ESTABLISHED 1890 r 41v t n it MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I - --------- - Vol. XXXVIII, No. 9. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1u 7. EIGHT PAG $ 1c.? - ELECTION COMMITTEE FIXES DElEIITE DATES FOR CLASSBALLOTING, SENIOR ENGINEER1S AND DENTAL STUDENTS WILL VOTE ON OCTOBER 4 FRESHMEN TO VOTE LAST MUCH MALIGNED CLIPPY STADIUM ENDS STRENUOUS DAYS ON CAMPUS Historic Clippy Stadium, ill-starred and G. boys chose a battleship gray All Electiops, As In The Past, Be 1irected By Officers Of The Student Council *illi Definite dates for, elections in all classes of all schools and colleges of the University were set last night- by the Student council at its regularI weekly meeting at the Union. The, dates adopted are in every case the, same as those recommended by EllisI Merry, '28, chairman of the Council' elections committee, and the policy of holding the freshmen elections late in the semester, after Thaiksgiving, will again be carried out, with the, first-year students balloting during the week of Dec. 5. The first elections of the semester will be held on Oct. 4, when the sen- iors of the Colleges of Engineering. and Architecture and the senior den- tal students will elect their officers. The seniors of the Law School will also choose their officers on this date, which falls on Tuesday., The following day, on Oct. 5, the, seniors of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts will ballot, and on Thursday, Oct. 6, the remaining classes, including the business ad- ministration seniors, seniors in the.. College of Pharmacy, and seniors of, the School of Education will hold their elections. The first elections, in the junior class will- be held a week later, on Oct. 11, when the juniors of the Col-I leges of Engineering and Architec-I ture, and the juniors of the dental col-1 lege meet to choose their officers, On the following day the juniors of the literary college meet for their elections, Oct. 12, and on Thursday, Oct. 13, the pharmacy, education, and business administration juniors will meet for their balloting. Scphomnores Follow Juniors Sophomores of all schools and col- leges meet the- following week to reg- ister their choices, in the same order as the upperclassmen, with the en- gineering and architecture sopho- mores holding their elections on Oct. 18, the same day as the sophomore dental students, and the literary col- lege sophomores meeting the follow- ing day, Oct. 19 to register their choices. The sophomores of the School of Education and the College1 of Pharmacy will meet Thursday, Oct. 20. There are no sophomore class elections in the School of Business Administration, since the sophomoresj of that college are included .wit~h theI f and much maligned, made famous by tear gas, roller skates, Toasted Rolls, and the B. and G. boys, has ended its strenuous days. Gone from the event- ful diagonal, carved with initials and hacked by souvenir hunters, it now reporses on the lawn of the old Uni- versity hospital-a refuge for the lame, the halt, and the blind. How are the mighty fallen! Brief but eventful has been the campus career of Clippy Stadium. One day last fall two benches appear- ed - encircling the fountain on the northWest end of the diagonal. But the harmonious California redwood of which they were constructed proved too tempting a practice ground for the painting division of the utilitarian de- partment of building and grounds, and the unlucky benches, only a day old, j received their first setback in a glar- ing coat of white paint. Campus comment immediately be- came so rife that the necessity of naming the benches appeared immi- Ient. Toasted Rolls directed by Tim- othy Hay undertoor a popular ballot which hit upon the name Clippy Sta; dium in memory of President Little's late undemonstrative, curlyhaired spaniel. Heaped with snow, Clippy Stadium passed an uneventful winter, but after the spring thow the white/paint was found to be hopelessly smudged and soiled. Taught by experience, the B. IN ROE BYFACISTI the Ann Arbor policemen. I PROFESSOR HERBERT SPEYE When roller-skating seized the stu- IDISCUSSES ESSENTIAL dent fancy Clippy Stadium again came DIFFERENCES into prominence as a vantage point from which to observe undergraduate IS INTRODUCED BY REE skill on the eight-wheeled rollers. And a few days later the summary re- Points Out That Presidential Form moval of the traditipn-draped en- Simpler While Parliamentary gineering benches confirmed the im- Is More Elastic. mortality of the stadium. At night the two battle scarred benches were A contrast of European system+ clandestinely conveyed to the opposite i end of the diagonal to replace the ai condemned seating facilities of the system of the United States was t ER ID I4 of jiai he for their second coat. This warlike color was well advised, for after a raid on the Arcade the stadium be- came the scene of a bloody tear gas battle between the student body and BY BELGIAN LECTURER ENVOY KILLED IN AIRPLANE CRASH engineers. When last seen on the campus Clip- py Stadium was filled with sufferers from spring fever. Then it disapper-' ed altogether, and only recently was discovered on the hospital lawn-in- viting the siestas of the lame, the halt, and the blind. How are the mighty fallen! MAGR.UDERAFAR IS1 CLOSED WITH WILBURH Inquiry Will Continue To Determine Liability For Interview In New York Times. ADMIRAL MAKES APOLOGY (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Sept. 28.