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September 30, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-09-30

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-*1 ff ijr t t tQat
Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associ4 Press is exclusively et-1
ttiled to the use foi republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this 1aper and the local news pub-,
lishedl herein. S'
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Suscription by carrier, $4,00; by mail,
Offices:.Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nand Street.
Phones: Fditorial, 492.5;_ Business 212r4.



Telephone 4925

Editor......................Ellis B. Merry
Staff Editor...............Philip C. Brooks
City Editor.............Courtland C. Smith
Editor Michigan W ekly..Charles E. Behymer
Women's Editor..........Marian L. WellesI
Sports Editor..........Herbert E. Vedder
Theater, Books and Music.Vincnt C. Wall, Jr.
Telegraph Editor............,Ross W. Ross
Assistant City Editor....Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean
J, Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr. ,
Milton Kirshbaum
Margaret Arthur Charles R. Kaufman
Alexander N. Donald J. Kline
Bochnowski - Sally Knox
Emmons A. Bonfield Jack L. Lait, Jr.
Stratton Buck Richard H. Milroy
Jean Campbell Charles S. Monroe
Jessie Churcht, Catherine Price
Sydney M. Cowan Mary E. Ptolemy
William B. Dis Harold L. Passman
William C. Davis Morris W. Quinn
Masn de la Vergne Piere Rosenberg
Orville L. Dowzer David Scheyer
Clarence N. Edelson Robert G. Silbar
Margaret Gross * Howard F. Simon
Edith V..Egeland . George E. Simons
Marjorie F611ner Alfred L. Singer
James B I aji Sylvia Stone
Robert George Tilley
Milton Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Elaine" coeo J. Yoedicke
Joseph . °- i Jseph Zwerdling
e1 one 21214
Assistat Matng .Gorge H. Annable, Jr.
AdvertSlng ,.,. Richard A. Meyer
Advertsing ArthurdM. Hinkley
.Advertising " y,; G .Edward L. Iulse
Advertising . 1" ..John W. Ruswinckel
Accounts ..Raymond, Wachter
Circulation e l George B. - Ahn, Jr.
Publication . .......Harvey Talcott
Fred Babc C i - Ray Hofelich
George IBradId I Marsden R. Hubbard
James 0. Bvsvp Hal A. Jaehn
James B. Co James Jordan
Charles. K."'( 0l nMario Kerr
Bessie t. Tlialcs N. Lenington
Ben ishii«KT ' W A. Mahaffy
'Katherie Fioone Geoge M. Perett
Douglass FulleV Alex K. Scherer
Herbert Goldber. William L. Schloss
L.r I Gadm Herbert E. Varnum
Carl W. Hamm
Night st -PAUL J. KERN
Discipline, obnoxious as the word
may sound in a college environment,
is to be condoned in the case of those
freshmen who failed, without good
reason, to cooperate in Freshmen
week activities.'
Prof. William Frayer, chairman of
the Freshmen week committee, has
indicated that approximately 50 cases
will be handled by the disciplinary
committee. . Discipline in these cases
would seem to be just in view of the
fact that officials gave one week of
their time in an effort to acquaint
freshmen with university life, and
some of the things they could expect
to meet in the course of their four
years at Michigan.
Generally speaking, the group who
failed to cooperate in the first oppor-
tunity given them, would prove to be
the least desirable ones during the
rest of their four years here in scho-
lastic work, participation in activities,
and living up to their responsibilities
as students of the University. If the
committee is able to point out their
mistake to the erring ones in a way
that they will realize this, it Is not
yet too late for them to get back on
the right foot, otherwise even more
stringent steps might not be inadvis-
With the meting of Sir Austen
Chamberlin and Premier Benito Mus-
solini on a yacht in the Adriatic, there
come immediate suggestions of. a
secret commercial treaty between
England and Italy. Naturally the pub-
lie opinion of France has been offend-
ed, and in the not too amiable air of
Europe the whole incident has cast a
rdistasteful aroma of secret negotia-

tions, subterfuges, and clandestine
Whether or not the suspicion on
the part of France that a secret treaty
* is in formulation is true, the fact still
iemains that any meeting of the kind
is predestined to arouse suspicion,
and that suspicion is one thing of
which all Europe has a tremendous
overdose already. There can be no
really lasting alliance between any
nations of Europe as long as they
suspect each other of secret agree-a
ments with other natinns .ndt in this i

