THE MICHIGAN DAILY "TNDAY, J_'AT-.'.^V8S, ' ' I -......... .-n * _ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. in. Saturday.) in Hy, 'Colleges of Engineering and Architecture: It is planned to hold a meeting of the Faculty of thew Colleges oil Tuesday, January 17, at 4:15 p. m., in Room 348, West Engineering Building, 'lease note this date on your calendar. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary. Freshmna Elections: 1"reshimcn w\ ho do not intend to continue in the second semnester Ocurses ec.cted in September should consult their Advisers beforo going to It e Class*ci-tion Committee. Those who are unable to make appointmIent s wiin th1ir Ad'sers should consult Professor Frayer. Room 1220 Angel] I iii. W. A. Frayer, Chairman, Freshman Elections Committee. Volumite S. foI'NI1)." Y, Jvv ANU IRY 'Nume SO.i ~c' The next meeting of the benate iConcil will be held Monday, January 9, TWENTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL DETROIT AUTO SHOW TO OPEN THIS MONTH' DETRtOIT, Jan. 7.-Detroit's 27th njationa1 siow s and at a time when a inmludIattonolil'l bow is to be held motor mainufacturers will be announc- in Con vuntion Hlall January 21 to 28 ing a gr 1t many new models. The ;olowing the usual custom of coming show circuit ope s in New York with Ue v teen th New York and Chicago the Nw York ex hibi running from 3201 Ang 11 hlall. Prof. Shohat will present, "On asymj 1tic evaluation of definite integrals (mechanical quadratures.)" All perso)1s intrested are cordially invited. . Denton. Lluthera!n Student Club: The Lutheran Student will meet Sunday evening at 5:30 o'cloc k vDinner at 6 o'clock, to be follcwed by a pageant to be presented by Luthei girls. The (lub will meet every Sunday evening during January, at ZionX.arish Hall, 309 East Washington street. R.. l 3Ic lichael, Lutheran Student Secretary. M iisw Sec"4on of the Favulty Womnen's Club: The Music Section will meet Tuesday, January 10, at 8 o'clock at the h mne of Mrs. A. 11. White, 514 Forest avenue. at 4:15 p.m., in the President's office. i'resl-men Iygiene Leeture: F. .RobbI.s. Thy third freshmen lecture in hygiene for men, Will be givei ll Water- -- -----man Gymansium, Monday aind Tuesday, January 9 and 10, at .-4 and 5 p.m. Ukiversity Senate: This requirement includes all freshmen in the regular physical training The secon(1 regular meeting of the University Senate for the year 1927- groups and others that have been excused from these groups. 1928 will be held in Room C, Law Building, on Monday, January 16, at 4:15 Geo. 3May. January 7 to 14 aiid aer oe inrrnss:ion, the Del Oitru,~ is the largest in the ( ount r\ from I point of, floor Se, wl opcn is doors. lhe allotment of space to motor a'r m ianufacturers and d isariwu Is 1, alrealy been nImde and acaiy every foot of ava~iable r p" hiasi be4n contracted for both in te ! asen r and commercial car divisions .A Jarg numb:r of manufact urers have re- served aldditional spI[e for n1'v models which have not yet been an- nounced and it is doubtful ii' any ;how for many years past will have pre- sented as many new creations as will the 1928 exhibit. The management of the slow has greatly increased the space for auto- motive equipment and accessories and Neill,this year, devote one entire wing of the big exposition building to this department. A feature which was inaugurated in the 1926 show, will be carried out on a much larger scale this year when eight Detroit automotive equipment jobbing houses will unite in produc- ing a shop equipment exhibit. This feature will occupy one-half the floor space in the northwest wing of the building and will be arranged in the fcrm of a model shop with the equip- ment of some 40 manufacturers being demonstrated in actual operation. p. im. Order of busins:.: 1. Annual Report of tI floard in Control of Athletics. 2. Report of the Comnmit ec on University Publications. 3. Report of the Commnittee on Vocational Counsel and Placemnt Jolm W. Bradshaw, Secretary of the Senate. Members of the Faculty: Parking permits may be obtained without delay by applying at office of the Secretary. Herbert G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary. Unlversity Lecture: Dr. Earnest A. Ilooton of Harvard University will lecture on "The Stn of Human Races and Types" at 4:15 p.m., Monday, January 9, 1928, in Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. 