C Ar' -J . I, No. 93. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1928 NSIDER MANY BILLS SEAT AND HOS MAJORITY OF BILLS CONSIST .F MATTEhRS OF SMALL IMPORTANCE BORAH MAKES RESOLUTION Senate To Seek Dismissai Of Writ By Which Stewart Obtained His Release Saturday (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Feb. 6- Congress broke out today in a veritable rash of legislation. House and Senate had their lawmaking sleeves rolled up and did a clean job on the calendarj that sent bills through the legisla- tive mills by the score -at breath- taking speed. One batch of 17 bridge bills passed the House on a single xotion. They would have gone through the Sen- ate the same way except for the ob- jection of Robinson, Arkansas, Dem .ocratic leader, that it was a "dan- gerous method of legislation." The subjects covered ranged over a wide field, but a large percentage of the bills, of course, were small matters like corrections of military records for pension purposes, minor claims against the government and the bridge authorizations applying to many states. Only bills unobjected to could come up in either house and the highly practical kind of politics in- volved in these local methods was evinced by the numbers of house members who stuck to their seats throughout the day. - One bill passed by the Senate would add just $100,000,000 to the amount available for public build- ings. There was almost no talk about it. Another meant more than $6,000,000 for army housing, but it was .)routine in character and pro- voked .only a request for an explana- tion. Late in the,-day a -bill to give the radio commission another year's. lease on life went through withOut i ar hitch. Bhnton Makes Objections In the House Blanton, of Texas, stoaod guard at his usual. post in front on the Democsatlc side anti his objections blocked immediate. consid- eration of a. number of measures., King, Democrat, Utah, rendered sim- ilar service in the' Senate at times., But for the most part, the ponderous machinery- of legislation whirled along without a squeak in compari- son. to the weeks of political oratory just behind, and the shouting and' clamor with which Congress sore- times acts on matters seemingly' of little more importance than dozens of the bills put through today. WASHINGTON, Feb. 6 - The ad- W ministration was caled upon today by Chairman Borah of the Senate foreign relations committee to make a full report on the use of marines in Nicaragua, but action on his reso- lution was blo6ked by Senator Short- ridge, Repuulican, California. This move, which followed several speeches of protest made in the Sen- ate last week against the adminis- tration policy in Nicaragua, is the first of its kind to be initiated by leaders of the foreign relations con- mittee since the Pan-American con- ference opened in Havana. -A tem- porary truce on proposed investiga- Ctns of Nicaragua had been in ef- fect. during the parley. Senator Borah was followed on the floor by Senator King, Democrat, of Utah, who introduced a resolution calling upon the Senate judiciary committee to determine if the Presi- dent had authority to conduct "bel- I igerent operations in foreign 'coun- tries" when there had been no de-. claration of war or other grant of power by Congress. The Idaho. senator's resolution will come before the Senate tomorrow under the rules, while that of Sena- tor' King Was referred to the judici- ary committee. WASHINGTON, Feb. 6 - With George W. Wickersham, attorney- general in the Taft administration, as its counsel, the Senate tomorrow will seek dismissal of the writ of habeas corpus by which Robert W. Stewart, Standard Oil magnate, ob- tained his release Saturday from Senate custody on a charge of con- tempt. bailey Will Hear Case The case will be heard before Jus- tice Jennings Bailey -in the istrict of Columbia supreme court and Wickersham will combat the conten- UNIVERSITY OF WIS MAY INVOLVE Expressing surprise at the notice from the University of Wisconsin that the board of visitors of that university had decided not to allow 1,700 of the present freshman class to return to school next fall, Presi- dent Clarence Cook Little yesterday declared that the policy involves possible severe criticism of the uni- versity officials and administration at that school. "Unless Glenn Frank has educated the people of the State of Wisconsin up to the point of accepting such a move he is likely to encounter seri- ous trouble," President Little de- clared. "As an educational step the action is somewhat of an experiment, but whether good or bad the public voice of any state is likely to look Maude Royden, Distinguished Woman Speaker, Will Open Spring Series Here Sunday IS GRADUATE OF OXFORD Maude Royden, head of Guildhouse, formerly of City Temple, London, and consistently and nationally hailed as England's most distinguished woman preacher, will deliver the address at the first of the spring series of Stu- dent convocations next Sunday morn- ing in Hill auditorium. Miss