-Rear Ad-" miral T. T. Magruder's magazine article criticising the conduct of the navy now is a closed incident, so far as Secretary Wilbur'is concerned, but inquiry is going forward to determine' whether the officer is liable to asny penalties as a result of a subsequentl interview printed in the New York- Times. The Saturday Evening Post1 article episode was terminated at a conference today, arranged at the tele- phonic request of Admiral Magruder,I kn which he expressed his regret to Secretary Wilbur if the criticism had cauged Mr. Wilbur any embarrass- ment. He said he had no criticism of any official of the department and had written the article only with a view to :isseminating useful information. The conference hinged chiefly on an interview with the admiral printed in subject of yesterday afternoon's lee- ture by Prof. Herbert Speyer of the University of Brussels. Professor Speyer was introduced by Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the Political sciekce department. Professor Speyer began his talk with an explanation of the chief dif- I ferences and advantages of the Euro- pean and American typesof represen- tative government. According to Pro- fessor Speyer, the chief differences lie in the powers of the executive, and also in the fact that the European system is much the more elastic. Praises Checks and Balances. In discussing the relative advant- ages, Mr. Speyer emphasized the factI that the American system is the[ clearer and simpler of the two, and that, in his opinion, a definite term of office for the chief executive of a nation was very desirable. He also added the act that the system of wchecks and balances, as in force in the United States, is a wonderful piece of political mechanism. On the other hand, Professor Speyer maintained that the European system was more elastic and hence more amiable to the will of the people. As an illustration of this point, he spoke ;of the deadlock between Congress and the late President Wilson during Mr. Wilson's second administration. This, according to Professor Speyer, would 4 be impossible under the European parliamentary system. In summing up this phase of his lecture, Professor S'peyer remarked that "Nations have the governments they desire," and added that, in his opinion, they usually ended up by hav- ing the sort of government which was most suited to their needs. Defends Parliamentary Form. From this point, Mr. Speyer went on, to discuss the recent criticism of par- liamentary government in Europe. Ac- Baron Ago Von Maltzan German ambassador to the United States, who was killed in an airplane crash while enroute from Berlin to Munich. The pilot, Von Maltzan, and three other passengers were killed. INTERNAIDNAL GRII OUP FINISHES COINFERENCE STUDENT COUN-CIL RESOLUT 'ION AUTO BAN UNDULYR.ESTRHICTIVE COOPERATION WITH AUTHORITIES IS URGED AS MEANS OF OBTAINING EARLIESTMODIFICATION Condemning the present complete ban on student automobiles as "unduly restrictive and unjust to the great majority of students," the Student council, at a meeting held last night at the Union, unanimously adopted a resolution urging the modification of the present ban as soon as pOSSible. The Council, however, officially expressed the lope that the student body give the University authorities full cooperation in th enforcement of the present regulations as long as they exist. Both the resolution and the accompanying statement were drawn up by a special committee ap- pointed at the last meeting ot the Council, and were signed by the mem- bers of the committee and the presi- gent of the Council. The unanimous action} cane after only a short discussion, during which all of the opinions expressed were favorable to the resolution. The opin- ion prevailed among the members of Legionnaires Enter City Amidst Varied Demonstrations Showing Spirit . Of Friendship For America POPE EXTENDS GREETINGS (By Associated Press) .ROME, Sept. 28.-Rome extended, ropen arms today to the 260 members of the American Legion, headed by National Com. Howard P.' Savage, wh. made the pilgrimage to the Eternal City. The celebration of the Legionnaires visit took on various forms, in which the friendship of Italy for America was warmly demon- strated. First came a solemn ceremony at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, to which the Legionnaires marched through streets where the Stars and Stripes and the Italian tricolor were entwined. Detachments of infantry, cavalry, artillery, the aviation corps, and naval men, with lines of Fascist militia in their black shirts, flanked the Piazza Venezia where the tomb stands. The most picturesque reception of the day was at St. Peter's where Pope Question Of Unanimity In Asking Court For Advisory Opinions Is Last Problem Considered TO MEET NEXT DECEMBER (By Associated Press) GENEVA, Sept. 28.