Annonynous communications will be
dlisregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, le regarded as
confidential upon request.
To the Editor:
I am taking occasion to call down
the wrath of the gods of reason upon
those unutterably .inconsistent people,
including most of the student body;
and the Student council, who vocifer-
ously oppose the automobile ban, and
at the same time supposedly express
their faith in higher education by at-
tending the University.
Of course only*hose who achieve
the greatest spiritual development as
college students ever acquire such
balance of reason that they will not
complain like punished children, and
with as little breadth of vision,
againsstlall regulatory measures. Most
students pride themselves on being
associated with an institution which
upholds the highest intellectual,
moral, and spiritual progress, and
then complacently go about defeating
those aims by utter neglect. So it is
not strange that few realize that the
ban is a constructive effort to remove
a time-waster and morale breaker,
from the University community.
As to the use of student cars, I
quote from The Daily of May 4, 1926,
before any ban was in effect, and be-
fore it was widely discussed-in other
words, before answers to questions
would have been. colored by. selfish
desires to keep cars. At that time a
feature story was published concern-
ing an investigation by a class of
Prof. Robert C. Angell, which showed
that of 235 students interviewed, '17
gave pleasure as the only excuse fo
having a car at school." Obviously
owning a car for pleasure only is in-
compatible with the intent of a seri-
ous student.
It is all too seldom that any group
especially a supposedly enlightened
student body, realizes the value in
such remarks as the recent denuncia-
tion of modern pleasures by Dean
Inge. His mention of automobiles as
a major element in the breakdown o1
society in the future, is especially ap
plicable in a college community, wher
the purpose of organization is to
gather a group of scholastically in-
clined, industrious young people. Are
the universities of today to lead the
progress of human evolution ever up-
ward, or will they help to breakdown
a civilization which even now may be
threatened by a loss of morale?
The Student council recommends
partial restriction, with enforcemen
by the present administrative sys
tem. Do they not realize that unde
such circumstances, effective enforce
ment would be impossible? The con-
fusion of permits and their refusals
the hair-line decisions, and the re-
sultant number of violations, would
result in practical nullification of the
ruling, and detract from the respec
given the administration.-I
It is a widely held opinion among
people who favor the Prohibition
amendment that they would prefer no
restriction to partial limitation, for
the same reasons, and the cases are
somewhat parallel. A partial ban
would be essentially an honor system
-trusting those who were permitted
to drive cars not to use them in such
a way as to injure their scholastic
pursuits. Such an ideal is desirable
C but would be ridiculously hopeless at
Michigan. The reasons for this were
well expressed by a prominent pro-
fessor on the campus, one acquainted
with the problems of both large and
small universities, in this and foreign

countries, in a statement published
in a special supplement on the Honor
System, printed by The Daily on
April 3, 1926.
"Michigan," ,he said, "lacks the
necessary highly developed social
consciousnessi.-I would expect the
system to work only in well organized
closely knit student bodies, where
there existed fairly close personal re-
lationships and which were generally
controlled by an active student opin-
ion. I question whether these condi-
tions exist in the University of Michi-
gan in sufficient degree -."
The situation has come to the point
where the stereotyped arguments back
and forth are monotonous. Many of
them'are trivial, and in order to find
arguments the opponents of the ban
apparently find it necessary to side-
step the ultimate end, and to assume
a decidedly narrow and superficial
interpretation of the problems in-.
volved. -
What is needed is a new attitude, a
far-seeing and sincere outlook, ne-
glecting personal selfish desires of the
great army of the thoughtless.
The writer is one who had to sell
his own car this fall, but who- feels
already a sense of a closer and more
democratic social organization, which
it is hoped will be a factor in working
out the ultimate but far-off goal of
making the TTnivernitre nin, rn..

