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September 28, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-09-28

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,4771 a t I

Vol. XXXVIII, No. 8.


Americans Will Be Invited To Sit
Upon Advisory Commission For
Economic, Cooperation
(By Associated Press)
GENEVA, Sept. 27.-The delegates
to the eighth assembly of the League
of Nations are returning to their re-
spective countries tonight virtually
unanimous 'in the conviction that the
meeting is one of the most. important
in the history of the League. -
The Assembly has been marked, in
their view, by two notable interna-
tional developments.
The first is the great moral impetus
given to the consolidation of peace,
and the second is the decision to
tighten the grasp on peace, by grad-
nally constructing a machinery which
the nations feel they can accept as
adaptable to changing conditions of
international life.
It is generally believed that the
Geneva peace protocol, fashioned by
the 1924 Assembly of the League, was
too idealistic for the present age in
that as President Guani put it in his
valadictory oration today, it is better
to approach the complex problem of
peace by distinguishing more clearly
the boundary between the practical
and the ideal.
The Assembly decided to approach
the question of obtaining reduction of
armament, not by one but by a series
of international conferences and by
simultaneously creating a system of
arbitration and security pacts .be-
tween nations which will make it pos-
sible for nations really to lower their
armaments by the time the first dis-
armament conference is held.
Disarnmament Not Likely
The Assembly ended today.with the
growing conviction that for Europe
at least any considerable lowering of'
armament is not likely unless the
feeling of national security is greater
than that afforded by the Locarno
conference agreement. Many dele-
gates expressed the hope that the
United States, in addition to cooperat-
ing at the disarmament preliminaries,
will collaborate in security negotia-
tions even if it should find itself un-
able to engage its national respons
bility as a party to the actual security
A remarkable feature of the as-
sembly has been the ,repeated refer-
ence by the speakers to a movement
among the American people totobtain
definite outlawry of war by the ex-
tension of arbitration. Several of the
delegates exppressed the opinion to'
the Associated Press correspondent
that the United States could play a
helpful role in the forthcoming long
and complicated pfort for outlawing
war by lending its support and advice.
if only unoficially and that any world
movement to brand an aggressor na-
tion as an outlaw can never succeed
unless the United States, tacitly ac-
cepting any League decision concern-
ing the identity of the outlaw, would
agree to waive certain neutrality
fights, and without engaging in any
actual League war, would consent niot
to trade with or help the nation de-
clared to be the-aggressor.
Mtch Done 'In Economics
In the domain of economics, deemed
by many the potential cause of war,
much ihas been done, International
eRonomi cooperation, hailed as e-

sential by the recent economic confer-
ence, will be pronoted by the creation
of an advisory commission on which;
Americans will be invited to sit, in a"i
endeavor to find means of establishing
genuine liberty of commerce and the
rempval of vexacious tariff restric-
The Latin-American states hav
taken a leading part in the delibera-
tions of the Assembly, and although
the League took no action and was
not asked to do so, in the Panama
canal problem raised by Dr. Morales,
the Panama delegate, the impression1
prevailed here that Latin-American
political problems will be at least
aired in the future at Geneva and the
grat forum of intrnational qustions.
Miss Eloise Judson of Escanaba,
Olicb., has been appointed recorder
and assistant to the dean of the School
of Forestry and Conservation. She is
to assume her duties today,

Scholarship Winner'
Departs To Attend
CollegeIn England
Theodore Hornberger, '27, awarded
the scholarship presented to the Uni-
versity by Mr. and Mrs. J. Ingliss of!
Ann Arbor, left this week on the Lan-
castria, Cunard Line steamer, for Eng-
land. According to the stipulations of
the scholarship he will engage this
next year in study preparatory to a
teacher's career.
Hornberger was undecided up to the
time he left as to what college he
would attend, whether Oxford, Cam-
bridge, or the University of London.
Dr. Robbins, secretary to the presi-
dent of the University of Michigan, is
of the opinion that Mr. Hornberger
favors the University of London.
The scholarship was awarded upon
recommendation of President Clarence
Cook Little and its subsequent passage
by the <regents. Before notified of the
honor bestowed upon him, Hornberger
had signed to teach in Dearborn, but
the officialscthere gave him permis-
son to accept the benefits of the