1. E.Robbins. Public Lecture: Professor Hindhede, Commissioner of Health of Denmark, will give illustrated lecture in the Natural Science Auditorium at 8 o'clock, Mon evening, January 9. 1-Re will show how it has been possible to improve health of the Danish people through changes in the national diet. Medi students, students of Hygiene, Public Health and Dietetics are urged to tend. L. H. Newburgh, M.D. Public Lecture: Dr. George L. Clark of the University of Illinois wll speak on so phases of "Applied X-rays," Friday, January 13. at 4:15 in the Chemis Amphitheatre. This lecture i under the auspices of the local Section the American Chemical Society and should be of particular interest to ch( ists, physicists, medical men, and metallurgists. All interested are cordia invited.' Byron A. Soule. To All Men Students: Students intending to change their rooms at the end of the pres semester are hereby reminded that according to the University agreem they are to inform the householder of such intention by January 20, t weeks prior to the close of the semester. It is advised that notice of such tention to move he made at once. F. B. Wahr, Assistant Dean. htouseholders: Householders having available rooms for men students are requested list them in the Office of the Dean of Students, Room 2, University Hall, once. F. B. Walir, Assistant Dean. Architectural Library E vening Hours: Beginning Monday, January 9, the Arehitectural Library now located the second floor of the Architecture Building will be open in the even from 7:00 to 10:00 o'clock, except on Saturday. Emil Lorch. Faculty, School of Education: Announcement No. 1. The Enrollment and Classification of sec semester 'students takes place in Tappan Hall during the five days, Janu 6 to 11. All members of the Faculty are, so far as circumstances will perr requested to be present during this period in order to assist in the work. Announcement No. 2. The regular monthly Faculty Meeting ofI School of Education will be held Monday, January 9 at 4:15 o'clock, Room 1 Tappan Hall. The special order relating to the establishment of Serv Bureaus will come up for consideration. Announcement No. 3. The regular weekly staff luncheon of the Sch of Education will be held at the Union, Monday, January 9 at 12:15 o'clo The meeting will be addressed by Dean Dana of the School of Forestry a Conservation. C. 0. Davis, Secretary. Unibersity Women : Attention is called to the section of the Lodging House Agreement for Women which says "That this contract shall be automatically renewed for the Second Semester, at $........for the semester unless four weeks be- fore the beginning of the second semester she gives notice to the Advisers of Women and to the lessor of her intention to leave." The final date for these notifications is Monday, January 9. Grace Richards. i f Y ! , i t Mrs. L. 0. Case, Chairman. the house hleads-League H}ouses for Women: Women students who expect to move second semester are required to notify the House Hed and the office of Advisers by Monday, January 9. If House Heads will promptly advise the office of vacancies, a list of udy available rooms will be prepared and every effort made to fill them. the Grace Richards. Faculty Women Desiring Student Help: Will any women interested in having girls work for room or board during the next semester please telephone me at 8316? an Beatrice IV. Johnson. day the Class Treasurers: cal Treasurers of all classes in the University are requested to meet in at~ room 304 of the Union at 5 o'clock Monday, January 9, for the purpose of re- ceiving receipt books for the collection of class dues. Charles B. Gilbert, Student Council. Interfraternity Council: me There will be a meeting of the Interfraternity Council Monday January try 9, at 4:30 o'clock in Room 304 of the Michigan Union. of Wayne Schroder, President. em- Ily Adelphi House of Representatives: The -society will meet Tuesday evening, January 10, in the Adelphi room for a short open session, consisting of parliamentary drill. In the closed session important business