The naughty Freshmen who didn't
mind their advisors and played
hookey during Freshmen week are "MY MARYLAND"
going to be disciplined, according to A review, by inent Wal
late announcements from the exe-
cutive committee. If something like this has to be
* * done, I suppose it should be well.
Although compulsory attendance Other than this there is really no ex-
was not required for our own Fresh-
ma s nw e ure olls will a wn Frtesh-cuse for the musical version of "Bar-
man week, Rolls will back up the aaFeth"whhisn nth
officials of the rival programs con- bara Frietchie" which is now in the
ducted by the University. The Fresh- Schubert Detroit theater. It is funny
men might as well realize that rules to be true-awfully funny-but it is
are going to be made and enforced entirely unintentional. When Bar-
around this University from now on. bara, with the Stars and Stripes
They're due for a hard life, and the clutched to her bosom, defies the
sooner they get used to it the better. rebels in the street below with the
* * * words "Shoot me if you will, but
As a first step, we suggest that the spare your country's flag," Dorothy
guilty Frosh be forced to wear pots, Donnelly created one of the best com-
so they can be distinguished from edy scenes I have ever witnessed in
the other 131-ers. musical comedy; in the hands of some
* * * comedienne-say Fanny Brice or Ger-
Only about 50 cases are expected to trude Lawrence-it would be really
be brought up for action, which leads good.
us to believe that -a better system of "My Maryland" is, I believe, the most
recording attendance could well be unkind perversion of American his-
included in plans for next year. tory I have ever seen perpetrated on
* * * any stage, and it is really so well
. HE NIGHT BE A DENTIST done you can't laugh it off; the cast
Large numbers of the more bar- is excellent. Lottice Howell who may
barian of the engineers were much be remeabered from "Deep River" o0
surprised to learn that a bridge ex- last season, sings Barbara Frietchi
} pert will appear next month at the with an eager intensity that almos
Union for the benefit of the Women's broke the audience down; George Ry-
league. mer is capable as Captain Trumbull
* * * and. Betty Byron does well in the in
"We don't see what the women want gen'e part.
to mix up in our business for," de- But the real trouble of the sho
clared the spokesman for the hardy is an attempt to duplicate the triump
fraternity. "What does this guy Work of "The Student Prince" and "Blos
know about bridges anyway. We'll som Time" and the elements tha
tend to all the bridge-building that's made these shows great is lacking
to be done around here." The books of both were really awful
, * * * but the Romberg music and the novel
"I've taken every course in bridge- ty of the production put them across
building anyone ever heard of," ex- But in "My Maryland" there are n
claimed another member of the in- good songs, and the public is too ex
dignation' committee, "but this auc- cited about Gilbert and Sullivan re
tion bridge is a new thing to me." vivals to care for bum operettas.
* * * * * *
"Aw, shucks, I'll bet this is some "THE BAD MAN"
kind of a game," burst out another There is a mortgage on the o
member as the committee took its farm, and an atmosphere of lawles
leave, banditry, flavored with a dash o
e__tequila and purple desert and sage
e brush that will help to make '"Th
CAMPUS CHIATTERINGS Bad Man" a successful show to ope
. ",: can't understand why the Mimes season. But in a final analysi
football team should have to whatever merit the production ma:
learn Ohio Wesleyan plays," 1. have will depend on the presentation
mused our coed advisor. "Our 4 and Mr. Shuter is particularly for
t own coaches ought to be able to tunate in being able to announce thi
- 'think u good enough ones for campus approximation of an all-sta:
r them to use." f cast:
- . Gilbert Jones ......C. Lyman Cran
* * * Henry Smith ........Robert Wetze
IT'S CLOSING. TIME Lucia Pell ....Frances M. Johnso
Another last opportunity to enter Morgan Pell ....Francis K. Kleutge
the cheering section was given yes- Red Giddings ....Thomas J. Dougal
terday to procastinating students. Jasper Hardy ......Samuel Bonnel
t * * * Angela Hardy ..Mary Louise Murra:
After a week of similar closing an- Pancho Lopez..Charles D. Livingston
nouncements, the few students who Pedro .............. Clifford Madur
failed to apply for extra tickets to the Venustiano.......Harlan P. Crist:
big games are beginning to fear that Alverada............Lester C. Cur
they may be drafted. Bradley .............. Richard Hick
* * * With but three exceptions the mem
With aflost every day for the past bers of this cast are well known t
week having been announced as posi- patrons of last seasons productions
tively the last chance to enter the in the Mimes theater. Lyman Crane
section, and with 'choice blocs" still Francis Kleutgen and Charles Liv
remaining, it appears that someone ingstone were all prominently cast i
may have bitten off a little more than "Anna Christie"-easily the most out
t can be masticated, standing play of the season; Rober
* . * Wetzel played excellent characte:
HARVEST TIME IS COMING parts in .at least a half dozen shows
Politicians a la campus pricked up Samuel Bonnell created several goo
their ears at news of the approaching bits-perhaps the best being in thi

student elections, heralded yesterday "S. S. Glencairn"; Mary Louise Murra:
morning, and prepared to gird them- was a member of the cast of the
selves for battle. Junior Girls' play; Thomas Dougal
* * * was cast in the Union opera; Harlai
Class elections are always more or Cristy appeared in "Annajanska, the
less of a mystifying process to the Bolshevik Empress" and Lester Cur
I average student. If a fraternity man, in "To the Ladies"
he attends the gatherings, perhaps, The discovery of this season, how
voting strictly as instructed by the ever, is the new leading lady, Frances
house boss. He may even feel elated Johnson, who will play Lucia Pell
next morning if he remembers which She is primarily a dramatic actress
of the victorious candidates received with a wonderful voice, deep and wel
his vote. pitched, and she is almost out of place
S* * I In a romantic comedy. But she -has
Occasionally a few non-fraternity a way of catching bits of pathos into
men attend, chiefly for the sake of the lines that places an almost tragic
curiosity. Their voting procedure is conception into the part. And witl
usually an attempt to remember "Seventh Heaven," "The Devil's
which candidates have attended any Desciple" and "Hedda Gabler" o
' of their classes. If the independent Mimes' program, she should find her
z is pessimistic he votes for the men he true range of parts.
remembers; if he has hopes for the -V. C. W.
better the opponents receive his bal-, * * *
* * * It seems early to be making much
But for the true politician, election noise about the May Festival but the
time is the biggest season of the year. choice of one of the choral numbers
Then he can exert his wiles on the demands attention. Earl Moore has
gullible public; bend the rabble to selected Gabriel Pierne's "St. Francis
his will; know all the thrills of con- d'Assisi for the Thursday night con-
flict. The field is open, the prizes are cert. This will be done in place of the
not inconsiderable, and everything oratorio's and like program's which
goes. No wonder he rejoices. have previously been spotted here-
* * * and nobody is going to weep at their
THE FRESHMAN rowing squads absence.
ought to be saved until a little later For the Pierne opus is an excep-
in thesenaon- T+ mllmp nrn - - I innai mwnl-nllywithin +he rne-



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