Prof. Speyer Will Compare Forms
Government; to Speak Today in
Science Auditorium


_ _ _
Prof. Herbert Speyer, noted author-
ity on parliamentarism, will speak at
4:15 o'clock today in the Natural
Science auditorium. The lecture,
which should be of special interest to
all students of political science, twill
take the form of a comparison be-
tween European parliamentary gov-
ernment as it is today and the presi-
dential system as it occurs in the
United States.
Professor Speyer, who was for 12,
years a member of the Belgian Sen-
ate, is at present attached to the law
faculty of the University of Brussels.
He is also the author of a political
science work, "The Reform of the,
State in Belgium."
At the present time Professor Spey-
er is engaged in making a ,tour of the
United States and Canada, his pres-
ence in An Arbor being do to the ef-
forts of Prof. Thomas H. Reed, of the
political science department. Du t
ing his stay in Ann Arbor, Professor
Speyer will be the guest of Professor
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, Sept. 27.-A sensational
developmnt in the case of the reported
"missing" of Lieut. Otto Koennecke,
the German aviator, came in a dis-
patch from Angora today quoting the
Anatolia News agency as declaring
that Koennecke had not left the Turk-
ish . capital by last Sunday morning,
as his engine was working badly.
The departure announced Saturday
morning, says the Angora advice, was
an error, and in reality this was an-
other plane which hopped off for
Efkihissar, Anatolia.
The message to Paris stating that
Lieutenant Koennecke had not left
Angora up to that time came from the
semi-official Anatolian agency, which
originally reported his hopoff' on Sat-
urday. Its explanation of mistaken
identity is taken here as a conceivably
acceptable explanation of the whole
mysterious disappearance of the
Statistics on registration through
the end of enrollment yesterday show-_,
ed that a small gain had been made
in the last few days toward the figures
of last year. There is still a loss of
177 students shown by the total en-
rollments of all schools.

French Authorities Pardon Decorated
Amuerican Wbo I)eserted Foreign
(By Associated Press)
ROME, Sept. 27.-Rome gave a rous-
ing cheer to a party. of more than 1,-
000 American Legionaires headed by
National Commander Howard P. Sav-
age when they arrived at the central
station on two special trains from
Pisa. Scores of American and Italian
flags were flying and Esedra square,
which faces the ruins of the famous
Diocesian baths, was filled with thou-
sands of cheering men and women.!
Black shirts predominated and as the
train pulled into the station, bands
played the Star Spangled Banner and
Gioeanezza, the Fascist hymn.
Signor Garzaroli, prefect of Rome,
in behalf of the government, Count
D'Auzora, vice-governor of Rome, Gen-
eral Bazan, chief of staff bf the militia,
army and navy officers and several
score representatives of ex-combatant
and patriotic organizations welcomed
the legionaires to the soil of the
Eternal City.'
As the Americans marched under a I
sea of flags, the black banners of the)
militia and Syndicalist group were
lifted high by hundreds of hands.
Again and again the black shirts
lustilyrgave their staccato cheer, "Eja,
Eja, Alala!"
Americans Return Applause.
The visitors caught the spirit and
answered with a snappy, Hip, hip,
"Long live America." "Long live our
brothers in arms." Leatherthroated
youths roared above the din of the
bands and kept up their cheering for
10 minutes.
Carried away by the enthusiasm of
the welcoming crowd, many of the
Americans stretched out their arms in
the Roman salute, cheering for Mus-
Surrounded, or rather propelled, by
closely packed masses of enthusiasts,
the Legionaires surged into Esedra'
where .in a fleet of motor cars they
1 embarked for various hotels, accom-
modations having been provided in
PARIS, Sept. 27.-The visit of the
American Legion to Paris brought
about the pardon today of Bennett J.
Doty, the American, who as Gilbert
Clare, served 11 months with the
French Foreign Legion, earned two
citations in army orders and then,!
overwhelmed by the Syrian desert, de-
serted in the Druse country. There he
was captured and sentenced to eight
years imprisonment.
Doty Pardoned.
Doty, who was first reported to have
been sentenced to-. death in Syria,
served a few months in the Damascus
citadel, then was transferred to Al-
bertsville, in Savoie, and later placed
in the penal settlement at Clairvaux,
Aube, where the announcement of his
pardon reached him today.
"I am returning right home to guard
the country," he said when informed
of his release. "I just enlisted because
I wanted to fight Mr. Ebd El Krim, in
Morrocco, but they sent me to Syria.
I met another one just as good, Sultan
Attrache. Well, it is all over. It has