-The Council of the League of Nations finished its labor this afternoon, and will not take up again the various questions pend- ing its session next December. American failure to join the World Court of International Justice, re- cause of the impossibility of granting the United States satisfaction on the' question of advisory opinion by that court, was suddenly made the subject of discussion in the Council today. The matter crept into the debate on the G r e c o-German controversy touching the payment for the battle cruiser Falamis built for Greece by a German ship yard, and transfornied - RESOLUTION Whereas, The Student Council of the University of Michigan be- lieves the failure of the modified automobile regulations of the scholastic year 192E-'27 was due to lack of responsible enforce- ment officials, and Whereas, the Council believes that- the officials appointed for the administration of the present regulations comprise an efficient enforcement agency, and Whereas, 'The Council believes a complete ban on automobiles to be unduly restrictive anduiijust to the great majority of students, It is resolved that the Council urges the removal of the present ban as soon as possible and the inauguration of/modified regula- tions whereby scholastically eligible upperclassmen would be permitted to operate motor cars. _ I 1 1 1 l i I I l 1: -l 1 1 I 3. 1 i i , literary students. Pius greeted the Legionnaires, ad- On Dec. 6 the first of the freshmen dressed them in his paternal manner, class elections in architectu'ral coa- and gave them his blessing. In the lege and the dental college will be square was assembled another vast held, and on Dec. 7 the literary fresh- concourse, and in' Clementine hall, men will hold their elections. The Swiss guards rendered homage to the treshment engineering students will! Americans as they, passed into Con- also vote on Dec. 7, while the . re- sistorial hall. The Pope then appear- maining two freshmen classes, in the ' ed clad in white, welcomed the Legion College of Pharmacy and the School naires, and later went among them, of Education, will mt on Thursday, each kissing his hand. Dec. 8. The day ended with a great recep- No definite dates for the elections, tion in the Capital given by the gov- of class officers in the School of .ernor of - Rome, Prince Ponteziani.- Medicine have been set, since the elec- Prince Ponteziani with other officials tions there require special arrange- received the guests, while his daugh- mnts. The Student council commit- ter Miriam entertained the American tee, however, is now at work on these ; women. A feature of .the reception arrangements and the dates for that was a musicale and after that balloting will be announced in the sumptuous refreshments, in the course near future. ' of which the governor and the na- All elections this year will be in tional commander exchanged toasts charge of officers delegated from the and solicitations. Student council, as.for several years- past, aid in all of the larger elections, OFFICER ARRESTS at 1,ast, printed ballots, of different eclor. for the different elections, will CITY AUTO DRIVER b - d. Class officers and officials* will be asked to cooper .te, however, Guy L. Mullison, owner of a local in the staging of the elctions, espe- s'd ng horse stable, was arrested yes- chi'ly among the smaller classes, the terday for refusing to show his driv-. Council committee announced. er's license to Kenneth Withrow,/ Will 10(d Pep Meeling. state policeman engaged by the Uni- Among other business-transacted by versity to aid in enforcement of the the Council last night was the definite ban on student automobiles. decision to hold three pep meetings, Mullison, when arraigned, pleaded before the Ohio, Navy, and Minnesota not guilty and will appear in justice gamea; two of them to be in Hill Au- ;court next Monday morning. dito"ui and the third in the Yost' Fiel ihouse. It was also decided to VEEKLY SENT!TO move the date of the freshman-sopho- ALL SUBSCRIBERS muo": t all games ahead one week to1 L U S R B R Nov. 1,ue to the fact that the West-snT cer is (Coference cross-country meet' First edition copies of -The Weekly 'will be run in Ann Arbor the morning have all been mailed to only those of Nov. 19, which is the traditional who had subscribed. No copies have date for the fall games, being the day been sold on the newsstands and this of the season's final football game. plan will be followed through the it was decided, also, to continue reg- year.' Sales of subscriptions wil- con- isiration for the cheering section, tinue at the business office of The since only 80 more students are needed Daily. TheWeekly will come out :he New York Times in which he was cording to Professor Speyer, suchI :epresented as backing up the maga- criticisms are only the natural result9 zine story with vigorous language. of the World War, and that he person- Secretary Wilbur had asked Magruder ally cannot see a sane Europe adopt- f he was correctly quoted in the in- ing either Facism or Communism. He1 uerview, and in the reply the admiral then added that the parliamentary c piled with the department a statement system was far from perfect. but that ! xhich he said correctly set forth his a number of the cures suggested weret views. much too reactionary. Professor Spey-! Mr. Wilbur declined to make the er's answer to the parliamentary iatement public 'and' said later that! critics is that the lightening of theI Ais conference with Magruder had burden of b'usiness on a parliament )een misrepresented. will get better laws. He also advocatedt "That interview did not properly i specialized advisory committees to re-J :-epresent my position," the admiral lieve parliaments of the detailed work. said after the. conference. "It was ridictlous when it said that I scowled BROTHER OF FORD ; end used gestures because it was OF given late at night over the telephone." I CALLED BY DEA TH i Secretary Wilbur indicated, how-I aver, that the inquiry would continue (By Associated Press) co determine whether Magruder had DETROIT, Sept. 28.