rPkGF ' !gTTDfAn I TTAP2T -84,b THE MICHIGAN DAILY ...... ... . .... ..... . .. ..... A h. I It, TIS ,caolmM )CLOSES AT 3 PAM. . ,. s s I r i L111L C LA ADVERTISING i THIS COLUMN ~CLOSKt AT 3 P.' I FOR ENT-Fani~ed --voiif a9fl \1 ('('t)P(-Alod condition; tbac- men. Seamhea, pivae ~it w ii ; ~ t%1 > oll Casufr Hi shlower, elect vie k-reirleaf o. PtX79 0 F01" IEN-X '- tom alit vpri(ce. '(O e rigeconi, both ha;ve (h(I and''Lc'Id1 runnning -,water. "1 :1:nI het'l. "T WANI)D 1 h. 791, A8,S'1 __Am a reduction of N~OTICE DRESSMAKING-Experiencedl; yani furnish references. Estimate given fon work desired. Phone 3655. SUn., Tues., Thurs. TYP1EWRITER RIBBONS .-Ourrai turnover insures a fresh stock. You' Isecure the best quality at a moder- ate price. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. TYPING-Theses a specialty. Rea-' sonaIble rates. M. V. Ilartsuff. Dial 9387. 77-180 ren eL.exchianged., cleaned, re- 11rel Our machines and work guaranteed to give best satisfaction. O. l). Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. OINTAN PEN TERVIC NN'? have three skilled penmakers bakof our retail counter to serve You on correct fitting, adjustments and repairing of all makes. You will not find equal service any- where else. Our prices are no more than you would pay elsewhere. ?Manufacturers of the famous RiderI "Mt~asterpen." Rider's P'en Shop. COMFORTABLE, wll fuiruli for girl ; new Isom(-, rOOn~iers, Relit f(Ice serviecs. 824 (Jirnger. 111 TYPEWRITERS-All mnakes, sold, FOR RENT--Furnished (i-room hue One-half bl1ock fromh. campus . Phone 6950. 77,78,79,.81,8 FOR RENT--2 rooms, 'onlolet(,Ifur nished for housekieepin. 9 2°,(1 rcen- wood. Dial 7019.! FOR RENT-Desi rable siunnyA room ,for graduate woman, two blocks from campus, southeast section. Phone 8006, 76, 77, 80 FOR RENT-At 806 Kingsliey, fur- nished apartment of three large, well lighted rooms. Dial 83784. 1 78, 79, 80 SMALL suite of room, near Campus. Business couple lhreferred. Dial 4707. Rent reasonable. 78, 79, 80 tsox I .), lYlletilgall lially. Ov hEft u~(' CPABLEF womn wian1ts position ;I i lied oom huseh ll'peinl homne whier, nnoother no o he woan i inchageor beinlg colin- t or ;nu},r paon and ihousekeeexr for elderly lad1 iy or' convallescent. Canlv best 79, F of references if wanted. Write to LO)ST hours of 9:30 and 11:30 p m. Prompt Delivery. Barbecue Inn. Phone 4481. FOk,]RE T 20. 100 FORI RE NT-At 311 TI slater andl single room. TYPEWRITING( a nd Nlimeovrznhiivu - colintiouis hot water. Phompson, a+ Steam heat, 80, 81, 82 I- promptly and neatly done by eT- perienced operators at moderate rates. College work a specialty for nearly twenty years. 0. 1). ?Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. TYPEWRITER SERVICE ROOMS at $3.25 per week at FLETICH ER HALL Ann Arbor's ,only Mlen's Dormitory. Under new Management. Especially adapted for Student's con- venience. New, Fire-proof Building, Steam heat, Shower Baths, Hot and cold water in each room. j Lounging and Smoking Room 915 Sybil St., near Ferry Field. Dial 4770.} FOR RENT--Second Semester. Onel single room, 2 doubles, near Law S Club. 517 E. Madison. 79, S0, 81 LARGEbrown leather notebook, be+- Sfore, vacatio n. Contains lecture notes. Phonle 1Fulghium at 21217. 77, 78, 79, 80 LOST-Thursd(ay noon, betweeni Cal- kipis' and XWahr's, oin 'Stzito St.;' or on Campus, a'silver ring with green stone. Reward. Telephone 6410 eve- nings. 78, 79, SO. LOST-Laundry bag, I7ionday, be- tween M. C.. Station -and&S. ., Phone 7062. *78,.79, .80 LOST - Pair tortoise-shell glasses. Finder call 4479. so, 81, 82 LOST-Medium size black leather Inotebook, containing notes on Rs Pusian Literatu re, Lc, Contemporary D~ranma, Fine Arts, British Govern- ment and History. Please call 6017 or the Michigan Daily Office. W. . Pusch. 80, 81, 82 FUR SALE 1 COMPLETE typewriter service; newj anid used machines of all makes. Rentals by the week, month or semester; repairing of all makes by skilled workmen; all kinds of typ- ing, prompt service. High class rib- bons and carbons. Rider's Pen Shop. TUXEDO in first-class condition, size 40, $20 cash. D)ial 5872. W. J. Wicks. LOCKSMITH. KE+ELER has small safe for sale. Dial 7325. 1210 W. Huron. 80 I; CASS TH E ATE R " 3rd Big WEEK Limited Engagement Beg. Sunday, Jan. 8th I twenty prcent i:s I In winter picture making you need film speed as a safeguard against underex- posure and loss of shadow detail. And you want film latitude when you're doubtful about the correct timing. Cl ) Lafayette at WaynieCadillace 1100. Matinees, Wednesday and Saturday The Red Hot Collegiate Musical Comedy Presented by an All-American Team of Players LAUREN C E SChWIAII & FRANK IWANDE1, BRING YOUT FORTY FLAPPER FRESHIES AND 'ABE LYMAN (.Himself) AND HIS ORCHESTRA PRICES: Nighets, $1.00 to $3.50. Matinees,, $1.04) to $2.50, plus tax I T~o er eat Ale ancter.Inc.., T7L E I RV~ ~O) SC EEN .UY WfOA) viCII 1K LOIRIE 7ip stairsv oter C4lI INS'-'F12TCX.B? Use.-,Yellow-box Film and Our Finishin Good pictures are within easy reach"'whenyou~ load your camera with yellow-box film-and they're right in your hands when we attend to the develop-~ ing and printing.' Kodak Film excels through its always-uniform 4 . qualities of speed and latitude. Our finishing is superior because it's carefully done by experts using best equipment and materials. 4 Stock up, here with Kodak Film-and be sure to bring it back after you have exposed it.[ Francisco Boyce Open Evenings and Sunday m -- ......... ...r .. , K lllllll11lltll I 1111 I i 111 1111111111111111111' 1= EoVtatfrmlIatyN Gt Aw - rar ~iI ourfte rpii-,jsrotcrhtthyhv = ~ ~ so~tex- oneof hat"gaolie sell whchr oriar r-l aigeevs beaste i roap rawysasi es n t r rImc;to~\ecotgeshmtatasr rx riesr ;r~~bro thn o wl koAtattlyae o-ol After the ho r Everything -that is. nice and delicious in Toasted Sandwiches Tasty Luncheons Served in a real home-like e manner : Chase and Sandborni Coffee used exclusively - Sip and Bt r _ II 11