been quite an experience."
While the Legionaires were in Paris
they appealed*to Minister of War Pain-
love to pardon Doty. He replied, "We
must do it. He will go free."
The Weather
(jy Associated Press)
Showers today and probably tomor-
row. Not much change in temper-


During the discussion in which nega-
tive speakers won the decision, vari-
ous advantages and disadvantages of
membership in a fraternity during
the freshmen year were debated and
it was successfully established in the
minds of the representatives that the
effect was practically the same in the
case of deferred rushing as that of the
existing form.
Baffin Bay 'Explorprs Nearing Home
After Successful Trip In
Northern America
The Putnam Baffin Bay expedition,
which left New Yor city early in June,
is now off the coast of Labrador,
homeward bound, after three months
in the Arctic region.
The expedition was directed by
George Palmer Putnam, publisher,
with Prof. Lawrence M. Gould of the
geology department of the University
of Michigan as assistant director and
head geographer. The party sailed
aboard the Morrissey, commanded by
Capt. Robert Bartlett, who sailed the
Arctic with Peary. Bob Peary, son of
the north pole discoverer, was in the
engine room aboard the Morrissey.
The geographical unit of the expedi-
tion has taken 5,000 square miles off
the map of the west coast of Baffin
island. The entire map of northern
America has been changed, a new
range of mountains discovered, and
Fury and Hecla straits have been vist-
ed for the first time since 1823 by the
Collections representative of the
life and culture . of Baffin island
Eskimos were gathered 'as well as-
specimens of the flora and fuma of
the regions visited. Ancient houses of
a hitherto unknown people, called the
Tunnic, were excavated and many
valuable specimens were found.
These people lived in the Arctic be-
fore the Eskimos.. Where they came
from or where they 'went is not
The last opportunity to enter the
cheering section will be given stu-
dents this afternoon from 2 to 5
o'clock when representatives from the
Student council will be present at the
desk in the lobby of the Union to re-
ceive registrations. By special ar-
rangement those who have already
sent in their applications will still be
allowed to enter the section if their
names are given-to the committee in
charge before tonight.
The cheering section this' year will
be located in the most desirable seats
in the stadium, and the students en-
tering it will not lose their extra ap-
plications nor be required to sit in it
at every game. There will be between
800 and 1,000 students in the section.
Legislature Faced
With Extra Session
To Alter Tax Laws
(By Associated Press)
LANSING, Sept. 27.-The possibility
of a special session of the legislature
to amend the state inheritance tax
laws appeared today.
Whether the session will be. called
is contingent upon how much money
which now is going to the federal
government the state could retain,
Gov. Fred W. Green declared. If a
substantihI sum could be added to the
state's revenue by amending the laws,

an extra session may be ordered, he
The federal law provides that states
may collect 80 per cent of the federal
levy and retain it. The state would
be given credit for the amount paid
and would pay the federal government
only the remaining 20 per cent. At
present, Michigan is retaining far less
than 80 per cent of the total levy.
The average state collections from
E ihn-fhna va fn th naC 'fa

President Discovers Ielpful Crilicismn
In Article, But Wilbur Disputes
Charges of Lack of Econloiuy