-A victim of1 ,iolated any of the regulations in giv- heart failure that had troubled him mng his views on the Navy to newspa- for .wees, John Ford, wealthy realI permen. He added that Magruder had estate operator and brother of Henfry! assured him of his readiness to co- Ford, died alone in an unoccupiedI -perate with the Navy in its policies cottage in Fordson last night. The imd had sought today's conference in body lying on a bed, left in the cot- .rder to make plain that his attitude tage by its last tenant, was found had not been correctlypictured in shortly before 6 o'clock this morning newspapers. by Fordson police and Robert W.1 Admiral Magruder said there was no Ford, a son, who began search when chance of his being courtartialed as!; Mr. Ford failed to. return to his homeI a result of his magazinearticle be- from a meeting of the Fordson city a et f hdiolatdnoelation -council, of which he was president. .:ause° he had violated no regulation, Thotgrcnl ucae y itaving. filed a copy of it with the Navy The cottage, recently purchased by (1 Dep arn t. a Mr. Ford, is but a few squares from DMyartlea b i ithe Ford homestead and it is believed ".My article may have been lurid in ; .Fr It otepae oiset spots," he said, "but it was fundament-' Mr. Ford went to the place to inspect ally correct." it when, he was stricken. Pending the formality of a post-' Bmortem examination, the body -as BRIDGE EXPERT held today in an undertaking estab- TO APPEAR HERE lishment in Dearborn. it later wvll be removed to the Ford home where Milton C.. Work, international an- funeral services are to be held Fri-I thority and expert teacher of auction !da' bridge, who is being brought to.the University of Michigan by the Ann I Arbor Michigan Women's league, will !CHEERI GSECTION appear in the Assembly room of the APPLICATIONS - Union on the afternoon and evening of Thursday, Oct. 27, giving lessons Applications for seats in the on the playing of bridge. ! cheering section will be received . Mr. Work's lessons, one of which he ( this afternoon in the Union from calls "An Afternoon Talk on Bridge," 2 to 5 o'clock. This action was will start promptly at 2:30 o'clock taken by the Student council be- I n t n f n n+ Q , 'innin I cause of the fact that so many I I i 1' I tE E# 1, i I s t j ' i ' an- unimportant question into an ex-the body that the present enforcement tran y unimportant q on io rang th machinery would be adequate to take tremely important one by raising the care of a modified automobile ruling issue as to whether, in asking for similar to the one in force during the advisory opinion from the World last school year, which was aban- Court, the Council must vote unan- doned when the enforcement agencies imously or by a majority. broke down. Dr. Urratia, member for Columbia, The stand of The Daily on the ques- who was reporting on the Falamis tion of the automobile ban, which en- case, advocated asking for an advisory tered to some degree into the resolu- opinion from the World Court wheth- tion of the Council, as stated editori- er the Council possessed competence ally in the first issue of the year is to interpret the Treaty of Versailles, reprinted here for those who failed as Greece wished, -and to declare to see it at the time. The text of the whether the treaty prevents Germany editorial follows: from exporting war material even if The Automobile Ban. contracted for before the outbreak of Taking action on the automobile the war, as happened in the Falamis question which aroused the interest case. of the campus last, spring, ',the Lord Onslow, of Great Britain, and Regents at their meeting on June c7, Dr. Loudon, of Iolland, opposed ask- 1927, passed the following resolution: ing the Court for an advisory opinion, j."Resolved-That no student in attend- whereupon Signor Scialoia, of Italy. i ance at the University from and aiter retorted that unanimity was not the beginning of the first semester of necessary anyway, because request, the University year, 1927-1928, shall for such opinions were acts of pro- operate any motor vehicle. In excep- cedure and not of policy. tional and extraordinary cases in the This brought M. Titulescu, foreign discretion of the Dean' of Students minister of Roumania, to his feet this rule may be relaxed." with a vehement affirmation that For the benefit of entering studenu unanimity was necessary. and those who followed the situations; "One reason why the United States last semester, The Daily wishes to re- did not ahere to the statutes of the aflirni its stand in opposition to a World Court," lie said, "was because complete ban upon the student opera- America .was not given !assurance tion of cars. A resume of the events that unanimity was essential." leading up to the Regents' action is The president of the council, Senor pertinent. Villezas, of Chile, agreed with M. The first