NDAY;~JANUAfR 22, 1928 THE MICHIGAN DAILY T7~ PAGE LULL"I'N CONFE1RENCE' DUE TO E XAIiPERIOD Nex.t Two Weeks Find Five Contests Scheduled In Court Race For Title GOPHERS TOMEET PURDUE With most of the Conference schools having semester examinations start- ing, or coming to a close, the next two weeks will see a comparative lull in the BigsTen basketball race. Only five gaines are to be played between now and Feb. 6, when the second semester starts here. Indiana and Purdue will hook .up in the mdst important encounter, of the period at Lafayette in a game which means much to both teams, both being given good chances at titular honors. The Gophers will do most to liven up the next .two weeks with three games scheduled, with lowly Chicago, uncertain Northwestern, and upsetting Ohio. The :Gophers are. a big question mark themselves, with a potentially powerful five, 'and three yictories would make them a dangerous team. In addition to the Wolverines whose next game is Feb. 4, four oth- er quintets are enjoying two weeks away from competition. Wisconsin, which has not played since last Mon- flay, will not be seen in action again until Feb. 11. Ohio will not take the floor again until Feb. 4, then 'she will help, dedi- cate Minnesota's new field house. Iowa's next game will find the Hawks entertaining Minnesota and will be on Feb. 6. Illinois' next game will be with Northwestern Feb. 8 at Urbana. GAMES FOR BIG TEN FIVES 1WRING EXAMINATION PERIOD TAKE POS1 KANSAS C oFENCERS TO ENGACE 7 DETROIT CLUB FEB1 A U C H L °1F EFORRENT at 410 Thompson, first classEfront suite or as two single's, Advcrtisinand one single. No other roomers. Nell furnished, soft water, steam . rheat. f390 ), 91 9 MAJIUA~V'l 'S l'lY Oi,(:r Lb FOR RENT-Packard St., 214. Pleas- err v al:(\', ni i. Tel. 9215. A few, ant double room and s uite, near A. ,. A f campus, $3.00. Phone 9152. 90, 91, 92 "r.T1or Rraei Launching out as a Varsity sport, the Wolverine fencing team will en- gage its first opponents at Waterman gymnasium Feb. 4, during the period between semesters, when the Detroit Fencing club will endeavor to show the Michigan neophytes something about the art of handling the foils. This match will serve as a p~ractice engagement for the Michigan fencers and will afford them a chance to find out their weaknesses in defense and defects on attacks before meeting Big Ten duelists. Tihe Detroit club boasts one of the best group of foilsmen in the United States. Among the out- standing men on the team is Tuscon, Varsity coach, who may handle the weapons against his charges in the contest. Bardwell, former Cornell fencing star, will compete against the Wolverines in both sabre and foils. William Caswell, president of the De- troit organization, will challenge the supremacy of the younger swordsmen in sabre. Orders Being Taken Now for J-Hop House Parties .Pure Fruit-No Artificial Coloring or Flavoring. T H E MAXROY Plqi: 29 Nx to ItoMichigan The tre a91, 92 DRES SMAKING-Experienced; can furnish references. Estimate given n~ .=n+lr rlnir~l Pinta 2 55 FOR RENT-Single room, double room, good beds. 911 Forest Ave. Excellent location. 90, 91, 92 Oi US e~fU UII O.~. A 'UNIJ RTUE'J'Af.A-YT 7su...1.te , .]ai o 11 on wor k desired. PBone 3tia 1 A COITFORTABLE suite, idegal for SUn., Tues., Thurs. two upper classmen or grads. 918 lVKRSTY BE TY SHOPPE. S. State. Dial 8368. 90, 91, 92 la reel, 2%; Slnpon, 50c; Mani- FOR RENT-One large room for two. cure, idY Facial, 75c. All work IHot and cold water, $6.00; one r1111 Sumh University. single room $3.50; one e room, Dhi213_'.i90, 91, 92 hot uand cold water $.h;steam NOTICE- deliver between the heat. 337 Thompson, near Campus. NOTIE-4ti= ,i clvorbeteenthe91, 92 hours of 9:30 and 11:30 p m. Prompt Delivery. Barbecue Inn. Phone 4481. FOR RENT--For two or tliiee boys, 20 100 a large, light, steam heated, front ~ -~~~-~ ~ room, on first floor, single desks, TYIFe I T'( SERTICE % Simmons beds and showe-r baths. Swhile on vacaion leave your type- Special' price for second semester. i --.,., tA .., I Dial 21677. 