(By Associated Press.)'
WASHINGNON, Sept..27.-While the
I White House was announcing today
President Coolidge's discovery of some
helpful criticism in the controverted
naval article by Rear Admiral T. T.
Magruder, Secretary Wilbur delved in
to the article's charges of lack of
economy in the Navy and disputed
President Coolidge was not in com-
plete agreement with the statements
of Admiral Magruder, although he was
irepresented as believing the article
was written with a sincere desire to
improve the Navy. While he was
'without information whether the Navy
is actually over-officered, the Presi-
dent does not believe that to be the
Siecreatry Wilbur, however, lifted
from the article Admiral Magroder's
statement that "for every dollar ex-
pended for repairs" in the Navy re-
quires nearly four dollars to bei ex-
pended to maintain a Navy yard to
make repairs" and cited figures which
he said showed its inaccuracy.
Undivided On Discipline
In the meantime the question of
possible disciplinary action against
the Admiral for his frank expositiou of
his views remains unsettled, Secretary
Wilbur declining to say whether he
considered the affair closed. To his
request that Admiral Magruder sub-
mit any Navy reorganization plans he
{ might have, Mr. Wilbur today received
this reply.
"I have no full detailed plans for
{ the reorganization of the Navy and
the Navy deparfient."
Going into the economy sage cf the
article, the Secretary declare total
productive work at yards at stations
was $101,000,000 while the total inair;-
tenance charges were $80,000,000,
"from which it will be seen that in-
stead of four dollars for each dollar of
productive work a more correct figure
would have been 80 cents for each noi-
lar for productive work.
"If it is desired to confine this dis-
cussion to industrial yards," the sec-
retary continued, "the total produc-
tive work was $84,000,000 and the to-
tal maintenance charges were $35,-
000 000 from which it will be seen that
{ for' each dollar of productiveework,
maintenance charges ofapproximately
40 cents were incurred.
Charges Incorrect Figures
He said that Admiral Magruder in
reaching the figures he quoted in his
article used only the charges for re-
pairs to vessels and repairs to ships
equippage, totaling $16,000,000.
"There are other items of produc-
tive work at navy yards," Secretary
Wilbur continued, "such as changes
and additions to vessels, new con-
struction of vessels, improvements to
! yards, tests and experiments, repairs
to equippage in stowage, operations
and repairs of aircraft and manufac-
ture of material." All these charges,
he said, must be taken into account
in computing the total productive
work at yards and stations.
Al Debaters
Hold First Meeting
This year's first meeting of Alpha
Nu debating society had, as its topic
of discussion, "Presidential, Possi-
bilities for 1928." The possible can-
didates discussed were Smith, Hoo-
ver, Lowden, and Governor Ritchie.
The first part of the meeting was
occupied by introductory speeches
and a mock business discussion,
which always precedes the serious
business. Various members of the
society then spoke, attempting to de-
. termine the logical presidential can
didate for next year's election.

Fraternity A c t iv i ty
For First Year Men
Discussed In Debate


"Resolved, That 'fraternities are " a t n
detrimental to freshmen" was the
question discussed before the Adelphi
House of Representatives ,at a reg- NAVAL SECRETARY l)ECIJINES TO
ular meeting held last night in Angell STATE WHAT STEPS 'WILL
hall. Representatives Fuller and 4 BE TAKEN
Shrade upheld the resolution, while
the negative side was taken by Rep- CITES PRODUCTION COST
resentatives Miller and Sanderson. I

