THE MICHIGAN DAILY BODY HEARS PLANS FOR VERSITY HOUSING BY LITTLE Reed Leaves To Fill TALK ON RUBBER BY LARUE HEADS Pittsbu-h Position. MICHIGAN RADIO PROGRAM FRIDAY Pittburg patenttneoit Urging the construction of Univer-) sity dormitories as beneficial to the city and townspeople of Ann Arbor, President Clarence Cook Little spoke to more than 300 members of the local Chamc'er of Commerce last Tuesday. It is his hope, he said, that the University will have the edurage to, do the "unwelcome thing" and that the city will have the cour- tesy to allow the University to try the plan. Assuming that opposition to the proposal will come- from private' owners of property where students now reside, President Little declared that the University will be unable to have at any event enough dormi- tories to house the entire student body, and that there is bound to be a portion of the student body at all 4imes unhoused in these University projects, which portion will have to seek board and room in the city as before. "What right have we to make money off of people at a non-pro- ductive age anyway?" President Lit- tle asked. "It is not good business; it is not common sense; and it is not human," he added. The speaker then compared the situation to childf labor and mentioned child labor leg- islation as significant of the nation's disapproval of such action. "We be- lieve students are undoing in their spare time all we are trying to teach them in the period they are under supervision," he said. Supervision during spare time would eliminate this, in the opinion of President Lit- tle. The speaker concluded by declar- ing that the city would benefit from such a dormitory plan, contending that the business of bootleggers would be less flourishing in a place where a dormitory system is main- tained as contrasted with .a college community in which a majority of the students reside in private .resi- dences. Due to the fact that living condi- Answering the question "Should the patients, one with a Having been granted his leave of United States Grow Its Own Rubber?" the lung and the absence for the second semester, with the question, "Can It Grow It's chicken bone in theI r On Rbbe?" rofesorCar D.La-ed at the hospital Prof. Thomas H. Reed, of the politi- Own Rubber?" Professor Carl D. La- arly, he said, a wo cal science department, left Sunday Rue, of the botany department, spoke Michigan town, after night for Pittsburgh, where he will on the second program of the 1928 by Dr. Peterson on" remain until the opening of the fal Michigan radio night series, last Fri- ported to a local phys semester. Professor Reed is work- day night. Professor LaRue men- had been saved by .tioned the steps taken by Great ment. ing as advisor for the Pennsylvania Btin th pte the by sem- Commission oin Municipal Consoli- Britain to provide the necessary sup-{ Cotion of counties of the second ply and suggested that the United class. Allegheny county, in which ;States would do well to take like 2.00 s.Pittsburgh is located, is the only 'steps to further rubber cultivation in 3 35 AR Paesylvania. territories under its control. county of this class in Pennsylvama. Prof. Clare E. Griffin, acting dean FUN-FAST A PROFESSORS of the school of business administra- YOlt'1l Laugh Ti TVV PRO ESSORS tion, was the second speaker on the the Doughboys ABSENT ON LEAVE program, taking as his subject, "The A. W. ___Future of the Automobile Industry." Professors Walter F. Colby and "Gallstones," was the subject of Dr. Gay Otto Laporte, both of the physics de- Fred Coller, professor of surgery in witl partment, will be absent on leave the medical school, who was the third TED )lcNA during the second semester of the speaker on the program. Musicians Sammy school year. Prof. Colby has sailed on the prgram were Maude Okkle- 1aln Fl from New York for Hamburg, Ger- burg, Grace Johnson-Konold and Ava Balcony many, where he will study for a short Coman-Case. while and then tour Europe. He has In connection with the current radio ('o"in-Be been invited to lecture while in Ger series, Waldo M. Abbot, of the rhetoric She's a many. department said yesterday that a's a Dr. Laporte will sail for Japan on result of the talk by Dr. Albert C. Feb. 17, where he will lecture before Furstenberg, of the medical school, on the University of Tokio. "Foreign Bodies in the Lungs," two peanut lodged in second with a lung, had report- for cure. Sim- man from a small hearing the talk "Cancer," had re- sician and her life immediate treat- ADE 7.00 8.40 i '_i -ND FURIOUS M1 You Cry at s Who Went ). L. in Retreat" Ih .rARA and Cohen 0or, 30c y, 2()e he Daniels Sheik" tions would be better, he added, more pleasant memories of college life would be carried away with the graduates and the city would receivej better advertising. throughout the country from those men and womenI who had spent four years or more of their lives here, he opined. .... : (jrr4 S140p A quiet homelike place to refresh yourself after a show or dance., The quality of our light lunches and sodas is our first consideration. We specialize in serving dinner and lunch. Tea in afternoon Opp. the Michigan FA U U Distinguished by a favor that places it first h is a natural pride that Camel feels for its triumphs. Not only did it lead the field shortly after its introduction. It passed steadily on with each succeeding year until today it holds a place in pub lic favor higher than any other smoke ever reached. Camel is sunreme withh 111