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January 10, 1928 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-01-10

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R EFO TU N YNAME MAT MEN TO FACE pound cluss as a result of his de- IW FOUNTANe PE ;iISERVICEnrpF 0OMEhae14 1'sv
FOHiO STATE TOMORROW c~vc ictory over Hager. At the HITIS b ciof ourta illdounter r toin
present time he weighs in the neigh- muGOUwyu01 orc itig ~js M ts I (l
(Continued from Page Eight) h oo'f15Cond.~LSES iand repairing of all make. Youi
DE IN N1E' OR h aiglto compete in fhe tryouts. TYPEWRITFR -T3 thanAVERToINGwould wllo
JaCk Shiarkey Meets 'Tom Kieeney Inll onahoe, twice, Bigten 158-pouml Manuacurers of the famous Rider9 E.I
Tryout irot For ra ('hafliigr (bipilland capt ainof last yearseills.Our elpii- I Y PEW'I ITERIRIBBONS-Our rapidie'en"Rdrs e hp
Fo'Caporteam will represent M1ichigan in the neal and Irrnre5l At NOTCE -Special Offer: Anyone turnover insures a fresh stock. You 1l
ormiddleweight (division for the thirdis(nieeaog bringing his, hat to be cileaned lhere :scr h r:s FOR SALEwilraiytamoeu
To OaER ICleaning it Ik5 inth sttorThsrsul l C pri(e. 0. D Aorrill, 17 Nickes FOR SALE+-Siweet cder, grape mire, FOR
TO CONFR WITHDEMPSE Alugh WarrC easnwill beconsider- !wl est ca~efutle. bu ~idi. Btwill eaning aroshief. Mcia S!l("s lait tamde';oalns arosad - si
. rcad. al? despoaoscartan rb- sit
(By Associated Press) ably handicapped by his lack of 0. b MIVOU R R I.L L "MAKE your reservation now for th9e TPN asHCalI.. Wagner, 9534 or o
NEwOein .-h haefr g, he will compete in the 175-117 iNickel; Arcade. Phone 661'. .-410o) breaklast. Tables forpi' e5 Thaesraes.asply. I a-413. 81, 82, 83, 8, 85, 8(
NEWYORK,_Jan._9.-Thechasefo of 2-4-10. Exclusive for qualty. soalp ae.Al .Hatuf
an opponent to box Gene Tunney in - Tuttes Lunch, 81,, 8;, 8% iDial 9387 77-180 FOR PENT FOUR
heavyweight championship boutNTIE-W -l-e--we-te-ORRNTA--1-hmp-o,- a
I& V ERAGGEDY ANN BEAUTY 5110PPE. (OIEW eie nente O ETA.31Topoa vie
goes -on this week., Jack SharkeysjCoeinanexmieeVry Monday and Tuesday tis( hours of 9:30 and 11:30 p in. Prompt suite and single room. Steam heat,
Bostn. Lthunian mees Tm Heneymonth and next, Shampoo and filar- De~livery. Barbecue Inn. Phone 4481 continuous hot .water. S0, 81 82
otNwLithuani aMetsTom SueeT E NEneyl~C, $1. Shampoo and Finger Wave. 20 100 ROSa 32 e eka 1 R
of New Zealand at Madison Square ~~~~~~~~$1.20. Open evenings by appoiit m tERTIG nlMmorahn OM a 32te we t C
Garden Friday night in a tryout for a Dial 7561. ' ,8t ( TYPI TIGadYiegahn FLETC HER HALL i ci
chaleger ipromptly and neatly done by ex- Ann Arbor's only Men'.lDormitory. 1.