Commission Makes
Special Report Of
Tariff Relations
(By Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON, Sept. 27.-Intima-
tions that the Washington government,
pending receipt to the French reply to
the last American tariff note, is mak-
ing a survey of possible ways and
means of applying penalty provisions
of the tariff act to' French imports
should the most-favored-nation treaty
plans b)e again rejected by the French1
government, were seen today 'in dis-
closures that a special report on
Frnch tariff relationships is in prepar-
ation by the tariff commission or suby
mission to the President.
A copy of a portion of the tariff com-
mission report already submitted has
reached the State department, but
neither there or at the White House
was any information forthcoming as to
its contents aside from the general
statement that it covered cases of
French discrimination during the last
40 years.
Nevertheless, a report persisted that
the commission had included in its
study a survey of specific French im-
ports against which conditions in the
United States would permit the levy-
ing of an additional duty of 50 per cent
or even in some cases an embargo
without drastic disruption of business
Title Of Initial Presentation Is
"The Bad Mii"; lvingstone
Will Play Title Role
Tickets have been placed on sales
at the Mimes theater bof office for
"The .Bad Man," picked as the initial
presentation of Mimes for the coming f
season. Rehearsals for the produc-
tion have been proceeding for some
time under the direction of Charles
1. Livingstone, '28L. E. Mortimer
Shuter is superintending the produc-
Pursuant to the policy established
by .them last season when they pro-
duced O'Neill's "rnna Christie,"
Mimes are introducing women into
the female characters of the play.
Frances Johnson, new to campus dra-
matics, and Mary Louise Murray, '28, 1
have been picked for the roles. Lv-
ingstorie will play the title role.
"The Bad Man" is from the pen of
Emerson PorterBrowne, and is a
melodrama in three acts, the action
taking place in Old Mexico. The
dramayreceived its premierekat the
Comedy theater in New York seven
years ago, and formed the sta.rring
vehicle for Edna Hibbard and Hol
brook Blinn. Road companies car-
ried it to various cities throughout the
country after it had completed a full
season's run on Broadway. Later
Blinn performed the title role in the
moving picture version.
According to Mr. Shuter, "The Bad
Man" is comparable to "The Last
Warning," produced last year by
Mimes, .in its qualities of interest and
popularity. It was chosen by the or-
ganization for the initial production
for this reason. Sets for the three
acts are being constructed by Otto
Schiller, who has been responsible for
the sets of most of Mimes productions.
The run of "The Bad Man" will be-
gin Monday night, and will continue
hroughout the week. Seats ar'
reserved and are priced at 76 cents,
They may be procured by mail or re
served by calling the box office.

(By Associated Press.)
CHICAGO, Sept. 27.-Northwestern
university students will need "pass-
ports" to attend their football games
this fall.
Every student ticket must bear the
portrait of' its owner, it was made
known todAy by Max Hayford, student
ticket manager.
The plan was adopted to prevent.stu-
dents from selling football reservation.


Strenuous as have been the open-
ing exercises in preparation for the
22nd annual Union Opera, more stren-
uous have been the scholastic difficul-
ties it would seem from the rather
small numbers of aspirants who yes-
terday returned fully eligible for the
Opera tryouts. As the stage manager
called the roll of the groups chosen
during last spring's workouts, the cut
in numbers became increasingly evi-

lone piano in the pit would start, stop,
and start again on its round of em-
phatic tunes, in a vain endeavor to ef-
fect a union with several pairs of feet
trained for tasks far different.
To the lay observer the lack of ex-
asperation and the amount of enthu-
siasm is surprising. But /here is a
long time to come ,and the brogues
must be transformed into silver ballet
slippers and Russian boots, the mascu-
line faces to bright light complexions,

NEW YORK, Sept. 27.-Mayor James iams, Navy aviator who specializes on
J. Walker, who packed 25 "hard- speed. Lieutenant Williams flew a
boiled" shirts in itis luggage about a garishly tinted'plane a few feet above
month ago and started on a tour of the deck of the liner and dropped the
European cities to study municipal roses, to which was attached a card
problems, is back ready to "kiss every that read, "Welcome home to Father

invh of the sidewalks of New York"{
from sheer joy at being home again.
Natttily! dressed but fatigued, the
mayor, accompanied by Mrs. Walker,

Knickerbocker's illustrious son, who
brought the true personality of New
York to the capitals of Europe."
When the bououet was being sniffed


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