523 Packa'd St. 92 1 'I Wiliau Hargiss .Former. football coach at Kansas State Teachers' college, who will as- stutie 'the' duties of head coach at Kansas university left vacant by the resignation of Franklin Cappon the first of. December. M, pm 4int 1 ) wIiters3 > 111 i akCI Sn op. A goo0C imet oav em leaned and ad- justed. TYPI'EWRIT lf R RI1 BONS-Our rapid turnover insures a fresh stock. You secure the lbst quality at a moder- ate price. O. D. lorrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. TYPEWRITERS-All makes, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, re- p~aired. Our machines and work guaranteed to give best satisfaction. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. TYPING-Theses a specialty. Rea- sonable ' rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9387. 77-180 TYPEWRITING and Mimeographing promptly and neatly done by ex- COOPER'S COLORED WOLVERINE STOMPERS A RE 'G 1(4 1) TO PLAY 3-HOP PARTY At Phi Kappa Tau, Feb. 4 - They ivish to eancel parly so are open for engagement. Call Cooper at 21118-Address, 823 Greene St. - I I Indiana at January 24 Purdue. January 28 Minnesota at Chicago. .......... January 30 Minnesota at Northwestern. .. .. February 4 Ohio State at Minnesota. MICHIGAN [AT HICAGO. February 6 COE AT MICHIGAN. Minnesota at Iowa. Ohio State at Chicago. "B" TEAM BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Feb. 8....... Alma College thereJ Feb. 10..... Albion College here Feb. 11.....Detroit City Col- lege at Detroit. Feb. 14.......Ypsi Normal there Feb. 17.....Alma College here Feb. 22....Albion College there Feb. 27.....Kalamazoo-tentative March 3....Kalamazoo-tentative VERNON J. McCRUMB FOR TIRES, BATTERIES AND ACCESSORIES Official Potographers 4 ____________________ Make reservations now for your House Party pictures. FtRANCISCO- BOYCE C. 719 Noflh University Phone 4514 Open Evenings and Sundays 113-115 So. Ashley Phone 6151 -H perienced operators at moderate1 rates. College work a specialty for nearly twenty years. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. FOUNTAIN PEN SERVICE Better have your Fountain Pen looked over now at Rider's Pen Shop. You will want them in good shape for examis. FOR SALE POR SALE--,J-lop ticket. I have the favors. Call Fasquelle, 4147. 92 FOR RENT TO RENT-Single rooms and suites, close to campus. Reasonable rent. 611 Church. 89, 90, 91, 92 FOR RENT-Rooms, single or double, in quiet house, for next semester. I Good location, 429 So. Division. 89, 90, 91, 92, 93 FOR RENT-Single room, in private home, upper class or graduate stu- dent preferred. Phone 6623. 88, 89, 90, 91, 92 FOR REN T-Completely furnished apartment for teachers, nurses, grad students, or busines's girls. Avail- "able Fe). 4. Lare front room for two girls and also garage available immediately. Dial 8514. 422 E. Wash- ington. 92 FOR RENT-One single room and one double, second floor, steam heat. 337 E. Jefferson. 90, 91, 92 FOR RENT-Attractive suite and one single room. Phone 7807. 702 Oak- land. 92 FOR RENT-Large front double room in a private home; no other room- _-ers; good location. Phone 6692. 92 SUITE-Light, airy, and comfortable Will rent single or double to faculty, business or graduate women or young' married couple. 1236 Wa sh- tenaw. Dial 21071. 92 ROOM-MATE wanted for a Senior Engineer. Also a double room for rent: 912 Monroe, across from New Architect Bldg. 92 ROOM-Single or double, in private home, near campus, quiet, rea'son- able rent. Phone 5424. 89 FOR RENT-Double and single rooms. Price reasonable; shower bath; niear Union. 536 Thompson. .Dial 22266. 