Royden stands with Lady As- tor as one of the really remarkable women of England The graduate of an Oxford college, she began her career as a university extension lec- 'turer, and later entered the suffrage movement, being one of its most gift- ed speakers and edilor of a suffrage journal. Her position as the only woman in Britain who has made an assured place for herself as the leader of a church gives her a standing and influence in the English speaking world which is unique. The subject of Miss Roy',-'- ad- dress here has not been annuu.ced, but on Friday night she is speaking in Detroit on the 'subject "America and England-Can They Really Be Friends?" As a 'distinguished mem- ber of the English branch-of the Wo- men's International League for Peace and Freedom, she is very interested In the problem. Upon her arrival in Boston she remarked, "The reporters have succeeded, as one of them aptly put It, in thrownng a smoke screen between England and Americar. The plans for the convocation ar in the hands of a special committ1e appointed -by President Clarence Gook Little, of which John T. Snodgrass, '28E, Is chairman. Several other speakers have been signed fur the rest of the series, but since they are not to come on a regular schedule, announcement will be made later re- garding their appearance. GARGOYLE OFFERS 'LIBERTY' NUMBER Letters received from Liberty, re- cently granted permission to the Gargoyle to issue, as the February number, a parody on the "The Week- ly For Everybody." This issue of the magazine will appear on Thursday. The new number will, carry out the general features of the well-known magazine, using each well-known de- partment as a source for humor. Th (various characteristics of this week- ly will be easily recognized in the new number. The letter came to Frederick W. Ziv, '27L, managing editor of the Gargoyle, in answer to a request for denying or giving permission to, print the take-off on Liberty. It read-: "We have just learned that you plan to make a forthcoming issue of the Michigan Gargoyle a take-off on Liberty Magazine. The various regu- Ilar features and new ideas 'which have helped - make Liberty so popu- lar lend themselves to a treatment such as you will undoubtedly give them, for new ideas have always been joked at while proving their value." The letter ended with a request that several copies of the issue be sent to the office of he magazine and was signed by the publicity manager, Irving Davis. It is anticipated that the. new number will be one of the best of the year for the Gargoyle and a big sale is expected when the magazine goes on sale on the cam.- pus Thursday. UNION SPONSORS 'BRIDGE TOURNEY Entries of the annual bridge tourna- 'mont annnrva,'~ nd fn '.hold by ha SCONSIN POLICY CRITICISM-LIT TLE with disfavor on a course which in- volves such a radical move." The move as taken by the Wiscon- sin governing board was for the pur- pose of eliminating the "children" who merely attend Wisconsin uni- versity because they feel that it is an enjoyable way to spend their time. The 1700 will not -be suddenly expelled, according to information available, but will in many cases be retained for the remainder of the year, and refused permission to re- enter next fall. The President expressed curiosity to know how large a percentage of the Wisconsin university freshmen class this figure represents, declar- iug that at the University here it would mean expulsion of more than halL. It is at the University of Wiscon- sin that the. new educational plan, of Alexander Meiklejohn is being tried for the first time this year .-a system which resembles very little the present accepted educational methods. PLAY RODUCTION TO PRESENT, TWO SHOWS "Hell Bent Fer Heaven" And "Sun- Up" Will Be Given In Mimes Starting Tomorrow SELECT CAST BY TRYOUTS Play Production will present as its second work of the season the two plays "Sun-Up" and "Hell Bent Fer Heaven" in repertory style .for four days beginning tomorrow at the Mimes theater. The dramas have been tried out earlier in the year in the laboratory theater in University hall, and have been selected from several others for production. "Sun-Up," a drama of the North . Carolina mountain regions, is the work of Lulu Vollmer, and has en- joyed considerable success in New York. The scene for "Hell Bent Fer Heaven" is laid in the mountain re- gion of Kentucky, and th sets for the one production will be used for the other, thus making it possible to use the repertory idea, something novel in campus dramatics. The lat- ter work was written by Hatcher Hughes, and was given the Pulitzer prize. It also enjoyed successful me- tropolitan presentation. The casts for both plays were pick- ed from all-campus' tryouts, ad were developed through the work in the play production laboratory theater under the direction of Earl Fleisch- man of the speech department. The settings were designed by the class- es in stagecraft under the direction of Richard Woelhalf, 'Grad. The, casts irclude Samuel