis week and next between 2 and 5
o'clock. They may attend the editorialt
staff meetimg at4:30 o'clock Thurs-
dlay. I
No previous xperience is necessary
on either staff, although candidates
Sfor the art or editoial staffs should
lhave a natural aptitude for the work.
More than 350 new students have en-
rolled in the University for the newI
semester, according to figures com-
piled by the office of the Registrar I
last night.1
This number includes those peo- I
i ihn a.r enroling for the first I
rolose To Merge Board Of Govern-
ors And Board O Directors I
One Administrative Grop
Announcement was made yesterday
the date on which the meeting for
e voting on the proposed amend-
ent regarding reorganization to the
nstitution of the Union will take
ace. The date set is Feb. 28.
It is necessary for 600 students to
present at the meeting in order
obtain a quorum. A two thirds
firmative vote will pass the amend-
The reorganization is in the nature
a consolidation of the adm'instra-
ve functions of the organization
ider a single board of directors in-
:ead of' the two that have been in
ntrol previously and in order for
is to take place it must be passed
v a meeting of the members. All
ien students of the University are
embers of the Union and are eligi-
le to vote.
Makes For Efficiency
Up to the present time the board
f governors and the board of direc-
rs have shared the administrative
nctions of the Union. The board of
overnors has exercised financial ju-
sdiction, and has selected the gen-
al manager, while the board of di-
ctors has had charge of the ad-
inistration of the other parts, of the
rganization. Under this system it
as necessary for any financial
uestion to come before both boards
hich frequently caused much de-
By the amendment the duties of
oth these boards will be vested in
e one board of directors which will
ave full administrative power. The
ersonnel of this board will be some-
hat a combination of the fornrer
wo boards. Formerly the board of
overnors was composed of seven
en, one of whom is a student, the
resident of the Union, while the
oard of directors has had students
s seven of its 17 members. The new
oard of directors will have 17 mem-
ers with 8 student members.
The personnel of the new board
'ill consist of the president of the
'nion, the recording secretary, and
ix vice presidents, one each from
he literary college, the law school,
he engineering college, the Medical
chool, the Dental college, and stu-
ents of the School of Business Ad-
inistration, the S'chool of Educa-
ion, the Graduate school, and the
chool of Pharmacy. In addition to
hese students there will be three
aculty members to be selected by
he University senate, two alumni
nembers to be chosen by the board
)f directors of the Alumni asocia-
ion, the 'general secretary of the
lumni association, a member of the
3oard of Regents, the financial se-
retary of the Union who is appoint-
d by the Senate council of the Uni-
ersity, and the dean of students.
i'he idea of putting the dlean of stu-
ents on tie board is a new step in-
,orporated in the plan. Since the
lental college has never before had
vice president on the board there
will be one more student menmber
han there has been before. All of
hese student members will be elect-
d at a general election.
Qualiy Financial Powers -
The financial power of the board
will be vested in a committee of the
board of directors and will replace
he old board of governors since the
privilege of picking the general man-
ager will be given this committee
and he will be responsible to them.
The new plan cannot possible go
nto effect before this summer since
the election of the various imembers
of the board must take place first
and this cannot be completed until
the end of the present semester.
The activities of the Union will be
under the direction of an activities
committee appointed from the board
of directors, several members - of
which will be students and which
will have charge of all activities con-
d"cted within the Union building
There will be a house committee
composed partially of students to as-
sist the general manager in the run-
ning of the Union, according to the
new plan.
The committee which worked out
the proposed amendment was com-
posed of Arch Diack, Prof. H. C. An-
derson, and Jeffries, from the pres-
ent hoard of directors and .T A.
and duties of nation's would have toI
contain came up for the consideration. I-
After the meeting, however, it wasI
reported that although the discussion
was cordial in the extreme, a distinct,
tendency was shown by all delegats (
to maintain the positions they had ex-
pressed in Saturday's full committee
Dean G. Carl Huber, of the Grad-
uate School, is to be the main speak- {
er at a banquet given by the Uni-
versity of Michigan Club of Washing- I
ton, D. C., on Wednesday, Feb. 29,
in that city. -
Sophomore's and second semes-
ter freshnmen desiring to tryout
as recorders in the Secretary's
office of the Union are requested
to report to the student offices
from 3 to 5 o'clock,' Wednesday
or Friday afternoons.
Tryouts for the remainder of
the departments of the Union
are asked to see William V. Jef-
fries, Grad., between 3 and 5
o'clock any afternoon this week.
Owing to the erroneous implication1
of two Daily headlines, it is reported
to have become understood on the
campus that a combination of the de-
partments of rhetoric, speech and
English is being planned.
The Daily is publishing herewith
a copy of the letter which,. after being
signed . by the heads of three depart-
ments and approved by PresidentC
Clarence Cook Little, was accepted by
tho Rnnrd n f oRegnts- It etahlished
the Dean of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts and an Ex-
ecutive Committee to be composed of
time Chairme of the three depart-
"3. That these committees shall
consider, advise and recomiend to
the departments or to the Administra-
tion in regard to all matters of com-
mon interest to the three constituent!
departments. It is to be understood
that the functions of these committees1