92 FOR RENT-Two double rooms. 420 Thompson. Phone 21559. * 92 FOR RENT-Beautiful suite; also double room. In comfortable home. Good location. 208 N. Division. Dial 6521. 92 FOR RENT-Suite, double room, and single room. At 537 Elm St.' Dial 5291. 92 FOR RENT-Exceptionally attractive single or double rooms for girls. 1016 East U. 92 LOVELY warm room for students, teachers, business girls or nurses. Telephone and typewriter in room. Breakfast when desired. Private' house, quiet in evenings, $4.00 per week each or $75 a semester. Call 4329. 91, 92 FOR RENT-Newly decorated corner front suite, desirable for 3 boys at $3.25; shower bath; also an apart- ment. Phone 6110. 91, 92 FOR RENT-Four-room apartment with private bath. Heat and hot water furnished. Telephone 7339. 91, 92 FOR RENT-Double and single rooms priced reasonable; one block from campus. Call 535 Church. 91, 92 SINGLE room, well heated and well furnished; close to Union. 511 Chever Ct. 5933. 91, 92 TWO comfortable single )rooms in private family. Call before 3 p. m. 15876. 1 91, 92 Col er Needs!. Manifold Heaters for F*OR*S . . . . . * * * . * * * . 65c Ford Realt-ers, priced, $2.50 CHEVROLET Heaters manifold type at . .. .. .. ... $5.85 heaters for all other cars are priced $7.65 up Best grade 188 proof alcohol priced per gallon ... .. ... . .55c Bring in a cn--'ence slightly more New and used tire chains,.. $1.75 up A few more Ford size tires priced each . . . . . . .. . . . . . $3.75$ ' ' 1 Subscribe For the Weekly -i RAE_ SUNDAY AND MONDAY TOM MIX "TUMBLING RIVER" (It's Tom's Best) TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY WIV,. iHaines-Joan Crawford* in I"SPRIM4 FEVER" I SII_ _ ____RAE ®: X111ill l llll llltltllilitill111lltililllllitllilliti16tll tiililllill 1i l EEIl lliitl ll l l tttll llll illl ll l ll lllll llllltfllllllllilll r - Starting MondayMrmg EVERY CLOTH OVERCOAT r - r S a 1 . STOCKni TWO PANT SUITS $2.5 r- r w -- Aterations At Cost TIES CORDUROY SILK SCARFS $1.15 COATS AND - $3.65 SHIRTS SHEEP LINED GLOVES 4 COATS 250 LESS 25% L ESS AT I I Direct from The' oxy' I FOR RENT-Single room in quiet house. Phone 4051. 91, 92 FOR RENT-Front suite and singe room. Phone 7618. 515 Walnut. 91, 92 ROOMS-i single and 1 double. 818 Packard. Phone 5993. 91, 92 FOR RENT-Front suite for one or two persons. Near U. of M. Hospi- tal. Reasonable. 1412 Geddes Ave. Phone 6147. 91, 92 ATTRACTIVE ROOMS For four boys 'in a quiet approved house. 3323 Jefferson. Call evenings. 91, 92 ROOMS at $3.25 per week at FLETCHER HALL Ann Arbor's only Men's Dormitory. Under new Management. Especially adapted for Student's- con- venience. New, Fire-proof Building, Steam heat, Shower Baths, Hot and cold water in each room. Lounging and Smoking Room 915 Sybil St., near Ferry Field. Dial 4770. FOR RENT-Furnished house, 6 rooms, good condition, facing cam- pus. For second semester. 421 Church. Phone 5561. 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92 WANTED WANTED-Two J-Hop tickets. Write E. C. Hoenicke, 833 St. Louis, Fern- dale, Mich. 90, 91, 92 ROOM-MATE wanted. Pleasant front room. % block from campus. Gradu- ate preferred. 1115 S. University. 21489. 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93 LOST 1 LOST-A ~reward is offered for the return of the Elgin watch which was lost Saturday in Waterman gym. Call Champe, Phone 4017, or 556 So. State St. LOST-Three keys on wire ring, be- tween A. H. and Mason Hall. Box 26, Michigan Daily. 90, 91, 92 LOST-Silver wrist-watch in Union washroom. Finder return to Prof. Jack, 3227 A. H. 90, 91, 92 LOST-Thursday, on campus, a watch shaped bracelet of brilliants and sapphires. Please call 6816, between 5:00 and 7:00 p. m. Reward. LOST-Gold Bead Bracelet, on Cam- pus, Friday afternoon; valued as keepsake. Finder nlease call 9365. t r 9 Comig Tursda* (j f , l ,"' ' t..