1ARY 7a 1928 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ARY 7, 1928 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PRELIMINARY SCHOOLI DEBATES COMPLETED1 ('1mnp loii hpWlill B130 ulfrili ed By IElIJJuinaiioc Series Among Remiaininig Schools FINAL CONTEST DATE SET! STATE TROOPS ARE USED TO QUIET Intramural- Program PARTICIPANTS IN OYSTER COMBAT! Fornmed For Summer For the first tine in the history of the University, an intramural sports program has been arranged for the '" . Summer session of next summer, it ita announc~ed by Dean Eward 1H. IKraus of the Summer session during ;he examination periodl } S - . Paul Washike. assistant director of intramrural athletics, will supervise ENGw~INEERING\.iCLUB 11Norton CT1M yof WOrCe Ster, lMass., TO SHOW MOVIES, abrasive products. The first film wilt Two moving pictures will be shown 1)be entitled "The Age of Speed" a .nd by the local students' division of the1 will present the tievelopinent f(C mod- American Society of Mechanical En-er1n mans of locomotion anO produc- giners, beginning at 7:30 o'clock to- tion. The second is caltitled "Thee morrow night in Natural Science Thirteenth Part of a Clair" and is of auditorium. The presentation of the distinctly non-technical nature. it will features by the organization will be depict among other things views of the first of a series of activities sched- the giant government dirigible, Los uled by that group which has b~een Angeles, and Major Seagreave's rat- dormant for some time.; ing car, in which hie shattered 1th e The pictures were filmxed by the a world's recordl for spee(d. Professor-NWatkins Wins Research Prig Prof. Lconard Watkins of the e( nomics department of the Unzivers has bccn awarded the $2,500 trienn r s a A prz by t e Ch c - Trcom p~any, as a result of a study made of the changes wroughlt American banking practices by 1 federal reserve system ... Tyre last round inl the preliminary these activties. The program wvill in- series of debates of the Michigan High . (d c~udle competitive gaines su~ch as ten- School Debating league was run off nssimn aealpagon on Friday, Jan. 27. More than 240 Ihail, golf, handball, squash racquets high schools represented by 720 de-X and similar games adapted to mid- haters met i 120 debates upon the" summer, and a number of non-coin- subject-the abolition of the direct pet hive physically benficial recrea- primary.!tix< y tional activities. Records made by all schools in the To further thle plan the board in four preliminary debates will be comn-j control of athletics has offered all the! puted, a'icl the 64 high schools with fa.cilitie s of Ferry Field, South Ferry the highiest records will he allowed to Field, Yost Field H-ouse and the new participate in the elimination series . Intramutral Sports building for the of debates to determine the state z . use of sunmmer session students. chartpion. The first' round in this This means that about 50 acres ofl series of contests will be held on y playground~ space on which are some Feb 17.f 30 tennis cour'ts, running tracks, base- When these 64 schools bre notifiedl~ balkl -9monds, the indoor facilities, of their eligibility to enter the final I { s'