Bonell, '28, Henry Grinell, '28, Marjorie Chavel- ele, '28, and Wolter Power, '28. Charles Breckhauser is acting as the stage manager for both productions. Music will be furnished by students of the University School of Music. Tickets are now on sale at the box office in Mimes theater, and will not RESIGNATIONOFFRED' BY DEAN WHITNEY TO BE EFFECTIVE IN I929 WILL RETIRE FROM EDUCATION SCHOOL AFTER LONG CONNECTION GIVEN LEAVE OF ABSENCE Was Only Instructor In Department When He First Came To University Dean Allan S. Whitney of the School of Education has tendered his resignation from 'that post to take effect July 1, 1929, and the Regents have accepted the resignation, a'c- cording to an announcement made recently by the Dean's office. In ef- fect, Dean Whitney's resignation be- comes active July 1, 1928, but due to the fact that the Dean has had no sabbatical leave during his 29 years in connection, with the Univ'ersity, University officials have granted him a year's leave of absence before his resignation becomes 'formally effec- tive. Taught Under Hinsdale -When Dean Whitney came to the University in capacity as assistant to Professor B. A. Hinsdale, he was the only instructor in the depart- ment which later became the School of Education. At that tine, it was known as the Educaion department of the Lierary f the disorders today from Col. Don t. Caldwell who has been stationed in Belmont county since last summer vhen the governor assigned guard of- ficers to investigate mine troubles. "This is a government of law and order," Governor Donahey said after a conferente with Adjutant - General Henderson. "The law must be obeyed. If violence continues troops will be forthcoming, no matter whether the miners or operators are to blame." Both the union and the operators ,have disclaimed responsibility for last night's disorders. Officials in the reg- ion believe that Communists were the leiaers. , BELATED RALLY W GAME FROM CodE F RAGGED VARSITY fiIl MICHIGAN COMES FROM BERt WITH LAST MINUTE RUSH TO TAKE VICTORY ORWIG STARS IN DEB Weak Showing Indicates That Sqi Must Demonstrate Improvement In Order To Beat Purdue By Clarence Edelson Fresh from glorious triumphs oa the Valparaiso and Chicago quint the Coe basketlyall five almostsucce ed in adding the lumbering Mchl court contenders to its long string victms last night at the field hou only a belated rally winning for Wolverines, 31-25. Trailing dismally after fully ragged and awkard an exhibition that displayed in the pre-Conferet season tilts. Coach George Veenk squad finally awoke from its lethar mood and rallied to bring the sec from 14-22 to 31-25 in less than minutes of play. Oosterbaan started the "last, m ute" rush tat lasted for fully £ minutes with a slap shot from un the hoop, this being his fifth goal the contest. Chapman followed w a gratis shot to close the gap to 17- Harrigan Rleenters Captain Harrigan was then re sorted into the lineup, replac: Gawne who had been substituted him earlier in the game after one Harrigan's poorest showings in course of the season. With the rett of the pilot the margin was quicl reduced, largely through the gr play of Orwig and McCoy. This fellow Orwig,' incidenta after a brief period of stage fright comman to the debuts of others gaging for the' first time in cohlegi competition, played a bang-up ga throughout the whole game after placing Raber. Following Stewart's free thr which made the count 23-17, Qos baan dropped a screaming "hawk from the center ring. Orwig ti contributed a pretty goal and iex foul shot, his first successful tempt in five, the score then stand at 22-23-for Coe. Johnstone, the Kohawks' sbstit forward just in the game, tempora set the Iowans up to a workable vantage, 25-22, but McCoy wiped the deficit with two long goals an toss from the misdemeanor str Orwig ran the count up to'I31 whe well played stall game allowed l to break down the court twice in s cession almost unmolested. Iowans Defense Collapses At any rate the Michigan triu wa's hardly the result of a well o cuted attack but rather of. the ,V countable collapse of what had b an effective defensive on the parl the Kohawks. Held to 14 points until late in second half, and 10 of these 14 x ing from the slashing fingers of terbaan, the Wolverines showed i 1 of what must be necessary to de Purdue on Saturday. Even the sh ing touch was sadly lacking a glance at the Raber, Chapman, I rigan, and Gawne goal records rev The four missed a grand total oj shots. And the defensive was worse t ever during most of the game. less than three times Hubbard Moeller received long, accurate p es well behind the Michigan defe inMcCoy alone playing a creditable g in this department. The lineups: Michigan (31) B F Oosterbaan, lf.........6 0 Raber, rf. ............0 0 Chapman, c...........0 2 McCoy, lg. ............2 1 'Harrigan, rg..........0 0 SOr wig, rf.... ........5 2 Gawne, rg.............0 be available any place else, unlikeI AL Z.I V Gr I IVIIl0 the past. They are all reserved and I, .v priced at 75 cents. The 'box office is With the relaxation of the auto- open daily from 12 o'clock until the mobile ban over the J-Hop week-end' time of the performances. 