will be transacted. All active and passive mem- bers in good standing are requested to be present at the business meeting, ent as the 'Ensian picture will be taken immediately following the session. ent Robert J. Gessner, Speaker. two in- Phi Lambda Upsilon : The regular January meeting will be held on Monday, January 9, 1923, at 7:30 o'clock in Room 303 Chemistry Building. Dr. G. G. Brown of the Chem- ical Engineering department will talk. Rodney V. Shaniand, President. tI Delta Sigma Rho. at - All members are requested to be at Dey's studio at 12:15 o'clock Tues- day, Jan. 10 when the 'Ensian picture will be taken. N. Bowersox, President. Women's Educational Club: 01n There will be a meeting ,of the Women's Educational Club on Monday, Ing Jauary 9, at 4 p.m., at the Faculty Women's Club Rooms (Merrill-Palmer School) 226 South Ingalls. Professor Densmore of the Speech Department will talk on "The Value of Good Speech to the Secondary School Teacher." Hellen R. Shambaugh, Faculty Sponsor. and Men's Education Club: ary The Men's Education Club will meet Monday, January 9 at 7 o'clock in nit, Room 302 of the Michigan Union. Professors Frayer and Yoakum will dis- cuss the activities of Freshman Week. Important business will also be con- the sidered. .09, ice Physics Colloqului : Dr. G. A. Lindsay will speak on "The K X-ray Absorption Edge of Iron" ool at 4:15 o'clock, Tuesday, January 10, in Room 1041, East Physics Building. ck. All interested are cordially invited. W. 1F. Colbl.y. and Hlathiematical Club: Regular meeting will be held Tuesday, January 10, at 8 p.m., in Room. i flay-Readmng Section-Faculty omen's Club: The Tuesday Play-reading Section of the Faculty Women's Club willI nect Tuesday, January 10, at 2:30 p.m., at the home of Mrs. E. C. Goddard,j 1212 Hill street. Mrs. L. M. Eich and Mrs. Z. C. Dickensen will act as host-j esses Mrs. F. R. Finch, Secretary. j Negro-(aucasian Club: Members of the Club will meet Sunday, January 8, at 10:30 a.m., sharp, at Spedding Studio, 619 East Liberty street, to have group pictures taken. " i L. B. Smith, President. jPrescoti Club: The next regular meeting of the Prescott Club will be held Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock in Room 303 Chemistry building. Mr. J. R. Worden, manager of marketing and advertis- ing for the Frederick Stearns Coin- pany of Detroit will address the Club. ,All members are urged to be present and others interested are cordially in- vited. I. C. Byce, President. Acolytes: Acolytes will meet on Monday eve- ning, January 9, at 7:30 o'clock in Room 106' Mason Hall. Dr. Jack will speak on T. S. Eliot. kaymond Ho ekstra. Vegetarian Society: Vegetaran meals will be served Tuesday, Jan. 10 from 11:30 to 12:30 o'clock and from 5:30 to 6:30 o'clock in Lane Hall Tavern. The menu will be arranged by a Battle Creek die- titian. L* Chubb. I ndependents: There will be a meeting of all in- dependents attending the J-Hop, on Tuesday evening, January 10, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 316, Michigan Union. The meeting will be for the purpose of organizng the independent booths. I t. ,. Petrie, Chairman, Booth Com- mittee.n Portia-A thena Debate: Portia and Athena will hold one of their annual debates on Tuesday, Jan. 10 at 7:30 o'clock in the Athena room. The discussion will be on the subject of uniform marriage and divorce laws throughout the United States. Anyone interested in this subject is invited to attend this meet- ing. Pauline Zoller, President. Athena Literary Society: Athena group pictures for 'Ensian will be taken at Spedding Studio, Wednesday, Jan. 11 at 12:30 o'clock. All members be prompt. Pauline Zoller, President. - Ar OSCAR WANTS " 1 , to take his frst opportunity to wish you a very Happy New Year ) After the vacation he big finds time Iduri it hard to get back to work again. Never- theless, he wishes to Announce that . after your visit to the wonderful new Michigan thea- ter, we woof! t .,~~{ -- ng U will be all set to give you the kind of refreshments you want. A ]ust that Red Hot cup of coffee these cold nights surely does make a fellow feel fine. Of course we unexcelled' are are also serving our meals, and if you Wise C. .M Automobile lT K AE I Fill 11 11