caege.NOTICE-This coupon and $.', will pr'I iene('Id operator's at moderate Under new Manaement.I
Tex Rickard, who holds Tunney's entitle you to one dinner Tuesdt a es. Colege work a specialty for ETlspeciaily adapted for Student's con-
Contr act to select a rival, made known noon, January 10, Barney'sc;iestaui- nearly twenty years . 0. D. Morrill, velience. New, Fire-proof IBuilding,
1 7Nikes rcde.StamhetShwerBahs Iotan LOST
today' that he hoped to reach a de- rant, 516 E. Williams. 81 "__Nicke-s-Arjad.ldteamIheatiiioe ahsom. t__and
cision immediately after the fight. For rjter NOTICE' It will pay you to (all -159 lTYPE W!R1TER SE'RICE I Longing and Smoking Room LOST
the present Richard is going ahead beoebyigo etig77ye-0.tl SblS.nerFryFilDa
with plans to stage the big spectaclel We are having a'wonderful sale on this Champion of leocbyn rrnigatp-COM1PLETEliypewiter service; new 817 yilS.7ea0eryFed Da h
al a t n . n o e c nw riter. E . I. M unn, 203 So. Thayer 1 111 u ed n a lu etfallma e . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ C l
at the Yankee stadium in September. Porals Eeybody wnsoe noecnTuies., Tlnu's., Sat. Reitais lby the week, month orFRRN-S n eetr n
May Stage Fight In Chicago uikY lant s n.I satm ae n iei NOTICE-esranvitth mtI semester; repairing of all ma kes by ~inglc room, 2 doubles, near Law DUNE
Ricardsai hemigt cndut a- ~ l~ny.modern and efficient Hlat Olean ing kle, workmen; all kind of typ- 'lub. 517 E. Madison. 79, 80, 81
other heavyweight championship af- I Themes should be typed-....Theses must be. and Shoe Shining Parlor Michigan Iig prompt service. High cas s rib-? 21
fair in- Chicago where influentialITeteBlg 3 . iet.bos and carbons. Rider's Pen Shop. FOR RENT-Furnished 6-omhos. 14
prishave been after him to return. Thurs, Sat. TPWITRIl m ~ Old, hlf6950. romcampus.
Tunney is due to ieave here tomor- AtoizdDalr.Complete typewriter service.DESAKN-xprece; c nrete(d, excanged, clean77,re7-,---81,8
row for a brief visit to Dover Hall in DRSMKIGEpeined:a paired. 0ur malnnres and work FOR RENAT-2 rooms, completely fur-
Georgia and from there he will con -EV I Efurnish references. Estimate. given1 guaranteed to give best satisfaction. nihed for housekeeping. 923 Green-
tinue'toMiamri to start training. The on work desired. Phone 3655. 1 0: .). orrill,.17 Nickels Ar('ade. I wood. Dial 7019.1
champion was invited toy' remain for 1lllllll1Uilllllllii~11llilllllll SLI., Tues., Thurs.
the Friday battle.°
As Richard will leave after the 2111,__________In______ C"._________Ml______J____________________,r_______ N_
Sharkey-Heeney fight for a golf ing~2- ____________
party with Tunney in Florida, an an-y r tirir"i rlf 5 ls a 'I'p19cf lJ"J
nouncement of arrangements for the°
big. fight probobly will come from
Miami. A heMas=ho
The Mladison Square Garden pro-= CZ
.moter is to confer with Jack Dempsey e
in New York early next month at2-
which time the Manassa Mauler is ex--
pected to definitely settle his inten-
tions for another attempt to regain °
the crown.-
Tiuney To Fight Twice -
Rickard has taken the attitude that = 4
if Tunney wants to fight twice this'
year he will put on two bouts. Thie Y+
winner of be thed Sh arky-eneyTstingrorl
le may b ite gaint nTunneyr12reO'Wriflk
without the formality of facing Demp-2-
sey who would be held over for the 2 '
fall title match...-
Sharkey is scheduled to appear be-
fore the New York state athletic comd- =
mnission tomorrow to submit to an ex- =-~
amination of his injured hand which2
caused the postponement when he was2
down to meet Heeney last fall. The L
Boon boxer says he isin perfect con --°Lt
diton for the bout which will be a 12-W GO V
MOCK ISLAND-FiveChicago stu J rT/u ~ ,~c g
deists are num'bered among the Dem-
bers. of the Augurstana College b'rs- -
ketbal team. .Illll illlllllll1-IilJlllltllllil4~l~lll11111Eillfl ii ° ,}

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