368 students registered to drive cars, C according to information given out CHANGES MA Y BE from the office of assistant to the deant Harvey Emery yesterday. These per-' MADE I COURSES mits mwere given to drive 275 cars, it wa's explained, since in many cases Students wishing to make any more than one student applied for per- changes in their elections for the mission to drive the same car. coming semester may do so any day In a short time definite information this week at the recorder's office in regarding the total number of permits University hall, according to a state- issued for the year will be available, pnent from that office last night. laccording to the announcement. Con-t Blanks which must be filled out by fusion resulting from the withdrawalsl the istructors may be procured there and entrances for the second semesterI and a committee on elections will prevents such a definite statement att meet students during the day. this time.- Attention has been called by the Students were allowed unrestrictedI office of the recorder to the fact that use of cars for the week-end condi- verbal agreemen't with instructors tional upon registration, and no an- t does not constitute proper dropping nouncement of disciplinary action1 of courses or changes in elections. against those who failed to cooperate' Blanks, properly filled out and en- in registering their cars was made, 1 dorsed by the proper anthorities must .though the two University motorcycle be filed in the office of the recorder policemen were on duty during the' before the student may obtali any entire time. Such disciplinary action credit for the courses. may be made public soon, however. EDITORIAL AND BUSINESS OFFICES ISSUE CALLS FOR DAILY TRYOUTS Beginning the competition of the ing, and management of a newspaper' class of '31 for publications positions in a practical way, and will have op- in their junior and senior years, this portunity to learn in an organization week will see the calling of tryouts conducted on lines closely approach- for the editorial and business staffs ing those of professional journals. It of The Daily, the freshmen having is important that tryouts report at been ineligible for participation until this first meeting if possible. Try- their second semester. outs for the Women's staff and Sports7 A cnira'ntfa frthe D tiial sitaff of -,tnf1' iwillI ronnrt.n.' of'fl', nP+h~oalan_ DEBATE COACHES TO HOLD TRYOUTS Tryuts for the second semester Var-- sity debate squad from which six men will be chosen to debate against Wis- consin and Illinois in the Mid-West' league debates will be held this after- noon from 3 o'clock io 6 o'clock and tonight beginning at 7:30 o'clck in the Adelphi rooms on the fourth floor of Angell hall, Prof. James M. O'Neill of the speech department announced yes- terday. Thirty-five men had signed up for the tryouts at a late hour yesterday. Each man will speak for five minutes on either side of the question, "Re- solved that we should condemn the control now exercised by the United States government in Panama, Nicar- agua, and Salvador." Professor O'Neill, Prof.' Gail E. Densmore, and Carl Brandt of the speech department will judge the tryouts. From the men who tryout, a squad of probably 16 men will be chosen. This group will gradually be cut down until two three men teams are chosen for the debates with Illinois here and Wisconsin at' Madison. The debates occur sometime during the second or third week of March.' DRAMATIST WILL APPEAR! THURSDAY In resuming the current oratorical association series the sixth number will be presented in Hill auditorium Thursday night when Gay MacLaren, dramaist and play interpreter, will offer "Father and Dad." Like Edwin M. Whitney, who recent- ly gave "The Tailor Made Man" here Miss MacLaren impersonates all the parts in the play. Another feature of her performance here is the fact thai the play, "Father and Dad," is from her own pen. Leading dramatic critics of the country have characterized Miss Mac- Laren as "a one woman theatrica company." A few yers ago she pre sented "Enter Madame," before ar Ann Arbor audience in Hill audi- torium, this being her second appear- ance here. t 1 i tt _ Totals Coe (25), Stewart, If. Otto, rf. c. Moeller, c. ... 13 . 2 ..0 .. . . 4 NEW MAN CHOSEN AS UNION OFFICER Clarence W. Little, '28, was ap- pointed literary vice-president of the Union at the meeting of the Board of Directors, last Saturday, at the Union. Little will succeed Charles B. Gilbert, '28, who was graduated from tha TTnivracitf'at thefnofid r,4' l'nlaf Hubbard, lg.........2 Hoyman, rg...........2 Johnstone, rf..........1 Totals. ...........11 Free throws missed: Mc man, Orwig (4); Stewart Hubbard (2). Umpire, War Bend); Referee, Bechtel ( WILL LECTUR1 CHEMISTRY T Prof. W. Lepeschkin of t university at 4:15 o'clock noon nin Na3tur'val einen,