IT SUNDAY, JANIJAIIY 8, 192w Tare I,(I ie i to e5I mett Iw I i SI PADULDINC COMMADE3~ 0[1[4, . s wasoperatig ffProviuicetown, ~ BECOME DEFNDA T aji1:< H not haveba hio IN 1 DIA T R i~ IY~ es"susicion thiat the 8-4 was 1,1I~PNAN T R YLISS A FOIIM Eli In explaining tenaming of Corn- WITNESS IN THlE S-1 an,r 1flaylisis as a defendant, o0th-I HIEAlRIN(Gcars o° the court said it 'was an es- i life lrule insu ch caeshat he EVENT CAUSES SE:NSATION, cininainder o vessel which hail l'Ieen Inl a collision with another shouldl Under Admiralty Rule, Comlmander 0 be so named in subsequent proceed-j Boat In Collislon WVi ny jugs. As a defendant, it was pointed Vessel lleeom'e Defendat out, Commander B~ayliss would have greater privileges than as a u:2"re in- (fly Associated Press) torested Harty, being empoweredl to BOSTON, Jan., 7-Under the admir- refuse to reply to questions, and to alty rule that the coniander of a , ummflonIxwitnesses on his own ac- vessel which is in collision with ai Teeainto f'omne otherbecoes a efenant mthe ay liss, up to the point where he subsequent inquiry, Lieutenant Cone-s was named as defendant, had dealt: mander. John S. . Bayliss, who coi-E with the mission of the Paulding in mnanded the Coaist Guard destroyer Cape Cod waters, and exact course she Paulding when it rammed and sank followed in reaching the scene of the the ubmrin S- offProinctowi jcollision. the ubmrineS-4offProvnceown The mission of the Paulding on thej on December 17, today was named a !day of the accident, her commander1 defendant before the naval court of csaid, was to search a specified area inquiry investigating the S9-4 disas- Ijin Massachusetts bay and along Cape ter'. Cod in connection with routine Coast The action came in the midst of' Guard duty. One such duty was to testiniony which Commander Bayliss keep watch for vssels whose names was giving as a voluntary witness and !were on a confidential list supplied r'esulted from his formal admission to the Coast Guard. that the Paulding had been in colli-I lion with the S-4 at the place lunl on the date named. Ase yteIrsEAo'i n .mandler Leslie l. Bralton, whether lie ijX/"y 417 AT T hadl ever seenWH a sph it rne opera i' YNO ATA submerged iin thle x ;.tecrs of 1thee t'ja in Cod area, thle wit ne;s repliedl: 0 " ERSi "Until the I inec we had i he' collision K ITCH TENETTE r with the 8-4 -when sheeegd 1(V uenly on 0our poi't how, * neversa~v J"TIS YEA\R asub~marine opIerat ig 51Ilucl rgoti i this area." I' Several other (IU(5t ioiis Iiadbeen ii been put and answered be 'ore lteair Cream Tomato Soup Admiral Richard 11. Jaclisoii, ipresk " (lent of thle courit, notified I lie wit- - ness tht flint eiiniony hadl been ipre- PIa 6as t Porkle with iDJreSSing sonic~ teCob lng(snIna 11(er ay - liss lealyasadefen dantii he ore I n C court. Tblc incidlent (aise(d ammen Ci- -Fried Chicken tary snr;tion in a norning; of nuW s Cnidwa ouieeiei~,at t a Candied Sweet Potatoes some time before those prsM asi/Vashed Potatoes ed the ieal signiificancie of the. pre-- Sw1eet Corn Pudding - siding officer's statement. in idral IinM ' Swet Pikl Relish X 7li'e Adlmtial Jaclhson explained Saa el later that the changing of thet status~ Fruit Sala d of the witne s lv' was purely formial and With Whipped Cream 1 mony, Commander Blayliss and his~ counsel, Commander Leroy Reinburg, 5 commanding the third coast guar d.= destroyer squadron, requested and fin- ally obtained an adjournment of tlip Noonday Luncheon. .. .35c court until Monday in order to p4A_1 RgarDne. ..0 TYPEWlI11TN( ad,({ lYI VE0GR1AI'IIiNG I COOPER'S T.AGG.ART IS ILL N;. 4SOIAxL.PARASITES HOOVE R'S LAWYER (Commillttee Selcted, 3Lvr SPeCCi HereINCREASING, SAS For Invest(-)ton Of ~. ~~,OWN OVRNR ..:Airport Possibilities C VRO (I i oi eT~ell at 4:1]- C S c'- 1":Idi II )~ :h.' .l o s h en _.,, tCUS tllt !lby I oiox':. a :..i lalvaill aP i. il~tti, ta . . of 1.cI'V'id imi- Iipi, I',i~c~l i , st shf) h s i I' '1" i'}Id 1?'.a.. 1 hiS bcl ho i '3 }I'n11i in xt fin asIi i-opt)ogiC'a \,,oik (oi A nins aa i Ittii1n Lni i o- pl~ogy andi author (I' ,ha book deadiln ji Ii 1,1h0earl y in habit a its of the ('allary Islands. Ile also acted as editor of "1i lrvard African Studies," ;andl has publ ihed a number of articles oni physical anthropology. Professor Hlooton is a fellow of the 'American Association for the ad- vancement