restriction placed by the Pitulescu that this doubt about unan- 1 University on the operation of ao- imity had prevented the United States mobiles was put into effect in the fall from Joining the court. But he held of 1926 under the Regents' ruling that that the question of whether unan- upperclassmen scholastically eligible imity or a majority was necessary ;-as would be permitted to operate ears. too grave to decide hastily. Sophomores were given the same pri- vilege for the first year. The enforce- W ILL DISCIPLINE ment of this regulation was placed in ERING FRESMEN the hands of a committee composed of ERRI G Fsix students and two faculty mem- bers. It was the work of this group to When the work of checking over the secure the registration of all student reports compiled from the data .furn- operated cars and to prohibit the use ished by the group advisers is com- of automobiles by freshmen and those pleted, definite steps toward dis- scholastically ineligible. ciplining those students who failed On April 22, 1927, feeling that the to cooperate during Freshmen week existing situation was unsatisfactory, will be undertaken, according to an I the Regents announced that "further announcement made yesterday from restrictive action of a comprehensive the office of Prof. William Frayer, nature" might be taken at its May chairman of the Freshmen week coin- meeting.- In response to the an- mittee. 1 nouncement, The Daily made its in- Though no definite number has been itial stand against a complete ban on fixed as yet, it is probable that ap- cars, pointing out the need of respon- proximately 50 cases will be brought sible enforcement officials. Several ,,. 4.- -" Jnn "A te a in, oh- ,-a ax- aa flnu -ra rnfra their cars were advised through The Daily to do so, immediately In re- sponse, more than five hundred ad- vised the committee that they were operating cars and It seemed certain that the great majority of the student body was in sympathy with the rul- ing. Yet, there were uidoubtedly many violators whom the committee, in its effort to personally enforce the ruling, could not apprehend. With the committee working faith- fully on all phases of the situation, the time approached for the May meet. ing at which the decision concerning the success of the test was to be given, Action, however, was deferred until the 'June meeting of the Board of Regents when the majority of the stu- dents had left Ann Arbor. In June the Regents took the action previously mentioned, basing their ove" upon the reeomandation of the student committee antd 'upon the neglect of the 500 students who regis- tered their cars aifter the aforemen- tioned test began instead of at the first of the semester. Use of the lat. ter information .as an argtntm nt against enforcement of th"°"dda- ruling was unfair and .in violation of the agreement made by the President. It penalized the students ,for coop- eration in an attempt at more rigid enfofenemnt. Likewise, the repqrt of the student committee can hardly be accepted at its face value since it was far from an unanimou' opinion. To enforce the ruling which went into effect yesterday, the University has employed an assistant to the Dean of Students and a motorcycle police- man who will. devote their time to this work. Following its belief of last year, The Daily maintains that the presence of these officials is prep cisely what was lacking in the en- forcement of the modified ruling last spring. No committee -of students giving a fair amount of time to scholastic work would be able to seek out completely the violators of the ruling and to con- sider adequately the detailed matters requiring immediate decision from day to day. University officials have adopted efficient means of enforcing any b ch ruling. jn their effort to effect a suc- cessful regulation, however, they have also changed the ruling to be enforced. In so doing, tgey have gone much further in a legislativedirection than is necessary. What is needed is A combination of an efficient means of enforcemnent with a moderate ruling which University officials now agree is the ultimate solution. Unless such mo.ration is allowed, University students will be denied the convenience of time-saving transpor- tation, the use of the automobile for beneficial recreation, and many of the other advantages, secured through the reasonable operation of a car. In an educational institution intended to prepare them for their life service, it -seems inconsistent that its students should be refused the privileges of their high school brothers and s- ters. With little duabt, the abolition of all automobiles will cure the evil, but it will also punish hundreds of Michigan students who have the- re- quired scholastic average, tlie good judgment and the common sense to operate a car-and this group Presi- dent Little has admitted constitutes a majority. It is also recognized that the President has strongly intimated that the present abolition will merely be a step. to a more ideal situation. Yet, no definite time for the return of the automobile privilege to even a small group has been set, and the main condi.tion has involved the dem- onstration by the students of some o- operative spirit-something which is very difficult to determine and which n - n04 - - _ -, .n i [. I I i i E t I !, J 1 F -' - i